Soon, Lan Bowen brought Shao Zhilang to an underground parking garage that had not yet been renovated and developed.

The darkness and silence are the main theme here, and the faint light is the embellishment here. The surrounding atmosphere looks serious and dignified.

Guo Ming took his younger brother and sat under the light in the distance. Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang were walking from a distance.

Shao Zhilang, who didn't like the seriousness and dignified atmosphere, was the first to ask.

"What's the matter!"

Guo Ming, who was sitting in the distance, looked at Shao Zhilang in the distance, said nothing, and then gave Lan Bowen a look. Lan Bowen immediately understood, patted Shao Zhilang on the shoulder, and took Shao Zhilang with him. Go to a darker place.

At this time, Shao Zhilang was also extremely nervous, he was up and down, and he didn't know what it meant, but on the surface he still pretended to be calm and calm, pretending to be normal.

Suddenly, with a wave of Guo Ming's hand in the distance, the lights in front of Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang were turned on.

Then, Shao Zhilang's heart was shocked suddenly, because he saw the woman who rescued him in the casino and was arrested here. Shao Zhilang's heart suddenly became anxious. Of course he knew the identity of the other party, because of this , he was eager.

Firstly, he was afraid that the other party would reveal his identity, and secondly, he was even more worried about the other party's safety. No matter what, the other party had saved his life and was his savior.

However, at this moment, Shao Zhilang knew it well, Guo Ming asked Lan Bowen to bring him, it must be a bad thing, but no matter what, the play still had to go on.

"I saw this woman in Las Vegas, what's wrong?"

Shao Zhilang's acting skills can be said to be of a very high standard. For the current crisis situation, what he said was true and false, half truth and half false. Although he was a little flustered in his heart, the expression on his face was very calm. Revealed a trace of panic.

"Brother Lan, that woman's phone number!"

Soon there was a younger brother at the side who handed over Ding Xiaojia's phone number. Lan Bowen answered the phone, checked the phone, and then he saw a string of garbled URLs.

Lan Bowen squatted down and asked Ding Xiaojia sharply.

"what is this?"

As he spoke, he showed Ding Xiaojia the communication records on his mobile phone. It was the Kang password that Ding Xiaojia sent to blackjack.

Ding Xiaojia was also stubborn. After seeing the communication records on her mobile phone, she thought to herself.

"No, I was careless! I didn't delete these communication records!"

At this moment, Ding Xiaojia could only pray that Blackjack deleted all these communications, otherwise, both of them would be in danger today.

The only chance now is to refuse to admit it, maybe there is still a glimmer of life, even if she is in danger, she can't let blackjack be in danger, because she knows how important blackjack is.

As long as nothing happened to Blackjack, it would be as easy as pie to eradicate the cancer of the German Trade Group.

"This is the promotion of my pedicure shop! Our business is highly competitive, and we often have to find ways to retain customers. This is a promotional message!"

Ding Xiaojia, who was ready for a stubborn resistance, said without hesitation.


A clear and loud slap hit Ding Xiaojia's face, and the person who did it was Lan Bowen...

"Don't try to lie to me, some words are said through the brain!"

After Lan Bowen warned Ding Xiaojia, he stood up, threw Ding Xiaojia's mobile phone to the younger brother next to him, then came to Shao Zhilang's side, and motioned Shao Zhilang to take out his mobile phone.

Shao Zhilang obediently raised his hands and let him search. Soon Lan Bowen took out the phone from Shao Zhilang's pocket, checked it, found no problems, and then disassembled it again.

In the end, he saw a miniature tracking device, and Lan Bowen's gaze immediately turned to Shao Zhilang, but Shao Zhilang spread his hands in a bewildered expression, expressing that he didn't know.

"Tell me, did you put it on him!"

Lan Bowen kicked Ding Xiaojia's body, and kicked Ding Xiaojia's body directly several meters away. Seeing Ding Xiaojia rolling to the side, Lan Bowen suddenly shot and hit the younger brother beside him.

Little brother, fell to the ground whimpering directly!

Later, there was even a younger brother who found a positioning receiving device on the opponent's body.

"Say, who told you to kill me and the young master!"

Lan Bowen's face became extremely ferocious at this time, he really wanted to choose someone to devour, and being attacked in Xiangjiang was simply his greatest shame, if he didn't avenge this revenge, would he still be like this in the future?

The little brother was still thinking about being tough, but he didn't say anything. Lan Bowen directly shot the little brother's hand and crippled it.

4.9 Just when the younger brother was wailing and couldn't help but want to confess to someone.

Guo Ming in the distance spoke.

"You definitely don't know the fate of betraying others. If you don't tell, your family can only accompany you!"

As for the meaning of that together, of course it goes without saying that they must have died together, but upon hearing such a threat, the younger brother went uncharacteristically and became even more crazy, and was shot to death by the gunman beside Guo Ming.

It was nothing at all, but both Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang took a look at Guo Ming, because they all seemed to see the taste of eagerness to silence Guo Ming.

What Guo Ming said just now sounds like there is no problem, but before Guo Ming spoke, the younger brother was not uncharacteristically crazy.

In an instant, if the two of them realized something, Guo Ming would be ruthless if they were to say it! .

Chapter 850 The essence of the big brother who takes the lead!

Speaking of ruthless, there is Guo Ming, the big boss, ruthless!

Opening his mouth would bring harm to his family, forcing the little brother just now to seek death by himself, and then he was shot and collapsed by Guo Ming's little brother.

In addition, Shao Zhilang and Lan Bowen even wanted to kill him. You need to know how much they have contributed to the company, and the company has become what it is today, with this scale.

Especially Lan Bowen, even Shao Zhilang felt that Lan Bowen was too hard for the company.

Otherwise, in just a few years, Shao Zhilang was still the boss of Lan Bowen, but now he has changed. Instead, Lan Bowen took the position of shareholder, while he, Shao Zhilang, fell down.

The reason for this is naturally that Lan Bowen is too desperate, while he, Shao Zhilang, has reservations.

Now, Guo Ming, the big boss, wants to kill them without even a single reason.

How could this not make Shao Zhilang and Lan Bowen feel chilled by this?

The two looked at each other. Although they had already guessed that Guo Ming was the one who assassinated them, they couldn't directly expose it.

After all, even if it is said, what is the use?

Guo Ming must have deduced two from one to five, as if he didn't know anything. Anyway, the only younger brother who knew the truth just now was completely beaten to death.

How could Guo Ming admit it without evidence?

If you admit it, what is it if you are not stupid?

What's more, apart from the two brothers, the rest of them were Guo Ming's people. If Guo Ming was pushed into a hurry, maybe he would kill them desperately.

This is good now, everyone maintains a superficial harmony, as for who wins and who loses, who lives and who dies, it depends on their own methods.

Therefore, even in the face of the younger brother who was quickly resolved, Lan Bowen was only superficially annoyed, as if he regretted not asking the truth from the younger brother's mouth first, and did not show anything else.

Shao Zhilang didn't care about this, and just stood there with a cold face, without saying a word, no one knew what he was thinking.

"Bosses, since I made a mistake, can I leave? It's really none of my business!"

Ding Xiaojia, who was kicked hard, clutched his stomach, a little trembling, and said with a very scared expression.

At this time, Guo Ming stood up from his seat, walked towards Ding Xiaojia slowly, and walked towards Ding Xiaojia without haste.

"I investigated you and followed you, but unfortunately, I lost it! No one knows where you went!"

"In addition, your name is Ding Xiaojia. I have also seen your identity file, but it is too perfect, and there are no loopholes. This makes me very suspicious, so you have a lot of strange things!"

Guo Ming, who walked up to Ding Xiaojia, gently took out his mobile phone and tapped on Ding Xiaojia's forehead.

I don't know whether it was Guo Ming's action that angered Ding Xiaojia, or Ding Xiaojia was stimulated by something in the words, and he was directly emotional and cursed fiercely.

"Crazy, my identity answer is perfect, what's wrong? I found it myself, can't I do it? I didn't study hard when I was a child, and I came out to mix society early in the morning. Isn't it allowed? I found someone to forge a good-looking identity file Is it?"

"In society, don't you want to have a good-looking resume? What's wrong with me? You bastards, people who don't wear clothes look like dogs, and your suits are straight, why? Isn't it just to make your identity look like a social one? High-class people, are they like elites?"

"You say, is it wrong for me to do this?"

Ding Xiaojia's irritable words immediately stunned everyone present. Although Ding Xiaojia's words were not pleasant to listen to, they were not rough!

But it's the same reason!

Why are they dressed like dogs?

Firstly, if one is rich and shows off one's success, it is natural to dress up like a dog, and secondly, only in this way can one integrate into the upper class society.

They used to be short mules, but now that they are rich and powerful, they have already left that class, so naturally they want to go to the next level.

However, in order to integrate into the upper class society, decent clothes, elegant conversation, and even academic ability are all indispensable.

Otherwise, how can you make contacts in the upper class, and without contacts, how can you integrate into the upper class and make it to the next level?

Could it be that people in the upper class treat a dwarf mule equally?

Do not make jokes!

Even if you are rich, people in the upper class may look down on you, because you are born as a dwarf mule. Only by reversing this background and obtaining a bright identity can you truly integrate into the upper class.

Let the people in the upper class recognize you!

Even Guo Ming was stunned for a while. He didn't expect Ding Xiaojia to say such a truth, so he nodded with emotion immediately.

"Perhaps, you are right! Everyone really needs a glamorous identity, but you are different, you are really bad, right!"

Guo Ming yelled violently, which directly stunned Ding Xiaojia.

"How could he know my identity? Could it be that my identity has been exposed?"

"No, only Sir Wang knows my identity as an undercover agent. He will never expose me. This Guo Ming must be deceiving me!"

Ding Xiaojia had a lot of thoughts in her mind. She bet that Wang Jin would never reveal her identity to someone like Guo Ming, because Guo Ming was not worthy, and Ding Xiaojia also believed that Wang Jin was not that kind of person.

Since it was not Wang sir who exposed her, it proved that Guo Ming was still not sure of her identity, so she began to think in her heart, how to quibble 390, so as to convince Guo Ming that she is not a bad guy.

"Boss, you made a mistake! You really made a mistake! I'm really not a bad guy, let me go!"

The lovely and pitiful Ding Xiaojia cried loudly and tried her best to deny her identity as a police officer. She knew that she must never admit her identity as an undercover agent. If she did not admit it, there might still be a way out.

If you admit it, it will definitely be a dead end!

At this moment, in the darkness, there were bursts of chaotic footsteps, and a voice also came.

"What's the matter, they're all gathered here for a meeting! Why don't we notify our messengers about the meeting! We can also come to the meeting together!"

"Oh, one person died! That's a good relationship. It seems that everyone will come with me today!"

In the darkness, I could only see his voice but not his person, but the sound of footsteps walking slowly still made everyone's hearts tremble.

Especially Guo Ming, when he saw the dark underground garage in the distance, Yingying Zhuozhuo, who seemed to be countless people with guns, yelled directly.

"Get out!"

After saying this, turn around and run with your men!

Just kidding, the police are here, why don't you run away and wait to be caught and go to jail?

There was still a freshly baked corpse lying on the ground!

If he was caught, he would be the one to blame, who made him the leader! .

Chapter 850: The Evil Dragon Comes Out of the Abyss!

Guo Ming, the big brother who took the lead, took the lead in running the road, and he just wanted to slip away first to show his respect.

I can't take care of anything else, what a little brother, let's do it for ourselves!

Save your own life first, and escape from the encirclement of the messengers!

As soon as the leading brother ran, a chain reaction followed, and the younger brothers followed suit.

It was Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang who also looked at each other before turning around and running away.

Now at this time, I can see the advantages and benefits of physical fitness and long legs and short legs.

Even if Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang ran late, they came from behind and surpassed Guo Ming and others, taking the lead.

Seeing this scene, Guo Ming was so angry!

He wished he could fire two shots and directly kill Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang, but as the leader, he was still clear-headed, and he knew that he must not do this at this time.

Otherwise, the loved ones will be hurt, and the enemies will be fast!

There is a policeman chasing after him!

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