But to say that these two people were arranged by him, that would be ridiculous. The backhand he arranged is obviously a mercenary team, and they all met face to face. There are no such two guys at all!

Besides, if the mercenary team came to rescue him, would they still need to wear a hood to cover their face?

It's not something shameful!

Therefore, in the current situation, even Lan Bowen couldn't tell where these two guys came from.

There should be a fourth-party force entering the arena!

However, these two guys with hoods are really brave!

Under the siege of many gangsters from the drug cartel and an armed squad, they did not panic at all, very calm and calm, and approached the position where Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang were trapped by using various drowning bodies.

Soon, two gunmen wearing black hoods, with the tacit cooperation, suppressed the gunmen of the drug cartel until they couldn't hold their heads up.

They also successfully broke through to Shao Zhilang and Lan Bowen's side, and then one of them, wearing a black hood, yelled at Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang.

"Seize the opportunity and go!"

As soon as Lan Bowen heard the voice, he knew that he was not someone he was familiar with. Although he didn't know where these two people came from right now, seeing the opportunity to escape was right in front of him, Lan Bowen would not miss it.

He and Shao Zhilang looked at each other, and the two of them rolled over and got out from their positions by the wall.

Originally, they thought that they might have to escape under the hail of bullets!

But at this moment, another group of big men in black rushed out in a small truck. There were a large number of them, all of them were well-equipped, and they clashed against the people of the drug cartel and the armed squad.

In such a chaotic and hot scene, let alone Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang, even the two guys wearing black hoods were a little dazed.

The situation seemed to be a little out of control, several forces were entangled in an instant, and it was inextricably linked!

However, in line with the saying that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, the two men in black hoods also cooperated with these big men in black to launch an attack on the drug cartel and another armed squad.

Directly in terms of momentum, he overwhelmed a group of people from the drug cartel, making the younger brothers of the drug cartel on the opposite side pay attention to one thing and lose another, and couldn't care about Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang at all.

Seeing this, Shao Zhilang and Lan Bowen were overjoyed. It seemed that they really had a chance to escape. They rushed towards their car without saying a word, and got into the car in an instant.

However, after the two got into the car, the door was instantly locked, which gave them a bad feeling.

At this moment, the phone on the car rang, Lan Bowen connected the phone, and Guo Ming's triumphant voice came from inside.

"Alan, you can still answer my calls, which proves that even those fierce drug dealers can't kill you! I really appreciate you, but unfortunately, your time has come!"

"Do you know what you did, just because you are greedy, money doesn't matter, if you want money, I can give you a salary increase, I can reward you with dividends, but you are greedy for power, you want to be mine Location!"

Lan Bowen was very calm at this time, sitting in the car and looking into the distance, he was cooperating with the armed squad of the drug cartel before, but now he suddenly turned against him, even the people of the drug cartel mercilessly killed him , In an instant he understood something.

"Don't talk nonsense, but you are thinking very well. You are robbing goods and money. That team in camouflage uniforms is yours!"

"Obviously! You just need to disappear now!" The whole thing can be blamed on you. Fortunately, I didn't kill you last time, otherwise this thing wouldn't work! "

"Alan, remember to be smart the next time you reincarnate, this can extend the shelf life, your life! It's already expired!"

Guo Ming's laughter, on the phone, was full of self-satisfaction. It seemed that he was very proud of his brilliant strategy.

"The expired person is you! Leader!"

Lan Bowen suddenly laughed when he heard the sound of a car closing on the opposite side. The old fox had finally fallen into a trap.

Guo Ming was still wondering what happened to 407, and then he suddenly discovered that his car was also automatically locked, which was exactly the same as the way he arranged Lan Bowen's death.

For a moment, Guo Ming panicked in his heart!

"Be a human being! Narrow-mindedness kills others, and narrow-mindedness kills oneself. Greed is human nature, but when greed becomes a leader like you, many people will be unhappy, especially Mr. Dong. He is trying so hard to know, How long and how much do you want to be greedy, you can be sure that you also snatched the last batch of goods!"

Then, Lan Bowen approached another mobile phone, and a voice came from inside.

"It's really you! Ah Ming! I told you a long time ago that when hiring a killer, you must ask someone who has credibility. Even if you don't trust credibility, you still have to be willing to give money. Don't say more, you go!"

Suddenly the phone hangs up!

Guo Ming, who came to his senses in an instant, sat in his car and roared crazily, obviously feeling that his death was near.

Sure enough, the next moment, the car Guo Ming was riding in was in the parking garage, and a violent explosion occurred. The car was directly lifted by the huge impact force of the explosion, and the whole car hit the ceiling, and the roof was directly crushed and deformed. Inside the car, it was already crushed into a puddle of blood.

Chapter 860 The fourth shadow, the unknown fear!

Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang who were sitting in the car heard Guo Ming's death. After all, everyone except the deaf could hear the huge explosion.

Regarding this, both Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang were silent for a while. The drug dealer was indeed a drug dealer, cruel and merciless, and would immediately get rid of his subordinates if they were even slightly disloyal, without even blinking an eye.

So will their future be like this?

Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang didn't know, and they didn't want to know. At the same time, it strengthened Shao Zhilang's heart, and made him want to live in a different identity. He's had enough of the precarious life now.

Just as Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang were sitting in the car, waiting for a group of mercenaries under Mr. Dong to clean up the scene thoroughly, and clean up the local drug cartel and the armed team invited by Guo Ming.

Wang Jin had already followed to the scene. After taking a look at the situation, Wang Jin immediately made a judgment, and then spoke to Ma Jun and Zhou Xing through the headset.

"Hurry up, both of you, they are no longer in danger, don't trap yourself!"

Don't look at this moment, the two sides can fight side by side, but that's because there is a common enemy. When the people from the drug cartel and the armed team in camouflage uniforms are completely slaughtered, maybe they will die. Completely turned around.

Whether it's Lan Bowen and the others, or the mercenary squad, I'm afraid they all want to catch Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing to see who they are.

After all, there is no love without reason in this world, and there is no hate without reason!

The two masked men with black hoods were obviously here to rescue Lan Bowen or Shao Zhilang, but who were they?

Believe it, anyone will be curious!

Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun are not fools either. When Wang Jin said this, they immediately understood that their identities are really not easy to expose. Once exposed, it may bring fatal danger to undercover agents. They came abroad to keep undercover agents. lives, not killing undercover agents.

With this idea in mind, when the mercenary team in black combat uniforms went forward bravely to clean up the people of the drug cartel and another armed team, Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun took advantage of the fact that everyone was not paying attention and they were fighting. He retreated, and then quickly got into the complicated streets and alleys, disappearing without a trace.

When the black mercenary team reacted and wanted to find Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun, the two had already disappeared.

Wang Jin also quickly got a car on the street, picked up Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun, and galloped away.

Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang sat in the car and watched this scene with their own eyes. Unfortunately, they didn't dare to chase Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing's submachine guns.

After all, Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun's fierce appearance in front of the drug cartel was deeply engraved in their minds.

Such two ruthless people wearing black hoods, without knowing their identities, who knows what their purpose is?

Don't look at Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing rescued them earlier, but who knows what the purpose of the other two is, if they catch up, they will fall into the trap of the other party?

Not to mention that Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang didn't have guns in their hands, even if they had guns, they didn't dare to chase after them, because both Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang knew that even if they had guns, they might not necessarily be opponents of Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing.

Soon, a massacre came to an end.

Guo Ming got rid of it, and the drug cartel was also removed. The armed team that Guo Ming invited was also removed, and even the goods in the hands of the drug cartel were taken back.

Not only didn't spend a penny, but also got hundreds of millions of dollars in goods, which can be said to have achieved all the goals perfectly.

Except for Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun who broke in suddenly!

But the appearance of Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun made everyone's throat hurt, because they seemed to see a hand manipulating something in the darkness.

Unfortunately, because Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing left in time, it can be said that they knew nothing about Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun's situation. It's not that simple.

Regarding this matter, Lan Bowen also made a special call to Mr. Dong and made a report.

When the call was connected, Mr. Dong was obviously in a good mood. After all, under the arrangement of Lan Bowen this time, he got hundreds of millions of goods without spending a penny. This naturally made Mr. Dong very happy. Happy.

Seeing that the call was from Lan Bowen, Mr. Dong's hearty laughter came from the phone, most of which was praise and reward for Lan Bowen.

"Alan, you did a great job with this matter. When you come back, Guo Ming's position will be yours. If you work hard, I will never treat you badly. I can even give you what Guo Ming gave you." Double and multiple times for you! And when you come back, I will hold a grand banquet for you~‖!"

"Thank you, Mr. Dong! This is what I should do, but I didn't call to talk to Mr. Dong, but to report something important!"

"What's important? Tell me!"

Mr. Dong on the other end of the phone was obviously a little stunned. The matter has been perfectly resolved. Is there anything else to report?

Mr. Dong was a little puzzled, but after this incident, Lan Bowen had already won his trust. Now that his confidant had something to report, he naturally wanted to listen.

"Mr. Dong, it's like this. When we were acting, two outsiders suddenly intervened. They were wearing black hoods. I couldn't identify them, but they also attacked the people of the drug cartel, and they accidentally Saved us, I wonder if someone is also eyeing this batch, or is there some other purpose?"

During the phone call, Lan Bowen specifically picked out some important points, and weakened the existence of himself and Shao Zhilang, and even concealed the fact that the two deliberately saved them.

Anyway, apart from him and Shao Zhilang, no one else knew about this matter, and the mercenary team sent by Mr. Dong didn't even see this scene. This is not what Lan Bowen said.

"¨~What, there is such a thing?"

Mr. Dong on the phone stopped laughing heartily and happily when he heard this.

There was a moment of silence on the phone, only Mr. Dong's heavy breathing could be heard. After learning about such an important matter, Mr. Dong felt even more uneasy.

Mr. Dong felt deeply afraid of this sudden intervention. After all, he didn't even know who the other party was.

They say the unknown is the greatest fear!

Mr. Dong is like this now, he feels a huge cloud hanging over his head, it seems that there is some kind of conspiracy attacking him.

After a long time, Mr. Dong suppressed his anxiety and anger, and asked Lan Bowen.

"Alan, what do you think about this (dead Zhao) matter?

"Mr. Dong, I think we should find a way to find out their identities and be prepared! No matter who they are, as long as we know their identities, we can deal with them!"

Lan Bowen said his suggestion, and what Lan Bowen said hit Mr. Dong's heart, and he thought so too.

"Alan, I will find someone to handle this matter. Come back quickly and take charge of the company's affairs!"

Mr. Dong, who was chatting unintentionally, hung up the phone directly, and then smashed all kinds of valuable and decorative antique vases in his office, so as to cover up the uneasiness and anger deep in his heart .

Mr. Dong even vowed to find Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing at all costs. For this reason, he raised the commission again for the mercenary team, and gave them an extra 300 million US dollars. And Zhou Xingxing, who the hell are they?

Unfortunately, without clues, even a mercenary team would be looking for a needle in a haystack if they wanted to find two people in the vast crowd.

Chapter 860 Five mastery and single specialization!

There is a saying that people die for money, and birds die for food!

Mercenaries are originally a group of people who can give up everything for wealth. For wealth, they can even give up humanity and kindness during missions. The only existence is to complete missions.

Now, in order to find Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing, Mr. Dong has increased the commission price by another 300 million US dollars, just to find two people. The mercenaries really have no reason to refuse.

This kind of task of finding people is not dangerous. Compared with mercenaries who usually work hard to get a commission, the 300 million US dollars is like money falling from the sky.

The mercenaries happily accepted this mission. Youdao said that if you have money, you don’t make a bastard. Even if it’s a needle in a haystack mission, they still want to try it. Anyway, they are just looking for someone, and the danger of the mission is not high. .

At this time, Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun, who were changing clothes in the car, didn't know that someone had already followed them. Zhou Xingxing changed his clothes into ordinary tourists' clothes with an excited expression on his face. Zhiji said to Wang Jin.

"Wang sir, next time you have such a mission, bring me with you!"

"That's right! Sir Wang, it is my duty to eradicate these drug dealers!"

Even Ma Jun, who usually has a cold face and has difficulty expressing emotions, said at this time not to be outdone.

This time, the two of them really had a blast!

Experienced an unprecedented exciting experience, the kind of stimulation of adrenaline soaring in a hail of bullets, on the front line of life and death.

This kind of gun battle scene is rare in Xiangjiang. Firstly, there are few such large-scale armed groups in Xiangjiang. Second, the supervision of Xiangjiang police force is not comparable to that of this country.

Especially after Wang Jin appeared, all kinds of rampant criminal groups suffered all kinds of devastating blows. I don't dare to be arrogant, I only dare to be quiet and honest.

Although the situation in Xiangjiang is sometimes a bit chaotic, it has not reached such a point. At most, there are some petty thieves. The police stations in their respective jurisdictions can basically solve it on their own, and it is impossible to dispatch the Flying Tigers.

Therefore, Zhou Xingxing has been really panicking recently, either in training or on the way to training.

Even if there are some scenes where the Flying Tigers are about to be dispatched, those are just small scenes, such as robbing a bank or something, but this kind of people can't be called gangsters at all, they are just a bunch of ordinary people with guns, and they have never been trained. What kind of strict military training, under the hands of the Flying Tigers, can't last a few rounds at all.

If it weren't for the fear that these robbers had hostages in their hands, and the Flying Tigers didn't want the hostages to be damaged, a few rounds would be enough to easily wipe out the opponents.

How can there be such real swords and guns, and the gangsters of the drug cartel have a lot of fun fighting back and forth. Although the gangsters of the drug cartel have not received any professional military training, they have a lot of experience in fighting against others!

Those who can survive the gun battle are all elites. Naturally, Zhou Xingxing was very happy to kill him, and he felt that heroes have a place to use.

This is much more exciting than being in the Flying Tigers in Xiangjiang!

Even Ma Jun is the same. Ma Jun has an irritable personality and a slight tendency to violence. He is a problem person in the Complaints Section. He receives countless complaint letters and complaint calls every year. Even the people in the Complaints Section , Seeing the name Ma Jun gave me a headache.

If it weren't for Ma Jun's real materials, the internal affairs investigation department would have persuaded Ma Jun to leave.

This time going abroad, Ma Jun is also very happy. In the hail of bullets, his slight violent tendencies have also been vented. For a long time, there will be no risk of losing control.

Wang Jin, who was driving in the car, laughed and cursed at the two of them quite speechlessly when he heard this.

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