"Yes, Mr. Harris!"

Regarding this, Will didn't dare to hide it. He told Harris all the details. If he didn't tell the truth in front of a big man like Harris, it would be even worse if he was found out later.

"Where's the little girl's information! Show me!"

Harris didn't directly believe Will's words either. A person of his status would naturally not listen to one person's words. Only conclusive evidence can convince him, so he still decided to read the little girl's information. one time.

"Here, I'm taking it! Mr. Harris!"

Will quickly took out a copy of the disease information from his briefcase and handed it to Harris. He knew that a knowledgeable boss like Harris would definitely not believe him just because of his words, so he took Li Yao with him. Sister's disease information.

After receiving sister Li Yao's disease information, Harris looked through it a few times. It was indeed a complete diagnosis of cancer, and it was still in the late stage of the cancer. In that regard, Will hadn't lied to him.

After putting down the information, Harris still had some doubts in his heart, so he still needed to ask Will.

"Will, since you know the news, why don't you choose to keep it alone, but tell us the Aibo Group?"

"Since you came to our Aibo Group, it proves that you know how valuable this thing is. I don't believe that you are not tempted at all? It's just a one-off deal for me, but if you do it yourself, maybe the world will You have a position on the rich list, and you don't understand the gap between them!"

This is also what Harris can't figure out. If he were Will, he would never let go of such an opportunity.

One is a billionaire and the other is a world-class rich man. Their power and status are completely incomparable. Will is not a fool. How could he fail to understand the reason behind this? Then why did Will not choose the more profitable plan? Woolen cloth!

Seeing Harris ask this question, Will smiled wryly. How could he not want to choose a more profitable plan, but he doesn't have the strength!

In order not to misunderstand Harris, Will immediately explained.

"Mr. Harris, I also thought about the more profitable method, but firstly, I don't have such strong strength and capital, and secondly, Li Yao is not a simple wealthy businessman, and I am not a small doctor who can deal with it." , If I want to get that thing from Li Yao's mouth, I really can't, I still want people like you, Mr. Harris!"

In order not to misunderstand Harris, Will really went all out, not only belittled himself, but also praised Harris.

After Harris heard these words, although he was still calm on the surface, he was quite useful in his heart. After all, who doesn’t like touting such things, let alone Harris who created a medical empire single-handedly. , Deep down in his heart is pride and self-confidence, but he seldom shows these things, which will lower his pattern on the contrary.

"¨~Will, you don't have to belittle yourself. You are also a powerful person. A person who can judge the situation is never easy. Since you have told me all the news now, the rest is mine. It's over! I will take care of the follow-up matters!"

After solving the doubts in his heart, Harris did not continue to question him, because it was unnecessary, and a smart person like Will would not hide it.

Will also breathed a sigh of relief. If Harris said something like this, he would face his heart that Harris did not deal with. Otherwise, Harris would never say such a thing. His life was finally saved. up.

"Unexpectedly! In such a small place as Xiangjiang (Wang Zhao), there will be a solution that can't even solve the world's problems. It seems that I, the Aibo Group, has come and gone, and the time to rise has come!"

At this time, Harris is really full of ambitions. As long as they get a solution to cancer, their Aibo Group can rise in one fell swoop, surpass other pharmaceutical groups, and become a well-deserved leader in the pharmaceutical and medical industry.

As for whether he can get what he wants from Li Yao, Harris has never considered this issue.

Perhaps for Will, Li Yao is difficult to solve, but for the giant Aibo Group, it is not a problem at all.

Either throw money at it, annex it if it doesn't work, or threaten it if it doesn't work. In the business world, Harris has a hundred methods and methods to deal with Li Yao and get what he wants from Li Yao's hands, so he never Don't take this to heart, because that's what he did before! .

Chapter 910 The fourth is good!

Annexation, throwing money, threats, and various methods reveal the unscrupulous and cruelty in the business world, but this is the most real side of the world, where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive!

If you can't adapt, you will face cruel elimination.

When Will saw the cold smile on Harris' face, he couldn't help shivering. He really didn't want to stay with such a big boss. It was too scary. He was afraid that he would be eaten alive by him in the end.

"Well, Mr. Harris, can I leave?" Will asked cautiously and tentatively.

"Okay, let's go! There is nothing for you in the future!"

Harris waved his hand a little impatiently, and agreed to Will's request to let the other party leave. Will was overjoyed and hurried to leave.

"Wait..." Harris yelled suddenly.

Will, who had just taken a step, suddenly froze, turned his head, and asked with a smile on his face that he thought was kind.

"Mr. Harris, is there anything else you can order?"

"It's nothing, I just hope that only the two of us know about this matter. If other 483 groups find out about this matter, then you know the consequences!"

Harris' tone was very flat, but to Will's ears, it was no less than a bolt from the blue, and Will panicked immediately, and quickly promised.

"Mr. Harris, don't worry! Only the two of us will know about this matter, and no other company or group will know about it!"

"That's good! Let's go!"


After Will got the pardon, he really didn't dare to stay for a moment, and left in a hurry. It was really because he stayed by Harris' side, the pressure was too great, even though he had had relationship with Harris before. We met face to face, but it was just at the banquet, and everyone was drinking and drinking. When you really get along with Harris, you will feel that he is a completely different person from the banquet.

After Will left, Harris also called his subordinates, who was the person in charge of the Xiangjiang branch, Jones!

Jones, who was summoned by the big boss, carefully opened the door of the presidential suite and entered the room.

Jones is a tall and burly gringo. He looks like a handsome middle-aged uncle. He has blue eyes and brown hair. more.

But anyone who thinks that Jones is just handsome and has no talent is really wrong. Jones is considered an old man of the Aibo Group and has extraordinary abilities, otherwise he would not have been sent to Xiangjiang to host the branch.

In this Xiangjiang branch, Jones is the one and only, monopolizing the power, and also holds 80.00% of the shares of the entire branch company.

It is conceivable that Harris has to trust Jones so much that he can trust a branch to such a person and give him [-]% of the shares.

To put it bluntly, this is simply the treatment of a confidant. If it weren't for Jones' outstanding ability, how could there be such treatment!

When Jones entered the presidential suite, he came to the sofa very respectfully, stood beside Harris, and greeted him respectfully.


"Well, I came here to ask you to help me with something!"

Saying this, Harris handed Jones the disease information of Li Yao's sister in his hand, and Jones subconsciously took it, glanced at it, and found that it was just a little girl's disease information, and there seemed to be nothing strange about it.

"The little girl on this document in your hand is very important. She had cancer before, and it was in the late stage, but now she has completely recovered. I want you to contact the little girl's sister and treat her. Bring me the technology of cancer, or the special medicine, understand?"

In an instant, Jones' eyes widened completely (ceej), and he couldn't believe what he heard. What did he hear just now?

How is it possible that a little girl with terminal cancer has completely recovered?

But it was his boss who said this. As a boss, he would never lie to him.

As the head of a branch of a pharmaceutical group, Jones naturally understood what this meant, and he almost went crazy.

If this incident is true, it proves that the golden age belonging to Aibo Pharmaceutical Group is coming!

Maybe, with this wave, their Aibo Pharmaceutical Group can completely become the world's top chaebol, and become a behemoth comparable to those world-class giants.

Thinking of this, Jones felt his blood surge and his heart beat faster. After all, this is a good thing to reach the sky in one step!

If this opportunity cannot be grasped, there may not be an opportunity for many years to allow the Aibo Group to reach a higher level again.

"Don't worry! Boss, I will definitely take care of this matter!" Jones patted his chest and promised.

Of course, Jones will take this matter to heart. After all, if the company can go to a higher level, as the company's shareholder and branch leader, his status and power will naturally rise even higher. This kind of people go to the top. , who would not want it!

Jones, who was quite excited, couldn't wait to start taking action after promising in front of Harris, but after the action, he still decided to do a careful investigation.

Although the boss told him about this matter, it is impossible to lie, but what if the boss was cheated!

This is not impossible. After all, cancer may be a worldwide problem. He always feels that the matter is not that simple. Could it be that a worldwide problem has been solved unknowingly?

Moreover, it was not solved by a large company worldwide, but in an unknown small hospital in Xiangjiang. Jones felt that this kind of thing was weird and abnormal no matter how he heard it, so some investigations were still needed.

In the end, Jones has been stationed in Xiangjiang for a long time, and has formed his own relationship and network in Xiangjiang. After making a few calls, he was waiting for news.

He didn't make him wait for a long time, only about 10 minutes, the phone call came back, and the information he got was exactly the same as what Harris gave. The source of the information was the doctors in the examination department of the hospital. , They all confirmed that Li Yao's sister has completely recovered, and there is no cancer cell in her body.

It wasn't until then that Jones completely believed that the world's problems had been completely solved. The next step was to find Li Yao and learn about the cure or special medicine for cancer from her mouth. Difficult, negotiation is his forte.

Chapter 910 Five Conditions and Weaknesses!

After Jones had a plan in mind, he quickly found Li Yao in the hospital. It was not difficult to find Li Yao. In the whole hospital, there were not many sick children, and with the addition of a beautiful sister , then less.

Naturally, it is more eye-catching, especially since Li Yao has some relationship with the dean, and has received special care from the dean, so it is naturally more conspicuous in the hospital, so there are many people who know Li Yao, and Jones easily They found Li Yao's sister's ward.

When Jones arrived, Li Yao was eating with her sister and packing up her things.

At this time, Li Yao's younger sister has already gone through a series of examinations, and it has already been confirmed that her younger sister has completely recovered. Since her illness is already cured, Li Yao will naturally not stay in the hospital for a long time. Naturally, I have to pack my things and take my sister~sister home.

However, after being hospitalized for such a long time, my sister still has a lot of things, and I can't move them out in a while, so I decided to move out in two days, and let my sister stay for an extra day.

It was precisely because of this that Jones was able to find Li Yao in the hospital. If Jones came tomorrow, he might not be able to find Li Yao, so he had to go to Li Yao's house to look for it.

"Take the liberty to interrupt!"

Jones saw that Li Yao was in the ward, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief, without knocking on the door, he pushed the door and walked in, and waited until everyone else was in the ward before apologizing and saying sorry, this kind of action is generous enough Brazen and outrageous.

However, being able to be Harris' confidant and sitting in the Xiangjiang branch naturally has something. To Jones, this mere cheeky and shameless is just a necessary skill, not a big deal.

Li Yao in the ward saw a foreign man suddenly barging into the ward, but she didn't scream loudly. After all, she is also a woman who has seen the world, so naturally she would not scream like ordinary girls. .

It's just that Li Yao's face is also not good-looking. Without Li Yao's approval, someone suddenly broke into the private ward. If this face is good-looking, then there is something wrong!

However, Li Yao was not in a hurry to get angry. After all, Jones was a man of unknown origin, so he broke into the private ward directly. Who knew what he was going to do?

Li Yao was still planning to check the situation before talking, but her face turned cold, and she questioned Jones.

"Sir, what's the matter with you? This is a private ward! If you are not a doctor, please go out!"

Li Yao exudes a kind of indifference that rejects people thousands of miles away, even Jones can't handle it.

Fortunately, Jones's skin is thick enough, the kind that can't even penetrate a cannon, and he puts all the embarrassment behind him.

"Miss Li Yao, please allow me to introduce myself. I am the person in charge of the Xiangjiang Branch of Apropharma Group!"

"Aibo Pharmaceutical Group? I don't remember that our company has cooperated with your group. Please come to me. What's the matter?"

Hearing that it was the Aibo Pharmaceutical Group, Li Yao was also a little surprised. As a person who was in the business world, she had heard of the name of the Aibo Pharmaceutical Group, but the Li family's industry had nothing to do with medical care. It is related, so it has never been with Aibo Medical Group. How could Aibo Medical Group come to you now!

"Miss Li Yao, the thing is like this. We learned from this hospital that your sister had an incurable disease, even at an advanced stage, but just recently, she recovered inexplicably. This is simply a medical miracle. You also know that we are a pharmaceutical company, and you are very interested in this, I wonder if Miss Li Yao can tell me in detail?"


Li Yao's face suddenly became colder, with a pair of sharp and cold eyes, she stared at Jones firmly, she finally understood why the Aibo Pharmaceutical Group, who had no social and business contacts with the Li family, came to the door It came, and it turned out that it was the special medicine for her sister's treatment.

At this moment, if Li Yao's complexion is good-looking, then there is a ghost!

My younger sister just recovered from her illness, but the news leaked out like this. This hospital is like a sieve, and it can't hide any news.

However, Li Yao didn't think about hiding it. After all, her sister got an incurable disease and then recovered. No intention of hiding.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

However, Li Yao never thought that people would come so quickly. Originally, Li Yao's plan was to leave after her sister recovered from her illness. It can also reduce the storm a little bit.

But who would have thought that his actions were faster than Li Yao's in detail, and he was found in a short period of time, and he just happened to block Li Yao in the hospital.

"Miss Li Yao, please don't worry, just listen to my conditions. As long as you tell me the relevant news, our company will inject a huge amount of money into Miss Li's group. I know that Miss Li Yao is very lacking right now. Money, Lingmei's illness should have consumed a lot of the Li family's wealth! Now the company is struggling and the capital flow is about to break!"


As soon as Jones came up, he pinched Li Yao's seven inches and weaknesses. Li Yao's group, as Jones said, was already a little stretched, but Li Yao never revealed it in front of outsiders and family members.She doesn't want others to worry about herself.

If it really can't support it, then simply let the Li family's property go bankrupt. Anyway, in Li Yao's heart, no matter how big a group or enterprise is, it is not as important as her own sister.

"Miss Li Yao, what is the condition I offer?"

Although Jones was not complacent, he also felt that if it was such a condition, Li Yao should have no reason to refuse.

"The conditions you offered are not very good, and I don't agree with them!"

Li Yao rejected Jones' suggestion without even thinking about it. Telling about the special medicine meant that Wang Jin would be involved.

Leaving aside the matter of not offending Wang Jin, Li Yao felt that she would not be able to pass the hurdle in her heart just because of the fact that she had betrayed the news. Even if the company went bankrupt, she would not disclose the news about Wang Jin. Jin Ke helps her heal her own sister.

"You... you simply don't know how to flatter you!" Fan.

Chapter 910 The sixth misfortune leads to the east!

"You simply don't know how to compliment!"

Jones pointed at Li Yao and almost vomited blood. Li Yao refused such a generous offer without even thinking about it.

I really can't figure out why!

The situation of Li Yao's company, when Jones came, had already done an investigation. If there is no capital injection, it may not last for half a year, and it will go bankrupt.

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