Because before doing this, Wang Jin never thought that he could go further. His main purpose was to deal with Aibo Pharmaceutical Group.

But he didn't expect to hit the right track and mention his rank. In Wang Jin's view, it was a surprise. For Wang Jin himself, he knew his age very well. How difficult it is to take a step forward.

Therefore, Wang Jin never thought that he could go further, even in name.

In Wang Jin's plan, if he wants to go further, he may have to wait until the top management has changed. For example, when the first brother is about to retire, there will definitely be a big mobilization of the police force at that time. At that time, he may be able to enter the core of the power of the police force.

He didn't expect, but because of an unintentional act of his own, he accomplished all of this!

Appointed as Senior Assistant Director, although this does not hold the real power of the headquarters, it is already in place in name, which means that Wang Jin has officially entered the core power level of the police force and can influence the overall situation of the entire police force.

It's just that Wang Jin only has ranks, but no specific positions in the headquarters, but is this a problem for Wang Jin?

It's not a problem. Anyway, Wang Jin didn't expect to be able to reach the sky in one step. It's very good to get the title of senior assistant director by accident, because it means that Wang Jin is already a member of the core power level of the police force. With a huge springboard.

Perhaps, in some people's eyes, this is a consolation to Wang Jin. After all, a nominal senior assistant director may not be as powerful as Wang Jin's head of the New Territories North Region!

But in Wang Jin's eyes, this titular senior assistant director is a ladder for subsequent advancement to higher goals.

Senior Assistant Director, but the third level of the Xiangjiang Police Force, regardless of his name, whether he has real power or not, but his rank cannot be changed.

Now, only in name, there are only two deputy directors left, and a director like Brother Yi, who can suppress Wang Jin, and the rest are equal to Wang Jin, or even worse than Wang Jin , at least in name.

Wang Jin is in his 20s, not even 30 years old, and he has done what others would have spent their entire lives doing. How can this make others feel embarrassed?

But in Wang Jin's eyes, these are not important. When the title is established, Wang Jin's eyes are no longer just staring at the core of the headquarters, but have greater ambitions.

Although he is just a senior assistant director without real power, who stipulated that a senior assistant director without real power cannot have greater ambitions and complete a gorgeous counterattack and transformation?

If it is done step by step, Wang Jin's next step should be to focus on the power of the headquarters, further grasp the right to speak in the headquarters, and change himself from a nominal senior assistant to the senior director to a real senior assistant director.

But these are not what Wang Jin is looking for. Wang Jin is already looking down on the power of the senior assistant director. What he desires more is the positions of two deputy directors. Director.

He is even the youngest brother in Xiangjiang's history!

No one knew that the mere name of a senior assistant director had aroused Wang Jin's greater ambitions. If it was before, Wang Jin would not be in a hurry, at most he would be promoted step by step.

He has self-knowledge and knows how difficult it is to enter the core level of the Xiangjiang police force according to his age. Now he has reached the limit in the position of the New Territories North Chief Division.

If you want to go further, you have to spend a lot of time and let yourself settle down. Maybe after entering the core level of the Xiangjiang Police Force, Wang Jin can still be promoted faster than others, but at that time, it is also possible. It's not quite as shocking.

After all, a deputy director in his 20s and a deputy director in his 30s are two completely different concepts.

Although the latter is also shocking, it doesn't shock the world, and the deputy director 20 in his 483s is definitely enough to shock the world. Even before the age of 30, he became the first brother?

How shocking is that?

I'm afraid the whole world will be shocked by this, because such a young police chief, not to mention Xiang Jiang, is afraid that the whole world does not have such a young No. [-] person.

The appearance of Wang Jin will definitely break a boundary and become a benchmark of a new era, allowing more people to see how powerful young people's abilities are, and start a new era.

The era and power are no longer in the hands of those old antiques, and young people are no more searched than those old antiques. Maybe those old antiques have richer experience and experience, but the abilities of young people are stronger!

Originally, Wang Jin didn't have these ambitions. Although Wang Jin also wanted to become the first brother, in his plan, he would advance step by step, but now the nominal senior assistant director suddenly inspired Wang Jin With Jin's huge ambition, he is also unwilling to advance step by step, because he already has a name, how to succeed in the future depends entirely on Wang Jin's own operation.

An ambitious young hero has officially stepped onto the stage of the most powerful. Although Wang Jin had expected this scene, he never thought it would come so soon! .

Chapter 920 Six follow-up price!

For Wang Jin, such a result was actually a bit caught off guard, after all, he himself never thought that the end of the matter would turn into such a result.

Obviously, he just wanted to rectify the Aibo Pharmaceutical Group before. The reason why he used such a method was because Wang Jin had no other way, so he chose such a simple and rude plan, although the final goal was achieved. , but the result somewhat deviated from Wang Jin's expectations.

But what to say!

After all, this is a good thing, not a bad thing, at least for Wang Jin!

After Wang Jin's incident came out, other things became easier instead. Jones was arrested and tortured to extract a confession. Although the Xiangjiang Police Force has repeatedly emphasized that their side is already handling cases in a civilized and legal way, if they really believe it, That's the real fool!

Although Jones was in a daze and was arrested, he really knew nothing about fans, but he did not escape the means of torture to extract a confession.

After all, so many fans were copied from the Aibo Pharmaceutical Group. With definite evidence, who would believe that it had nothing to do with Jones?

The policemen are not stupid, but they are still stubbornly resisting in the face of such solid evidence. If they don't want to say it, the policemen will naturally not be polite. Anyway, Jones, who has sold so many fans, in the eyes of many policemen, that It's really scum.

This kind of scum, as long as it doesn't kill you, you can play whatever you want. For this kind of people, one eye is open and one eye is closed, and basically they don't care much.

As for asking Jones to hire a lawyer, it is impossible. If the Xiangjiang Police Force has no conclusive evidence, maybe Jones can hire a lawyer to struggle to see if he can hope to get rid of the crime, but now the evidence is conclusive, and the other suspects The people who were arrested insisted that they didn't know about these things, and all the spearheads were pointed at Jones.

Even if Jones has a lot of money, no lawyer will come to this muddy water, because it is basically impossible to win this lawsuit, and lawyers are also human beings, and they will weigh gains and losses.

Even Xiangjiang's first-class barrister is helpless in this case, and there is no way to help Jones get rid of the crime. Under such circumstances, if he still intervenes in this case, he may have to pay for all the reputation he has accumulated so hard. The east flowed.

Lawyers are an industry that relies on reputation. No matter how much Jones gives, no lawyer will gamble with his own reputation. After hearing about this incident, Jones did call, but the company's original lawyer , when he learned that it was Jones who called, he hung up without hesitation.

Some lawyers even breached the contract directly, paid liquidated damages, and severed the relationship with Aibo Pharmaceutical Group in order to put aside the relationship with Aibo Pharmaceutical Group.

Anyway, the current Aibo Pharmaceutical Group is really like a plague god, and everyone can't avoid it!

After making a few phone calls, no lawyer was willing to take the case. Jones was also completely desperate. In the end, he couldn't bear the police's secret methods of torture to extract confessions, and directly admitted that the fans belonged to him.

Compared with being in prison, Jones still wants to suffer less torture. After all, Xiangjiang does not have the death penalty, it is nothing more than the length of time in prison. It is better to be in prison than in the hands of the Xiangjiang Police Force. Felt like I was about to collapse.

All kinds of torture methods were used on him, and they were the kind that couldn't be acted out by the injury test. During the entry, Jones didn't even rest for a second. The police sent troops to torture him in turn, because he Once there is a tendency to want to sleep, there will be loud noises ringing in his ears, and there will be ice water pouring on him from head to toe, and he will have no chance to rest at all.

Faced with this kind of torture, let alone Jones, even well-trained personnel may not be able to stand it, and they will be insane.

After Jones pleaded guilty, the case has entered a smooth stage. After all, Jones has admitted it, and with the conclusive evidence, there is nothing to say after that. He will be sent to the court for trial according to the police force's procedures. As for how many years it will be locked up, that is not the business of the Xiangjiang Police Force.

Jones' side was miserable, and Harris' side didn't get any better. In a few days, they were almost bankrupt. Although the shareholders ran faster, they still suffered heavy losses. Faced with such a tragedy, they naturally would not let Harry go. s.

If it is a serious business behavior, they will admit that they lose money. After all, in the business circle, this kind of thing is very common. It is very normal for the weak to eat me today.

However, things like Aibo Pharmaceutical Group are not normal business behaviors. What's more, all shareholders know that Jones is Harris' confidant. Now that Jones has such a big incident, has Harris participated in it?

If Harris has been involved in this incident, how much money has Harris made over the years?

They may not be able to calculate this account, but there is no need. The current situation of Harris is that the wall is overthrown by everyone, regardless of whether Harris is involved or not. Anyway, this time they have suffered heavy losses. Naturally, Harris must compensate for these losses. Well, right now is the best chance to squeeze Harris dry, at least to get back all the money they lost.

Even for this matter, several shareholders jointly hired a large-scale debt collection company specializing in debt collection. They were also a little afraid that if they went to collect debts by themselves, would they be killed by Harris? After all, if Harris participated in this sale As for the powder case, Harris' armed force is definitely not small. They don't want to die, and it's safer to find someone to stand in front of them. Even if the debt collection company charges some commission, they will admit it.

Large-scale debt collection companies like this are not very common in foreign countries, because doing this industry requires a lot of background and connections. Smaller debt collection companies simply can’t handle it. It was swallowed up by people.

As for large collection companies, they are really related to all walks of life. Others are afraid that there are armed forces behind Harris, but they are not afraid. This is what they do. They are armed forces themselves, and they even cooperate with many arms The company has cooperation, so how can you be afraid of Harris?

Harris was very sad. He was dun on debts, and his life was no more comfortable than Jones's life in prison. He even woke up in nightmares every night, trying to escape, but there was always surveillance, and his whole person was a little nervous.

In the end, there was no way. Harris sold all his assets, mansions, yachts, gold, cars, and airplanes, to close the hole. After that, he became impoverished and became a homeless man.

Chapter 920 Evil thoughts are rampant!

Harris went from being super rich in the world to being a humble homeless man with nothing!

In the end, I disappeared, no one knew where I went, and this time did not exceed seven days.

This is Wang Jin's horror, and it is also the price of offending Wang Jin. Even if you are a world-class consortium, I have a way to completely knock you down.

As for the disappearance of Harris, no one will pay attention to it. A homeless man with nothing, if Harris is still the super rich man in the world before, then his disappearance will definitely attract the attention of countless people, and even cause a huge disturbance, but now But no one paid attention.

Although it is cruel, society is so realistic and ruthless.

Similarly, there is no eternal mainstream in the world. Even internationally renowned stars cannot appear in newspapers, TV stations, or appear in the public eye every day.

People are always forgetful, and when a big turmoil subsides for a period of time, it will gradually be forgotten by people.

It seems that this case is also the same. With Jones' imprisonment and Harris' disappearance, all the major groups in the world regard the Expro Pharmaceuticals Group as a piece of fat, and they are robbing each other. Complete breakdown.

And the circle of the public is also doomed that they cannot pay attention to such things every day. At most, these are just some pastimes of their leisure time. Their lives are still struggling for food and clothing.

In short, this matter is slowly subsiding. In addition to Wang Jin's benefits, all the bad guys in this operation have also benefited. After all, such a big case always has to be credited. A thick stroke of credit was recorded on their resumes. Several people also had the opportunity to be promoted because of this meritorious service. They have already started to follow the procedures. As for whether they can be promoted smoothly, it depends on themselves.

In addition to these, Li Yao is also paying attention to this matter. After all, the cause of this matter is her sister!

Li Yao naturally paid special attention to it. When the news of Aibo Pharmaceutical Group selling fans came out, Li Yao couldn't believe it, and she was in a daze.

Where in this world is there such a (ceej) coincidence? She just told Wang Jin about being threatened by Jones, and something happened to Jones' Expro Pharmaceutical Group over there?

It was just a coincidence, and it didn't happen so quickly. Li Yao immediately realized that it was definitely Wang Jin who made the move, but what Li Yao couldn't figure out was that it was Wang Jin who happened to break through the Aibo Pharmaceutical Group's attack. Is it a matter, or is it deliberately framed like this?

Although, in Li Yao's heart, 1 people don't believe that Wang Jin will use such means to harm people, but why did Aibo Pharmaceutical Group have no accidents before, but just these few days, Aibo Pharmaceutical Group has such a big accident? thing!

If the Aibo Pharmaceutical Group has been selling drugs and selling fans, has it never revealed its flaws?

Li Yao always felt that this was a bit untrue, but it would be unreasonable to say that this was deliberately framed by Wang Jin. After all, Wang Jin's reputation in Xiangjiang is quite good. If this method is used, not to mention other things , so much powder, where did it come from?

Could it be that Wang Jin is a bad guy on the surface, but he is still doing fan business secretly?

Therefore, when this idea first appeared in Li Yao's mind, she threw it out of her mind. She didn't want to believe that such a person would be the one who would take out the special medicine for cancer to save her sister.

Originally, the first time Li Yao got the news, she actually wanted to call Wang Jin and get confirmation from Wang Jin, but the moment she picked up the phone, she put it down again.

Li Yao felt that if she really made this call, then the friendship between her and Wang Jin might be over. Originally, she had nothing to do with Wang Jin, so why should she question Wang Jin!

After several struggles, Li Yao suppressed the urge to question, anyway, now that Jones' matter has been settled, why should she bother so much!

As for the matter of Gongfo Dzi Beads, Li Yao doesn't want to worry about it anymore. Originally, she asked for Gongfo Dzi Beads to help her sister cure her illness. There is no need to pin your hopes on Gongfo Dzi Beads anymore.

This matter has little to do with her, but her uncle, who came to the door again, was sternly shut down by Li Yao.

My sister's illness is already cured, so she doesn't need the Gongfo Dzi Bead anymore, so how could she sell the land left by her father!

But Li Yao's uncle didn't know the news. After all, the news that Li Yao's sister was cured was only spread in a small area. The whole purpose of that person was the piece under Li Yao's name. How could they investigate these things!

It is estimated that in some people's minds, cancer is an incurable disease. If there is no Gongfo Dzi Beads, I am afraid they don't want to be cured. Even if they have Gongfo Dzi Beads, they may not be cured.

But what some people are selling is a hope. As long as Li Yao signs the contract, even if the Gongfo Dzi Bead can't cure Li Yao's sister, Li Yao will have no excuse to go back on his word.

He slammed the door shut, and someone's face was naturally very ugly. He didn't know how Li Yao's attitude changed so dramatically in such a short period of time.

A few days ago, Li Yao agreed to exchange that piece of land for the tribute dzi, but today he came to contact him, but he couldn't even enter the door.

"Could it be that Li Yao doesn't want to save her sister?"

This idea flashed through someone's mind in the blink of an eye, but was subconsciously dismissed by someone. He and Li Yao's father are of the same generation, and it can be said that he watched Li Yao grow up, so She is very familiar with Li Yao, Li Yao is definitely not that kind of person, as long as she can save her sister, even if it is a small hope, she will not give up.

But the current situation is beyond someone's expectation!

Someone who really couldn't figure out the result, decided not to wait any longer. Now that Li Yao's attitude is unclear, and the Gongfo Dzi Bead is not in his hand, the trading plan is completely unworkable.

If this is the case, then the only option is to kidnap Li Yao's younger sister and make her compromise.

Originally, a certain person didn't want to use this method, but the people behind him were really pushing too hard! .

Chapter 920 The Eighth Black Hand Outstretched in Secret!

Li Yao's uncle, her father's close friend, hoped that the matter could be resolved peacefully.

In this way, he can not only treat Li Yao's father who has passed away long ago, or hurt Li Yao's two sisters, but also complete the task of being the person behind him, and take the land left by his father in Li Yao's hands. Get it in your hands, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

But now this may not be a big deal, because the development of the situation has exceeded his expectations.

On Li Yao's side, something must have happened, something he didn't know, that's why it turned into such a result, which caused him to be turned away.

Now Li Yao doesn't want to see him at all, so it's impossible to talk about that piece of land. Of course, I need to think of other ways.

Kidnapping is naturally the fastest way to achieve the goal. After all, Li Yao attaches great importance to her younger sister. Taking advantage of Li Yao's younger sister's safety to get that piece of land is also the last way.

However, this kind of thing can't let him come forward, but the people behind him need to come forward. Thinking of this, he is no longer obsessed with seeing Li Yao, but a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he chose to leave.

Li Yao, who was at home, breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this scene through the window. She didn't want to see this uncle, and she didn't want to talk about the land. After all, it was left to her by her father. She would never sell it if she had to.

However, Li Yao didn't see the cold light in her uncle's eyes after turning around, it wasn't the look of giving up~.

After leaving Li Yao's house, Li Yao's uncle went straight to the person behind him, and this person was none other than Chang Yong from the Twin Gates.

When he came to see Chang Yong, Chang Yong was sitting on a chair with a big sword, with one foot raised, and a toothpick in his mouth.

"Professor Mo, you are here, how is our piece of land?"

Seeing the person coming, Chang Yong spit out the toothpick in his mouth and smiled evilly on his face. For Chang Yong, he didn't care about other things, he only cared about money and his own interests.

"That piece of land, I'm afraid we can't talk about it!"

Professor Mo sat down on the chair opposite Chang Yong, and said with a little displeasure in his heart.

As soon as he heard that the situation was wrong, Chang Yong's sitting posture immediately changed. He stood up from his seat, crossed the desk, and approached Professor Mo, asking with a fierce face.

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