Is it because Chang Zhong is the elder brother and he is the younger brother?

Chang Yong felt that this was not fair at all. Since others would not give it to him, he would take it himself. What belonged to him, he would take it back with his own strength and fists.

 24 Although he failed in the end, it was not considered a failure. If he could not get it, he would be destroyed. Although Chang Yong failed to inherit the position of head of the Twin Gates in the end, he also completely disintegrated the entire Twin Gates and fell into decline!

Regarding this, Chang Yong was also secretly happy. Anyway, if the twin gates are destroyed, they will be destroyed. It has nothing to do with him.

On the contrary, there was nothing wrong with Chang Yong's evaluation of Chang Zhong. Although Chang Yong attacked and killed Chang Zhong back then, he failed to kill him and let Chang Zhong escape.

Originally, Chang Yong thought that Chang Zhong would heal his wounds and seek revenge on him. For this reason, Chang Yong practiced hard and refused to let go of any effort, just so that he could resist when Chang Zhong came to seek revenge on him.

But apparently what Chang Yong didn't expect was that after that incident, Chang Zhong completely lost news, and even the Twin Gates were completely disbanded. No one knew where Chang Zhong went, and Chang Zhong didn't come to him revenge.

It can be said that Chang Yong's careful preparation was a battle of wits and courage against the air, and he also had a great time fighting, enjoying it. When Chang Yong knew about this, he was ashamed and angry to death!

Almost furious, he wanted to find out Chang Zhong and fight him desperately, but in the end Chang Yong suppressed the anger in his heart. Since Chang Zhong didn't come to him, it just happened to fulfill his wish. Anyway, his purpose It's just for money, without Chang Zhong's hindrance, his life is more chic and enjoyable, and the money is even more abundant.

In the past, there was also a Chang Zhonghui who warned Chang Yong from time to time, not to do this, and not to do that, anyway, it was the group that made Chang Yong unhappy.

But without the obstacle of Chang Zhong, Chang Yong suddenly felt that the sea and the sky were open, and the sky was high enough to let the birds fly, and he could do everything according to his own temperament. As long as he paid enough money, Chang Yong could do anything unreasonable. out.

Therefore, Chang Yong has really made a lot of money over the years, and with the passage of time, he gradually doesn't care about Chang Zhong's affairs. After all, so many years have passed, Chang Zhong never came to him. The chances of coming to him are definitely getting lower and lower.

Even, Chang Yong sometimes doubts whether Chang Zhong is dead, but this doubt will be quickly expelled from Chang Yong's mind. He knows the strength of his elder brother very well. Let Chang Zhong be seriously injured, but it is definitely not enough to kill him, even if it is him, he will not die.

What's more, those people from the Twin Gates disappeared without a trace. It must have been arranged by Chang Zhong, otherwise, the people from the Twin Gates would not have disappeared so cleanly all at once.

Although he always knew that his elder brother was not dead, Chang Yong never expected to see his elder brother and Jixiang again after many years.

As for Liu Xi on the side, he was completely ignored by Chang Yong. Even Chang Zhong and Jixiang were ignored by Chang Yong. What kind of onion is a young man?

"Just the three of us, I'm sure you're going to eat today, as I said! And if you hand over the Gongfo Dzi, we can make you die with dignity!"

Before Chang Zhong could speak, Ji Xiang couldn't wait to jump out and yelled at Chang Yong without any hesitation.

Of course, Jixiang has not forgotten his mission. As a lama, he still has to find the Gongfo Dzi Bead first to complete his mission. Senior brother is out of the mountain.

It is really Gongfo Dzi Beads, which have different meanings to these lamas and the sects behind them. Gongfo Dzi Beads are just a national treasure on the outside, but in their hearts they are the highest and purest holy objects, which cannot be touched.

Now that Chang Yong has got his hands on it, it is natural to take it back from Chang Yong, welcome back to the sect, and re-enshrine it!

At this moment, Chang Yong was really irritated by Jixiang. Not to mention the Gongfo Dzi Bead, if it is not in his hands, even if the Gongfo Dzi Bead is in his hands, he will not put the Gongfo Dzi Bead just because of Jixiang's few words. The Buddha Dzi Bead was handed over.

If he really just handed it over like this, where will he put Chang Yong's face?

"If you want something, come and get it yourself!"

Chang Yong yelled loudly, chose to take the first shot, and jumped up from the sofa all at once, like a goshawk pouncing on his food, and it was good that he didn't speak, but this speech was directly terrific, and suddenly made Jixiang completely If there is a misunderstanding, the Gongfo Dzi Bead is in Chang Yong's hands, so what else is there to say, just do it!

500 whoever wins will get Gongfo Dzi Beads!

Jixiang also went up to him without any hesitation. Although Jixiang is a huge fat man, it is just an illusion. Although Jixiang's body is fat, he is rarely flexible, even a little more flexible than ordinary people. .

Soon, Ji Xiang, who was going up to meet him, started a fight with Chang Yong. The fight between the two was extremely fierce, punching to the flesh, and even the air was exploding.

Although Jixiang is also a good fighter, his strength is still a bit weaker than Chang Yong. Although he did not lose at the beginning, after a few moves, he fell into the disadvantage. Because Chang Yong's fists are faster and more fierce, Jixiang has no choice but to parry. There is no power to make progress.

After all, it is a battle between masters, which requires full concentration, and the consumption of physical strength is naturally greater. As a fat person, the consumption in this area is several times higher. Auspicious, who is at a disadvantage, can only use his own rough flesh The advantage of thick resisted.

Liu Xi on the side, seeing this scene, didn't delay any longer, and directly joined the battle group. Cooperating with Jixiang, two against one, this was able to withstand Chang Yong's offensive.

At this time, it is not the time to pay attention to martial arts, it is true to win Chang Yong first!

Seeing that Chang Zhong was still in a daze, Liu Xi became anxious and called out loudly.

"Uncle Zhong, why don't you make a move? We can't handle it anymore!".

Chapter 940 Treacherous and cunning!

Liu Xi's call finally made Chang Zhong react. He also saw that even if Jixiang and Liu Xi fight against Chang Yong together, they cannot win. In Chang Yong's hands, this is not a joke, but a fact.

Regarding his younger brother's insidiousness and cunning, Chang Zhong is definitely the one who has the most say. He has suffered a lot from Qi's hands.

In the face of Chang Yong's calculations, Jixiang and Liu Xi will not suffer, even if they beat Chang Zhong to death. After all, Jixiang and Liu Xi are too loyal and honest, and the more they are, the easier it is to suffer.

Jixiang's temperament has already been fixed and cannot be changed, while Liu Xi has too little experience and does not know the dangers of the world. He can still improve with more exercise in the future, but the current situation, if Chang Zhong doesn't take action, maybe Jixiang and Liu Xi I am afraid I will lose.

Chang Yong and the two came together to clean up the sect, so naturally they would not let them fail, so they immediately collected their minds and chose to join the battle group.

Chang Zhong's strength was originally stronger than Chang Yong's, but for so many years, Chang Yong has always had a sense of crisis, so he practiced diligently, while Chang Zhong drank daily, drunk and dreamed, and his strength has long since fallen behind. Quite a lot, not as good as Chang Yong.

If it was one-on-one, Chang Zhong would definitely not be Chang Yong's opponent, but this time Chang Zhong came together with Jixiang and Liu Xi, and the three of them really overwhelmed Chang Yong. many.

After all, ants kill elephants more often, not to mention that Chang Zhong and the others are not ants, but masters who are not much worse than Chang Yong. If the three of them make a move together, even with Chang Yong's strength, they are quite afraid. The slightest distraction, because once distracted, you may face the end of death.

And when the four of them were in the box of the nightclub, and the fierce battle was in full swing, they didn't know that one person followed Chang Zhong, Jixiang and the others, and came here, and sat on the bar not far from the box, with his hand in his hand. Holding a glass of wine, he is slowly sipping it.

This person is none other than Wang Jin. At this time, Wang Jin is sitting on the bar and drinking wine, but his ears are shaking slightly. His strong hearing allows him to listen to the loud music. It is also easy to distinguish the movements and voices of Chang Zhong and others in the box.

Hearing the conversation of several people in the box, Wang Jin knew that this wave was completely stable, that guy Chang Yong was indeed here, and no matter what, Chang Yong couldn't be allowed to escape today.

Even if Chang Zhong and the others were unable to take down Chang Yong and allowed Chang Yong to escape, Wang Jin would choose to follow behind and continue to attack, but now that Chang Zhong and the others were blocking the front, there was no need for Wang Jin to rush to jump. When he comes out, let Chang Zhong and the others stand up first, and he will watch the show. When Chang Zhong and the others really can't stand it, it's not too late for Wang Jin to make a move.

While drinking wine, Wang Jin looked at the door of the box from time to time, waiting for the final result.


There was a loud bang from the door of the box, and the whole door of the box flew out completely, and a figure also flew out following the collapsed door. Wang Jin's sharp eyes immediately realized that the person who flew out should be Chang Yong.

The evil and vicious temperament is really far from Chang Zhong's. Although the two brothers have exactly the same face, some temperament cannot be learned.


Chang Yong, who was blasted out of the door, followed the door of the box and fell to the ground fiercely, and then spurted out a mouthful of blood. His whole face turned pale, but even so, Chang Yong was not afraid or frightened. There is a little more smile.

What happened just now was just on his own initiative. Chang Yong is not stupid. Although he is strong, there are Chang Zhong, Ji Xiang, and Liu Xi on the opposite side. If these three people fight him alone, Chang Yong will really None of them looked in their eyes, but the three of them didn't even know what the face was, and they shot together, it was shameless!

Even if Chang Yong is powerful, he can't stand the siege of three people, let alone in such a small and sealed place like a box, there may be no chance to escape if something goes wrong, so Chang Yong naturally put himself in a desperate situation.

How else can I say Chang Yong, he is a ruthless person!

He was cruel enough to himself. In order not to let himself fall into a desperate situation and have a chance to escape, he directly took an auspicious punch in the box, but fortunately, Chang Yong had already prepared for this, and he voluntarily punched him. , because only in this way can he have a chance to escape from the box.

Sure enough, Chang Yong's strategy worked. Ji Xiang, who fought against Chang Yong, saw that Chang Yong showed his flaws, and didn't know that this was Chang Yong's scheme. There was a mistake, and he punched it immediately.

But this is what Chang Yong was waiting for. Although Chang Yong's expression was flustered and unruffled, he had been prepared for a long time, and suddenly shifted his body. It should have been a punch on the chest, but it hit Chang Yong. On Yong's shoulder, Chang Yong took advantage of the situation and flew out directly, and the direction he flew out happened to be the door of the box.

Without the slightest accident, Chang Yong directly knocked down the door, and then fell out of the box. In order to achieve a realistic effect, Chang Yong didn't even have any resistance except for using a little bit of strength to unload the force. , and this time he hit the door hard, he slammed into the door with a heavy back, and received a lot of shock, his internal organs were shaken, and he suffered some injuries.

But what Chang Yong wanted to achieve, he had already achieved, he escaped completely from the urn in the box.

Next, it was up to Chang Yong to decide whether to fight or flee.

Seeing Chang Yong standing outside the private room, a smile of conspiratorial success suddenly appeared on his face, Chang Zhong, Ji Xiang, and Liu Xi were excited, and they yelled in their hearts, it's not exhausting!

Because they also discovered a problem, that is, Chang Yong ran out of the box. They were confident that they could suppress Chang Yong in the box, but outside the box, they didn't have the confidence. At that time, Chang Yong Whether you want to fight or leave, Chang Yong has the final say, not him (Li's) and others.

At this moment, Jixiang was extremely regretful. If he had known this result, he would not have been fooled by Chang Yong just now. Even if he didn't hit that punch, he would have trapped Chang Yong in the box But it's too late to say anything now.

Chang Yong had already escaped. Although Chang Yong was allowed to escape from the box, Chang Zhong, Ji Xiang, and Liu Xi would not give up easily. Instead, they chose to walk out of the box and surrounded Chang Yong again. , this time the three of them were more cautious, and they didn't even move for a while, and shot first.

But the whole nightclub is different. The violent noise just now completely startled the people in the whole nightclub. Now that there is a fight in the nightclub, although many people want to stay and watch the fun, if they want to be dangerous, they still choose They dispersed, and the crowd left the nightclub screaming.

It's good to watch the fun, but your own life is even more important! .

Chapter 940 The Second Behavior of a Villain!

For a moment, the sound of panic and screams was endless, and a large number of people rushed out of the nightclub. Many people were pushed to the ground amidst pushing and shoving, but those who usually claim to be civilized People didn't care about other things at this time, they stepped on these fallen people without hesitation, and flocked to the gate one after another, wanting to escape first.

The selfishness of human nature can be seen at this moment!

Those people who were pushed to the ground wanted to ask for help, but they were completely desperate in the next second, because those people didn't even look at them, but directly stepped on them, completely ignoring took them.

And these people who fell on the ground struggled desperately to get up, but it was really useless, because the flow of people was too turbulent, and it was impossible for them to struggle up.

As a result, these people who fell on the ground were run over by a large group of people mercilessly. When all the people had already rushed out of the nightclub and fled far away to confirm their safety, these people A customer who fell on the ground and was only one step away from the gate of the nightclub had no chance to walk out of the gate of the nightclub. go out.

But this is really too difficult for them. Their bodies have been severely injured and suffered huge internal injuries from the stampede just now.

Even if it is sent to the hospital for emergency treatment now, it may not be able to survive, let alone no one dares to approach the nightclub at this time, but some people who have gone out have already called the police, but the police came here , It will still take a while. During this time, these people may not be able to hold on to 500.

In the distance, Wang Jin, who was sitting at the bar, also sighed. It can be said that these people suffered an indiscriminate disaster. If they hadn't appeared in the nightclub today, they would definitely not have ended up like this.

However, at night, if you don’t sleep well at home, but you want to go out to play wildly, you will naturally have to bear the corresponding risks. After all, such things as natural disasters and man-made disasters may happen every day. the same.

At this time, the nightclub, after the flurry of escape just now, the nightclub has completely become quiet from the noisy and lively atmosphere, only the non-rotating neon lights prove that this place was a lively nightclub before.

Wang Jin was the only spectator in this nightclub, and the other irrelevant people were completely scared away. The reason why Wang Jin didn't run away was naturally because he didn't need to run away. He came here to deal with Chang Yong, now Chang Yong is not far away, why did he run?

Besides, there is still a good show of "Three Greats Fighting Lu Bu". Wang Jin hasn't finished watching the play yet, and he hasn't done what he wanted to do.

Therefore, Wang Jin sat quietly in front of the bar, staring at Chang Yong with great interest, as well as Chang Zhong, Ji Xiang, and Liu Xi with a glass of wine. The four of them were fighting in the box before, and Wang Jin didn't even have time to fight. Appreciation, now the four of them have gone from the inside of the box to the outside of the box, wouldn't it be a pity if we don't take a good look at it?

The four people in the distance did not know that there were still people staying in the entire nightclub. They thought that everyone had escaped from the crowd just now. The first reaction is to leave, which has long been engraved in the depths of their souls.

The four of them didn't think that someone would risk their lives to stay, so they didn't pay too much attention to the surrounding environment. In the subconscious of the four of them, the entire nightclub had been completely emptied, which indirectly became their battlefield , and then they will have a good fight.

This is also due to the dark environment of the nightclub, with extremely poor visibility, and only a little neon light, which brings insignificant light, but it is not enough to illuminate the entire nightclub space. If the entire nightclub was brightly lit, they would have noticed Wang Jin, who was sitting on the other side of the bar, was gone.

Not to mention that Wang Jin was sitting at the bar watching a show, and Chang Yong was once again surrounded by three people, and he had a bad feeling in his heart. Although the three wanted to defeat him, they couldn't do it for a while, but if they continued to delay If it goes on, it's hard to say. After all, Chang Yong is also a mortal. After fighting for such a long time, it is also exhausted, especially in terms of physical strength.

Chang Yong has already felt that his breathing is a little uneven, and his physical strength is also greatly consumed. Facing masters like Chang Yong and Jixiang, even if Chang Yong is stronger than the two, he still needs to concentrate and do his best. Go all out, and this kind of consumption of physical strength is really too big, even with Chang Yong's strong physique, it will be too much for a while.

That's why, when Chang Yong was thrown out of the box, he stood up and wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, and then it was up to him to fight or run, but what Chang Yong didn't expect was that Chang Zhong and Ji Xiang would react so quickly.

Almost when he stood up, the three of them rushed out of the box, divided into three directions, surrounded him, and did not give him the slightest room to escape, that is to say (ceej) that if Chang Yong wanted to run away , unless you break through forcefully from one of the three, you won't be able to escape.

This also made Chang Yong a little uncomfortable. It was an excellent opportunity to escape, but now it is completely gone.

However, Chang Yong wasn't too disappointed. Since he couldn't steal the chicken, he should force himself. Anyway, none of the three of them are his opponents. If he really wants to run away, he only needs to pay a little price. He can still run away, so Chang Yong is not too worried. What he has to do now is to adjust his breathing and regain his strength.

Therefore, in the face of the encirclement of the three, he did not choose to take the lead. Instead, he secretly recovered his strength, while scanning the faces of the three, delaying time and questioning them.

"What exactly do you want to do? Do you want to stay with me forever?"

When he said this, Chang Yong's ferocious aura was mixed with a tragic breath. It seemed that if the three of them really wanted to live forever, he would find someone to die together. He said this just to let The three of them were afraid of this, but none of them noticed the treacherous light in his eyes, which flashed past.

Faced with Chang Yong's verbal threats, Chang Zhong, Ji Xiang, and Liu Xi were also terrified. They had already fought Chang Yong in the box just now, and they knew Chang Yong's strength deeply. If Chang Yong really wanted to die together , the three of them may really suffer casualties, and at least one of them will die in the hands of Chang Yong.

In the face of death, no one is not afraid, and the three of them are no exception. Looking at each other, the three of them have an idea in their hearts, which makes Chang Yong feel desperate and wants to die together. Fo Tianzhu called out, only to see Ji Xiang standing up.

"Chang Yong, hand over the Gongfo Dzi, that is not something you can have, as long as you hand over the Gongfo Dzi, we can decide to let you go!"

"Is this true?"

Chang Yong almost died of anger, where did he get the Gongfo Dzi Beads, but his eyeballs still rolled and he had a bad idea in his mind.


Ji Xiang glanced at Chang Zhong and Liu Xi, seeing that they had no objection, he immediately promised Chang Yong.

"Okay, then I will hand over the Gongfo Dzi Bead to you, whoever you come here!"

After hearing Ji Xiang's words, Chang Yong seemed to be relieved, and his vigilance seemed to be relaxed at this moment, then he pointed to Liu Xi who was not far away, and put his left hand into his pocket again.

Liu Xi saw Chang Yong pointing at himself, and saw Chang Yong put his hand into his pocket, thinking that Chang Yong was going to give him the Gongfo Dzi Bead, and with Chang Zhong and Jixiang beside him, Liu Xi didn't Too worried, walked towards Chang Yong.

When Liu Xi came three steps away from Chang Yong, Chang Yong took out the left and right sides from his pockets, as if they were holding something, Liu Xi was attracted by it, and looked over directly, but Liu Xi's whole body His scalp was numb, his body was cold, and a strong sense of crisis enveloped him. It turned out that what Chang Yong took out was not a Gongfo Dzi Bead at all, but a black wallet.

Just when Liu Xi felt bad, it was already too late, Chang Yong had already come in front of Liu Xi, his left hand hit the money bar on Liu Xi's face, blocking his sight, his right hand was already like an eagle's claw , clutching Liu Xi's neck tightly.

Chapter 940 The third chapter is useless!

"what are you doing!"

"Stop me!"

Seeing Chang Yong's unfaithful villain behavior, Chang Zhong and Ji Xiang were extremely frightened and angry, and they all yelled at Chang Yong, wanting to step forward to rescue Liu Xi.

At the same time, they secretly regretted that they shouldn't be so careless. They all knew that Chang Yong was not a good person, but they didn't take too much precautions against Chang Yong. They let Chang Yong succeed and subdued Liu Xi. It's also because the three of them are too confident, thinking that under the power of the three of them, Chang Yong has no choice but to surrender except to perish together.

To die together, even they would not choose, let alone someone like Chang Yong, so they all felt that surrendering the Gongfo Dzi was Chang Yong's only choice, who knew that Chang Yong would have such insidiousness The behavior of the villain suddenly made them suffer a lot.

Of course, this is because they don't know that Chang Yong doesn't have any tribute dzi beads in his hands, and he can't hand them over at all. Since he can't call out tribute dzi beads and doesn't want to die, he can only play some tricks up.

If he really had the Gongfo Dzi Bead in his hand, Chang Yong would definitely exchange his own life without hesitation. After all, compared with his own life, the mere Gongfo Dzi Bead is nothing, but unfortunately he does not have it in his hand. We can only take the risk.

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