But today, Wang Jin felt that things were different. After touching the Gongfo Dzi Bead, Wang Jin obviously felt that his body became more energetic and energetic, as if the whole person was a few years younger.

Thinking about it, Gongfo Dzi Bead has always been rumored to have the ability to cure terminal illnesses. Wang Jin's curiosity arose immediately. What is this Gongfo Dzi Bead that has such a strange ability? ?

If he hadn't touched Gongfo Dzi Beads before, Wang Jin would never believe that Gongfo Dzi Beads had this ability, but after contacting Gongfo Dzi Beads, Wang Jin believed it, because he really felt that Gongfo Dzi Beads were affecting him A certain kind of influence, this kind of influence obviously has no harm, only benefits, otherwise Wang Jin would not feel that his whole state has changed for the better.

Now, Wang Jin is completely (Li Dehao) interested in the Gongfo Dzi Beads. Could it be that the Gongfo Dzi Beads are really something miraculous, and they are the relics of the Living Buddha?

If it is not a thing of gods and Buddhas, why does it have such an impact on the human body?

Wang Jin didn't dare to say anything else. After personally contacting Gongfo Dzi Beads, Wang Jin can affirm that after a long period of contact, the ability to prolong life is absolutely there, because it will make certain elements in the human body change. be more energetic.

As for whether terminal illness can be cured, this Wang Jin can't guarantee it, but as the saying goes, there may not be rumors. If there is no such thing, there will be no such rumors, so there should still be some possibility. reliability.

This made Wang Jin even more curious. What is the Gongfo Dzi Bead? It has so many strange abilities. Wang Jin decided to investigate it thoroughly.

Chapter 950 Two Mysteries

In the past, the Gongfo Dzi Bead was not in Wang Jin's hands, and Wang Jin only knew a little about its magic, and most of them were hearsay, so it was impossible to verify whether it was true or not.

In fact, Wang Jin probably didn't believe these legends before. After all, he had investigated those idealistic forces for so long, but he hadn't gained anything. Wang Jin had completely given up. He felt that apart from his own system, There should be no other supernatural abilities in this world, otherwise, with his current power and status, it is impossible not to find out.

The reason why Wang Jin wants to investigate this is also to see if there is such a special ability in this world, so as to learn from it, and see if it can make him stronger and seek longevity.

Longevity, this is the goal that countless people have been pursuing throughout the ages. Whether it is emperors, generals, monks, or priests, they have all pursued this road, but whether anyone has succeeded, all of this has long been dusted in the ancient world. It cannot be found in history.

But for Wang Jin, this meaning is completely different. He has traveled from another world, and he is also a soul traveler, and he has a system in his body. It is possible that it exists.

Although it is not found in this world, it does not mean that it is not found outside this world. After all, the universe is vast, and the world under our feet is just an insignificant planet. In the vast and boundless universe, 513 is just a drop in the ocean.

Wang Jin wasn't too disappointed when he didn't find what he wanted. After all, he couldn't find it in this world, and he still had a system to rely on. As long as he mentioned the mythical treasure chest, Wang Jin believed that he could still live forever. After all, a treasure chest of the mythical level is something that breaks through the ordinary world. Longevity may be at your fingertips. Of course, it is only a chance. No one knows what will be opened in the mythical treasure chest.

What if it doesn't allow people to live forever?

Wang Jin searched for those special powers, and also wanted to leave a way out for himself, but this way out was completely cut off after a while, because there is no special power in this world.

Wang Jin also thought so before that. Since the road in this world is blocked, we can only wait for news from the system, but now Wang Jin doesn't think so.

The appearance of the Gongfo Dzi Bead completely broke Wang Jin's expectations. This is the power that Wang Jin has been longing for, because the power contained in the Gongfo Dzi Bead seems to be consistent with what Wang Jin needs to seek. Some of them are too faint, if Wang Jin's perception is not so keen, it may be difficult to find them.

Of course, if you carry the Gongfo Dzi Beads all year round, it may have a bigger and better effect, but Wang Jin does not want to occupy the Gongfo Dzi Beads, but wants to trace the source and find out how the Gongfo Dzi Beads are. Appeared, and what is the source of power in it, and why such an effect occurs.

These are what Wang Jin wants to pursue, and if he wants to know these things, it is inevitable to study them in depth.

Perhaps, put the Gongfo Dzi Bead in the world's top experiment, and after a period of research, Wang Jin will be informed of the results.

Such a top-level laboratory does not exist in Xiangjiang. Even if Wang Jin is willing to spend money to build a laboratory, he still cannot recruit talents. Xiangjiang is still too small.

Moreover, it will take two or three years to build the world's top laboratory, but Wang Jin doesn't have that much time to spend, he just wants to know the results as soon as possible.

With such a long time to build the laboratory, maybe Wang Jin has already completed the replacement of the mythical treasure chest, why is he looking for other things?

Therefore, Wang Jin needs all the information about the Gongfo Dzi Bead, and the sooner the better.

Building a laboratory in Xiangjiang cannot achieve Wang Jin's goal quickly. Instead, it is sent abroad, and an answer may soon be given to him.


Among Wang Jin's forces, there is also a top-notch laboratory, which is controlled by the Cobra Tactical Team.

The Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad is not just a mercenary organization. Behind them, there is a huge interest group that controls a laboratory. Pensions, as well as logistical supplies, where do they come from?

These are all money, if only relying on the mission commission, the Cobra Tactical Assassination Squad would have closed down long ago, and it is impossible to develop more and more powerful.

Although Wang Jin had heard before that there was a top-notch laboratory behind the cobra, he had never paid attention to it. After all, Wang Jin was not a scientist, and he was not interested in research, so he just listened to it.

But now, Wang Jin needs the power of this laboratory to help him analyze the Gongfo Dzi.

Thinking of this, Wang Jin took out his phone and dialed a number, the call was connected not long after, Wang Jin and the other party told their plans, the other party did not hesitate, but Immediately agreed to let someone come and take away the Gongfo dzi.

Hanging up the phone, Wang Jin was not kept waiting. Half an hour later, someone outside Wang Jin's room knocked on the door of Wang Jin's room.

After confirming the identity of the other party, Wang Jin handed the Gongfo Dzi directly to the other party, and asked the other party to send the Gongfo Dzi abroad overnight and take it to the laboratory for research. The other party did not ask why, just a serious point He nodded, and then disappeared into the night.

After more than a week, Wang Jin finally waited for the news. Cobra's contact person personally called to tell Wang Jin that there was already news about the research on the Gongfo Dzi Bead.

After receiving this call, Wang Jin was also breathing heavily. He really wanted to know what kind of secrets were contained in the Gongfo Dzi Bead.

And on the phone, the contact person didn't try to keep it to himself, but told Wang Jin all the latest things that the laboratory had researched.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Jin sat on his seat, muttering to himself while frowning.

"It turns out that the Gongfo Dzi Bead is not made of the earth, but is cast the day after tomorrow. It contains a trace of meteorite material. The reason why it has such an effect is because the meteorite has a special energy that can affect the magnetic field of the human body. ? So as to achieve the effects of prolonging life and curing terminal diseases? It’s just that the ability is too weak, and it takes a long time to wear it to obtain a qualitative change. Unless you find the body of the meteorite material, can you determine whether it has a heaven-defying effect on the human body?”

Wang Jin rubbed his temples involuntarily, trying to trace the source and find the body of the meteorite in the Gongfo Dzi Bead, how difficult it is.

Who knows when the Gongfo Dzi Bead was cast, what's more, even if the age of casting is known, who knows if the body of the meteorite is still there, and where is it?

If there is no written record, it is undoubtedly like looking for a needle in a haystack! .

Chapter 950: The Big Tree Attracts the Wind!

Although Wang Jin was not very satisfied with the results of the world's top laboratories, Wang Jin also had a great understanding of the Gongfo Dzi Bead, at least he was no longer confused, and it was also in Wang Jin's heart left an impression.

At the same time, let Wang Jin know that the Gongfo Dzi Bead is not a product of this world, but something from outer space. The reason why it produces a special effect is that the mysterious meteorite affects the magnetic field of the human body. Changing the human body is not the mysterious ability he imagined.

This can be explained scientifically, which made Wang Jin feel a little disappointed at the same time as he was happy.

After all, what he is looking for is mysterious power, not something that can be explained by science. Even if Wang Jin knows something that can be explained by science, it will be useless. The slightest influence of the magnetic field will have some effect on ordinary people. For Wang Jin, it is completely dispensable.

If he could find the source of the meteorite, Wang Jin might still be interested, but now that so many years have passed, who knows where the source of the meteorite is-?

Wang Jin is not very interested in things that have long been dusted in the long river of history, and he has to spend a lot of money to find them.

If Wang Jin didn't have a system, maybe he still had some interest. After all, if he could find the source of the Gongfo Dzi Bead, he might be able to avoid all diseases and prolong his life. These are things that ordinary people are extremely eager for.

But with the system in his body, these are dispensable to Wang Jin. Although Wang Jin doesn't know how much life he has, but after being transformed by the super serum, Wang Jin's vitality has become extremely strong. Even He himself can't say how long he can live, anyway, 150 years old is at least.

It is rumored that the lifespan limit of an ordinary person is 120 to 130 years old when there is no disease or disaster, but Wang Jin's body has already broken through the limit of the human body, and it cannot be judged according to ordinary people, so the number of 150 years old, Wang Jin Jin still estimated according to the reduction, and it may be more than this number.

The current Wang Jin is only in his 20s. Even if he can only live to be around 150 years old, he still has 120 years to live!

Therefore, Wang Jin is not worried about his life span at all. As long as he continues to sign in, longevity is not a fantasy for him.

Throughout the ages, what countless people have longed for, for Wang Jin, as long as he works diligently and conscientiously, it may be within his reach.

Wang Jin would investigate this matter out of curiosity. Now that he knew it would be difficult to find out, Wang Jin simply stopped investigating. Wouldn't it be nice to sign in honestly?

In the days that followed, Wang Jin resumed his nine-to-five routine, clocking in for work. This was also Wang Jin's favorite day, relaxed and comfortable without stress.

Xiangjiang also recovered a piece of calm, and there was no case, so it was too comfortable to annoy Wang Jin.

The Gongfo Dzi Bead was also sent back to China from abroad. Now that the Gongfo Dzi Bead has been thoroughly tested, and knowing that the Gongfo Dzi Bead is not what he was looking for, Wang Jin has no intention of occupying it.

After all, Wang Jin didn't have any hobbies for collecting, and the Gongfo Dzi Beads were really useless to Wang Jin, so Wang Jin sent the Gongfo Dzi Beads back to Jixiang.

Jixiang is very grateful for this. Although the Gongfo Dzi Bead is a national treasure, there are many national treasures in the north, and this one is not bad, so the value is not high.

But for the lamas of Jixiang, Gongfo Dzi Beads are the fetishes of their sects and cannot be lost.

The reason why Jixiang stayed in Xiangjiang for such a long time is also because he really has no face to go back. He escorted the Gongfo Dzi Bead, but lost the Gongfo Dzi Bead on the way. How could he have any face? go back?

If he doesn't find the Gongfo Dzi Bead, he will never go back in his life. Now that the Gongfo Dzi Bead is finally recovered, Jixiang is very happy, but at the same time he is happy, Jixiang is also a little disappointed. After all, when he came, a large number of people came Many lamas escorted the Gongfo Dzi Beads, but now when they brought the Gongfo Dzi Beads back, there are very few of them. They all sacrificed on the way to protect the Gongfo Dzi Beads, which is really tragic.

What Wang Jin couldn't bear the most was this kind of sensationalism, so after he sent the Gongfo Dzi Bead back to Jixiang, he didn't meet Jixiang again, and even when Jixiang left, Wang Jin didn't go to see him off.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

For Wang Jin, Jixiang is just a passer-by in his life. Even if he has made friends because of this case, with Jixiang's departure, there may not be any chance to meet in the future, so there is no need for Wang Jin to see him off , looking for trouble!

On the contrary, it's better to drink cigarettes and coffee in the office, read newspapers and TV, it's refreshing.

Moreover, there have been no major cases recently, so Wang Jin's life should not be too comfortable. As the boss of the New Territories North Region, he is completely the local emperor of the New Territories North. Everything is up to him, and no one dares to intervene.


He can leave anything to the people below, and be a hand-off shopkeeper, but even so, the people below are very grateful to Wang Jin, because in their view, this is Wang Jin's trust in them, It's the decentralization of power for them, otherwise, wouldn't it be nice for Wang Jin, as the number one boss in New Territories North, to hold all the power in his hands?

It's a pity that these people have no vision and can't see people in the upper world at all. Maybe some of them can see the way, but as the saying goes, the butt determines the head, and the seat below them is not their turn. To think about these things, as long as the things in hand are done well.

Undoubtedly, Wang Jin is the one who sees the most clearly. Others can make meritorious deeds and be promoted, but Wang Jin can't, even if Wang Jin is dancing for joy. The position has already caused a huge disturbance. Although there are many people who admire him, there will be more people who secretly envy and hate him, and even wish for something to happen to Wang Jin!

They were all waiting to see Wang Jin's liveliness and jokes!

Such a shrewd person like Wang Jin, how could he let those people get what they want? Only Wang Jin has ever seen other people's jokes, and no one can read Wang Jin's jokes!

Therefore, Wang Jin's silence was voluntary. Anyway, everything in New Territories North was on the right track, and he was not needed at all, so he was naturally happy to be at ease.

Chapter 950 Four unwritten rules!

Sleep until you wake up naturally, count money until your hands cramp!

This is probably the biggest dream in everyone's heart, but I'm afraid there are not many people who can really realize this one. Most people in the world are struggling for a living, and they don't have this opportunity to realize it. different.

But for Wang Jin, although he is young, these two things have already been achieved.

Sleeping until you wake up naturally, needless to say, even if you sleep in the office during the day, no one dares to say a word to Wang Jin, he can sleep as long as he wants.

As for counting the money and getting cramps, it would be even more exaggerated. The money in the account is just one to Wang Jin. If Wang Jin withdraws all his money, he may not be able to count it for several days. , There are too many, Wang Jin even suspects that he will make a mistake when he counts.

 "May [-]" Therefore, these two dreams in everyone's hearts have long been realized by Wang Jin, and his pursuit of life is different now.

In the days when there were no cases, Wang Jin felt that he was still a little confused and didn't know what to do. He liked the life of salted fish, but after living with salted fish for too long, Wang Jin also felt boring.

When Wang Jin was very quiet and thinking about moving, wanting to move his body and bones, and wanting to see what was going on, he suddenly discovered that there was no case at all. It's done.

Immediately, Wang Jin was a little silent. The people under him were too capable, and it didn't look like a good thing. This made the boss feel like he was a little redundant.

But Wang Jin was in a good mood, so he didn't take it to heart, he just felt a little boring.

Lying on the chair in the office, Wang Jin looked at the ceiling with dull eyes, sighed in his heart, and cheered himself up.

"It seems that the life of a salted fish is not easy. I am really an unqualified salted fish. I still need to continue to work hard!"

Facing the life of salted fish that countless people can completely envy to death, Wang Jin actually felt that salted fish was too long and he couldn't bear it.

Just as Wang Jin was staring at the ceiling, in a daze of boredom, there was a sudden knock on his office door.

"come in!"

Hearing someone knock on the door, Wang Jin, who was slumped on the boss's chair, shouted to the door weakly.

Immediately, after hearing Wang Jin's voice, the people outside opened the office door and walked in. Seeing Wang Jin limp like a salted fish, it was as if they hadn't seen it.

It has been a long time since Wang Jin came to the New Territories North Region, and everyone knows what Wang Jin does.

This immediate boss, indeed, has strong ability, high emotional intelligence, and can delegate power to the subordinates, but it seems that there are also shortcomings, that is, Wang Jin will lie in the office like a salted fish when there is nothing to do. He still talked about it, but after Wang Jin's deputy got mad at many of his subordinates once, no one dared to talk about it anymore. After all, talking about the boss is not a good habit.

By now, everyone is used to Wang Jin's behavior, and they ignore it when they see it. After all, Wang Jin is such a good boss, and he can't meet a few in 800 years. Doing things according to one's own preferences, such a boss, who doesn't like it.

"Wang sir!"

Wang Jin squinted his eyes and saw that a soft and cute young girl came into the office, so he raised some strength and asked.

"what's up?"

"That's right, Sir Wang! Isn't it the end of the year soon? What about our condolence activities at the police station? I want you to get a charter!"

The soft and cute girl immediately told Wang Jin the purpose of her coming in. She knew that Wang Jin was not a nonsense boss, and she liked to talk about the main points directly.

"What? A condolence event? We still have this thing in our police station?"

Wang Jin's eyes darkened, and he was a little dumbfounded. Why hadn't he heard of such things as police stations and condolence activities.

"Wang sir, it's like this..."

Seeing that Wang Jin didn't seem to know anything, the soft and cute girl suddenly remembered that Wang Jin might not have experienced such a thing, and quickly explained to Wang Jin.

After some explanations, Wang Jin finally knew what this condolence event was for!

It turned out that in the police force, there is also an unwritten rule, that is, at the end of the year, as the boss of a locality, he has to go down to inspect and give condolences, and recognize the people below.

After all, the police force is also an assembly line environment. Many people may be transferred from their posts in a short time and replaced by other people. Some remote branches may not come to the General Administration once a year. The boss, of course, will go to the branch office to have a look, appease the emotions of the branch office staff, and tell them that the General Administration is still concerned about their situation, the General Administration has not forgotten them, as long as they work hard, they will have the opportunity to be transferred to the General Administration. . . .

This can be regarded as drawing a big cake and mobilizing the enthusiasm of his subordinates!

Hearing that it was this kind of condolence activity, Wang Jin was not interested in it at first, so he planned to arrange it directly for his deputy, and let the other party go to condolences.

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