Later, these guys changed their approach and thinking. Since your New Territories North Region is operating like a railway, you can't get in with a needle or splashed with water, so I will run around and commit crimes.

It is impossible for your other districts to be like the New Territories North District, where needles cannot be inserted and water can not be splashed!

Impossible, everyone is Wang Jin, right?

These thugs who had opened their minds rushed straight into other districts. When they got there, they realized that the outside world was simply a paradise!

After breaking away from the shackles of the New Territories North Region, the sky is so high that birds can fly, and the sea can be widened by fishes!

The efficiency of the police stations in other districts is simply not at the same level as that of the New Territories North Region. The difference is too far.

And among these thieves, there are also a few people, because of their courage and ruthless methods, they began to make a name for themselves, known as the king of thieves! .

Chapter 970 Five Three Thieves, Three Lives!

Ye Guohuan, Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong and the three of them roamed around Xiangjiang, committing crimes, robbing homes and houses with vicious and cruel methods, and even dared to confront the police head-on. They were called the three kings of thieves!

Which one of these three kings of thieves has not been stained with the blood of a poor man?

The Xiangjiang police force hated these three people even more, and wished they could deal with them quickly.

But these three kings of thieves are also masters of monkeys and monkeys, and each has its own different methods. Ye Guohuan likes to rob gold shops and uses ak!

If an ordinary person robs a gold shop, he must run as fast as he can, but Ye Guohuan is not. As one of the three kings of thieves, Ye Guohuan naturally has his own characteristics.

That is, every time after a gold shop is robbed, they will not leave directly, but will wait until the policemen arrive at the scene, after a gunfight with the policemen, and the policemen who beat them can't hold their heads up before leaving the scene. This kind of arrogance can be seen clearly!

Ji Zhengxiong likes to act alone, and likes to change his identity. Once he commits a crime, he changes his name and hiding place. If Ji Zhengxiong does not come out to commit crimes, no one knows where he will be, because Ji Zhengxiong has no accomplices. , is also the most difficult to find traces among the three.

If you want to say who is the smartest among the three, it is undoubtedly the top 24 of the table. If the two thief kings in front rely on force to eat, then the top of the table depends on their brains.

Zhuo Qiang never robs houses, because he thinks that he is a rough man, and the real king of thieves should rely on his brains instead of force, so Zhuo Qiang has always only done one thing, which is to borrow money.

This so-called borrowing money is not the same thing as borrowing money in our understanding.

Zhuoqiang's borrowing money is actually kidnapping, kidnapping the family members of the rich, and then visiting the rich people in person to borrow money from the rich.

During the period, even if he called the police, it would have no effect. As long as Zhuo Ziqiang refused to admit that he was kidnapped, he could only be detained at the police station for 48 hours at most, because there was no evidence pointing to Zhuo Ziqiang's kidnapping.

But when Zhuo Ziqiang came out of the police station, what awaited the rich were the cold corpses of his family members.

Since then, Zhuo Ziqiang's reputation has been completely established, and he has never had any problems when he asked someone to borrow money. The thing that made Zhuo Ziqiang's reputation the most sensational was to find a rich man and borrow 30 billion.

Moreover, he borrowed 30 billion in front of the messenger. This kind of arrogant and domineering style is worthy of the name of the king of thieves!

What Zhuo Ziqiang is best at, apart from kidnapping and negotiating, is to find weaknesses. Rich people always have bodyguards, but he can always find opportunities in the cracks, and kidnap people when there are no bodyguards around the rich , This is what is scary, because you don't know when you will be in Zhuo Ziqiang's hands when you realize it.

Facing Zhuo Ziqiang, many rich people can only choose to admit defeat and lend money to Zhuo Ziqiang, otherwise their relatives will become corpses, and the rich people's submission again and again also fuels Zhuo Ziqiang's arrogance , making Zhuo Ziqiang more and more disregarding the bad guy.

Even, blatantly playing a game of chasing each other and hide-and-seek with the poor guy.

Among the three kings of thieves, the one who lived the most comfortable life was Zhuo Ziqiang, who lived in luxury cars and mansions, was a celebrity and young model, went in and out to eat in big hotels, spent money like water, and was aboveboard, with bad guys following behind.

Even if you know that in front of you is Zhuo Ziqiang, one of the three kings of thieves, there is nothing you can do, because Zhuo Ziqiang's resume is really cleaner than a human face, and you can't catch anything.

The life of the other two is not so easy. Although they are not short of money, they are hiding all day long. They are already on the wanted warrant and cannot easily show their faces!

I don't know when the news of the three famous thieves began to fade away. Except for Zhuo Ziqiang who was still active in the Xiangjiang police force, Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong seemed to be a part of the sea. The dripping water completely disappeared.

Even with the resources and energy of the police force, they couldn't find the slightest clue about Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong, but the Xiangjiang police force did not give up so easily. They increased the rewards for Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong, and the amount of rewards was already open. To 100 million, but still not the slightest clue!

Gradually, the Xiangjiang Police Force no longer put all their attention on Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong. The Xiangjiang Police Force has so many things to deal with every day, how could it be possible to waste the police force? on the guy?

As long as Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong don't come out to commit crimes, the Xiangjiang police force is wasting their police force to find them. It's better to wait until there are clues.

The days passed day by day like this. Except for Zhuo Ziqiang who was still active in the sight of the three famous thief kings, the other two seemed to have evaporated from the world. No one knew where they went.

In fact, Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong did not leave Xiangjiang too far, they just changed their appearance and changed their identities, wandering between Xiangjiang and the mainland.

For example, Ye Guohuan changed his face, became Mr. Zhang, and opened an electrical appliance store. This was also after Ye Guohuan's robbery in the past, he encountered an upright smuggling fleet on the water, and he was completely shocked.

Especially when I heard that smuggling electrical appliances can earn [-]% of the price difference, Ye Guohuan almost jumped out of excitement. sell for ten thousand.

Isn't this faster than stealing money?

As long as the supply of goods is sufficient, I am afraid that 530 can earn hundreds of millions, and compared to the risk of robbing houses, doing this kind of smuggling business, as long as the relationship is established and there is a backer behind it, there is really no risk at all. It's just lying down and making money.

Why did Ye Guohuan come out to hang out? Isn't it just for money, so that he can live a chic life and let his brothers get rich?

With this kind of way now, if you are doing things like robbing houses, it is simply difficult for money.

Ye Guohuan is naturally not the kind of person who can't get along with money. Ye Guohuan, who happened to have funds in his hand, directly chose to remain anonymous, led his own staff, established an electrical company, and started his smuggling career.

This is also the reason why Ye Guohuan disappeared completely later on. Who would have thought that the king of thieves would actually set up his own electrical company, change his face, and have a serious identity, although he is not doing any serious business.

But no one would have thought that the owner of an electrical appliance company would be the king of thieves!

Calculated in this way, it can also be said that it is dark under the lamp!

In this way, Ye Guohuan, one of the three kings of thieves, completely changed his name and surname, and went into hiding in Xiangjiang.

In comparison, Ji Zhengxiong, one of the three kings of thieves, is really the worst one with Ye Guohuan's precise vision and the opportunity to seize opportunities, compared to the strong scenery of the table, and none of them! .

Chapter 970 Six Three Thieves, Three Lives!

The strong scenery of the table is infinite, naturally because he relies on his brain to act, and he has made plans and plans early in the morning, so that his identity on the surface is maintained bright and bright, except for a few pieces of information about the violation of the car. In addition, with Zhuo Ziqiang's identity, he did not commit any crimes.

Even a bad guy, but also to take Zhuo Ziqiang, there is no other way but to let it go, at most it is to follow and monitor, to see if he can find Zhuo Ziqiang's flaws, although he knows it is impossible, but what if?

Zhuo Ziqiang never allowed himself to be exposed to illegal and criminal matters, except for one thing, that is, when he personally went to borrow money from someone, Zhuo Ziqiang would personally go out and negotiate with people.

As for other things, he will leave it to other people to handle, and he will never touch it himself. This is why the Xiangjiang Police Force knows that Zhuo Ziqiang is the king of thieves, but they have nothing to do with him. Kidnapped, and there is no evidence that Zhuo Ziqiang did it. This is Zhuo Ziqiang's cleverness.

Ye Guohuan is also not short of money. After having sufficient funds in his hand, he started an electrical appliance company, and after opening up various joints, Ye Guohuan's electrical appliance business really flourished, smuggling between the mainland and Xiangjiang Electric appliances, a lot of money was earned, and even the desk in his office was full of money.

Even, Ye Guohuan had so much money that Ye Guohuan had never seen so much money in his entire life!

Compared with the above two, the king of thieves, Ji Zhengxiong is far worse.

Ji Zhengxiong was cautious by nature, cruel and merciless, and never trusted anyone. Because of this, he always acted alone, so naturally he didn't have any subordinates or influence.

Only when he was robbing, would he temporarily find someone to act with him, and then after the robbery was over, he would divide up the loot, change his appearance, and disappear completely.

Moreover, every time Ji Zhengxiong commits crimes, he uses different identities and names, as if no one knows how many false identities Ji Zhengxiong has.

It is precisely because of this that Ji Zhengxiong is the most mysterious of the three kings of thieves, because people who have met Ji Zhengxiong before are basically dead, and those who cooperated with Ji Zhengxiong in the future do not know what Ji Zhengxiong really is. I only know Ji Zhengxiong's nickname, such as Brother Coke, Brother Chao, Brother Shui, etc. These are all false identities of Ji Zhengxiong.

It is precisely because his identity is well concealed that no one knows his true details, so Ji Zhengxiong never thought of changing his career, anyway, as long as he has no money, he just comes out to grab it.

In the beginning, Ji Zhengxiong's life was naturally the most unrestrained, because he didn't need to worry about anything, he only needed to spend money to play, but as Ji Zhengxiong spent money like water, when he spent all his money, it was almost At this time, he will naturally start to think of ways to commit crimes and make money.

And this is not an easy process, scouting locations, arranging plans, and even recruiting people, all of which need to be done by Ji Zhengxiong alone. This process often takes a week, or even half a month, which is very tiring.

Ji Zhengxiong, who is cautious by nature, will never allow others to do this kind of thing, because he is not at ease when it is done, and he can only be completely at ease if he does it himself!

In fact, Ji Zhengxiong hadn't thought about doing something big. After all, his title of king of thieves, Ji Zhengxiong, was so resounding that it would be a bit wasteful to rob some mere gold shops.

But then, Ji Zhengxiong, who was cautious by nature, thought that as one of the three kings of thieves, his name was already resounding enough, and many bad guys were staring at him!

If he makes any big moves, the police will definitely not let him go, especially now that Zhuo Ziqiang can't move and Ye Guohuan has disappeared, if he shows up, he will definitely be strictly investigated. There is a risk of exposure.

If this is the case, it's better to use another identity to commit some crimes and make some small money, so that it won't attract too much attention from the police.

This is the difference between Ji Zhengxiong, Zhuo Ziqiang, and Ye Guohuan, that is, Ji Zhengxiong never thought of doing other professions, he felt that he was born to be a thief king.

As for Zhuo Ziqiang and Ye Guohuan, even though they have also become scumbags, they have become entangled in their lives.

Then when they embarked on the road of the king of thieves and wanted to get off the road of the king of thieves, it was really very difficult, and there was no turning back, except to hide their names.

In this regard, Ye Guohuan has done a good job. He has truly kept his name hidden. No one has ever doubted his identity. Even if he said that he is Ye Guohuan, the king of thieves, no one would believe him. Instead, he would think that he was joking. .

After all, a boss who is making money every day, who would believe that he is the king of thieves!

It's a good business to make money. Isn't there something wrong with your brain to do that kind of bloody business?

In this regard, Ji Zhengxiong is a little bit worse. Although he keeps changing identities, in some people's eyes, Ji Zhengxiong's demeanor is too similar to the previous Ji Zhengxiong, which will arouse others' suspicion. Suspect.

It's just that everyone is photographed by Ji Zhengxiong's viciousness and viciousness, and they dare not talk too much in front of Ji Zhengxiong, after all, if someone is really Ji Zhengxiong.

Then why didn't Ji Zhengxiong reveal his identity for so many years? Those who had cooperated with Ji Zhengxiong back then, didn't they think of sending Ji Zhengxiong Mai?

After all, that is a million-dollar bounty, no one will not be tempted, and with a million-dollar bounty, Ji Zhengxiong has been able to maintain his identity for so many years without being exposed. The reason behind this is enough to make people think carefully Terrified!

Therefore, although the three of them are all thief kings, their lives of thief kings are not the same!

Originally, Wang Jin would not have paid too much attention to the three thieve kings. After all, none of the three thieve kings committed crimes in Wang Jin's jurisdiction. His jurisdiction was calm, and there was no need for him to go to other districts. If he intervened, Wang Jin's behavior would have exceeded his authority. This is not a good behavior in the police force, but it will make people make enemies. (Li Hao)

However, after the two phone calls came to Wang Jin, Wang Jin had no choice but to focus on the three thieve kings, and it was not someone else who made the two calls.

One is the director of the Police Department, the first brother of Xiangjiang, and Wang Jin's immediate boss.

The other one is also extraordinary, a rich man in Xiangjiang, one of the four rich families in Xiangjiang, the energy of these two phone calls is definitely not small, even Wang Jin can't completely ignore it.

The two people called, but they were actually talking about the same thing, that is to ask Wang Jin to find a way to clean up Zhuo Ziqiang. The first brother called first, that is, to make a stop to inform Wang Jin One sound, the call from the rich man behind is the real highlight.

The reason why the first brother was able to make this call was also because of the power of the rich man, so he invited the first brother. Otherwise, how could the first brother call Wang Jin himself!

Not everyone has this face! .

Chapter 970 Seven Three Thieves, Three Lives!

"Wang sir, then this matter will trouble you!"

"After the matter is completed, Madam's company will definitely receive strong support!"

A man from a wealthy family in Xiangjiang, a man with enough money to shake up half of Xiangjiang, spoke sincerely to Wang Jin on the phone.

It seems that Wang Jin is placed in the same position as himself, and they are friends of the same generation.

Obviously this person's age is more than enough to be Wang Jin's father, and even the eldest son of the other party is a little older than Wang Jin.

But the other party didn't mention this at all, and he didn't say that he was a good nephew. He didn't know whether he forgot or did it on purpose, but in Wang Jin's mind, the other party should have done this on purpose.

Otherwise, a boss who manages a huge business empire can remember all important things, how could he forget such things!

"Sir, don't worry! This is the duty of our police force, sir, just wait for the good news!"

After saying this, Wang Jin hung up the phone. He didn't expect that in a short period of time, two big bosses called him one after another, although the two big bosses said the same thing on the phone thing.


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Wang Jin suddenly sneered, the purpose of the two phone calls just now was nothing else, but to get Wang Jin to go out and deal with the Xiangjiang thief king, Zhuo Ziqiang himself!

Wang Jin knew what he meant by the phone call from the rich man in Xiangjiang. The other party was blackmailed by Zhuo Ziqiang for 30 billion. Although it was for the safety of his son, it was a shame. Among the wealthy families in Xiangjiang, It has become a laughing stock.

If this matter is not completely resolved, I am afraid that this shameful label will hang on a certain wealthy family for a lifetime.

30 billion is not much for a wealthy family, but the face lost by this is definitely more than 30 billion.

Since Zhuo Ziqiang dared to blackmail the other party for 30 billion, he would naturally have to face the other party's revenge. Capital has never been a nice man, but a hungry wolf that eats people without spitting out bones.

How can a boss who can take the helm of a huge business empire be a good gentleman!

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