"Damn... really rubbish~‖!"

"By the way, how are you guys really doing? Is there any news about Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong?"

Zhuo Ziqiang, who had no TV recordings to enjoy, also took his thoughts back, and then looked at a few of his subordinates and asked.

"No, we have tried to contact Ye Guohua's previous relationships, and no one knows of Ye Guohuan's whereabouts!"

"The same goes for Ji Zhengxiong. No one knows where Ji Zhengxiong is, but some people have heard of and seen Ji Zhengxiong's traces, and they don't know if it's true!"


Several younger brothers reported the situation to Zhuo Ziqiang in a hurry, but the results they got almost didn't make Zhuo Ziqiang angry, and there was no useful news at all.

"Then what are you still doing here? Why don't you go find it for me? I gave you so much money just to pass the time here with me?"

As soon as Zhuo Ziqiang lost his temper, his younger brothers immediately scattered like birds and beasts, all left the villa and continued to search.

Only Zhuo Ziqiang's confidants stayed in the villa and advised Zhuo Ziqiang.

"¨~ Don't worry, Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong are not so easy to find. The Xiangjiang Police Force has offered a reward of one million yuan just to catch the traces of Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong, but it is not all fruitless. We have to be patient. !

The listener is interested, but the speaker is not!

Zhuo Ziqiang's confidants originally wanted to persuade Zhuo Ziqiang not to get angry in a hurry, and just look for it slowly. Anyway, they have money in their hands, so they are not in a hurry.

But he didn't think of this sentence, but it made Zhuo Ziqiang an inspiration flash across his mind in an instant.

"You said that the Xiangjiang Police Force can offer a reward, so why can't we accept it?"

"I also offered a reward, but the police only offered a reward of 100 million yuan. How can this be enough? It's really petty!"

"I want to offer 1000 million, no, I want to offer a reward of [-] million! (Li Hao)"

"Also, don't the police have a hotline for offering rewards? We also have one, but I still don't believe it. I paid such a high price, but I still can't find Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong!"

Zhuo Ziqiang directly made a decision, and his confidants beside him were so surprised that they could stuff a duck egg in their mouths. This is really too exaggerated!

Do you want to make such a sensation?

Just to find two people, a reward of hundreds of millions was offered, and a hotline was opened. Isn't this against the police?

It's a pity that it's not up to others to refute Zhuo Ziqiang's decision, and others can only help Zhuo Ziqiang with work.

And when the reward of [-] million yuan came out, it really caused a sensation in Xiangjiang, making countless people crazy about it, and the hotline was completely blown up!

Countless people claimed that they had news about Ye Guohua and Ji Zhengxiong just to get the shocking reward! .

Chapter 980 Two people are stupid and have a lot of money, come quickly!

The hotline was hot, and countless people said they had clues about Ye Guohua and Ji Zhengxiong!

At the beginning, Zhuo Ziqiang was quite excited and excited, meeting these people one by one, hoping to hear what clues they had.

But as he listened, Zhuo Ziqiang felt something was wrong. What the hell are these people talking about?

Zhuo Ziqiang wanted to know why he had dinner with Ye Guohua, took a bath with Ye Guohua, and robbed a gold shop together, etc.?

The most outrageous are the two women who said that they had slept with Ye Guohua and had a relationship, what and what!

Then, when Zhuo Ziqiang asked the two people whether they knew where Zhuo Ziqiang was, the two of them were completely hesitant and speechless, because they really didn't know where Ye Guohua was!

Zhuo Ziqiang also saw that these individuals could not ask anything, so he immediately gave these people some small money and sent them away.


Although he, Zhuo Ziqiang, is rich and doesn't care about spending it, he doesn't spend it casually, so he can't be used as a fool and a cash machine, right?

After such a search, apart from knowing some of Ye Guohuan's past secret deeds, he found nothing at all.

Moreover, Zhuo Ziqiang also discovered a strange thing, that is, there were a lot of people who came to 530 to provide information about Ye Guohuan, and they could say something, but none of them provided information about Ji Zhengxiong.

It was as if no one knew Ji Zhengxiong at all!

"This Ji Zhengxiong is so mysterious! So many people don't know Ji Zhengxiong? Then how should I find Ji Zhengxiong?"

Zhuo Ziqiang had a bit of a headache, Ye Guohuan was okay, at least someone knew Ye Guohuan and what Ye Guohuan looked like, but Ji Zhengxiong couldn't do it.

In Jianghu, Ji Zhengxiong's name is very resounding, but there are few people who have seen Ji Zhengxiong and are still alive. This undoubtedly made it more difficult for Zhuo Ziqiang to find Ji Zhengxiong, but even if it was difficult, then Also look for it!

Just when Zhuo Ziqiang didn't have any expectations for the reward, suddenly a person came to the door, which rekindled Zhuo Ziqiang's hope, because this person said that there was a clue from Ye Guohuan.

If someone else said that, Zhuo Ziqiang would be amused when he heard it. After all, so many people have seen him, and he already knew what kind of tricks some people were playing. It's just that the speaker is different, because he There is a status in the rivers and lakes.

This person is Master Ding. It is rumored that when Ye Guohuan first entered the Jianghu, he was also brought into this business by Master Ding, so what Master Ding said may still have some credibility.

For this reason, Zhuo Ziqiang came here again with hope, hoping to get clues about Ye Guohuan from Master Ding.

After Zhuo Ziqiang got rid of the annoying policeman who was like a follower, he directly parked the car on a road in the wilderness. There are few vehicles here and the field of vision is wide. It can be said that you can see things thousands of meters away at a glance.

Not long after, a car stopped on the side of the road, and then a man who was completely naked opened Zhuo Ziqiang's car door and got into the car.

Although the other party didn't wear anything, the other party didn't feel shy at all, as if he was wearing clothes on his body, his muscles and figure, and he didn't shy away from showing others, and even wished for others to take a second look.

As soon as Master Ding got into the car, he got straight to the point.

"Do you know Quincy?"

"Stop talking nonsense, get to the point!"

Zhuo Ziqiang's confidants suddenly became a little dissatisfied, saying that you were the one who had clues to Ye Guohuan, and now that you are here, you don't give Ye Guohuan any clues, but talk nonsense, isn't this a waste of time?

Zhuo Ziqiang didn't care much at first, but after hearing about a key person, he immediately became interested and immediately interrupted his subordinates.

"Agou, it's okay! Let him talk!"

"The Quincy you're talking about should be the boss Ye Guohuan used to be with, right?"

Zhuo Ziqiang was not sure whether this Quincy was the boss Quincy that Ye Guohuan had been with before, and he had only heard of it that way, but he didn't know if it was true.

"Yes, it's Quincy, the boss Ye Guohuan used to be with. I can arrange for you to meet him, but I want 100 million. If I found Ye Guohuan, I want [-] million (ceej)!"

Master Ding looked at the backpack at Zhuo Ziqiang's feet with fiery eyes, because money was gradually piled up in it, and Lord Ding also put forward his own request at this time, that is, to get 100 million before he can Arrange for Zhuo Ziqiang to meet Quincy.

"Okay, I'll give you 100 million!"

Zhuo Ziqiang only thought about it for a while, and ordered his subordinate Agou to count out 100 million to Lord Ding.

In an instant, Master Ding rubbed his hands together excitedly, looking straight at the money in the backpack.

On the contrary, the old dog looked at Zhuo Ziqiang hesitantly, and reminded him in a low voice.

"I think this person may not be telling the truth, why don't we talk about it after seeing Quincy?"

"No need, give him the money! It's just 100 million, I don't care about the 100 million!"

Zhuo Ziqiang speaks extremely domineeringly, although he knows that 100 million may be in vain, but Zhuo Ziqiang doesn't care at all, what if it is true!

Then he will make a profit. Anyway, 100 million is just a drizzle for Zhuo Ziqiang, and he can't afford to lose at all.

Now that Zhuo Ziqiang has said such things, as Zhuo Ziqiang's confidant, what else can he do, of course it is to count the money!

Soon the 100 million yuan was transferred to Lord Ding, who was also overjoyed and praised.

"Boss Zhuo, you are magnificent! I will arrange for you to meet Quincy tomorrow!"

After saying this, Master Ding took the money, got out of the car, put on his own clothes, and left.

Zhuo Ziqiang was still in a good mood until he went home at night. After all, he had received a lot of news about Ye Guohuan. Although it was outdated, with the formation of these story fragments, a flesh and blood image of Ye Guohuan had already appeared in Zhuo Ziqiang heart.

Of course, the more important thing is that Master Ding has gained something here. He knows Quincy. As Ye Guohuan's boss, Quincy might really know where Ye Guohuan is.

But Zhuo Ziqiang's good mood didn't last long, and then it completely turned bad, because he had been following behind him, and the police follower came again, and this time he came with one person.

"Boss Zhuo, you're in a good mood! Why are you so happy? Telling it makes the brothers happy! We can't do it anymore. We've been running around every day, catching that guy, and we just caught a liar!"

"Cheated a fool for 100 million, I asked him how he did it!"

"He said that everyone is stupid and has a lot of money, so it's fine to cheat casually. This makes me laugh to death!"

"How can there be such a stupid person in this world, a person who has just been released after being imprisoned for 20 years, everyone believes what he says!"

At this time, Zhuo Ziqiang's face became more and more livid, because the person caught by the policeman was the one who had met during the day. It was obvious that the police had learned about the deal between him and Lord Ding through interrogation of Master Ding, and then He brought Master Ding and came to laugh at himself.

This is laughing at oneself as a fool with a lot of money!

Zhuo Ziqiang was furious at that moment, pointed at the other party and cursed aggressively.

"Can you speak human language? Keep your mouth clean!".

Chapter 980 The third accident, always comes inadvertently!

"Why, do you still want to attack the police? Come on!"

The guy who provoked Zhuo Ziqiang was also not cowardly at all. They have been sent to follow Zhuo Ziqiang for a long time, but Zhuo Ziqiang is really too cunning, like a fox. He would get rid of bad guys, but Zhuo Ziqiang succeeded every time.

Following Zhuo Ziqiang, he is a bad guy who has eaten countless times. He has been holding back his anger for a long time and has no place to vent. Otherwise, he would not have chosen to capture Master Ding and bring him to Zhuo Ziqiang. He came in front of him, just to laugh at Zhuo Ziqiang, so as to vent his anger.

Now that Zhuo Ziqiang is anxious to get angry, this poor guy is happy, he is worried that he will not find a chance to clean up ~ Zhuo Ziqiang!

It would be great if Zhuo Ziqiang attacked the police in such an open and aboveboard manner, he would be able to arrest Zhuo Ziqiang immediately, and then deal with it properly.

Therefore, this poor guy was not afraid of the angry Zhuo Ziqiang at all. Instead, he puffed up his chest, took two steps forward, then raised his head, looked at Zhuo Ziqiang proudly, and waited for Zhuo Ziqiang hands on.

Where did Zhuo Ziqiang suffer from this kind of anger, his whole person's anger value soared, and he raised his fist to hit someone. Fortunately, the old dog, his confidant at the side, saw this scene, and quickly hugged Zhuo Ziqiang and dragged him back. Zhuo Ziqiang who was furious was stopped.

"Calm down! Calm down! We have nothing to do with this little guy! What else can he do besides mocking us? Just treat him like a dog barking, we can't be bitten by a dog, Let's bite back!"

The old dog's words are rough but not rough, Zhuo Ziqiang calmed down after being persuaded like this!

Indeed, in his eyes, this poor guy is a dog, who follows him every day, not a dog, and wants to smell him every time.

Faced with this kind of dog's barking, if he really bites back, then he will really lose his identity!

He didn't want to be like a dog, Zhuo Ziqiang calmed down, just glanced at the other party, and said coldly.

"Then you help me treat this guy well! I don't want to wait 48 hours later, and he dies in the police station, then you will be in big trouble!"

After saying this, Zhuo Ziqiang turned around and left with his men. He didn't know if it was a threat or what, anyway, that poor guy was also confused.

Is this over?

After waiting all night, I wanted to vent my anger in front of Zhuo Ziqiang, but this is the result?

What kind of thing is it to be anticlimactic!

But now that the singing party has already left, what else can he do, he can't break into Zhuo Ziqiang's house!

That would be breaking into a private house. Zhuo Ziqiang has the right to complain and sue him, and his position may be taken away by then.

So, seeing the back of Zhuo Ziqiang entering the villa, he did not catch up after all, but greeted his subordinates.

"Go, stop the team! Go back and interrogate this guy to see if he committed any crimes after he came out. I don't believe he can change his mind and eat shit!"

The poor captain, this is directing all his grievances on Master Ding. Now that he can't deal with the table strong, let Master Ding make up for it first.

Afterwards, the whole team immediately gathered in the car and left.

And Zhuo Ziqiang, who also entered the villa, resisted the impulse at the door just now, but when he returned to his home, he smashed his mobile phone all of a sudden, and vented his anger.

The old dog was on the sidelines the whole time, watching Zhuo Ziqiang vent, and when Zhuo Ziqiang was almost vented, his heart gradually calmed down, and the expression on his face returned to calm, the old dog walked to Zhuo Ziqiang's side to persuade him.

"Forget it! Don't keep searching like this, we have almost turned the whole Xiangjiang upside down, and the hotline thing is known to everyone, and now everyone is staring at us! If Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong wanted to show up, they would have already appeared!"

The old dog's persuasion was not unreasonable and well-founded. Zhuo Ziqiang also listened to it, but Zhuo Ziqiang just didn't want to be reconciled.

"I have paid such a high price, you let me give up?"

Zhuo Ziqiang stared at the old dog with an unsightly expression, he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

The old dog also sighed helplessly. If he could persuade, he could only persuade him so far. As for whether Zhuo Ziqiang could think about it, that was Zhuo Ziqiang's own business, and it was useless for others to persuade him.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

The old dog got up and left. He was going to let Zhuo Ziqiang calm down, maybe he would figure it out. After all, no one else could help him much.

After the old dog left, Zhuo Ziqiang sat alone on the steps in front of the villa, smoking a cigarette, and while he was puffing, he looked into the distance and gradually lost his mind.

After a long time, Zhuo Zhuoqiang seemed to have figured it out, and muttered to himself.

"Perhaps, the old dog is right. Now that the turmoil is so big, the whole Xiangjiang River already knows about it. If Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong wanted to come out, they would have already come out, and there will be no news until now. Maybe they are I'm afraid! Forget it! Since it's the same as before, I won't look for it!"

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