But Quincy didn't think about it, if he didn't want to pretend to be forceful and gave Zhuo Ziqiang a chance, how could he be overthrown, after all, he has so many people around him, and Zhuo Ziqiang has only one person.

Even one person with a gun can kill Zhuo Ziqiang to death, but it can only be said that forcibly pretending to be the most deadly!

If you don't have that ability, it's better not to pretend, it's safe and secure!

Quincy ordered his men to chase after him, as long as he could stop the truck, Zhuo Ziqiang would definitely not be able to escape.

It's a pity that Zhuo Ziqiang was not easy to dismiss. When he saw a car chasing him, he had already guessed Quincy's next move, so he slammed on the brakes without giving Quincy a chance.


The tires of the truck rubbed against the ground violently, making a screeching sound, and then the whole truck came to a standstill, and the car behind, without having time to react and brake, hit the rear of the truck directly .


The two cars roared violently because of the violent collision.

The front of the car driven by Quincy and others changed its shape because it hit the truck, and this is not the most critical thing.

The most important thing was the explosive boxes on the truck. Because of the violent impact, many of them fell from the truck compartment and landed around the car.

Seeing this scene from the rearview mirror, Zhuo Ziqiang showed a trace of excitement and a cruel smile on his face. He suddenly started the car and drove the truck away. Leaning out of the room, the pistol fired directly at the boxes filled with explosives around the car without hesitation.

boom! boom! boom!

After several shots in a row, sparks splashed all over the place. It was originally a flammable and explosive explosive. At this time, under the sputtering of bullets and sparks, a collision occurred, and then a violent explosion happened!


In the dark night, a group of intense flames resounded completely with an explosion that shook the ground, almost tens of miles away, like a thunderstorm on a sunny day, extremely terrifying.

When Zhuo Ziqiang saw the car that Quincy was in, after being engulfed by the flames of the explosion, he laughed wildly, his mood was extremely transcendent, and after retracting his body into the cab, Zhuo Ziqiang drove the truck away , Along the way, humming a song briskly in his mouth.

Even Zhuo Qiang didn't expect that such an exciting thing would happen tonight, it was an adventure, it was a big explosion, it was so exciting!

It just made his heart beat faster and he couldn't help himself. Usually, it might not be as exciting as this night in a year or a half.

Zhuo Ziqiang likes exciting things. Tonight, the excitement of wandering between life and death, the feeling of soaring adrenaline really made Zhuo Ziqiang feel intoxicated.

"Unfortunately, I can't play for a while~‖!"

Zhuo Ziqiang sighed, with such a big commotion, someone must be coming soon, and he will not be able to leave if he does not leave, and Zhuo Ziqiang has not forgotten that the person who called him just now is still in Xiangjiang Waiting for him to go back and call the other party!

Zhuo Ziqiang was also very interested in the mysterious person on the other end of the phone, not only the identity of the other party, but also the details of the location of Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong that the other party knew. Zhuo Ziqiang was interested in these, so Zhuo Ziqiang didn't want to be here either. Delayed.

Zhuo Ziqiang, who was driving the truck, gradually moved away in the dark night, becoming a dark shadow, and then completely merged into the night and disappeared.

Zhuo Ziqiang, who was in a happy mood at this time, didn't know that it was because of this mysterious person's call that he escaped his doomed death!

Originally, he should have died today, but the arrival of this crucial call saved Zhuo Ziqiang's life.

Zhuo Ziqiang didn't know this, because after all, Zhuo Ziqiang didn't have the ability to pinch and count, and he knew that he would die today!

For Zhuo Ziqiang, this mysterious man was quite mysterious, which aroused his interest. Adding the mysterious man's words, his sense of crisis was overwhelmed, and only then did he escape the fatal catastrophe!

Zhuo Ziqiang didn't know about this!

If the mysterious person called and said that he was going to die tonight, I am afraid that Zhuo Ziqiang would hang up the phone because the other party was a lunatic, but the mysterious person said that he was being targeted by someone, and he was still alive. Knowing his location and asking him to turn off the phone, Zhuo Ziqiang felt unsafe. He suspected that he was really being watched, so he did as the mysterious man said.

Then he really returned to Xiangjiang without incident, escaped his original fate, and even transported a ton of explosives back to Xiangjiang.

After returning to Xiangjiang, Zhuo Ziqiang bought a new mobile phone, and then replaced it with a new unregistered phone card. After entering a certain number, Zhuo Ziqiang threw the original mobile phone into the sea inside.

Zhuo Ziqiang, who drove his sports car to a secluded place, dialed the number of the mysterious person, and the call was quickly connected.


"You're back? Looks like you dodged a bullet tonight!"

The tone of the mysterious man on the phone was a little surprised, but then he regained his composure.

"Who are you? You said you have the contact information of Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong, how can you give it to me? Do you need to meet?"

Zhuo Ziqiang kept asking questions on the phone. He didn't know what the mysterious man's surprise on the phone meant. He only cared about when the mysterious man would give him the contact information of Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong. He couldn't wait to see the two. The king of thieves who only heard his name but never saw him.

"¨~It doesn't matter who I am, and I don't need to meet you! I will give you the contact information of Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong you want, and it's time for the three of you to meet!"

The mysterious person on the phone seemed to be very happy to facilitate the meeting of the three kings of thieves, and he was happy to hear about this situation.

"What do you want the three of us to do?"

Zhuo Ziqiang is not a fool, on the contrary, he is quite smart. As the only one among the three kings of thieves who relies on his brain for food, his brain is quite flexible. I'm afraid there is something important that needs them to do.

"Sure enough, it's Zhuo Ziqiang, you don't need to point it out!"

The mysterious man was on the phone, his voice was full of emotion, it seemed that he appreciated Zhuo Ziqiang's intelligence even more, and then the mysterious man said on the phone.

"I don't need you to do anything for the time being, you just need to wait quietly, but after the three of you meet, I really need you to do a big event that will cause a sensation in Xiangjiang, or even a major event that will cause a sensation in the whole world. Is it?"

The mysterious man didn't say what was the big deal on the phone, but it was obviously not a trivial matter, and he didn't even reveal the slightest (Li Zhao) rumor, and he would only say it after the three of them got together.

"A major event that will cause a sensation in the world? No problem, our three kings of thieves gathered together, and we were born to do great things. What else are we afraid of?"

Zhuo Ziqiang felt that the mysterious person on the phone was obviously looking down on him. He dared to pierce the sky by himself, let alone the gathering of the three kings of thieves. The century-old reputation of the Thief King?

"Okay, then wait patiently for my call! I will contact you soon, and tell me another address, and I will have Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong come to find you soon!"

The mysterious man actually said that Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong could come to find him. Although Zhuo Ziqiang didn't quite believe it, he still reported an address with an attitude of preferring to believe what he had rather than not to believe what he hadn't.

Afterwards, the mysterious person on the other end of the phone hung up the phone. Although Zhuo Ziqiang didn't know who the mysterious person was on the phone, he also knew that he was definitely a guy who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. The king of thieves is gathering!pull.

Chapter 980 The Seventh Heroes Meet!

After Zhuo Ziqiang received a call from a mysterious person, he fell into complete silence, canceled all activities, and stayed in the villa all day, waiting for the call.

And the police who were tracking and monitoring outside didn't know that Zhuo Ziqiang had stopped. They thought that Zhuo Ziqiang hid in the villa every day and planned some terrible case. Install a bug in it and eavesdrop on some news!

It's a pity that Zhuo Ziqiang is not a vegetarian, and he naturally has a group of capable people under his command.

Knowing that he was being followed and monitored by the police all the time, Zhuo Ziqiang took care and asked people to check every day to see if there was a bug in the house.

Checking in the morning is not enough, continue to check in the afternoon, and then check again in the evening, it is more diligent than a three-meal meal.

In this case, even if the police were able to install the bug in Zhuo Ziqiang's house, they would still be found out. After a few times, the police would not bother with it.

After all, bugs are quite expensive, and the higher ups won't reimburse them all the time. If you don't have money, you can only make do with it. It's impossible to let the surveillance guy pay for it yourself!

That doesn't make sense!

In the case of not being able to monitor in person, the tracking guy can only think of other ways, such as extracting something from the informant.

But unfortunately, not to mention that the informant didn't know anything, even Zhuo Ziqiang's confidantes didn't know what happened.

All I know is that after Zhuo Ziqiang went out a few nights ago, he was completely changed when he came back. He stopped going out to be chic and promiscuous, and just stayed in the villa every day.

Either watch TV on the sofa, swim in the pool, play indoor golf, or sing at home.

Even, I called the little sister to the villa to have fun together, and the meal is also a takeaway. Anyway, all the entertainment activities are solved at home, and I will not move my nest completely.

This completely fooled the gang of scouts who were following them. They were like fools every day, driving around in front of Zhuo Ziqiang's villa, but they didn't receive any news.

In this regard, the higher-ups began to have opinions slowly, occupying police resources, but there is no progress, can the higher-ups have no objections?

As for the occupation of police resources, that's already mentioned above.

Does the car belong to the police station, is it a police resource, do you need the police to pay wages during the working hours of your messengers, is it a police (ceej) resource?

Now at the gate of Zhuo Ziqiang's villa, you can put a dog. Anyway, dogs can also complete your tasks. Although this is an angry statement from above, it is also true. They are almost becoming Zhuo Ziqiang's watchdogs.

Faced with this situation, can the higher-ups not be furious!

It is a waste of police resources, not in this way. One person is enough to monitor, and the rest of the people will handle other cases.

After the approval of the higher authorities, most of the surveillance personnel were removed, and only one person was left to monitor near Zhuo Ziqiang's house, and he didn't have a car, so he could only ride a motorcycle every day.

After hearing the news, Zhuo Ziqiang was almost overjoyed. He didn't expect that he would be at home for a while, and there would be such benefits. Even most of the people who followed and monitored were removed, leaving only a crooked melon and cracked dates Yes, can this still track him?

I'm afraid that if you turn a corner, you will be able to throw the other party away, but it is precisely because of this that you are even more determined. Zhuo Ziqiang's thoughts at home, he wants to see if he can get the last person to watch. It's gone.

When Zhuo Ziqiang stayed at home with his family, fighting with the watchers.

Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong also learned from their own channels that Zhuo Ziqiang was looking for them.

At first, they didn't take it seriously either. After all, Zhuo Ziqiang asked them, so they were going to see him?

Everyone is the king of thieves, with the same status. Besides, the three of them have no connection with each other. Who knows what happened when Zhuo Ziqiang suddenly came looking for them?

They still need the vigilance they should have.

What's more, in order to find them, Zhuo Ziqiang made such a big fuss that almost the whole Xiangjiang knew that Zhuo Ziqiang was looking for the two of them. How dare you say Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong come out?

The two of them are different from Zhuo Ziqiang. Zhuo Ziqiang's resume is cleaner than his face. Even if he knows that Zhuo Ziqiang is the king of thieves, but without evidence, there is nothing he can do about Zhuo Ziqiang. The two of them are different.

Whether it is Ye Guohuan or Ji Zhengxiong, the criminal record left in the police station is really higher than that of one person. It is precisely because of this that as long as the two of them show up, they will probably attract the police. arrest and encirclement.

The two were cautious, so naturally they would not show up to contact Zhuo Ziqiang. Besides, their current lives are not bad, and there is no need to go to that step.

But with the passage of time and development, things have slowly changed, and the most dramatic change is naturally Ye Guohuan.

In the past, Ye Guohuan had a smooth sailing, a big business, and the money was packed in sacks. When he was rich, he could talk about everything. His brothers followed him and had a good life.

But after an accident, Ye Guohuan finally understood that although his money was increasing, his status was becoming more and more humble. If he was still the king of thieves, how dare he give He is angry?

He didn't directly give up to Chu Tu, but now he always smiles at everyone he sees. Under such circumstances, how can he live comfortably.

Before he knew it, Ye Guohuan thought of the glorious days before, and his heart was once again in a commotion.

Perhaps it is also a good idea for the three kings of thieves to gather together!

After having such an idea, Ye Guohuan was going to call Zhuo Ziqiang to contact him, but Zhuo Ziqiang's phone number had been changed, and the hotline was gone, so Ye Guohuan's contact was naturally gone.

Just when Ye Guohuan was disappointed, suddenly a mysterious person called him and told him that he could see Zhuo Ziqiang there.

Undoubtedly, Ye Guohuan's heart was moved, and he went straight to the place the mysterious person said, but Ye Guohuan was not stupid, in order to guard against an ambush, he bought a few gangsters, went to that place first, and hid in the dark to observe. After confirming that there was no ambush or danger, he built a house nearby and waited quietly.

Ji Zhengxiong's result was similar, he was contacted by a mysterious person, but Ji Zhengxiong was much more courageous than Ye Guohuan, he came to investigate alone at night.

Chapter 980: The Two Heroes Meet!

Taking advantage of the darkness, Ji Zhengxiong made some investigations, and after confirming that there was no danger, he lived there grandiosely.

Such behavior can really be said to be Ji Zhengxiong's audacity. Of course, this is also because Ji Zhengxiong has no place to stay in Xiangjiang.

For so many years, Ji Zhengxiong has been wandering around, wherever he goes, he has never thought about buying a place for himself. After all, his identity means that he will be in great risk at any time. In this situation Now, how could he buy property!

Ji Zhengxiong lived there, which was naturally discovered by Ye Guohuan, but Ye Guohuan didn't go up to say hello to Ji Zhengxiong, but chose to continue to observe, because Ye Guohuan couldn't figure out whether Ji Zhengxiong was the one who called him The mysterious person, so Ye Guohuan did not appear rashly.

He was going to observe for a few more days, or when the mysterious person called him, he was going out to meet him, and it would not be too late.

Ye Guohuan's cautiousness stems from his character, and there is nothing to say about it.

When Ye Guohuan was observing Ji Zhengxiong's every move every day, his phone rang suddenly.

Ye Guohuan didn't care, and picked up the phone without any hassle.

"Why haven't you gone to the place I told you?"

The voice on the phone was extremely familiar to Ye Guohuan, because it was the mysterious person who called him last time.

"I've been there, but no one's there, so - I'm leaving!"

For this matter, Ye Guohuan also found an excuse, why should he stay in a place where no one is there!

With this excuse, he believed that the mysterious man had nothing to say, but just after he finished speaking, the mysterious man on the phone just chuckled and said.

"Since you have already left, why do you still need to find a house nearby and continue to observe!"

"Also, you are monitoring the other party every day, don't you wonder who the other party is?"

During the phone call, the words of the mysterious man made Ye Guohuan, who was standing at the window, observing Ji Zhengxiong in the distance, his expression completely changed. He quickly observed the surrounding situation, but found that everything was as usual, and no one was watching him at all. .

"Who the hell are you? Are you spying on me?"

Ye Guohuan left from the window, but his anger could be heard through the phone. He questioned the identity of the mysterious person and wanted to know what the mysterious person wanted to do.

"I didn't spy on you. I just know that you lived not far away after you went to check on the situation. I can't hide this from me. In fact, you don't have to watch the other party carefully. It's not me, but another People, Ji Zhengxiong, who is also the king of thieves with you!"

The mysterious man did not hide anything on the phone, and directly told Ye Guohuan the identity of the person Ye Guohuan was monitoring.

After all, they are the same three kings of thieves, and both of them have already arrived here, so they have to meet each other anyway!

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