Although the arms dealers in front of them may not watch programs like the police, but just in case, what should be guarded against is still necessary, otherwise, they would not have deliberately brought the arms dealers over. They put on a hood for the other party, just to prevent arms dealers from discovering their identities.

"We want to know, who did you sell a large number of arms to?"

Yuan Haoyun didn't know where to start to ask, because he didn't know the identities of Ye Guohuan, Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong and others, because the other party had never revealed their identities from the beginning to the end. Knowing that these people are ordinary gangsters with rich experience, they are definitely not fledgling rookies.

He must have done a case before, otherwise, the experience and methods would not be so rich, and even the police would not be able to find out the details if they wanted to.

"Who did you sell a large number of arms to? Don't do it, you guys! I don't do arms business at all! You must have mistaken people!"

The arms dealer immediately begged for mercy, and said that he didn't know anything about arms at all, and that the other party had arrested the wrong person.

As an arms dealer, he is not a fool. Can he easily admit to selling arms?

Of course it can't be done, even if it is beaten to death, I can't admit it!

Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong looked at each other, quite speechless, they knew that the guy in front of them would not admit it easily, so Yuan Haoyun spoke directly.

"Okay, since we were able to arrest you, we have already thoroughly understood your details, otherwise we would not have invited you here. You'd better be honest and tell us the truth, otherwise There are good fruits for you~‖!"

Yuan Haoyun pretended to be ferocious and viciously threatened, not to mention that Yuan Haoyun was a brave man, he really had a ferocious aura in him, at least this threat really looked like a villain.

"Okay, okay, I must be honest, maybe I've been too tired recently, and I forgot some things, I wonder if you can remind me?"

After the arms dealer was threatened, he quickly stated that he would cooperate, because he had no idea how Yuan Haoyun and others would torture him. This kind of unknown is the most frightening thing, and it is also because of this fear that he is particularly afraid .

"Remind you? It's not impossible, just tell me who you have sold a large batch of goods to recently? How many people have you sold to?"

Yuan Haoyun can have a fart reminder, he doesn't even know who Ye Guohuan, Ji Zhengxiong, and Zhuo Ziqiang are, so how can he know when Ye Guohuan, Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong and others bought the arms?

Therefore, he can only use such vague words to press the other party and ask the other party to tell everyone, so that the three of them can check each other out one by one. Man, definitely the one who did this case.

"Ah! This is not good! Guys, this is a secret in our industry. If I say it, I will break the rules, and it will be difficult for me to get along in this industry in the future!"

The arms dealer was shocked when he heard the words. Even though he was wearing a black hood, even if they didn't look at his expression, Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong could tell from the arms dealer's tone that the other party's reluctance And embarrassment!

Yuan Haoyun also knew that strong medicine was about to be used, otherwise, this guy would never say anything without threatening his life.

There are rules for each line, and this bottom line must be followed in order to get along well. The guy in front of him is like this, but when he is really facing the threat of life and death, Yuan Haoyun still doesn't believe it, and the other party doesn't say anything.

"Hmph, you can choose not to say it. If you don't say it, we don't mind that there will be a fresh corpse floating on the Xiangjiang River tomorrow morning!"

"Don't, don't, I said, I said! There is something to discuss!"

In the face of such a threat, the arms dealer was finally completely cowardly, and his mouth was no longer so rigid. After all, compared with his own life, some rules are not impossible to break.

After all, as an arms dealer, he has a lot of money. If he dies, who will spend all the money he earned so hard?

That's too bad!

"Okay, I see that you have a good attitude, then you can talk about it, who have you sold your goods to, and let's start from the beginning of this year!"

Yuan Haoyun saw that the other party admitted cowardly in seconds, and his tone softened. He didn't want to push the other party too hard. Now that the other party was about to speak, Yuan Haoyun naturally wanted to be softer and give the other party some hope!

It is impossible for him to really kill the other party to silence him. Yuan Haoyun is a bad guy, maybe he has nothing else, but he still has professional ethics. What's the difference?

Besides, there are Jia Kui and Chen Guorong beside him. With these two people around, it is impossible for him to kill people to silence him.

"¨~I think about it..."

The arms dealer pretended to be immersed in memories, and slowly revealed the big business he had done this year.

"The first one is a group of club members. I heard that they are from Baodao. They seem to be going to Las Vegas to do business, so they bought a lot of ammunition from me!"

"What did you sell to the other party? Are there any grenades?" Yuan Haoyun asked hastily.

"No (Li Nuohao), no, these people are very disciplined, they didn't even buy long guns, they all bought pistols, but the batches are relatively large. As for grenades, I only sold them to a group of people this year!"

The arms dealer also followed Yuan Haoyun's words, and his words suddenly made Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Guorong's eyes light up, as if what they wanted to know was right in front of them!

"Who did you sell this batch of arms to? Tell me everything verbatim!" Yuan Haoyun asked the village with a slightly excited tone.

"This group of people is very mysterious, and I don't know where they came from. Although they speak Xiangjiang dialect, I can tell that they are not from Xiangjiang. I didn't plan to sell to the other party, but the other party sent The price is too high!"

In the end, the arms dealer did not, resisting the temptation of money!

It's really money, it's so fragrant!

Money can turn ghosts around, this is not empty talk! .

The first thousand and twenty-six chapters are gradually approaching the truth!

"So, you can be sure that they are not natives of Xiangjiang?" Yuan Haoyun asked solemnly.

"I can be sure that although they try their best to pretend to be locals in Xiangjiang, their accents are so far away that I can hear it with one ear. It's just that I was also doing business at the time, so I didn't inquire about them. Details!"

Others could get it wrong, but on this one, absolutely not, the arms dealer said.

Especially this group of people were very generous, and he was extremely impressed. After all, he could not meet such generous guests a few times a year, so how could he not be impressed?

After Yuan Haoyun heard this, he directly glanced at Jia Kui and Chen Guorong at the side, and gave them a wink, which meant that he finally asked something.

It can be said that they knew nothing about the identities of Ye Guohuan, Ji Zhengxiong, Zhuo Ziqiang and others before, but now at least they know that the identities of those people are not from Xiangjiang.

In this way, the scope of the target can be narrowed down a lot, which is much better than their aimless search.

"What else do you know, keep talking! Don't hide anything!"

Yuan Haoyun urged the arms dealer to tell him everything he knew.


The arms dealer immediately stated that he would definitely tell the truth and would not hide anything!

"Except that they are not natives of Xiangjiang, I think they resemble a few people!"

After deliberating for a while, the arms dealer hesitated to speak, because he was not sure whether the matter was what he thought. This matter was just his guess!

"Who do you think they look like? It's okay to say it directly, and it doesn't matter if you make a mistake!"

Yuan Haoyun didn't expect that at this time, there would be unexpected gains. He only thought that it would be a big progress to delineate those people who were not locals in Xiangjiang, but who would have thought that the arms dealers would have supplements? But it was definitely a surprise.

"I'm definitely one of them, very much like the thief king Ji Zhengxiong!"

With Yuan Haoyun's guarantee, the arms dealer did not hesitate, and directly confide in his feelings.

"The king of thieves, Ji Zhengxiong, why do you think so, (ceej) have any reason?"

Yuan Haoyun frowned a little. He didn't expect to hear a name he didn't really want to hear in this case.

Previously, the turmoil caused by the three kings of thieves was not small, even Yuan Haoyun had heard about it, although now it looks a bit like a farce.

Zhuo Ziqiang, one of the kings of thieves, unexpectedly thought of finding another lord of thieves with a great reputation through TV hotlines and newspapers.

You know, Zhuo Ziqiang's move at that time really shocked people. A king of thieves is already very difficult to deal with. If the three kings of thieves all get together, then Still haven't completely turned Xiangjiang upside down?

At that time, the Xiangjiang police force was very nervous. Many bad guys were watching the TV hotline, newspaper news, and Zhuo Ziqiang, for fear of missing any details, but the final result was quite good. Zhuo Ziqiang failed to find Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong.

Thinking about it, this is also a normal thing. The reward offered by the Xiangjiang police force to Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong is not low, and it is also a sky-high reward. However, there has been no news of the two kings of thieves after several years of sky-high rewards. If you have more money, will you be able to find news about Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong?

Things are not that simple!

If Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong could be found easily, they would have been caught by the Xiangjiang Police Force long ago. Why wait until now for Zhuo Ziqiang to come out and look for them?

The Xiangjiang Police Force guessed that these two king thieves had left Xiangjiang long ago and hid abroad, so there has been no chance for people to find their traces. This is also the most reasonable explanation.

Otherwise, it's hard to explain why it's been several years and I haven't found any news about Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Haoyun heard this name from the mouth of the arms dealer.

But the appearance of this name also aroused Yuan Haoyun's vigilance. It is impossible for an arms dealer to casually say that the other party is like a thief king. He must have discovered some clues, so he said so.

"If you want to talk about the reason, there is really no very reliable reason, but I have heard some rumors about Ji Zhengxiong, and I think one of them is very similar to Ji Zhengxiong's behavior!"

The arms dealers also have no evidence for this kind of thing. After all, this kind of thing is purely about feelings, how can they get evidence?

This kind of thing is just his personal guess. If there is evidence, he will not discuss it with Yuan Haoyun, and even hesitate to speak, afraid of saying something wrong!

It was only after Yuan Haoyun promised that it doesn't matter if he was wrong, the arms dealer boldly expressed his guess.

The appearance of the name Ji Zhengxiong not only made Yuan Haoyun feel vigilant, but also Jia Kui and Chen Guorong who were beside him also became vigilant.

Previously, they really didn't think about Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan. They all knew what happened to Zhuo Ziqiang, and the final result was nothing.

It is precisely because of this that they subconsciously ignored the possibility of the gathering of the three kings of thieves, because the investigation by the Xiangjiang police force has already clearly investigated, and Zhuo Ziqiang did not find Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong, even if it was a trouble Even though the Xiangjiang River was full of wind and rain, Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong still did not show up.

There are only two possibilities for this. One is that Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong have already gone abroad and have seen TV hotlines and newspapers at all.

The second possibility is that Ye Guohuan and Ji Zhengxiong simply saw the report, but they didn't want to stand up and become the industry leader.

There are only these two possibilities for everything, and this is the result obtained after monitoring by the intelligence team of the Xiangjiang Police Force.

Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong and others also believed the intelligence team's intelligence, but now that this news appeared, it also broke their conventional thinking style.

If it is true what the arms dealer said, then the investigation result of the Xiangjiang Police Force is wrong.

Zhuoqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan not only met each other in secret, but also completed the meeting under the nose of the policeman. It seemed that they wanted to set off a big storm in Xiangjiang. Scared enough.

If all of this is true, then the trouble will be completely big!

A king of thieves is already extremely difficult to deal with, let alone three kings of thieves together, this is simply an earth-shaking scene! .

Chapter 27 is completely exposed!

After receiving the news, Jia Kui, Chen Guorong, and Yuan Haoyun all looked at each other in dismay, their hearts were in a state of confusion. It would be better not to get the news, because they couldn't be sure whether it was true or not, and they couldn't decide on a regulation, what should they do!

Chen Guorong winked at Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun, and then pointed outside. Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun immediately understood, followed Chen Guorong to the outside, and left the tied arms dealer inside alone.

When he got outside, Chen Guorong spoke first after confirming that the arms dealers would not hear his voice.

"What do you want to do with this matter? Do you want to report it?"

It seems to be asking Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun for their opinions, but in his heart, Chen Guorong still prefers to report the news, because it will be safer, even if there is any trouble in the follow-up, because this matter has already been reported, so Chen Guorong couldn't be involved either.

But right now there are three people acting together, Chen Guorong naturally can't act arbitrarily, but he wants to ask Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun for their opinions. If he is alone, he doesn't need to ask anything, just report it directly.

As for whether the news is true or false, it is the same when choosing to investigate after reporting it, which is more secure.

"I don't agree to report it. Now it's still a matter of nothing. Once reported, if the investigation is not detailed in the end, we will all be criticized!"

Unexpectedly, Jia Kui immediately stood up and expressed his disagreement with this question, because this news is just a possibility from the mouth of the arms dealer, it is not a fact, how can this kind of thing that has not been confirmed~ Report to the top?

Therefore, Jia Kui was the first to express his disapproval, mainly because he had been criticized too many times, and now he reported this matter that has disappeared, wouldn't that make him feel uncomfortable?

Moreover, it may also mislead the direction of the Xiangjiang Police Force's investigation. Even if it is to be reported, it needs to wait for the news to be confirmed before it can be reported. This is the best way.

"I don't agree to report it either!"

Yuan Haoyun shook his head, expressing that he agreed with Jia Kui's point of view, and his reasons were similar to those of Jia Kui.

Hearing that the two of them did not agree to report, Chen Guorong's face was a little dull. What can we do if we report this kind of matter?

Even if they were criticized, it's not that the two of them haven't been criticized before, so why are they still cowardly at this critical moment!

Usually, everyone is a little expert at getting into trouble, and they are not so cowardly, even if they dare to stand up to their boss, what's the matter now?

Even if this matter is finally investigated and it is not what the arms dealer said, what kind of criticism can it receive?

Could it still affect the status of the two?

Chen Guorong was a little puzzled, but since the two of them did not agree to report it, as the rule of the minority obeying the majority, the three of them planned to find out about this matter first.

"Since we don't report it, the three of us have to find out whether that person is Ji Zhengxiong. If that person is really Ji Zhengxiong as the arms dealer said, it proves that our previous investigations were all wrong. Useless work! Do you have any thoughts on this, and where to start investigating?"

Even though he knew he couldn't persuade Jia Kui and Yuan Haoyun, Chen Guorong didn't try to persuade him. Anyway, after reporting this matter, they still have to investigate. Now they don't report it, but they still have to investigate. It's just that only the three of them know about this news. That's all, he asked the two of them where to start investigating this matter.

"Where to start looking..."

Jia Kui scratched his head in embarrassment, and asked him to catch the criminal. He is physically strong and powerful, and he is very skilled, but let him use his brain to find a way, which made him a little embarrassed.

For a moment, Jia Kui really couldn't come up with any ideas, so he couldn't help but look at his good brother, Yuan Haoyun!

Being watched by Jia Kui, Yuan Haoyun also felt a lot of pressure. Although he also had a fiery temper and personality, his mind was still quite flexible, and immediately his mind started to spin rapidly.

After a while, he really came up with something, and immediately said to Jia Kui and Chen Guorong.

"If what the arms dealer said just now is true, that person is Ji Zhengxiong, it means that the three kings of thieves are actually in the dark, and they have already met! Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan, these two people are in the dark. It's easy to find, but Zhuo Ziqiang has been living on the bright side! If the previous case was really done by them, as long as we keep an eye on Zhuo Ziqiang, we can always find their clues and contacts. It might be possible to find their lair!"

As soon as this remark came out, both Jia Kui and Chen Guorong's eyes lit up. Indeed, as Yuan Haoyun said, Ji Zhengxiong and Ye Guohuan are hard to find. After all, both of them have been wanted by the Xiangjiang Police Force for many years. They still haven't been caught, which proves that the two still have a few brushes.

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