This is the doubt that Jia Kui couldn't solve when he was investigating the case.

"At that time, the situation was critical. I don't know someone. They set up a dining car and rushed into the exhibition hall. The attraction of the gangsters was all attracted to me. In order to escape, I shot six bullets and destroyed the hall. all the lights in the house!"

Wang Jin's explanation is reasonable, and even Jia Kui can't find any flaws.

"Then sir, you have such good marksmanship, why didn't you kill the gangsters present!"

While Jia Kui secretly admired Wang Jin's marksmanship, he also regretted that Wang Jin had such good marksmanship, why he didn't take such a good opportunity to kill those gangsters.

If it were him, he would definitely kill the gangster without hesitation.

"Jia Kui, the gangsters have far more bullets than me. I can fight the gangsters, but once I run out of bullets? What will happen to me and what will happen to those guests? Have you ever thought about it? There is no special mission, and I am alone. It can only be equipped with six bullets, this is the rule, Ka Kui, you don’t know that, do you?”

Wang Jin's rhetorical question came so sharply that when Wang Jin said these words, he was actually a bit rushed.

Obviously, Jia Kui didn't think about the safety of himself and the guests at all, he just thought about how to kill the gangsters.

No wonder, Jia Kui has been a poor man for so many years, but he hasn't been promoted yet. If he were someone else, he would never ask such a stupid question.

Hearing this, Jia Kui scratched his head in embarrassment, and knew that he had asked a stupid question, so he quickly changed the topic and continued to ask.

"Okay! Sir Wang! This is because I didn't think carefully! Sir, have you seen what the person who brought the dining car into the exhibition hall looks like?"

"No, if I knew what that person looked like, I would have told the police a long time ago! I won't wait until now, and I haven't even seen the gangster's face!"

Wang Jin shook his head. This was a speech he had prepared long ago. In fact, he had already faced it as early as the end of the Cointreau case, and was preparing for an interrogation by the police force.

However, the inquiry he imagined didn't come, but the old fox, Uncle Biao, came and tried to drag him into the water.

Later, Wang Jin simply left Xiangjiang, and others just wanted to inquire, but there was no chance.

It's just that I didn't expect that when I came back, the first person who came to look for Wang Jin would be Jia Kui.

"Then Wang sir, since you haven't seen the gangster, where did the gunshot wound come from?"

"I was injured when I went downstairs and met a lot of bandits in the lobby on the first floor!"

"So, when you rushed out of the hotel, Wang sir, those gangsters were still alive?"

"Yes, when I rushed out, they were indeed still alive, and some even chased them for a long distance. That's why I didn't call the police, but rushed directly to the Central District Police Station!"


"Okay, that's all I want to ask! Thank you, Sir, for your cooperation!"

At the end of the questioning, Jia Kui quickly thanked Wang Jin. Although what Wang Jin said was not very helpful to him, since Wang Jin was willing to take the time to sit down and cooperate with him in asking, he still wanted to thank him .

"You're welcome, everyone is a bad guy, and if you can help, you will naturally help!"

Wang Jin smiled, waved his hand, and said politely.

"Then, sir, have you ever thought about joining this case? It's interesting to investigate such difficult and miscellaneous cases, isn't it?"

Obviously, Jia Kui didn't know Director Lin and Uncle Biao had suffered from Wang Jin, so he invited Wang Jin.

If I had known, I would never have asked such a question!

"Forget it! My vacation is not over yet, so I don't want to cause so much trouble for myself. The difficulty of this case even gives me a headache!"

Wang Jin waved his hands again and again, with an expression that he didn't want to ask, listen, or join.

What a joke, he hid abroad, and finally got rid of this troublesome case.

The current case, in his opinion, is a hot potato, and Wang Jin has no intention of getting close to this case.

Accepting to sit down and talk with Ka Kui is also because of routine, even if Ka Kui does not come, other colleagues will come to ask questions in the future.

"It seems that we can't join forces with Sir Wang this time. Even I have heard of Sir Wang's reputation in Xiangjiang!"

Jia Kui said with a slightly regretful expression, if he could join hands with Wang Jin, it would be a good story for the police force.

After returning to Xiangjiang, Jiaju heard about Wang Jin.

Unexpectedly, within a short period of time after he left on vacation, there appeared a person in the police force who could be as famous as him in Xiangjiang's brave detective.

However, this person who is as famous as him, in Jia Kui's view, is only as famous as him.

In other respects, I am not as good as Wang Jin. At a young age, I am already a supervisor, and I am not even a trainee supervisor. Just 697 is a bit far behind!

(Linglong) ⑧5⑥⒈0⒐78⒉

Moreover, thinking about the scene where Wang Jin was surrounded by everyone at the inspector's inauguration ceremony just now, Jia Kui felt a little sad.

As a well-known figure in the Xiangjiang Police Force, why is Wang Jin's popularity so high and his popularity so good?

Thinking about himself, Ka Kui expressed that he was sore!

Afterwards, the two did not talk about the case, but drank coffee and chatted about some travel experiences.

After all, during this period of time, both of them have traveled, and they went to different countries, so the customs and customs are different.

This naturally made the two of them chat, which was quite interesting.

It was also this chat that made the two well-known figures in the Xiangjiang Police Force.

They have a great understanding of their respective personalities and attitudes.

"Reckless man, there is a string missing in my brain!"

This is Wang Jin's inner evaluation of Jia Kui.

"Lazy, afraid of trouble, muddle along, a salted fish!"

This is Jia Kui's evaluation of Wang Jin.

Both of them had smiles on their faces, and there was nothing wrong with it, but they both had comments on each other in their hearts, but they didn't say it out loud.

Otherwise, the two sides will inevitably go out to fight and decide the outcome by force.

It will even appear in the Xiangjiang newspaper tomorrow morning.

The two famous figures of the Xiangjiang Police Force had a big fight because of...

As for the reason, it depends on how big the brains of the newspapers are.

Anyway, newspapers, except serious and decent regular newspapers.

Other newspaper offices have always been afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Only by attracting attention can newspapers sell well and have food!

This meeting did not last too long!

Jia Kui has a case at hand, the Cointreau Hotel case, although he has no clue, but he can't leave for too long, he still has to go back to work.

Wang Jin is on vacation and has nothing to do, but he doesn't want to talk to a big nose all day long.

If another beautiful woman comes over, Wang Jin might still be able to chat with her!

Therefore, after the two finished drinking, the meeting came to an end.

Jia Kui got up to say goodbye!

Wang Jin was going to find a place to arrange a dinner for the evening to call out some colleagues. After all, he was promoted to supervisor, and he was a leader.

How can you not treat someone to dinner when you get promoted?

As for the matter of inviting Jia Kui, Wang Jin thinks about it or forget it, after all, the two met for the first time, and they are not too familiar! .

Chapter 78 Beyond the limits of the movie, the plot collapsed? (Big guys please subscribe, reward, flowers!)

Wang Jin served wine to treat guests, naturally many people were willing to save face!

After all, Wang Jin is also in the leadership now, so he will have a small advantage of the leadership without knowing it, such as treating guests to dinner!

Chen Guozhong, Lu Guanhua, Li Weile, Guo Zichen and others almost all came.

Of course, the Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team is not limited to such people, but Wang Jin has been in the police station for too short a time, and there are many people he does not know. He knows these few because of the familiarity of the plot.

The others were notified by Chen Guozhong, the boss, and after they came, they were arranged at other tables.

Wang Jin also notified Wei Jinghao.

After all, it is also my first friend in this world, so it would be unreasonable not to notify her.

Wei Jinghao was the last one to come, almost stepping on the spot, seeing Wang Jin still waiting outside, he was immediately very embarrassed.

"Sorry, sorry! Something was delayed"

With a dusty face, Wei Jinghao came to Wang Jin and apologized again and again.

"What's going on with your face?"

Wang Jin saw that Wei Jinghao's face was bruised and purple, and his cheeks were still a little swollen, so he couldn't help asking.

"Didn't you keep asking me to check the news about Tianyangsheng? We found out, and even fought against Tianyangsheng once, but never!"

Wei Jinghao blushed a little, but he was more annoyed. He was also a bad guy, and he couldn't even beat a bunch of gangsters. It was really embarrassing.

"I found out about Tian Yang Sheng, did they hear about them? So soon?"

Wang Jin was a little surprised when he heard the news. Tian Yangsheng and the others came from the battlefield, and they are very strong guys in terms of vigilance and anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

Ordinarily, it wouldn't be so easy, only to be found out!

How could it be found so easily now?

Wang Jin didn't quite understand it!

"And you, didn't I let you get news from Tianyangsheng and them, so I informed me?"

"Where is your notice? Do you know how dangerous those guys are? They dare to kill the police! How many lives do you have enough for them to kill?"

The more Wang Jin scolded, the lower Wei Jinghao's head was, and he almost didn't dare to raise his head to look at Wang Jin, because he really didn't do what Wang Jin said.

Fortunately, Wang Jin's anger dissipated after scolding for a while. It's lucky that Wei Jinghao didn't die, and he didn't say anything else.

"Okay, let's go to dinner first, and tell me in detail later, what's going on!"

Wang Jin turned around and brought Wei Jinghao to Chen Guozhong's table.

Chen Guozhong was very curious about Wei Jinghao, who had never seen him before. After Wang Jin introduced him, Chen Guozhong and the others were also very enthusiastic. They didn't look down on Wei Jinghao because he was a traffic guy.

After all, most of them also climbed up step by step from the traffic police.

A meal was a feast for the host and guests, and those colleagues who Wang Jin had never met before were all familiar. At least Wang Jin could already recognize people by their names when he saw them.

This is the advantage of having a strong memory. It is difficult to forget after reading it once.

After seeing off all his colleagues and paying the bill, Wang Jin dragged Wei Jinghao along the brightly lit street and chatted about health preservation.

Through Wei Jinghao's narration, Wang Jin also knew what was going on!

It turned out that after breaking up with Wang Jin last time, Wei Jinghao, who hadn't been too concerned about Wang Jin's affairs, soon got the news from Wang Jin.

It turned out that his brother Wei Jingda was really an undercover agent.

It's just that Wei Jingda's identity is kept at a high level of confidentiality, and there is no other news except this news, but this is enough for Wei Jinghao!

In order to repay Wang Jin's news, Wei Jinghao also remembered Wang Jin's request, and immediately became concerned about Wang Jin's affairs.

And when he checked, he naturally met Chen Jin and Fang Yiwei, who were investigating the news of Tianyang Health.

The three of them had the same purpose and happened to know each other, so naturally they quickly formed a group.

It's also their luck, although they took a few empty trips, but two days ago, they were really lucky and caught Tian Yangsheng's tail.

After all, they are also human beings, not gods, and they also want to eat and drink.

When Tian Yangyi was buying food, he was caught by Wei Jinghao and the others.

This was naturally a chase. Although Tian Yangyi was stronger than any of the three, he hadn't reached the point where Tian Yangsheng could hit three with one, so he was naturally arrested.

Originally, the three people who had captured Tian Yangsheng, according to the rules, should go to the police station and hand over Tian Yangyi, a serious offender, to the police force.

But Chen Jin, who had already been revenged and dazzled, was thinking of using Tian Yangyi to fish them out, and Tian Yang raised them.

Not to mention, Fang Yiwei, who was beaten up and loaded with bullets last time, was eager to save face, and really agreed to this plan.

Wei Jinghao disagreed with this matter, but his small arms couldn't hold back his thighs.

However, among the three, he has the lowest position and the lowest strength, and no one listens to him.

Needless to say, Tian Yangsheng and the others caught it, but the result of the three meeting Tian Yangsheng and them was not very good, they were hung up and beaten the whole time.

Even Tian Yangyi was rescued.

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