O'Connor was a little unbelievable. He had never heard of such a desert extreme competition, and he was obviously not well-known, but such a competition, the top players from the City of Angels, would actually participate in it, which seemed very unbelievable!

You know, in order to investigate this case, O'Connor integrated himself into this circle, and O'Connor viciously tutored all the knowledge about underground racing.

In the underground racing industry, there is only one international event, which is the most famous and recognized, and will attract top players from all over the world to participate, and that is the death track!

Death track, you can tell from its name that this event has a quota for death, and because of the illegality of underground competitions, the competition on the death track is more intense and exciting. If you are not careful, you will be killed In the end, this is different from a normal professional racing car.

Those who are not top-level drivers dare not participate in this event at all, because the death rate is too high, nearly [-]% of the death rate, it is scary to say it.

But it is precisely because of the violence and excitement of this race that can inspire desires and beasts in people's hearts. Therefore, although the death rate in the death track race is often high, those who can survive will be rewarded generously, and even won the prize. The person who wins the championship can directly become a multi-millionaire.

The origin of the money is either sponsored by the gray industry, or contributed by many fans who like to stimulate blood. Anyway, this event has been repeatedly banned and has been held. Apart from this event, the underground racing industry has nothing to get. Most of the international competitions that have been played are played by everyone themselves.

At most, it's just a few nearby cities. Let's play together. If it's farther away, it won't work!

After all, when you are in a completely unfamiliar place, you can't even find this circle, so how can you compete with others?

Therefore, hearing Dominique say that the top players from the City of Angels will participate in this extreme desert competition, it seems incredible to O'Connor.

Once the top masters from the City of Angels participate, it will definitely attract many masters from cities or other countries, which is inevitable.

As the saying goes, there is no first in literature, and there is no second in martial arts!

The same is true in the racing industry. Everyone wants to be the real No. [-], and only the No. [-] will be recognized, remembered and respected by others. Everyone plays underground racing, who will be convinced?

If there is no real competition, you will never know who is stronger!

Moreover, the City of Angels has a great reputation. After all, it is an international metropolis. Naturally, there are many masters in this field, and there will be more masters who come here to challenge.

It is conceivable that this desert extreme competition, with so many experts participating, the scene must be very grand. Although it may not reach the level of the death track, it is not bad.

If this event is successfully held this time, and if it can continue to be held in the future, it will not be long before this event will slowly become famous all over the world and become an event on the same level as the death track, even if it cannot reach the level of the death track, But a second-tier event is still possible.

Of course, O'Connor was not interested in what kind of event this desert extreme competition would become in the end.

The reason why O'Connor was really interested in this event was because Dominique said that the top players in the entire City of Angels would participate in this extreme desert competition.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

In O'Connor's view, this is simply a godsend opportunity!

O'Connor worked so hard to break into this circle, why?

Isn't it still for investigation?

Originally, O'Connor was still clueless about this case. He only knew that the road robbers were usually guys driving racing cars, and this group of guys could be so crazy, speeding on the road while Robbery, there is absolutely no mention of it, it would be impossible if it weren't for a master!

At least, O'Connor doesn't necessarily think that he can succeed. You must know that O'Connor still has a little confidence in his own strength, but he wants to drive on the road while approaching a large truck, and then jump on the large truck to rob. This is a very test of driving skills and psychological endurance. If the mentality is not strong, if there are fluctuations due to some accidents, the car will crash and people will die.

......... 0 ......

It can be seen from this that the robbers are of extraordinary strength, and they cooperate quite tacitly. They are definitely a top team.

When O'Connor was worried about how to get to know those teams one by one, and then confirm who was the real culprit, Dominic gave him such a big piece of good news. This was simply the best thing O'Connor had heard recently. information.

Desert Xtreme, by all means, because it's your best chance to catch the real road robber!

"I participated in this extreme desert competition!"

Having made up his mind, O'Connor suddenly changed his rhetoric and solemnly declared that he would never miss this event.

"Didn't you just say that you don't have time?"

Dominic looked at O'Connor with a weird face, feeling that O'Connor's face change was faster than turning the pages of a book!

Of course, O'Connor would not tell Dominic the truth, so he could only talk to Dominic by sticking to his neck and forcing himself to blush.

"I don't have time, but I can squeeze in and make time! If a master like me doesn't participate, does this event still have any meaning?"

What O'Connor said was very shameless, which made Dominic very contemptuous, but the two had reached an agreement to participate in the competition together. If the competition started, he would notify O'Connor, and then Dominic told O'Connor to leave Where.

The first thousand and three hundred and eighth chapters match up!

"You can get out!"

Dominic laughed and scolded unceremoniously, and was about to drive O'Connor away. He had no intention of keeping O'Connor to attend the bonfire party.

It is said to be a bonfire party, but it is not a practice party for Vince, after all, Vince will be away for a while soon.

Dominique and others, as Vince's friends since he was a child, naturally wanted to help Vince have a good time before leaving, otherwise, when Vince entered the prison, he would inevitably feel endless loneliness.

A few months may not seem long, and it goes by quickly, but it also depends on the location.

If we were outside, these few months had been wonderful, and naturally passed quickly, but if we were in prison, we would face towering and monotonous walls and barbed wire every day, and at best we could look up. Look at the sky "[-]".

Others can be said to be boring, or boring. Generally, people who just go there will feel extremely uncomfortable.

The intention of Dominique and others is to let Vince have a good memory before leaving, which will help Vince's life in prison.

Generally speaking, Vince is still in a good mood, if Wang Jin is not mentioned, and if O'Connor appears at the bonfire party, it will not only slap Vince in the face, after all, Vince kept shouting Seeing that O'Connor is a note, if O'Connor was allowed to go, wouldn't it be clear that Vince would look bad?

How could Vince be happy, and when O'Connor went and saw O'Connor's Vince, the memory would inevitably go back to the day when he bet with Wang Jin, because O'Connor was also at the scene that day , paid attention to the whole scene and process.

It can be said that the thing Vince regrets most now is that he had a bad mouth with Wang Jin that day, and made that bet with Wang Jin. If it weren’t for that bet, Vince would never have gone to prison, even if it was Dominic and Mi Ya has already persuaded, but Wang Jin still decided to teach Vince a little lesson.

Otherwise, Wang Jin is afraid that Vince will not be able to remember what happened today, and his mouth will still smell bad. This little lesson will make Vince remember what happened today as a warning. Not everyone is like Wang Jin. Everyone has Wang Jin's strength.

If Vince met someone else, it might not be Vince who was bullied, but someone else.

Although Wang Jin always has nothing to do with himself and hangs up high, there are some things that cannot be hung up. This is a matter of principle. If Wang Jin has not seen it, then everything is easy to say, but since Wang Jin I have already seen it, so it is naturally impossible to ignore it.

Therefore, Dominic, who didn't want Vince to feel bad, naturally wouldn't take O'Connor with him. In fact, O'Connor didn't care whether he went to a bonfire party or not, but he didn't want to leave so soon. He still wants to talk to Dominic about the problems of those contestants.

Or information that is not very important to Dominic may be a surprise to O'Connor, but it is clear that Dominic does not want to chat with O'Connor, and just wants O'Connor to leave early. He wants to go to the bonfire party.

You know, Dominic's girlfriend Letty didn't attend today's bonfire party because of temporary business. This is a godsend opportunity for Dominic. Usually, Letty is too strict with Dominic.

If there is any disturbance in Dominic, Letty will come to swear sovereignty. Even if there are hot girls who are interested in Dominic, they will be driven away by Letty, making Dominic feel extremely regretful and beat his chest.

This time, Letty finally didn't come, and there were so many hot girls at the bonfire party, Dominic was still planning to use his charm, hook up a few more, and let it go!

It is rare to have such an opportunity, and Dominic does not want to waste time on O'Connor, but O'Connor also has his own way!

"Dominic, you asked me to participate in the Desert Extreme Competition, but you didn't tell me about those opponents either!"

"At least, you should tell me what equipment those people use, so I can go back and temporarily upgrade the car!"

"Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle, you should also understand! If you don't tell me this, how can I play in the competition? Is it important to participate?"

Not to mention that what O'Connor said was really reasonable, even Dominic, who was a little impatient for the hot girl, stopped involuntarily at this time.

As a racing driver, even if you are not a professional racing driver, everyone has the same goal, to compete for the first and championship...

Although Dominick asked O'Connor to participate in the competition, although he had his own purpose and consideration, it cannot be denied that Dominic also has the spirit of a racing driver. What he hopes to see is that O'Connor also has such a spirit.

Now, O'Connor is showing such a champion spirit eager to win, which is why Dominick stopped.

"You really want to know the news?"

Dominic looked at O'Connor seriously. If O'Connor hadn't mentioned it, then Dominic would naturally not say anything more. He planned to use this competition to let O'Connor experience it for himself, but now O'Connor is It is obviously a bit deeper than what Dominic thought, so Dominic doesn't mind spending some more time to talk to O'Connor about the opponent's information.

"Of course!"

O'Connor nodded, even if it wasn't for the championship and first place, it was worth the money for O'Connor to get information about those top players.

People who are not in this circle will never know who are the masters in this industry. Even if they rely on the identity of the note, they will not be able to investigate any news, because this circle is very xenophobic.

Otherwise, O'Connor wouldn't have to sneak into this circle as an undercover agent to investigate the case. Dominique, an old fritter, was willing to support him, and O'Connor quickly got to know all the top players near the City of Angels at 4.9.

O'Connor even heard an unexpected news from Dominic that someone spent 200 million US dollars to order a set of the world's top racing engine for the purpose of participating in the next desert extreme competition.

Dominique just felt that the other party had found a generous sponsorship. In the past, that guy would never be willing to spend such a huge amount of money just for a racing engine.

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intentions. O'Connor quickly wrote down the name, and decided to investigate secretly after returning home.

Suddenly getting rich, and ordering a racing engine worth 200 million US dollars, this is very doubtful no matter how you look at it!

Maybe it's the real culprit of the highway robbery! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

O'Connor, who got a lot of money from Dominic, left contentedly, and Dominic was also very satisfied, because O'Connor is definitely a serious student, which gave Dominic a sense of accomplishment as a teacher , very satisfied.

After leaving Dominique's place, O'Connor returned directly to the temporary command center of the villa, and told his superiors about his discovery. After all, this information was not easy to come by.

Not only was O'Connor beaten by someone, but he was almost lynched because of his status. Fortunately, such a result did not happen in the end. On the contrary, O'Connor got a lot of benefits and information.

The boss attached great importance to O'Connor's information, and immediately organized a manual investigation to see if the other party had such a large capital flow.

Of course, in order not to startle the enemy, O'Connor's boss only investigated the flow direction of the funds, and did not investigate more. This is not difficult for the cops, and it is even quite simple, and it will not attract people's attention .

Sure enough, as O'Connor's boss investigated this piece of information, the other party basically locked in on the situation. The other party did indeed have a flow of 200 million US dollars in funds as O'Connor said, but the direction to go was not very clear, because this batch of funds was seized. Transferred abroad.

As for where it is abroad, it is not clear. I only know that it is a foreign account. The money only stayed in the account for less than a minute, and then it was transferred away. After several turnovers, the 1 million over there The whereabouts of the dollars is completely unknown.

At this point, the cops can't continue to investigate, otherwise they will be completely exposed, and they will startle the snake.

Therefore, O'Connor's boss handed over the investigation task to O'Connor. O'Connor himself was in charge of the case, so it is reasonable to continue the investigation now.

As more and more investigations were made by the cops, more and more basic information was exposed by the other party, and even traces of the remodeled garage owned by the other party were found.

This is also a very normal thing. As long as a person has lived in one place, the traces of his life will exist. Even if the person disappears in the end, it will take a long time for the traces of his life to disappear. of.

Although the other party was already very careful every time he went to his own modified garage, it was usually in the middle of the night, or when there were few people around, because it was not easy to be found.

But even if you are so careful, something will inevitably be exposed after a long time, and according to the other party's driving route, as well as the forward speed, including a general range and direction, it is not at all important for Tiaozi. It's not a problem.

Soon the opponent's remodeled garage, under the groping and investigation of a group of cops, basically confirmed the location, but because it was daytime and there were so many people, the cops didn't act rashly, but left .

In the middle of the night, the road was already empty, basically without vehicles and people, and it seemed extremely silent.

O'Connor came to the converted garage alone. The front door of the garage is an iron rolling door. If there is no key, the door must be split open with an axe.

Otherwise, it would be really unrealistic to go in, but O'Connor definitely wouldn't do that, and he didn't want to startle the snake.

Otherwise, he would not have chosen to come here in the middle of the night. After simply walking around the whole house, O'Connor found that there was no back door to this place, and the only place where he could sneak in seemed to be only one door. The upper window, because that's the only window that's open.

However, that window was a little bit higher than the two O'Connors, and it was obviously impossible to go up just by jumping.

Thinking of this, O'Connor walked a distance away, and then made an accelerated run-up, stomping on the wall a few times with his feet, and then soared into the sky, with a vigorous posture like a leopard climbing a tree.

O'Connor, who was soaring into the sky, quickly reached the edge of the window, slammed his hands hard, and hung his body firmly by the window. Then O'Connor's arms were vigorously used, and his feet pedaled to borrow force, and the whole person jumped And up, drilled into a large window that can pass through an adult.

It wasn't until he went through the window that O'Connor knew why the windows were closed in other places, but this window was open. It turned out that there was a bathroom under the window, and the window was opened because it needed ventilation.

O'Connor, who was able to enter the garage from the bathroom, did not dare to waste too much time. Although it was already late at night, the other party might appear in the garage at any time, after all, the other party also acted at night.

O'Connor, who was racing against time, directly took out a small flashlight from his trouser pocket, and began to check everything in the garage.

Among the entire garage, the most eye-catching ones were naturally the few cars parked in the garage, but O'Connor said he didn't have much impression of these cars.

At the same time, these cars are completely different from the cars in the road robbery. As a cop, O'Connor naturally has all the statements of the victims, so O'Connor knows the brands of the robbed cars. Neither car can match.

Seeing this situation, O'Connor couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. Originally, he thought that he had found the key clue. Maybe when the case was about to be solved, the truth would always give him a slap in the face.

Under the circumstances that these cars obviously cannot be registered, the suspicion of the other party is basically infinitely close to nothing, but no matter what, it is coming. If you don’t look at the 907 and look at these cars, how can you leave? Wouldn’t it be a waste of time? ?

Different from other people observing the situation inside the car, O'Connor likes to observe the performance of the car, that is, the engine and accessories, so what O'Connor opened was the front cover of the car, and he wanted to see the car in front of him. what parts.

But after opening the front cover of the car, O'Connor was shocked, because the lower part of the front cover had completely become an empty shell, and the engine and other things had all disappeared without a trace.

That is to say, the cars in front of me look good, but they are actually made of iron and cannot move at all.

Looking at the missing engine, O'Connor quickly opened several other cars, and then he found that the situation was basically the same, all the cars had lost their engines.

This made O'Connor, who had already dispelled his suspicions, become vigilant again. Where did the missing engines of these cars go?

Was it sold?

Or is it installed on another car?

It is not uncommon for O'Connor to encounter behaviors of stealing beams and pillars over the years. These glamorous cars are parked here every day. As long as you don't open the hood to observe, who would know that these cars have no engines and have become iron shells. son?

Ordinary people probably wouldn't be able to guess at all, they would just think that the car was parked here, and their eyes let them see the truth they thought they were! .

The first thousand and 310 chapters are wrong!

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