O'Connor believes that such a Dominic will never be the real culprit of the kilometer robbery, because Dominic always has a point of view, that is, he will never go to jail again, and in normal times, Dominic is very sensitive to all kinds of crimes. Violence is very restrained.

In addition to being illegal in participating in underground racing, Dominic's other behaviors are very legal, which also gave O'Connor the illusion that Dominic really has nothing to do with the road robbery case.

Everything was done by others, which naturally turned O'Connor's gaze to other places, and naturally ~ did not pay more attention to Dominic.

What's more, since O'Connor went undercover, the real culprit of the road robbery has not shot again. This also accidentally misled O'Connor, making O'Connor think that the direction of his investigation was right, and that the group of people had already smelled it. An unusual crisis, which stops all action-planning.

O'Connor, who had a clue, naturally refused to give up on this line, and naturally pursued it with all his strength, but the final result was not very good, because the things he investigated were either irrelevant or related to the road robbery. It doesn't matter much.

But O'Connor is very convinced that the direction of his investigation is definitely not wrong. The reason why he has not gained anything is entirely because the scope of his investigation is too small. If the scope of the investigation is larger, maybe he can get More useful leads.

Therefore, O'Connor followed this direction and continued to investigate. This is why O'Connor knew that when Dominique sent him to participate in the Desert Extreme Competition, O'Connor came without hesitation, because this is what O'Connor dreamed of. Opportunity to investigate.

However, even after participating in the Desert Extreme Competition, O'Connor didn't feel anything wrong.

O'Connor also had a few targets of suspicion, and his body shape could barely match the truck driver's confession, but after careful observation, O'Connor couldn't help but feel a little disappointed!

The people he observed should not be the real culprits of the road robbery, or even have nothing to do with the road robbers.

How O'Connor ruled it out, this O'Connor naturally has his own set of methods.

When O'Connor was extremely disappointed, O'Connor did not expect that when things had a turnaround, his sensibility had already excluded Dominic from the real culprit of the road robbery.

But who would have thought that O'Connor's unintentional remark would bring O'Connor's attention back to Dominic.

If Dominic knew this, he would probably die without talking too much!

It's a pity that Dominic didn't know this. The reason why he arranged such a grand meeting ceremony for O'Connor was naturally because he had high hopes for O'Connor.

For Dominic, Vince's loss was unpredictable. Isn't Dominic angry about it?

Of course he was very angry, but there was nothing he could do about it. Dominic knew Vince well, after all, he was a friend who grew up.

Dominique knew Vince's temperament well, so it would be impossible for Vince not to gamble with Wang Jin.

Vince's temper is so hot, and his mouth is so bad, whoever it is, there will be a gamble. This is also determined by Vince's temper.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

There was really nothing wrong with Wang Jin in that matter, and Vince should be the one to blame. If Vince didn't provoke first, Wang Jin wouldn't bet against someone he didn't know for no reason, so There will be no next series of things!

Can Dominic blame Wang Jin?Really can't!

What's more, now that Wang Jin can be regarded as Dominic's brother-in-law, Dominic has no way to blame Wang Jin, so Dominic can only sulk alone.

If Vince is temporarily lost, he is also lost, and he is not an indispensable person anyway.

Losing a Vince, and now adding a more talented O'Connor, Dominic is definitely not at a loss. The reason why Dominic is so good to O'Connor is naturally because he wants to buy people's hearts.


If it weren't for O'Connor being a cop, maybe he would have been really moved by Dominic's tricks, and would follow Dominic wholeheartedly!

But O'Connor was a slapstick, which made Dominic's actions counterproductive and had the opposite effect!

All of a sudden, O'Connor's suspicion of Dominic intensified, and O'Connor almost put the suspect's hat on Dominic's head.

However, O'Connor also knew that some things should not be rushed. The more eager he was, the more likely he would startle the enemy, so O'Connor chose a very cold way to respond.

All of this was also seen by Dominic. Dominic nodded and praised calmly, expressing high praise for O'Connor's immovable character. Isn't this kind of O'Connor more fragrant than Vince?

As for Vince, Dominic has already left him behind. Since they already have a new love, who cares about the old love!

What's more, this old love is destined to be invisible for several months, maybe when that old love comes back, the new love has already completely replaced the old love's position.

Time is always a very cruel thing, a period of time without contact can often cut off a very deep relationship, even if it is a friend who grew up together since childhood!Where.

The first thousand and 340 chapters and three great gods are among the people!

The Desert Xtreme Contest is completely over, and there will inevitably be a climactic celebration feast. This is not only a grand event for the contestants, but also a grand event for everyone.

Anyone who comes to the Desert Extreme Contest is eligible to participate in this celebration event, the scene is called a lively one!

As it got late, the only forest in the military base was cut down and fell to the ground. All the trees were chopped into usable firewood, and bonfires were lit.

Dozens of people sat together around the bonfire, and some of them may not know each other, but tonight, everyone is friends, because everyone has the same hobbies and came here.

Everyone took out all the spare food they had stored and cooked it, making it a delicious and hearty meal.

Not to mention, there are really "[-]" masters in the crowd. Who would have thought that among the hundreds of car fans, there is a former three-star Michelin chef.

The other party stood up while cooking, wearing a pair of worn-out jeans, and a shirt that was already faded and covered with a lot of oil spots and dust. Even his hair was messy, and he didn't look like him at all. He is a clean and tidy three-star Michelin chef, but he is like a beggar on the street.

This surprised everyone. What is the concept of a three-star Michelin chef?

That is already the existence of the chef industry that is close to the ceiling. Such people are highly paid no matter where they go, and they are the elites of society.

However, it didn't make people wait too long. After the guy explained his identity, he took a bath with a bucket of pure water brought by others under everyone's half-believing eyes, and tidied himself up.

Then he packed himself neatly and cleanly, and then carefully took out a black leather suitcase from his dilapidated car.

The whole black leather case was as clean as new, even cleaner than that guy himself. It was really unexpected that such a sloppy person would have such a clean and tidy item.

At the same time, everyone was curious as to what was in it!

When the other party solemnly washed his hands so clean that no dust or dirt could be seen, he opened the black leather box. Only then did everyone see clearly that inside the black leather box, there were actually It was a set of white chef uniform and a set of shiny knives.

All in all, just four words, quite professional!

This scene simply blinded everyone's eyes. At this time, people believed that the other party might have been a three-star Michelin chef before. Even if he was not a chef, he was definitely a chef. Not ordinary people.

It's just that no one knows what the other party has gone through to be reduced to the current state, which seems extremely desolate!

You know, with the qualifications of a three-star Michelin chef, even if you go to any hotel restaurant in the world, it is not impossible to become an executive chef, or even directly become one of the partners of the hotel restaurant.

Such a person who should have been very successful has become what he is now, so why not be curious!

However, no one deliberately inquired about it. After all, it might be someone's sad matter, and asking about it would only expose someone's scars. In this case, it's worth not asking.

The people present are not those who seek the bottom line. Tonight there is only carnival, and there is no unpleasantness!

With the loud cheers of hundreds of people, the celebration feast officially began!

The chef who claimed to be a three-star Michelin chef also started to get busy, and those who knew how to cook were responsible for helping out.

For a while, a chef team of nearly a dozen people was organized to take care of everyone's affairs.

As the chef began to perform the knife himself, everyone believed in the other party's status as a three-star Michelin chef, because the sharp knife skills, like art, are not something ordinary people can possess.

Portions of food are quickly cooked, and the aroma of the food is even more addictive, making people salivate.

"It's so fragrant, I can't stop my halazi!"

"Who says it's not! I now believe that he used to be the head chef of the three-star Michelin star. With this skill alone, it looks like he has been immersed in it for many years, just like art!"

"Yeah! Just smelling this scent is already unbearable, it must be very delicious!"

"People like us don't have the opportunity to enjoy the dishes made by a three-star Michelin chef. Today is really a blessing!"

A group of people watched the chef's performance and talked non-stop, but they still had the quality they should have, they just talked very softly, and didn't disturb each other's cooking...

Moreover, the other party cooks for them, but there is no remuneration. After all, not everyone can afford to let a former three-star Michelin chef cook.

They have already taken advantage of it tonight, so the respect they deserve still needs to be given to each other.

As time goes by, the dishes are cooked one after another. Everyone is sitting around the campfire enjoying the food. The taste of the food is even more delicious. It is so delicious that many people's tongues are swallowed. .

Some people have never eaten such delicious dishes in their entire lives. Compared with the dishes made by this former Michelin chef, what they used to eat was really pig food.

Even Wang Jin, who has tried many delicacies from all over the world, nodded his head full of praise when he tasted a dish.

Although I don’t know if the other party was the chef of the three-star Michelin star, but the cooking skills of the other party are indeed worthy of Wang Jin’s praise. Wang Jin, who has enjoyed delicious food from all over the world, has long been a mouthful, and Wang Jin can praise his deliciousness. Yes, but not easy.

This in itself already shows the strength of the opponent!

 4.9 The night was getting darker and darker, and the celebration party slowly came to an end as the food and wine were all eaten and drunk.

Everyone dispersed in twos and threes, and went back to rest. Wang Jin also left with Mia and moved into the tent that had been prepared a long time ago!

The night passed and the sky was bright. When Wang Jin stretched out and walked out of the tent, there were already quite a few people packing their bags and preparing to leave, and those who left early were even more so when the sky was gray just now. set off and left.

It was already too late for the group of guys in front of them, and the camp built in the entire base suddenly became sparse and clear.

After all, the game is already over, why stay here if you don't leave?

Wang Jin was also preparing to pack up his things and take Mia to evacuate.

The first thousand and 340 chapters and four truths!

Wang Jin took Mia and left early, so the return trip for the two of them was not too congested, and the traffic was smooth, while those who left later complained a lot.

Yesterday's celebration banquet was very good. Although many people met for the first time, they became friends in just one night, and some people had already made an appointment to leave together.

Then this made the road conditions, which were already not very good, suddenly become worse.The road suddenly became very congested.

Even Dominic and O'Connor, who left one step late, were blocked on the road, and now the two of them seemed to be in pain.

In the morning, it wasn't that Mia didn't call them to leave, but whether it was O'Connor, Dominick, Letty, or the others, they all didn't want to get up so early and wanted to sleep longer before leaving.

Seeing that Dominic, Letty and others couldn't be called, Letty naturally went to find other people.

But the others said they would go with Dominic, and this left Mia with no choice but to follow Wang Jin first.

Then there was such an embarrassing scene, those who left first had already left smoothly, and some of them were even almost home.

But those who didn't leave were blocked on the road, and there was a long queue. It took a while to move a little distance, and they didn't know when they would be able to leave.

It didn't take long, and Wang Jin, who returned to the City of Angels all the way smoothly, was already preparing to leave the City of Angels and return to Xiangjiang.

After all, Wang Jin had spent a lot of time in the City of Angels.

Similarly, Wang Jin also asked Mia if she wanted to go back to Xiangjiang with him.

When Wang Jin asked this question, Mia was a little hesitant. She didn't give Wang Jin a direct answer, but said that she would wait for Dominic to come back to discuss it.

Wang Jin can still see this. Although Mia wants to discuss with Dominic, in fact Mia is still a bit reluctant to part with Dominic. After all, she has been with Dominic since she was a child, and she has not left much. Dominic's side too!

Now, if Wang Jin wants to take her to Xiangjiang, it will be too far away, and her brother Dominic is not around, Mia feels a little uncomfortable, and it should be.

In this regard, Wang Jin did not force Mia to sit down and choose directly, but asked Mia to think carefully, and then tell himself the answer after thinking about it.

What can Mia do about this?Naturally, I had no choice but to agree!

After all, it is always difficult to choose between my brother Dominic and my boyfriend Wang Jin!

It needs to be carefully considered. When Wang Jin was thinking about taking Mia back to Xiangjiang, O'Connor, who was blocked on the road, was having fun and chatting.

Of course, it was more about O'Connor's temptation to Dominick. After all, with yesterday's buffer, it would not seem so abrupt if O'Connor brought the topic over.

After the two chatted casually for a while, they talked about the current price rise. This is happening almost all over the world, not just the problem of price rise in one country, but in some countries, the price rise is relatively high. Fast, while some countries have relatively slow rise in prices.

Now that we've reached this point in the conversation, and the topics have already been paved, O'Connor stopped being secretive and asked Dominic directly.

"Dominic, do you have any way to make money recently? I am quite short of money!"

"Why are you short of money? Don't you have a decent job?"

At this time, Dominic hadn't thought about it that much. He didn't know that O'Connor was here to test him. He really thought that O'Connor was short of money, but doubts were unavoidable. After all, O'Connor had a serious job!

Since he has a serious job, it means that he can basically get a monthly salary. From this point of view, O'Connor shouldn't be short of money!

In the store where O'Connor works, Dominique is also very familiar with the boss. He knows that although the salary of the other party is not too high, it is more than enough for one person's living expenses, or even more.

Such O'Connor obviously cannot be short of money!

Faced with such an inquiry, O'Connor's face looked a bit embarrassed, and it seemed that he had made some decision in the end, he gritted his teeth and said directly to Dominic.

"Dominique, I bought this car with a loan. Now I have to pay off a large amount of credit card every month, which is very stressful. If I pay off the credit card, then I will not have enough money for living expenses. You should understand !"

O'Connor pretended to be in a difficult situation, and showed the embarrassment of the hard cash to the fullest. In fact, he didn't need to perform. O'Connor himself was really cash-strapped. The portion is too little.

It's just enough to live on, and it's impossible to do anything else, let alone find some hobbies, which all cost money.

When O'Connor said this, Dominic also understood O'Connor's difficulties now, and immediately said to O'Connor enthusiastically.

"Tell me! How much money do you need, I will lend it to you for urgent needs first, and then return it to me when you have it!"

"That won't work!"

Who knows, when O'Connor heard this, he almost shook his head off and refused again and again.

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