Mia, who was teary-eyed, almost cried Dominic, a tough guy, and his eyes felt extra sour and moist, but fortunately, in order to maintain his image of a tough guy, Dominic abruptly closed his eyes. Tears, let yourself not cry out.

"It's okay, Wang Jin is so rich, maybe he even owns a private jet. If you miss me then, just take the plane or take Wang Jin's private jet and come back to see me!"


"Or when I have time, I can go to Xiangjiang to see you and play around. I haven't been to Xiangjiang yet! I heard that it is the Pearl of the Orient, quite prosperous, not worse than the City of Angels, I think You go, you should be able to adapt soon!"

In order to persuade Mia, Dominic really took great pains. In fact, Dominic didn't want Mia to leave, but one day Mia will still marry, and she will inevitably leave at that time.

If this is the case, the long-term pain is better than the short-term pain, and it is impossible for Dominic to tie Mia by his side for the rest of his life and prevent Mia from marrying.

It’s okay if Dominic doesn’t say anything, but Mia really burst into tears when she said it. The main reason is that the relationship between Mia and Dominic is too deep. Their father passed away since they were young, and Mia has always been with Dominic. Nick depends on each other for life, so the relationship is naturally unusual.

But after Dominic's persuasion, Mia also felt much better.

More importantly, the transportation is so convenient now that it really doesn't take long to fly from Xiangjiang to the City of Angels. If Mia wants Dominick, she can come back anytime.

Even coming back once a month, or twice is not a big deal, which slowed down Mia's longing, and also made Mia make a decision to follow Wang Jin to Xiangjiang Fan.

The first thousand and 340 eight chapters are big!

"Wang Jin said when did he leave?"

Seeing that Mia's mood has gradually recovered, Dominic also asked about Mia's itinerary.

"Not yet, Wang Jin said he could wait for me for a few days, let me think about it!"

Hearing this, Dominic was also relieved, which showed that Wang Jin still respected Mia very much, which made Dominic feel relieved.

In Dominic's life, there are only two things that he really can't let go of.

One is the racing car, and the other is his sister Mia. Now that his sister has a good home, Dominic can be regarded as fulfilling a wish.

In the future, I can focus on racing cars wholeheartedly, and at the same time Dominique also has some things to say.

With Mia in the past, Dominic didn't commit crazy crimes. He just made small troubles, because he was afraid of connecting "[-]" to Mia.

In other words, if he fled, no one would take care of Mia. Dominic was afraid that Mia would be bullied, because Dominic, who grew up with Mia, understood it too well.

My younger sister, Mia, is really too simple. If there is no strong person who can cover her, Mia will live alone, and sooner or later she will be eaten by others.

It's all right now, with Wang Jin's care, Dominic can feel completely at ease.

In fact, for Wang Jin, even Dominic, who has seen countless people, can't see through it.

As for Wang Jin's identity, Dominique had already asked a friend to find out. Wang Jin was very famous in Xiangjiang, so it was not difficult to find out Wang Jin's identity.

Even the legendary deeds of Wang Jin reached Dominique's ears through the mouth of his friends.

Even Dominic was very shocked when he first heard about Wang Jin's deeds. He never thought that there would be such a powerful person in the world.

Even, compared to those protagonists in the movie, they are more awesome, and their hands are covered with blood. There are eight hundred people who have been killed, but this does not make Dominic feel disgusted. After all, Wang Jin His identity is Xiangjiang's note, and killing criminals is a matter of course, so what does it matter no matter how many people are killed?

As long as Wang Jin can bear it and not go crazy!

What's more, in the future, Mia will be protected by a ruthless person like Wang Jin, who will not have eyes to touch Mia, simply don't know how to write dead words!

On the contrary, Dominique was very troubled by what he heard about Wang Jin's affair, and he didn't know if Mia knew about it.

If Mia knows, it proves that Mia doesn't mind, then what Dominic said is in vain, and Dominic doesn't want to be this bad guy.

And if Mia doesn't know, Dominic said, maybe Mia will have a fight with Wang Jin soon, and Dominic doesn't know how it will end.

After much deliberation, Dominic decided not to say anything, and let her and Wang Jin solve Mia's matter by herself!

Maybe Wang Jin will have a solution?

After all, in Dominique's investigation, Wang Jin has not only one girlfriend, but also knows each other's existence, and can even enjoy this kind of blessing, which means that Wang Jin must have a way.

So, Dominic decided to leave this problem to Wang Jin to solve it himself.

In fact, Dominic still has some envy and hatred for Wang Jin. Which man doesn't want to enjoy the blessing of being equal?

But there are very few people in the world who can really do this.

Of course, some real bigwigs are able to keep the red flag at home and the colorful flags fluttering outside, which is already considered a very powerful state.

It is possible to achieve Wang Jin's step and let women live in the same room peacefully. There are really few in the world.

Wouldn't Dominic be envious?He also wants to have several women!

It's a pity that Dominic really doesn't have the capital to support a few women, and he doesn't have the skills like Wang Jin to subdue several women and coexist peacefully.

If there is a chance, Dominic really wants to ask his brother-in-law how to let women coexist peacefully. You must know that it is no longer a feudal era, and women's awareness of independence is getting stronger and stronger.

Even if they don't rely on men, they can survive very well. In such a situation, if they don't love someone, how can they accept a man who shares love with other women?

You must know that human nature is selfish, and only possessing it alone is in line with human desires and nature, whether it is a man or a woman...

Only when there is no way to monopolize it alone, human nature will calm down, and then the brain's rationality will come online again, weigh the pros and cons, and make the most suitable choice.

Such examples are not uncommon in the world, and even countless people have died of greed, but why are there still countless people who have not learned the lesson and continued to follow?

Naturally, it is because this nature of exclusive possession is already engraved deep in the DNA. As long as the mood fluctuates slightly, this nature engraved in the depth of the DNA will grow rapidly and affect the brain consciousness , make a wrong judgment.

This is also why many people clearly know that they cannot get all the benefits, but they still turn their faces and be ruthless without hesitation, either killing or being killed. It is this nature that is playing tricks and affecting the judgment of the brain.

Unless you have received special professional training, or have seen too much from childhood, you are completely numb, and you will be completely immune to certain situations.

Wang Jin's ability to make women suppress their nature because of him has proved that Wang Jin's methods are absolutely extraordinary, and it is worthwhile for Dominic to ask his brother-in-law for advice.

However, I don't know when will be the next time I see this brother-in-law after this time!

Mia is about to go to Xiangjiang. After losing the burden of Mia in 4.9, Dominic immediately felt that the sea is wide and the sky is high. He can go wherever he wants, and he will never be bound again. free.

At the same time, Dominic also decided that before leaving the City of Angels, he would make a big ticket, and if he was about to leave, he would always prepare a large sum of money for his daily life, wouldn't he?

As for the small fights in the past, Dominic didn't like it at all, and he couldn't make much money either!

You can't live a good life in the City of Angels, but you can't do well in other countries, living on beggars, right?

That is too miserable!

Therefore, Dominic's goal this time is to loot at least 2000 million US dollars. After all, there are so many of them, and after such a split, in fact, everyone gets not much money! .

The first thousand and 340 nine chapters come and go, indecent!

Of course, although Dominic has some thoughts in his heart, he will not tell Mia, and it will make Mia feel extremely worried. It is better not to say, let Mia leave the angel without any pressure City.

After some words are spoken, it will be easier, just like Dominic and Mia.

Although the two grew up together from childhood to adulthood, they have a very deep relationship, but they have never said anything particularly sensational. This has also led to the two brothers and sisters. Although they care about each other, there is still a little gap after all, that is, talking We can't always talk about going together.

Maybe two people didn't talk for a while, because they couldn't talk about the topic together, and then they found reasons to separate.

But this time, after the two opened their hearts, they reviewed many happy times when they were young together, as well as their embarrassing stories.

In the past, when talking about these things, not only would you feel embarrassed, but you might also feel that the other party deliberately chose the embarrassing things in your childhood to stimulate yourself, and it was inevitable that you would break up unhappy in the end.

24 This also led to the fact that Dominic and Mia never had the chance to come down to Huixiang.

Many times, even if the two of them are in the store together, Mia does Mia's own business, while Dominic does Dominic's business, and the two do not interfere with each other.

Only when the store is in trouble, Mia will let Dominic take action, so it is said that Dominic is like Mia's brother, it is better to say that Midonik is more like Mia's bodyguard, only when Mia meets Dominique will only make a move when there is trouble.

This kind of relationship has been maintained until today. The two of them said all their innermost thoughts in front of each other, and the barrier between them was completely broken.

Even if they made fun of each other's embarrassing things when they were young, the two just looked at each other and smiled, not paying attention.

In this way, a pair of brothers and sisters chatted very late in the yard before going back to rest.

And early the next morning, Mia had already packed the big and small bags, which were filled with all kinds of Mia's treasures.

Originally, Mia planned to let Wang Jin pick it up, but when Dominic saw that Mia had so many things, he knew that an ordinary car would definitely not be able to pull it away.

What's more, it's Wang Jin's supercar, the trunk is too small, it can't hold so many things.

So, Dominic directly borrowed a pickup from a friend, and then sent Mia and her things to the hotel where Wang Jin was staying.

At this time, Mia called Wang Jin and asked Wang Jin to come down to pick it up. Wang Jin was sleeping in bed in a daze, but after receiving Mia's call, he also woke up.

When Wang Jin came down from upstairs and saw Mia's big bags and small bags, and even asked Dominic to deliver them in person, he was also very surprised.

First, he nodded to Dominic as a greeting, then Wang Jin took out two hundred dollars from his body and threw it to the two doormen at the door, asking them to help Mia move all the salutes to the door. Go upstairs to the room.

Wang Jin himself stayed at the door, greeting Dominic.

Dominique was originally sitting in the car, but when he saw Wang Jin staying behind, Dominique also said to Wang Jin.

"Why don't you get in the car and have a chat?"

Wang Jin nodded when he heard the words, and then got into Dominic's pickup truck. Dominic also drove the pickup truck to the side of the hotel, not blocking other people's hotel for business.

"A cigarette?"

After the car came to a complete stop, Wang Jin rolled down the window, took out a cigarette from his pocket that was absolutely unavailable in this world, and handed one to Dominique.

Dominic was not polite either, and took it directly from Wang Jin's hand, and lit himself with the lighter.

All of a sudden, the two of them began to swallow clouds and fog in the car, and Wang Jin suddenly said something surprising.

"You investigated me recently, didn't you!"

This sentence directly caused Dominic, who was smoking, to choke, coughed violently, and kept talking non-stop.

Wang Jin was not in a hurry either, smoking a cigarette while waiting for Dominique to recover from his cough.

After a few minutes, Dominic finally recovered and returned to normal.

"How did you know?"

Dominic stared at Wang Jin closely with his eyes. He investigated Wang Jin's matter and never told anyone about it.

The only ones who knew about this matter were himself and the friend he entrusted.

But now, Wang Jin knew about it, which made Dominic very worried about what happened to his friend.

Wang Jin also seemed to see what Dominic was thinking, and said bluntly.

"Don't worry, nothing happened to your friend. As your brother-in-law, I won't blame your friend for such a trivial matter!"

Hearing what Wang Jin said, Dominique also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as nothing happened to his friend.

At the same time, this also made Dominique curious, since Wang Jin was not angry at his investigation of him, what does it mean that Wang Jin deliberately mentioned this matter?

Wang Jin seemed to understand Dominique's doubts, and flicked the cigarette with only the butts left in his hand, and it was thrown out of the car window.

"Uncle, it's the so-called non-reciprocal indecentness! You have investigated me, and you should know that I have great influence in Xiangjiang! But what you don't know is that my influence is actually greater than you imagined !"

"You have investigated me, and I will naturally return to you. Guess what I have investigated?"

Sitting in the co-pilot seat of the car, Wang Jin stared at Dominic with a half-smile, which made Dominic shudder, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Dominique is also considered one of the characters. Even at this moment, he kept comforting himself in his heart, expressing that he must calm down. Wang Jin may not be able to investigate anything, so he doesn't need to scare himself.

"Those highway robberies were all done by you!"

Wang Jin's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely breaking down Dominic's defensive line.

Dominic really did not expect that Wang Jin would investigate such a secret matter about himself.

You know, in order to conceal this news, Dominic was very cautious, and now he still let Wang Jin know.

Even Dominic was wondering if there was a ghost in his team!

As for the fact that Mia told Wang Jin about this matter, that is even more impossible. Although Mia is a bit innocent, she is not stupid. How could Mia go out and talk nonsense about such a thing that hurt Dominic?

For a moment, Dominic's heart was in turmoil, and his mood was hard to calm down! .

The first thousand and 350 chapters of poverty, limit my imagination!

Seemingly seeing the unrest in Dominic's heart, Wang Jin immediately patted Dominic on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Brother, don't think too much. The world is not as complicated as you think. How can you not understand the people who follow you to make a living? How could they betray you?"

"But haven't you thought about the people you trade with?"

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