Ma Jun gave a thumbs up in praise, praising Wang Jin's strength, the so-called layman watches the excitement, and the insider watches the way.

As an expert in fighting, Ma Jun didn't understand how Wang Jin vented his strength just now, but he was so embarrassed at himself, but Wang Jin was relaxed and unrestrained.

It can be seen that Wang Jin's strength will never be low, and may even be higher than himself.

Inside the workshop, Wang Jin and Ma Jun stood facing each other.

All kinds of discarded debris within ten meters have been cleaned up by the two of them.

"Wang sir, I have seen your skill just now, I will not hold back this time, you have to pay attention~"! "

Although, it has been roughly guessed that Wang Jin's strength will definitely not be lower than his own. Even if he goes all out, he may not be able to hurt Wang Jin, but he should be reminded that Ma Jun has done enough.

How terrifying it is for him to shoot with all his strength, even he himself doesn't know, at least there are not many opportunities for him to shoot with all his strength.

Every time he fights criminals, he keeps his strength, fearing that he will beat the criminals to death.

However, being scruples about this and that scruples, instead, his strength was affected, and he didn't show his full strength. The most brilliant thing was just a punch, which turned people into fools.

"Don't hold back, just do your best, and let me see where your limit is!"

When Wang Jin heard that Ma Jun said that he would not spare any effort, he immediately waved his hand to Ma Jun, indicating that he is not polite and just do his best.

If it is said that in terms of marksmanship, Wang Jin still dare not call himself the leader, then in terms of hand-to-hand combat, Wang Jin is ranked second, and absolutely no one dares to be number one.

Wang Jin originally inherited Tian Yangsheng's fighting strength, which should not be underestimated. Later, he received a huge boost from the super soldier serum.

Now he is no longer an ordinary person and can be defeated.

Even the wheel tactics are not of great significance to Wang Jin. The improvement of the body by the super soldier serum includes super endurance.

The most famous quote of a certain butt captain is, I can fight for a day!

Although Wang Jin's super soldier serum is a weakened version and cannot achieve such a dramatic improvement, it is no problem to use it for half a day without rest.

What's more, super endurance also includes super resilience. As long as he is not working at full capacity and resting while playing, Wang Jin can actually play for a day.

Therefore, Wang Jin told Ma Jun not to care, just do his best.

"Then please give me your advice, Sir Wang!"

This is a competition, not a real life-and-death struggle, and of course etiquette must be sufficient. Ma Jun clasped his fists at Wang Jin and saluted.

Then, at a distance of half a meter from Wang Jin, he assumed a free-combat stance, with both fists in front of him, and he was moving and testing nimbly and freely.

This distance of about half a meter is the most perfect attack distance for Ma Jun, and it is also the position he is most familiar with after long training and physical instinct.

Ma Jun, who moved nimbly, swayed to the left for a while, and swayed to the right for a while, staring at Wang Jin with a pair of eyes, looking for flaws in Wang Jin's body.

It's a pity that Wang Jin stood there as calm as a mountain, with a long breath, as if it was really an immovable mountain, giving people the feeling that there was no flaw in it.

The more he looked for Wang Jin's flaws, the more Ma Jun felt that he was under more pressure, and a trace of sweat could be vaguely seen on his forehead.

Finally, Ma Jun no longer expected that Wang Jin himself showed his flaws, but took the initiative to attack, so as to find Wang Jin's weaknesses and flaws.

A quick and fierce straight punch came straight to Wang Jin's cheek, the speed was a bit amazing.

Originally, it was impossible for the fist to make a sound when it rubbed against the air, but because of the large friction surface of the clothes, it made a popping sound instead.

Wang Jin escaped Ma Jun's punch with just a shift of his head.

In other people's eyes, the incredible fast heavy punch is just like that in Wang Jin's eyes.

There is a feeling of being slowed down, and you can clearly see the trajectory of Ma Jun's fist, and even Wang Jin can clearly judge where it hits.

If this can still be hit, Wang Jin can find a tree and hang himself to death.

Wang Jin shifted his head and dodged Ma Jun's straight punch. Ma Jun was not discouraged either. This was just his preliminary test, and he didn't expect to hit Wang Jin with one punch.

Although the straight punch was dodged by Wang Jin, Ma Junhu's left fist made another move, hitting Wang Jin's jaw at an angle that caught him off guard.

There is almost no interval between the two punches. This is a set of combined punches. The right fist deceives the enemy's head, and the left fist strikes at a strange angle. You only need to train it to the point of fire and innocence.

In one second, several punches can be thrown in succession, it is difficult to resist, and the offensive is continuous.

Left hook, right hook, lower hook......

Within a second, Ma Jun was attacking like a tide, and his fists never left Wang Jin's head, while Wang Jin swayed his head left and right, his body shook slightly, and he escaped Ma Jun without even moving too much. Dense fist.

Two seconds later, Ma Jun's punches failed. After all, humans are not machines, and it is impossible to punch at the fastest speed with high intensity all the time.

Always need to rest and adjust, Ma Jun exhaled lightly, continued to assume the posture of free combat, and adjusted his disordered breathing.

With so many punches, none of them hit Wang Jin, which really made Ma Jun a little frustrated.

Originally, he thought that his skills were already very powerful, but now he has seen how powerful Wang Jin is.

Only then did Ma Jun know what it means, there are people outside the mountains, and there is a sky beyond the sky!

If it wasn't for Ma Jun's perseverance, he would have given up here, but Ma Jun is Ma Jun, and he will never give up what others give up.

After adjusting his breathing a little, Ma Jun charged towards Wang Jin again.

This time, Wang Jin did not hide!

Previously, Ma Jun's fist speed has been tested, now it's time to test Ma Jun's strength.

Ma Jun came to Wang Jin's chest with a heavy fist, and Wang Jin pressed on Ma Jun's fist first with one palm.

Immediately, Wang Jin felt a powerful momentum coming towards his palm, spreading from his arm to his entire arm. Wang Jin instantly exerted force on his arm to resist this force. slowly disappear.

"¨~ Enough strength!"

Wang Jin thought secretly, and he finally knew why Ma Jun was able to beat people into idiots with one punch.

The weight of this punch, Wang Jin forcibly received it, and he had to spend his strength to resist it. How could ordinary people withstand such a huge force, and it would be a ghost not to be beaten into an idiot!

Wang Jin's test was almost done, and he immediately put away his playful heart. Ma Jun's strength, in Wang Jin's opinion, is indeed powerful enough.

Maybe even more than Jia Kui. Although he has never fought against Jia Kui, Wang Jin can roughly estimate that if Ma Jun intentionally sends out a fast and heavy punch, the huge force can directly shock people. unconscious.

Although Jia Kui is also very skilled, there should be no way to compare with Ma Jun who has undergone years of professional planning and training.

At least, Ma Jun might be fine after taking a few punches from Jia Kui, but if Jia Kui gets punched by Ma Jun in the head, it's not a joke, the slightest is a concussion.

In the future, Wang Jin can feel a little relieved to have such a strong general under his command.

You can't just let him, the supervisor, take action as soon as something happens!

That's too shameful!

It will appear that Wang Jin has no capable people, which will affect Wang Jin's senses of the high-level bosses, and thus have some impact on Wang Jin's promotion.

This is also the reason why Wang Jin wants to test the strength of Ma Jun himself!

If Ma Jun's strength cannot meet Wang Jin's requirements, he still needs to find someone who can support his team.

However, now it seems that (Zhao is good) Ma Jun is completely enough!

"It's time, it's over!"

As soon as Wang Jin got serious, his whole demeanor changed instantly.

If it was as immovable as a mountain just now, it looks like a volcano about to erupt now.

Ma Jun punched, Wang Jin came first, his body moved forward, burst like fire, and grabbed Ma Jun's fist.

A fierce back fall threw Ma Jun heavily to the ground, his knees were as heavy as a mountain, pressing on Ma Jun's chest, making Ma Jun unable to move.

The next second, no!

Not even a second later, Wang Jin's fist was already in front of Ma Jun.

Immediately, Ma Jun's pupils shrank slightly, and then he closed his eyes subconsciously, but the fist did not come for a long time.

Confused, Ma Jun opened his eyes. It turned out that Wang Jin's fist had already stopped in front of his head.

"Wang sir, I lost!"

Ma Jun shook his head, and said with a little bitterness in his heart.

Although he had expected it before and knew that he would lose, Ma Jun didn't expect that he would lose so badly.

Even, strictly speaking, it can be said that he fell down in one round!

He is best at heavy punches, so he can easily judge. If Wang Jin's terrible heavy punch hit him on the head just now, he would be unconscious and lose the ability to resist at the lightest.

And if a person loses the ability to resist, his life will be beyond his control.

Therefore, in this competition, his Ma Jun completely lost!

Wang Jin's strength is indeed worthy of his reputation, and he is truly strong. Even Ma Jun has never encountered such a strong Renliang in his life.

Ma Jun expresses his sincerity

"We're just sparring, winning or losing doesn't matter, don't take it too seriously!" Wang Jin pulled Ma Jun up and said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I see!"

When Wang Jin said that, Ma Jun certainly understood what Wang Jin meant. He and Wang Jin were both bad guys, and it was their bounden duty to catch criminals.

It doesn't really matter whether you win or lose in a martial arts competition among your own people. As long as you can win the fight with criminals and catch criminals, that is a real achievement.

Everything else is floating clouds!

Ma Jun stood up, patted the dust on his body, and rubbed the sore muscles in his arms.

Seeing this scene, Wang Jin suddenly asked with a smile.

"How about it, didn't hurt you just now!"

"Wang sir, I'm not as fragile as you think!"

(blank) [-]

Ma Jun rubbed his arms, and while relaxing the muscles in his hands, he talked to Wang Jin.

In the competition with Wang Jin just now, Ma Jun went all out, and his arms were overloaded with strength. When he was fighting just now, he didn't feel it. Now he suddenly stopped, and naturally all kinds of negative states came.

However, these are minor problems, and Ma Jun often encountered them in the past, so he didn't care about them.

Seeing that Ma Jun was fine, Wang Jin said immediately.

"Just now I said that regardless of the outcome, I invite you to drink! Is there any place to recommend?"

"Of course there is!"

When it comes to drinking, Ma Jun is naturally very interested. As a real man, few people can refuse alcohol, especially in Xiangjiang, where the wine culture is extensive and profound, and has been integrated into everyone's bones.

Old people drink like old people, and young people drink like young people.

Not long after, Ma Jun took Wang Jin to a bar named Mengluo. Since it was daytime, the bar was open.

But because there were no guests, it seemed very quiet and peaceful.

The orange warm lights brought an elegant and warm feeling to this quiet and stable environment. Anyway, Wang Jin liked the decoration here very much.

Obviously, Ma Jun is a regular visitor here!

After entering the bar, the bartender who was wiping the glass at the counter saw Ma Jun coming, and immediately greeted him.

"Brother Jun, why are you here so early today, the bar isn't open yet!"

"Go, go, I can't come if it's not open! Your boss and I are old friends, so why not accept me if you come earlier! 743 is right, is your boss there?"

Ma Jun was acquainted, and walked to the bar. While choosing a bottle of whiskey he liked from among the many wines, he was talking to the bartender next to him.

"Not here, the boss went out to buy things, and she doesn't know when she will come back. It may be soon, or it may be at night. She didn't tell me!"

The bartender held the wine glass and a clean towel, shrugged and spread his hands.

"Okay! Since the boss isn't here, forget it. I wanted to try the wine she mixed, but now it seems that I have no chance. I'll just make some whiskey with ice! Wang sir, what do you want?"

Ma Jun held the whiskey bottle and asked Wang Jin what he wanted to drink.

Wang Jin didn't have a particular preference for wine, so when he saw Ma Jun wanting to drink whiskey, he followed Ma Jun's path.

"Then give me a glass too. The whiskey is ready with ice, and I don't choose to drink!"

"Okay! Right away!"

Ma Jun skillfully found two clean wine glasses in the bar, and found ice cubes.

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