They also just booked a super luxurious promotion celebration meal according to their salaries, saying that they wanted Wang Jin to have bloodletting to satisfy their unsettled resentment.

If the celebration dinner was really calculated according to salary, it would take at least two months of Wang Jin's salary and bonus.

This can be regarded as a ruthless attack on Wang Jin's wallet. Whoever called Wang Jin has made such a great contribution when he first arrived, it seems that skipping a promotion is already a sure thing.

Next, we are waiting for the notification from the police force!

Wang Jin's real wealth, for the sake of harmony among his colleagues in the future, of course he will not tell them that the super luxurious celebration dinner you ordered is only one billionth of his own wealth, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Wang Jin was afraid that he would be beaten if he said such a thing, and he couldn't explain the source of the money here clearly, so he had to keep some words in his stomach.

Looking at the excited expressions of several colleagues except Chen Guozhong, it seems that a big meal can make me poor and happy!

"These guys!"

Wang Jin, who was leaning on the desk, shook his head helplessly, not knowing what to say.

Of course, Wang Jin can understand this kind of mood, that is to turn envy, jealousy and hatred into appetite, and ruthlessly steal a good meal. The previous Wang Jin also had this similar idea.

It's a pity that now that he has money, the super simple happiness in the past is no longer suitable for him.

Because the happiness of the rich is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

In the office, Chen Guozhong was wearing a black suit, he couldn't help clapping his hands, and said in a bad mood.

"Okay! Let Ah Jin treat guests, but we have to wait for Ah Jin's promotion report to come out, and it's almost the same if you have a good time! Stop making trouble!"

"Let's get down to business!"

When it came to doing serious things, Chen Guozhong's expression first became serious.

Chen Guozhong's expression became serious, and the whole office quickly quieted down, and the noise stopped.

"Draw the curtains, close the door! Put on the projector!"

Following Chen Guozhong's order, Lu Guanhua, Li Weile, and Guo Zicheng got busy skillfully. Those who drew the curtains drew the curtains, those who put the projector on the projector, and those who closed the door.

Only Wang Jin was a little dazed, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, Chen Guozhong didn't say anything. After all, Wang Jin just came here, and he is not familiar with all the procedures and business.

However, as the boss, Chen Guozhong was still very serious and responsible. Seeing Wang Jin's bewildered expression, he was full of advice and encouragement.

"Ah Jin, you used to be a traffic policeman and have never been in contact with our anti-mafia department, so you may not be very clear about the functions of our anti-mafia department. I will tell you later!"

"Besides, you are transferred here at the right time. We happen to have a difficult case on hand. You just follow along and learn more. I believe that with your young brains, you will definitely bring the anti-mafia group to the police station." The job, get started soon!"

"Okay, Sir Chen!" Wang Jin nodded immediately upon hearing this.

To be honest, Wang Jin really knew very little about the work of the anti-mafia group, he only knew roughly that it was in charge of the association, but his specific functions were not very clear.

"Ah Jin, our anti-mafia group is rumored to be in charge of the club. In fact, this is true, but it is not entirely true."

"We have no control over the division of the community's territory and operating income! Our anti-mafia group is in charge of the illegal and criminal activities of the community, such as the sale of snake people, selling fans, selling stolen goods, smuggling, money laundering, etc., but once it touches homicide, then we will apply for a joint investigation or action with CID!"

Chen Guozhong's explanation was not complicated, and Wang Jin's comprehension ability was not bad, so he understood it very quickly, so he nodded to Chen Guozhong to express his understanding!

"Now that I understand, let me just talk about the case we are handling now!"

Seeing that Wang Jin understood what he said, Chen Guozhong nodded in satisfaction, and turned on the projector casually.

Immediately, several photos and information appeared on the projection screen on the wall, and Chen Guozhong introduced them one by one.

"This is Zhou Weisheng! He is a barrister from a well-known law firm! We suspect that his true identity is the white glove of a foreign money laundering group, that is, the middleman!"

"Someone brought a large amount of cash into Xiangjiang from abroad, and then handed it over to this lawyer named Zhou Weisheng. After this Zhou Weisheng laundered all his cash, he will transfer the funds to a foreign bank account through legal channels! "

"We have also found the owner behind this bank account. His name is Uncle Chao. He should be the leader of this foreign money laundering group!"

This is Uncle Chao's photo and personal information. Chen Guozhong projected Uncle Chao's photo and information on the projection screen for several people to watch.

Then Chen Guozhong projected photos and information of the two young people on the projection screen.

"This is David and Xiaojie, and they are Uncle Chao's subordinates! They should have brought this huge sum of money from abroad!"

"The beginning of this case stems from the shooting at the law firm. Many people were killed and seriously injured at the scene. The situation is tragic!"

"Originally this should be a CID case, but during the investigation, they CID found out that there seemed to be signs of money laundering. Maybe someone wanted to blackmail the gangsters, so the incident happened, so they notified the higher-ups, who ordered us Anti-mafia team, assist CID to investigate together!"

"Currently, the whereabouts of this huge sum of money are unknown. I am highly suspicious of Zhou Sheng, David and Xiaojie. If it is really black and white, they are the most suspected, because only the three of them know that this money When will the money arrive!"

"In addition, this money is also related to one of our buddies. Now Xiaojie has been seriously injured and died, and we have to keep an eye on David and Zhou Sheng's every move, and then find the money as evidence to link it with the people behind it. The money laundering group, bring it to justice, and give our guys a clean slate!"

Chen Guozhong's expression was extremely serious. This case is definitely a major one.

If it can be involved in a money laundering group, this amount of money is definitely not a small amount.


If he can solve this case, although he can't win all the credits and have to give half of it to CID, at least he can let the gang under him upgrade to a level with his brother.

Although it was only a small promotion, but the salary was raised again, and Chen Guozhong couldn't be careless. After all, his brothers all depended on the salary for a living.

In the audience, only Wang Jin had a strange expression, staring at the photo of David on the projection screen, frowning as if recalling something carefully.

"This David looks familiar, am I running into the plot again?"

"This case always feels somewhat inexplicably familiar..."

"By the way, it seems to be Brother Shan's money laundering!"

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed through Wang Jin's mind, and the name of an old movie appeared in his mind! .

Chapter 14 Black money in hand!

The movie "Money Laundering" is not particularly famous. Wang Jin watched it many years ago, and in his memory, it is not particularly deep.

If it weren't for Chen Guozhong, who described the whole characters and events in such detail just now, Wang Jin really wouldn't have a sense of inexplicable familiarity, so he could match up with the movie in his mind so quickly.

"I remember that in the movie, there seemed to be a large amount of black money, which was hidden by that Xiaojie on the elevator car of the law firm where the shootout was taking place. found it!"

At this time, Wang Jin was sitting in his seat, lost in thought because of this matter, and he didn't care at all what Chen Guozhong was talking about.

As he was recalling the whole plot, he suddenly remembered that there was a large amount of black money in this movie whose title was money laundering.

Even for Wang Jin, who now owns [-] million US dollars, this amount of US dollars is not a small amount of money.

What's more, this black money was not directly snatched from the cash truck like Wang Jin's batch of [-] million US dollars.

Before the [-] million US dollars are completely washed, even if one is used, it will cause huge troubles.

This dollar, which belongs to black money, is different.

It's the gangsters in the United States, and they are going to use it for money laundering, so they will naturally prepare it. They are all old dollars without serial numbers.

If he got the money, at least for a long period of time, Wang Jin could live in style without worrying about money!

After telling the whole case, Chen Guozhong began to arrange tasks for his brothers.

"Ah and Brother Hua, go to the law firm where the shootout happened, and see if you can find anything else!"

When Wang Jin was arranged, Chen Guozhong yelled a few times, only to find that Wang Jin did not respond at all, as if in a daze.

Slowly arriving at Wang Jin's table, Chen Guozhong knocked on the table with his hand, and a crisp sound sounded, which immediately woke up Wang Jin who was in deep thought.

"Ah Jin... what's the matter, what were you thinking just now, is there something wrong with the case?"

Chen Guozhong's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help asking Wang Jin curiously.

He thought that Wang Jin had thought of something related to the case, so he fell into deep thought and wanted to ask Wang Jin what he thought.

"Oh! Sir Chen, there is nothing wrong. I was thinking about something just now, and I was a little lost!"

Wang Jin smiled embarrassedly at Chen Guozhong, a little embarrassed, but he deserted during the meeting and was caught by his boss, can it not be embarrassing!

Although, when he first deserted, he was thinking about very important things!

Chen Guozhong didn't have the ability to read minds, so how could he know what Wang Jin was thinking? He thought Wang Jin was thinking of something on his mind, so he wandered off.

For this, he didn't criticize Wang Jin at all, but patted Wang Jin on the shoulder, and said earnestly with the appearance of an elder who had come here.

"Okay! Pay attention in the future. When doing serious things, you must concentrate! You and Brother Hua will go to the law firm where the crime happened in a while to see if there are any omissions or other discoveries!"

"Understood! Sir!"

Wang Jin nodded solemnly immediately, even if Chen Guozhong didn't send him to the law firm where the shootout was, he would go there by himself.

Because that huge amount of black money is still in the law firm!

Wang Jin didn't want the money, and cheapened that guy You Long for no reason, so naturally the sooner he cut off the guy, the better.

Soon, Chen Guozhong arranged various tasks, Li Weile followed David secretly, Guo Zicheng followed Zhou Weisheng, watched their every move, and if there was any abnormal behavior, he would report and arrest him directly.

Wang Jin followed Brother Hua to the law firm where the shootout was taking place.

In the underground parking lot, police cordons were pulled up all around, and large pieces of glass residue and debris fell on the ground.

On the surrounding walls, there was still a large patch of maroon blood splashed, which was formed by the bullet piercing through the body and splashing onto the wall on one side.

And such traces, in the entire underground parking lot, are obviously more than one place, but five or six places.

It is conceivable how fierce and terrifying the gun battle was at that time.

"These people are really desperate for money! I don't know if people die, what's the use of getting money? Can they still be taken underground to spend?"

Wang Jin couldn't help complaining in his heart, expressing doubts about the IQ of those gangsters.

"Brother Hua, if you look here for any clues, I'll go to the law firm upstairs to see if I find anything else!"

"Okay, you go up and have a look!"

When Lu Guanhua heard what Wang Jin said, he nodded immediately, without thinking too much, he subconsciously agreed.

Wang Jin, who wanted to distract Brother Hua and act alone, immediately headed for the elevator.

When he came to the elevator room, Wang Jin found that the elevator had stopped on the first floor, and there was no movement for a long time, so he pressed the elevator, and soon the elevator came to this floor, and the elevator door opened.

Wang Jin's figure stepped into it, and the elevator door slowly closed, completely blocking Wang Jin's figure.

Ten seconds later, the elevator stopped on the floor of the law firm, and the elevator door opened slowly. Wang Jin straightened his clothes and walked out of it calmly.

It took only ten seconds, but Wang Jin had already got what he wanted.

There are already millions of dollars in his storage ring.

Even, Wang Jin still had time, so he calmly took out a few stacks of US dollars from the suitcase, and looked through them roughly. After seeing that they were all old US dollars without consecutive numbers, Wang Jin's heart was relieved immediately.

"In this way, the money can be spent with confidence!"

"It's the U.S. dollar. Although it is also a hard currency in Xiangjiang, it is still inconvenient to use in Xiangjiang. I will go to the bank later and exchange it for Xiangjiang coins!"

"With this money, it can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need. I will buy a better car in a while, and I will also find a place to live!"

After getting the money, Wang Jin began to think about how to spend the money. After all, the money is spent after getting it. If the money is not spent, it cannot be regarded as money. At best, it is just a pile of attractive waste paper! .

Chapter 15 Using bait as a lure, the undercurrent is raging!

law office!

Wang Jin looked at the hanging lock on the law office, and shook his head helplessly.

He came upstairs only to get the black money, but since he came up, he had to put on a show and pretend to investigate so that he could go back and deal with Chen Guozhong.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the door of the law firm, they found that the door of the law firm had been closed. Obviously because of the shooting incident, the entire law firm had already been on holiday.

There was no way to investigate at all, and it was a waste of time, but Wang Jin didn't care.

Anyway, the millions of dollars in black money had already entered Wang Jin's hands without anyone noticing it, and even entered his storage ring.

If you want to find this black money, it is impossible to turn Xiangjiang to the whole sky.

Because the only one who can open the storage ring is Wang Jin himself.

Wanting Wang Jin to spit out the money he swallowed into his mouth, it would be as difficult as climbing the sky!

Zhou Weisheng's money laundering case, following Wang Jin's fate, can almost be declared to be over without a problem!

How can a case where no black money can be found be considered a money laundering case?

Unless, who has the ability to come up with a lot of money to plant and frame Zhou Weisheng.

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