At the same time, Yazi is also really fighting, and the various movements are almost perfect!

"I don't know if her hips are so sharp! Such a big movement, does it hurt?"

Wang Jin looked at Yazi who was dancing hotly, and a strange idea popped up in Wang Jin's mind.

When Yazi's hot dance ended, the audience cheered. Yazi wiped his sweat and walked off the stage. Wang Jin walked over with a glass of drink and handed it to Yazi.

Yazi glanced at Wang Jin unexpectedly, looked Wang Jin up and down, and said in a strange tone.

"Give me a drink so kindly, you didn't put the medicine!"

Seeing that he was so kind, he handed Yazi a drink, but Yazi didn't appreciate it, so Wang Jin choked.

"Be kind as a donkey's liver and lungs, drink it or not!"

As he said that, Wang Jin was about to take the drink away. Seeing this, Yazi hurriedly stopped Wang Jin's movement and snatched the glass of drink into his hands.

"Who said I don't drink!"

Holding the wine glass, Ya Zi almost drank the drink in the glass in one gulp, just because it was difficult to swallow for a while, his cheeks bulged like a little hamster, which looked very interesting.

Wang Jin immediately burst into laughter, but Yazi was still baffled, not knowing what Wang Jin was laughing at.

However, because there was a drink in his mouth, he couldn't ask, so he had to drink it first.

After finishing the drink, Yazi asked.

"Why did you smile so happily?"

"No, nothing! By the way, did you find any clues?"

Naturally, Wang Jin couldn't say, he was laughing at Yazi, so he could only change the subject.

"Yes, I did find something. Those people were all carrying guns, and they even charged. They should be the international gangsters we are looking for! But I don't know exactly how many people are there!"

Speaking of the task, Yazi's expression suddenly became serious, and he seemed very serious.

"Have you found a clue? Do you know where they are?"

Wang Jin didn't expect Yazi to find the clues of the international thugs so quickly, and he couldn't help but have a new understanding of Yazi's ability to handle affairs.

"I've gone into their room to take a look at them while they're gone, but I didn't stay there for long in order not to startle the snake. If you want to take a look, I'll take you there."

Yazi carefully looked around and found that no one was watching the situation here, so Yazi said to Wang Jin.

"Okay, take me to see it!"

Yazi said that he had found clues about international gangsters, so Wang Jin naturally had to check to see if they were the people in his memory. If the confirmation was correct, he could start to act immediately.

As for saying that when the police came and acted together, they would be out of their minds.

With that time, it was enough for the robbers to kill several guests on board.

The best time to act is when the enemy is clear and we are dark!

Since it was sneaking in, of course they couldn't go through the main entrance. They followed Yazi to the outside of the cabin. The two of them used the window strings, like two clever cats, to climb to the room where Yazi found the international gangster... ..

Yazi pouted in the direction of the window, and Wang Jin immediately understood that this was the room where Yazi discovered the international gangsters.

Wang Jin quietly leaned against the window sill, and looked into the room through one of the window sills.

There were four people in the room, three men and one woman.

At this moment, they were sitting on the bed, or wiping their guns on the sofa, chatting.

Although, what appeared before Wang Jin's eyes was not the gringos in his memory.

It was a yellow man with black hair and black eyes like him, not an international gangster at all.

But these guys also agree that it is very dangerous, and they are full of heavy firearms, and they also agree that it is very dangerous.

At this time, Wang Jin really wanted to say something, what the hell!

It's obviously an international gangster robbing a ship. Why did another group of guys suddenly appear in order to rob money?

Where are these guys from?

for what purpose?

Wang Jin said he knew nothing about it!

However, the leader is very similar to Wu Jing, and should also be a plot character, which makes Wang Jin a little bit embarrassed.

"Things are so complicated!"

In order to know the origins of the gang in front of him, Wang Jin made a gesture for Yazi to go down first, Yazi nodded knowingly, and went down lightly.

But Wang Jin was not in a hurry to leave, he continued to crouch outside the window, listening to the news inside.

4.8 Wang Jin wanted to see who these guys were!

One of them, who was sitting on the sofa, stopped wiping his gun and asked.

"Brother Sheng, when can we act?"

"Don't worry! We will act when the other group of people act!"

The man called Brother Sheng was obviously very calm.

"But, Brother Sheng? Why do we want to make that person look like he was killed by those gangsters!"

"Customer request, don't talk too much, 200 million US dollars, do you still want it!"

Brother Sheng's reprimand made them all shut up.

In this world, there is no one who will have trouble with money.

After listening to Wang Jin for a while, he was still confused. He only knew that they wanted to kill someone, but they didn't reveal who this person was.

Chapter 110 Four Delivered!

"A troubled autumn!"

Wang Jin felt emotional for a while, and jumped down from the position of the window string on the boat. He unloaded lightly without making a sound, and did not disturb the few people in the room.

Seeing Wang Jin coming down, Yazi hurriedly leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"Well, what did you find?"

"No, but the situation has changed a bit now, they may not be the group of people we are looking for!"

Wang Jin immediately shook his head, with a complicated expression on his face.

"No, the person we are looking for? Aren't there two gangs on the boat?"

Yazi wanted to yell out in surprise, but then remembered something, and quickly covered his mouth. After making sure he didn't yell out, Yazi put it in his hand, and his face even changed, more than Wang Jin's. Much uglier.

Originally there were a group of gangsters, Yazi was already under a lot of pressure, but now there is another group of gangsters, and they still don't understand their specific purpose, if Yazi's face looks good, then there is something wrong.

"Then what do we do now?"

Yazi asked Wang Jin for his opinion. First, Wang Jin was higher than Yazi in terms of position. Second, Yazi suddenly heard that there were still a group of people, and they were also a little confused. way.

"Divide the troops! This group of people must be watched by someone, so I'll do it! You go and deal with those international gangsters!"

Wang Jin thought about it and quickly made an arrangement.

In the original plot, it was the international gangsters that Yazi dealt with, and Wang Jin also saw Meng Bo on the boat. Presumably, with Meng Bo there, it shouldn't be a problem for the two of them to deal with the international gangsters.

On the contrary, this group of people, including some who looked like Wu Jing, couldn't tolerate Wang Jin not paying attention.

Brother Jing is a ruthless person, and the characters he plays, no matter whether they are decent or villains, are not easy to get along with.

No matter who was in the room just now, these dangerous people need someone to watch, and Wang Jin is not at ease if Yazi is watching here.

Although Yazi's strength is good, it is still not enough to face the ruthless team headed by Brother Jing. This matter can only be done by Wang Jin.

"we can only do this!"

Yazi had no choice but to agree to Wang Jin's decision.

Dividing troops seems to be the most weakening method, but sometimes, you have to do it. You have to keep an eye on the gangsters in front of you!

If you don't keep an eye on it, who knows what these dangerous people will do on the boat?

"Then go find the other gangsters first!"

Yazi was also a little anxious. The gangsters he found were not the gang of international gangsters the director said.

That proves that the gang of international gangsters are still hiding among the many guests. If such dangerous gangsters are not found out, once they take action, they will definitely bring danger to the guests. That's why Yazi is like this Distraught.

"You go! I'll keep an eye on this side, nothing will happen, you find another group of gangsters as soon as possible!"

Wang Jin gave Yazi an OK gesture, indicating that there will be absolutely no problems here, which is also Wang Jin's confidence in his own strength.

No matter what monster you are, Wang Jin has the confidence to put them down.

The anxious Yazi left immediately to search for another gangster group, while Wang Jin was going to check on Brother Jing to find out what they were here for and who they were!

I just listened by the window for a long time, but I didn't hear any results. Obviously, this group of people have relatively tight mouths, and they can't hear any results just leaning on the side and listening to the corner.

Soon, Wang Jin found a waiter who was about the same height and figure as himself, knocked him out, and stuffed him into a room at random.

As for the embarrassment to make a move, Wang Jin has absolutely none.

The next boat may be even more dangerous. If you walk around at will, you may die.

Wang Jin knocked the waiter unconscious, maybe he could save his life!

Therefore, Wang Jin was not polite at all. According to Wang Jin's estimate, if it didn't take more than ten hours, the waiter probably wouldn't wake up. Wang Jin still had a lot of strength in his attack.

With these ten hours, it is estimated that the two gangs of gangsters should also be cleaned up.

Anyway, Wang Jin didn't think that the two gangs could hold back for more than ten hours without making a move.

After changing his clothes, Wang Jin tidied up his bow tie, such an antique thing.

To be honest, Wang Jin is really not used to it, his neck is uncomfortable, including the tie, and Wang Jin never wears a suit.

It was a bit uncomfortable to wear a bow tie all of a sudden, but thinking that he was going to investigate intelligence, Wang Jin endured it, and he wouldn't wear it for a long time anyway.

Boom boom boom......

All the way to find Brother Jing's room, Wang Jin knocked on the door relaxedly, fully integrated into the performance, and regarded himself as the voice of service.

"Who is it!"

There was a shout in the room, and then Wang Jin heard the doorknob ring.

The door opened, and a face was revealed. It was a girl. She was not bad, mainly because of her decent figure.

It was the female gangster among the three men and one woman that Wang Jin observed from the window string just now.

Seeing Wang Jin at the door, the female gangster was very surprised, but then she was well covered up.

Wang Jin thought it was his own waiter who surprised the other party, so he didn't care.

"Hello, I'm the waiter on the ship. It was you just now. Do you need any service?"

Wang Jin is serious, with all kinds of etiquette and thoughtfulness, and he almost plays the role of a waiter perfectly.

This is also due to the previous life, Wang Jin once worked in a French restaurant, and had a good understanding of the etiquette of the waiters.

"No? I haven't ordered the service! However, it may be ordered by someone else in our room. Wait a moment, I'll ask for it for you!"

The female gangsters didn't know that Wang Jin had already discovered their 743 gangster identities, pretending to be cute and ignorant, and said to Wang Jin.

"Okay, it's okay! I'll wait here!"

As a waiter, Wang Jin naturally had to show his manners and just stood at the door, while the female gangster closed the door and came to her partner.

Even, being cautious, she was afraid that Wang Jin, who was separated by a wall, would hear her, so she directly found a piece of paper, wrote a line, and showed it to others.

Our target is just outside the door, pretending to be a waiter!

Seeing the words on the paper, the man called Brother Sheng laughed, guessing that the identities of himself and the others might be suspected, so Wang Jin disguised himself as a waiter to investigate them.

But Wang Jin outside the door would never know that the target they wanted to kill was Wang Jin.

Otherwise, Wang Jin would never be so stupid as to send it to his door himself!

Brother Sheng took out a shotgun from the backpack on the bed, this kind of powerful shotgun.

A single bullet can even burst a huge blood hole in a person's body, which can easily penetrate even ordinary walls.

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