As long as Wang Jin's safety is well protected, the money will really come in a lot.

What else do you need to rob?

It's risky and unsafe, and it's still a life of hard work!

As soon as you enter, you can become McDonald's deputy, which is almost equivalent to the position of the second or third in command.

Wang Jin said that he couldn't understand, why did McDonald's take a fancy to him, and invited him to join their criminal group?

Could it be that because of his handsome appearance, McDonald is actually a rabbit?

Prefer masculinity?

Thinking of this, Wang Jin couldn't help shivering. He was not afraid of anything, but he was afraid that this kind of masculinity would give Wang Jin goose bumps if he got a little closer.

"Forget it! I don't have the ability, I can't bear it, I can't bear it!"

Suspecting that McDonald's is a rabbit master, Wang Jin waved his hands again and again, and refused without thinking.

He is a man with a normal personality orientation, and he really can't bear this kind of masculinity.

Could it be the girls, aren't they fragrant?

Seeing Wang Jin directly refused, McDonald's face suddenly turned cold.

"Aren't you thinking about it? You know, those who don't take refuge in me will not end well!"

"I'll go! People who take refuge in you, do they have to go through this kind of thing?"

All of a sudden, Wang Jin looked at the gunmen around him with a trace of pity. It would be very miserable to be a frightened gangster.

Now I have to endure this kind of torture, these people are ruthless people!

Wang Jin expressed his admiration and wanted to give these gunmen a big thumbs up!

Macdonald said that there were question marks in his head, he didn't know that Wang Jin had already misunderstood, if he knew, I'm afraid he would immediately come up to fight with Wang Jin.

4.8 "Needless to say, I will never trust you!"

Not to mention the fact that Wang Jin misunderstood McDonald's, even if McDonald's is not a rabbit master, he would not take refuge if he forgot.

He has done a good job, why should he be a frightened gangster.

Besides, he is still so rich, even if he is not a poor man, he is also chic to be a rich man!

"Linglong" ⑧6863718⒉

Why bother to be a gangster!

"It seems that you are toasting and don't eat fine wine! Since you refuse to take refuge in me, then I will kill you first today!"

McDonald's face was ugly, and his sincere invitations were rejected again and again. McDonald was angry, thinking that if he couldn't get it, and others couldn't get it, McDonald's wanted to kill Wang Jin on the spot. killed.

Unfortunately, at this moment, the door on the second floor of the lobby was suddenly opened with a bang.

A few people rushed in, and in an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on the second floor, including the many gunmen.

Brother Sheng took a submachine gun and caught Wang Jin at a glance. It was like meeting an enemy, and he was extremely jealous.

Then there is nothing more to say, just took the submachine gun, and aimed at Wang Jin's side, and swept wildly.

Since McDonald and Wang Jin were standing not far away, they were shot directly by submachine guns and scratched their arms.

That's pretty cool!

I have so many subordinates here, and I was injured by others, how can this spread out.

Madonna, who was so angry, couldn't care about Wang Jin anymore

"Kill them for me!"

With an order from McDonald, all the gunmen fired, and a big melee started immediately! .

Chapter 110 I have something to do! (I beg you guys to subscribe more and give a reward!)

The furious McDonald didn't know that Brother Sheng and the others were here for Wang Jin.

That blast of submachine guns was also aimed at Wang Jin, but he and Wang Jin were standing very close, so Chi Yu was affected.

Brother Sheng and the others don't care who is standing with Wang Jin, in their eyes, only Wang Jin is there, and killing Wang Jin is their goal.

As for who was accidentally injured, what does it matter to them?

He was beaten to death, and he deserved it!

It's a pity that McDonald's didn't know that Wang Jin was the target of Brother Sheng and the others.

He thought that Brother Sheng was coming for him, otherwise why didn't he shoot at other places, just shoot at himself!

At the same time, it also made McDonald rejoice that he was lucky, but his arm was scratched. If his head was hit, he would still be alive!

How sad it would be if he didn't get the robbery and killed himself.

To paraphrase an old saying, one dies before one succeeds.

McDonald, who was accidentally injured, was naturally extremely furious. He hadn't been injured for a long time.

『空 白』⑥⒐⑧9⒉5⑧5O 內部群:⒉⒉0⑤23①4⑨

If Brother Sheng and the others are not dealt with, how can the hatred in his heart be eliminated.

"Give me a hard hit, and we must kill them!"

When McDonald gave an order, all the gunmen immediately opened fire.

da da da....... da da da......

All of a sudden, flames shot out, bullets flew randomly, and all kinds of glass products were smashed to pieces.

And the guests who were almost gathered together, like quails, had never seen such a terrible gun battle scene, screamed in panic and wanted to run outside.

McDonald naturally noticed this too, but he didn't care, so he let these guests run outside, he was here to rob, not to kill.

Only the living can provide money, and the dead cannot give money.

Even if these guests ran out, could they still get out of this boat at 24?

When he took control of the ship, McDonald had already asked the ship to leave the route, and the ship had long been no longer sailing on the established route.

The lifeboat was also damaged by McDonald's people!

Want to run out of this ship, unless someone comes to rescue.

Otherwise, it is basically impossible to get out.

That's exactly what happened, McDonald's servants don't worry, the guests will run away, anyway, they are all meat on the chopping board, and it's not up to him to cut it how he wants.

The most urgent task right now is to get rid of Brother Fausheng and his group.

At this time, McDonald could be seen that although Brother Sheng and his group were small in number, they were strong in strength and firepower, and they also had the shadow of soldiers.

McDonald thought he had met a colleague and wanted to come to the boat to rob.

If it weren't for the fact that there were only three people on the other side, the number was too small, and he was injured by the other party, McDonald would really consider whether to stop, let's discuss it and make a fortune together.

After all, money is something that can never be earned.

If there is no real hatred, no one is willing to fight to the death for no reason.

It's a pity that there are only three people on Brother Sheng's side, while McDonald's men here have twenty or thirty people, such a huge gap in strength.

It would be a ghost if McDonald didn't want to eat the other party, not to mention the injuries on his body, shouldn't he take revenge.

McDonald asked his subordinates to beat him hard. Not only did he order his subordinates to do so, but he also did it himself.

My arm is bleeding, it's okay!

McDonald tore off a few strips of cloth from his shirt and tightened it firmly, temporarily stopping the bleeding, but the pain in his arm reminded him all the time that he was being raped.

After taking back his submachine gun, McDonald found Brother Sheng who was dodging his own bullets as nimbly as a rabbit.

McDonald remembered that this man, the man just now, shot him and wounded his arm.

There is a way to be indecent when you come and don't go!

After being sent a series of bullets by Brother Sheng, McDonald naturally wanted to return them. Immediately, he took a submachine gun and aimed at Brother Sheng's position, and a shuttle of bullets hit him.

Da da da........

McDonald is a serious soldier who has been on the battlefield. Although he is holding a submachine gun with one hand, he is also very stable. Although a few bullets did not hit Brother Sheng, Brother Sheng nimbly dodged.

But Brother Sheng's brother was shot in the shoulder near the neck. Fortunately, the head was sideways quickly, otherwise the shot would have hit the head.

"Ayi, how are you doing!"

Seeing his brother being shot, Brother Sheng's heart tightened and he asked quickly.

Today, he has already lost a brother, but he doesn't want to lose another one.

"I'm fine, Brother Sheng! I was hit in the shoulder, so it's not a big problem!"

The man named Ah Yi snorted, leaned against the wall, sat down, covered his shoulder with his left hand, and pressed hard to stop the bleeding. The gun in his right hand had already fallen to the ground feebly.

At this moment, his arm was injured, and he was grinning in pain. It was the limit of his endurance not to cry out, and he had no strength left, so he could pick up the gun and continue fighting.

"Brother, Brother Yi is in this state. If he doesn't stop the bleeding in time, he will bleed too much and die. We have to find a way to save him!"

The only girl among several people checked Ah Yi's status, and said anxiously to Brother Sheng.

Brother Sheng cursed secretly, it was already a critical moment, he had already seen Wang Jin's figure, but it was a pity that a round of bullets did not kill Wang Jin.

But who knew, his shot was like stabbing Ma Feng's nest. All the gunmen fired at them together, so that they didn't dare to show their heads.

Next, he heard the shouts and realized that he had hit the leader of this gang of thugs, and it was no wonder that the gang of thugs would turn their firepower to attack them.

Brother Sheng wanted to continue fighting, but Ah Yi had already been injured, so he couldn't join the battle at this time.

In any case, he is still a brother, and he still needs to be saved, Brother Sheng thought for a while and said.

"Ah Si, don't worry! There should be an infirmary on board, you take Ah Yi to the infirmary, take out the bullet, and stop the bleeding!"

"What about you, brother?"

Ah Si supported Ah Yi, who was losing more and more blood, and his face was getting paler, and asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about it, you still have to take revenge, but this time I'm going alone, take good care of Ah Yi, and make sure nothing happens to him! Did you hear me!"


Brother Sheng has the style of being a big brother, but he really cares about his brothers.

"Brother, it's too dangerous for you to go alone! Why don't you forget it!"

Ah Si gritted her teeth and said the words of giving up. When she said this, her lips were bleeding, which showed how determined she was. She also wanted revenge, but she was more worried about Brother Sheng's safety.

Although saying this would disrespect and feel sorry for the dead brother, it was not worth exchanging the life of the living for the life of the dead.

"I know, you are worried about my safety, it's okay! I will be careful and play it by ear! Just take care of Ah Yi!"

A rare smile appeared on Brother Sheng's resolute face, and he reached out to rub Ah Si's hair.

The cold-hearted brother Sheng will only show a rare smile when facing this group of people who are like brothers.

After saying this, Brother Sheng raised his gun and was about to get up and leave. He also wanted to distract the many gunmen on the other side and create a chance for Ah Yi and Ah Si to leave.

When Brother Sheng stood up and turned his back to Ah Yi and Ah Si, he said something.

"If, I don't come back, you can live well with Ah Yi, be an ordinary person, ordinary, live in peace and stability, don't think about revenge for me!"

"You two are the continuation of our other five brothers in this world. As long as you are still here, there will be people who will remember us!"

"During the holidays, you can burn more paper money for us!"

"If I die, don't avenge me, this is my order and my request!"

Brother Sheng turned his back to Ah Yi and Ah Si. He didn't know what the two behind them looked like, but his own eyes were already red, and a tear flowed down his cheek.

Therefore, he didn't dare to face Ah Yi and Ah Si head-on, he didn't want them to see the fragile side of his big brother.

Brother Sheng didn't know that behind him, both Ah Yi and Ah Si, who were getting paler and paler, had their eyes wet with tears.

Ah Si was already in tears, but she controlled herself and didn't cry, she didn't want to bring more troubles to Brother Sheng.

Brother Sheng left, holding a gun, his back was upright and resolute, and he gradually moved away until his back disappeared.

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