Brainless impulse will only get you into trouble for no reason!

Wang Jin took a deep breath, temporarily suppressed the rage in his heart, and calmed down. Gu Bo was not surprised, and no one could see through what Wang Jin was thinking at this time.

Seeing Wang Jin so fast, he regained his composure, and Tian Yangsheng also felt that he deserved the loss.

A moment ago, Wang Jin was obviously furious when he heard the news, but the next moment he was calm and calm. This kind of opponent is often the most difficult one.

"Lan Tian" ⒋㈤6④⑧[-]⑦O

And he had a hard time keeping in good health, so he met such an opponent!

"The messenger is coming soon, can you give me a happy one?"

"I don't want to fall into the hands of the police. According to my crime, it is rare in a hundred years. I will spend my whole life in prison! That is an unbearable torture for me!"

Tian Yangsheng made his final request to Wang Jin.

At this time, he had lost all hope of life, and he just wanted to die with dignity and dignity.

"Okay! For the sake of telling me the news, I promise you!"

Facing Tian Yangsheng's request, Wang Jin thought about it and agreed.

If you don't talk about the identities of the two, Wang Jin actually has a good sense of Tian Yang Sheng. Think about it in another way, if Wang Jin is Tian Yang Health, he doesn't want to fall into the hands of bad guys.

What is the meaning of life if you are locked up in prison for the rest of your life?

Perhaps, the choice of Tianyangsheng is the best. It is better to die in the hands of an admired enemy than to die in prison.

Gao Da couldn't bear to watch from the sidelines. In a short period of time, he had already seen that Tian Yangsheng was not a bad person in essence, but just for survival, Tian Yangsheng chose the wrong path.

four five six three four eight seven seven zero

Tian Yangsheng couldn't be blamed for this, perhaps it was this era and his parents who were wrong.

Since he has no ability to raise children, why let an innocent creature come into this world?

Even if Gao Da couldn't bear it, he couldn't say anything more. This was Tian Yangsheng's own choice, and no one could interfere.


With a clear gunshot, Tian Yangsheng, who was shot in the head, fell at Wang Jin's feet. Not only did he not have the slightest pain on his face, but there was a hint of joyful relief on the contrary.

Perhaps, he was really too tired all these years!

Whether it is the pressure of survival or the pressure of being a good big brother, he is a little out of breath, but he is struggling to support it alone.

Now, he finally doesn't have to bear these pressures, and he can have a good rest!


Wang Jin slowly said a word of mourning...

Even though Tian Yangsheng wanted to kill him, Wang Jin didn't resent Tian Yangsheng.

Tian Yangsheng did this only for money, even if there was no Tian Yangsheng, there would be others who would come to kill Wang Jin.

What Wang Jin really hated was Jiang Tiansheng!

Even if he knew that Jiang Tiansheng would die in the future, he was still plotted against, and his death was miserable and worthless.

But this still made Wang Jin feel uncomfortable, because Jiang Tiansheng died in that way, and he didn't die at Wang Jin's hands, so Wang Jin couldn't enjoy the pleasure of revenge.

What Wang Jin needs is that Jiang Tian's life and death are in his own hands, so as to eliminate his hatred.

"I remember that Jiang Tiansheng seemed to have died in the Netherlands, by the hands of a crow. I don't know if the crow is about to attack. I hope the crow will not do it so quickly!"

Wang Jin carefully recalled the plot, and relying on the enhanced brain, Wang Jin recalled the plot of the Young and Dangerous movie from his vague memory.

Knowing that it was the crow who killed Jiang Tiansheng, Wang Jin suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

The crow is a lunatic, if he wants to deal with Jiang Tiansheng before the crow, Wang Jin must not wait.

No one knows what a lunatic will do in the next moment!

In the plot of the movie, the crow killed Jiang Tiansheng in the Netherlands.

The real world is not a movie. Even if it is a world that incorporates many Hong Kong movies, no one can guarantee that everything will follow the plot of the movie.

Especially when Wang Jin is involved, the plot of the movie will be even more outrageous, which has been fully demonstrated in the plot of the man's true nature.

Wang Jin didn't even participate in the plot of the man's true nature too much, but because of him as a butterfly flapping his wings, many plots have changed.

In the final decisive battle, "Three Greats vs. Lu Bu" did not happen. Instead, Tian Yangsheng ran to the Fugui Maru and appeared in front of Wang Jin.

Now, he fell at Wang Jin's feet.

These were all unexpected by Wang Jin.

"The messenger will come later, you know what to say and what not to say!"

Wang Jin gave Gundam a warning with a sideways glance. He could tell that Gundam is a very sensible person.

"I understand, I don't know anything, I just talked nonsense!"

After being warned by Wang Jin for a while, Gundam suddenly smiled brightly and responded with a sense of humor.

He is the same as Wang Jin, half a catty.

It's just that Wang Jin's methods are not very bright, and his foundation is also not very clean.

Just looking at his quick and easy methods of killing people, it can be seen that the lives in Gao Da's hands are not as simple as ten or eight.

Even without Wang Jin's warning, Gundam wouldn't be so stupid as to tell people about Wang Jin!

It won't do any good, and it will cause a lot of trouble, and offend Wang Jin for nothing. This deal is not worthwhile at all at 4.8.

Soon, the roar of the helicopter came over the Fugui Maru, and the Thunder team quickly parachuted onto the deck, fully armed and advancing towards the cabin.

The scattered bandits along the way were no match for Thunder Team at all.

This time without the leadership of McDonald, the gangsters are almost leaderless.

No one has the prestige to twist the gangsters into a single rope.

All of a sudden, these gangsters became a mess and became the best targets for Thunder Team.

It didn't take long for the Thunder team to plow the entire Fugui Maru, rescued all the guests, and killed all the gangsters.

On the bodies of these thieves, the Thunder team even found a large number of bombs, which made everyone in the Thunder team break out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, they came quickly.

If it was a little later and waited for these gangsters to install all these bombs, even the elite Thunder team would suffer heavy losses and pay a huge price.

And in another place that Wang Jin didn't know, Meng Bo, who hadn't been seen for a long time, was fighting with Jimmy, the number two figure in the international gangster group.

Fight to the death!

And the cause of the incident was the daughter of Meng Bo's client, Imamura Koji, who asked him to bring back, Imamura Kiyoko!

Kiyoko Imamura fell into Jimmy's hands, and the flirtatious Meng Bo met him, so naturally he wanted to save Huixiang, but Meng Bo temporarily forgot about it.

Originally, between Meng Bo and Jimmy, it can be said that they are rivals in chess and will meet good talents.

Unfortunately, after Wang Jin crippled one hand in the swimming pool, Jimmy, who could barely use one hand, was not Meng Bo's opponent at all, and was soon beaten to death by Meng Bo.

Chapter 120 The third police storm! (I beg you guys to subscribe more and give a reward!)

On the deck, Wang Jin brought Gundam to reconcile with everyone.

Yazi, Huixiang after waking up, Meng Bo, and Qingzi are all there.

How else to put it, the hero saves the beauty is a routine that never fails!

Once a hero saved the beauty, Qing Zi had a great affection for Meng Bo.

The flirtatious Meng Bo stood with Qing Zi, and the two chatted passionately, without any scruples about Hui Xiang's feelings.

Of course, it must be that Qing Zi took the initiative a little more, and Meng Bo cooperated like this.

Seeing Meng Bo like this, Hui Xiang snorted coldly, turned her head away from Meng Bo, she was a little disappointed in Meng Bo.

Fortunately, Yazi was still at the side, she was also a woman, so she naturally noticed Huixiang's expression, and immediately pulled Huixiang to talk.

Seeing Wang Jin's arrival, Huixiang and Yazi noticed it immediately, and suddenly came to Wang Jin's side with a little surprise.

"Wang sir, how are you, are you okay!"

Yazi asked with a little concern, and at the same time saw that Wang Jin was really not injured, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, what can I do! It's okay!"

Wang Jin patted his chest, saying that he was unscathed and in excellent health.

"You came!"

Huixiang was not as enthusiastic about Wang Jin anymore. Although she had a slight affection for Wang Jin, she was still not that familiar with him. It is normal for some girls to be shy.

Wang Jin also nodded towards Huixiang as a greeting.

Soon, the three chatted together, and the Fugui Maru returned to the port of Xiangjiang.

After such a big incident, who still has the mood to continue playing!

What's more, there are so many corpses on board, they always need to be dealt with.

At the time of parting, although Huixiang didn't say much, she exchanged phone numbers with Wang Jin.

With the phone, there will be more opportunities for contact in the future. How everything will develop, we can only let nature take its course.

In the blink of an eye, the day passes!

Wan Chai Police Station, Commissioner's Office!

"24 Yazi, Ah Jin! You did a great job this time. Not only did you over-fulfill this mission, you wiped out all the international gangsters, and even killed the gangster who robbed [-] million U.S. dollars a while ago. !"

"Not bad!"

The director looked radiant and proud, and praised Yazi and Ah Jin.

As for those guests who died, as well as the policemen who died, they were all subconsciously forgotten by the director.

It is absolutely unrealistic to keep all the guests in front of such a large international bandit group.

Not to mention just Yazi and Wang Jin, even if the entire police station was mobilized, plus the Flying Tigers and the Thunder Team, the director would not dare to guarantee that a single guest would not die.

The current result is already the best!

Because such a major case has been solved, the international reputation has risen again, and these petty matters have been suppressed. If he is not blamed for this matter, he will naturally not blame the people below.

Anyway, whether it is Xiangjiang or other places, it has been repeatedly emphasized that the safety of the people should be the main priority, but the number of people who die every year is still no longer a small number, and it is okay to die two more.

This time, the international gangsters were solved, and even the gangster who had been a headache for the Xiangjiang police, who was arrogant and domineering, had a gun battle with the Xiangjiang police in the street, and robbed [-] million U.S. dollars.

When the director held a meeting at the headquarters yesterday, he made a big splash among all the ghosts and many directors.

Naturally, it made the director feel happy and extremely comfortable. This time, two cases were solved at the same time, no worse than the counterfeit banknote syndicate case of the Kowloon Police Station last time.

It used to be that every time I met the chief of the Kowloon Police Station in a meeting, although everyone had the same status, I felt inexplicably inferior to him. After all, his police station had solved such a big case.


Novel group ⑥⒐⑧5⒉5⑧[-]

But at this meeting, the director straightened up when facing the director of the Kowloon Police Station, and suddenly became hardened.

His police station has also solved such a big case, it is no worse than the Kowloon Police Station, so it is naturally confident!

In the face of the director's praise, Wang Jin was calm and composed, and this credit was nothing in his eyes.

Anyway, if it was given to him, Wang Jin would not be promoted to senior supervisor.

After all, Wang Jin had just been promoted to supervisor, and even if he wanted to be promoted, it was not so fast. At most, it was just an extra addition to his merit book.

On the contrary, Yazi, a girl, seemed a little embarrassed to be praised so much by the director.

This time, she seemed to be lying down and winning. She didn't do anything during the whole process, and she received such a big credit all at once. It was like a pie in the sky.

These credits are enough for her to advance to one level, more than enough.

Therefore, in the face of the director's praise, she naturally seemed to be somewhat ashamed.

Just as I was about to speak politely to the director, saying that the credit is basically Wang Jin's, I was stopped by a dark look from Wang Jin beside me.

I don't understand why Wang Jin stopped her with his eyes, but Wang Jin led her to receive such great credit, and she naturally wanted to listen to what Wang Jin meant.

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