(According to...By the way, the number of words is watered down)

As of now, this book has written 55 words. To be honest, I didn’t expect to be able to write this number of words at all. After all, the last book reached 24 and I felt that I couldn’t write it. It is not bad to be able to write about 50W. (laugh)

But sticking to this number of words is still rewarding, and I feel that my posture level has improved, and now I look back at the first few volumes, and I feel that the writing is just a mess... ε=(?ο`*))) Sigh, it belongs to I didn't even see it myself.

Looking back at the previous chapters now, it is full of flaws, but it is indeed the best plot that I could write at that time.

If there is a chance, I may slowly try to adjust and modify the previous chapters. (Let's just let it happen)

The results of this book are not good, but it is much better than the previous one. To be honest, when the last book was the most, there were only 50 average orders... Later, I couldn't hold on to 24W words.

At present, this book is about 390 average subscriptions. My personal expected goal is actually 500 average subscriptions, which is a little bit far away, but I believe that if I continue to write, I can still achieve this goal. It is slowly rising, and I have to thank all the readers for their support.

[Volume [-]: The Great Abyss of Layer Rock · The Deepest Place]

The title of the volume is a stalk of the Paradise of the Past, although in fact it does not continue to explore deeper into the rocky abyss in essence.

When I first designed the plot, I actually considered letting the protagonist continue to explore lower levels than the Nail of Cold Sky, but at the time I was worried about being backstabbed, so I didn’t adopt this setting. After playing this version, there are still things below ...

In this volume, Yuanshang was pulled out again to make him familiar. Every time I write about Yuanshang, I feel very happy. Of course, he will continue to be active as a clue connecting Chenluo and Shenyuan in the follow-up.

The plot of this volume is relatively simple, it is to let Chen Luo go down to the cave to receive clues, and then show off a wave of affection with Sister Mako.

The shortcoming is actually that the plot design is relatively far-fetched. This phenomenon actually existed in various plots in the early stage. It can only be said that we continue to work hard to improve the code words and improve the posture level.

In addition, in fact, at the beginning, I considered the plot of the Tivat version of the Paradise of the Past. The character upgrade route designed at that time was to let the engraving master to receive the engraving and strengthening wave of the moment, so the first volume will use the engraving master as an entry point. plot, but this plot line is now completely scrapped.

[Volume VI: Mond: Secret Invasion]

The title of the volume is American Man Terrier, which comes from Marvel's classic "Secret Invasion".

In fact, the title of each volume will be fused into it, the first volume is Detroit Become Human, the fourth volume is Snake...

As the name suggests, the main enemy of this volume is the Herrscher of a Thousand People who can complete the invasion silently.

It was in this volume that I learned some new writing techniques and began to try to apply and practice them. As a result, I wrote nearly seventy chapters while I was writing, and I couldn't stop.

The overall plot of this volume, the beginning and the end have not changed, but the plot direction in the middle has actually been revised many times.

At the very beginning, the climax stage of the design is actually a thousand-person Herrscher invades Mond and tries to launch a crisis. Wendy plays the song of the sky and blows all the existence of non-dolls into the sky, and then Teresa opens the enchantment of divine grace and dies together. .

It's just that if the plot is played like this, there will be no room for the protagonist Chen Luo to play at all, so he gave up and changed to a route that allows Chen Luo to play a greater role.

Teresa's appearance in Mond has been planned for a long time. Her appearance in Mond has been planned since the beginning of writing this book.

So you will see me cueing idols in Qiqi's episode, and I also cue when I am talking about heroes with Otto or Ayato...

By the way, I don’t know how to write foreshadowing at all during the lead time, so I can only open a separate chapter to forcefully brush up the sense of existenceε=(?ο`*)))

Then the Teresa in Mond City is set to be the humanoid key made by Alice, and of course it can be regarded as Alice's daughter.

As for what touched Alice...it actually refers to the plot of Yuexia, um, the setting of this Teresa is actually similar to Yuexia.

Alice is also a relatively important character. Of course, our protagonist is not Cao thief, and the mother-in-law is not within the scope of the strategy. Our protagonist only likes young ones (no)

At the end, I raised Sumeru a little bit. I hope that when I really open Sumeru, I won’t be stabbed in the back by Mi Huyou.

God of Grass I currently set it up privately as Mr. Gazing Star in the version of Tewat, which is Teresa who was born and bred in this world, but I am afraid of being stabbed in the back and dare not stone hammer (guilty)

It may take some time before writing to Caoguo, by then Sumi should have already released or at least some information.

[Volume [-] Haiyuan City: Gemini Invasion]

The title of this volume directly uses the same name as the activity of Sanbangzi, which is simple and terrifying.

In essence, it is an overused chapter, used to bring Xinhai back to the main plot, and also to prepare for some subsequent plots.

There are no enemies that are too difficult, after all, Tlaloc is not worthy of any difficulty...

Speaking of which, I don’t know if Mi Huyou will release a map for the Sea God Palace. I vaguely remember who mentioned that as long as it is a place where the copywriting in the game has appeared, the map will be released in the future...

By the way, let Rosalia and Lilia, the two live treasures, be a little more active, and the setting of the twins here directly adopts the setting of the pair of twins traveling through the world in the event plot line.

Of course, the plot of these two treasures is definitely not over yet. At the end, the two of them went to the same place as Chen Luo and Prometheus.

Prometheus: Xinhai and Lei Dianzhen have been distracted, and the woman who got in the way is gone, so the heroine of the next volume is just...

Seele: That's right, it's next.

Finally, it's time for our protagonist to get Xier back. The previous volume about Xier was really bad, but he still had to do it when he promised Hei Xier.

(By the way, this volume specially invites the characters to form an orphanage group)

Of course, the process will not be so smooth, but it also indicates that the plot will soon enter the later stage.

Regarding the enemy, although the protagonist Chen Luo is looking for the core of the Herrscher all the way, and the main plot is basically designed around the various versions of the Herrscher in Tewat, but it will definitely not really let the protagonist have one Herrscher and one Herrscher. Lawyers called.

The actual strength of the opponents that the protagonist actually faces along the way is gradually improving, from the half-core Thunder Law stragglers at the beginning, to the half-core Thunder Law enhanced version of the Deep Sea Dragon Lizard, and then to the Void Tree Skeleton (actually it feels strengthened LZX, after all, this guy LZX is quite embarrassing, at that time, the raider Mei who couldn't do anything was basically [-]/[-])

Then there is the Herald of Thousands of People (considering the strength of the mob, it was cut with Abedo in the plot) → the last dharma-level Houkai beast.

Ordinary herrschers are no longer the protagonist's opponents. In fact, the next volume is the last time the protagonist will face herrscher-level enemies. (tentative)

You can guess which lawyer it is ()

Counting the next volume, this book is about 3-4 volumes long. Personally, I estimate that it will be about 80 to 90 words. However, I heard that books with more than 100 million words can be recommended on the big bookshelf of the homepage. Try to write 100 million words...

From publishing the book in February to now, I am really used to the life of part-time writing, and my ambition is getting bigger and bigger. From the daily 4K update to the last one, I wrote 15. This month, I probably have to Put it all together... If it can be listed on the home page tomorrow, it may be updated as much as possible until next week.

I have been stumbling and persisting until now. There were times when Kawenka went crazy, and there were times when I lamented how I wrote such rubbish, but I still persisted all the way.

The famous thinker Youlan Dai'e once said that hard work will pay off, and I still feel that my level has improved after writing all the way.

In any case, I would like to thank all the readers again for their support, and I will definitely continue to finish writing this book after writing it here.

Since I have recently started preparing the outline of the next book, I have recently read many excellent works on the Maozhan list for reference. I feel that there is a big gap between myself and the master, and I can only sigh and continue to code. Learn.

I hope that this book can reach the expectation of 500 average subscriptions when it is finished, and then the expectation of the next book in the future is... 1000 average subscriptions.

It can be revealed that the next book will be a fan with pure Honkai theme, and of course it is in the embryonic stage of preparation.

Well, the task of counting water words is completed, escape()

Chapter 1 A Thousand Years of Dreams

"I saw you lying here sleeping for no reason, and I'm here to guard you, lest you be caught by wild beasts."

Xier explained in a low voice.

Beside her was a bamboo basket full of fruits, presumably she happened to bump into Chen Luo when she came here to pick fruits.

"Well, thank you, Xi'er, my name is... Chen Luo."

I didn't expect that I would fall into a coma after passing through the white door. Is this a necessary step to travel through time and space?

Chen Luo tried to sense the two Herrscher's cores that were not on him for the time being, but the real Thunder's law cores that were handed over to Lei Dian did not respond, but the Law of Law cores responded. Prometheus and him are indeed in the same time and space .

It's just that for some reason, Chen Luo couldn't get in touch with Prometheus directly through the core, and could only vaguely feel her position.

After trying several times and confirming that he couldn't contact Prometheus, Chen Luo had no choice but to give up and began to research his own location.

First of all, Chen Luo needs to determine one thing - where is this place?

Although it was the same encounter with Hei Xier last time, this place is obviously not the imaginary sea where Hei Xier was sealed.

The Magic Sea is a world created by Hei Xier with her own power. Chen Luo, who has already been there once, understands that the feeling here is different from that there.

Although the power of the Herrscher of Thunder is not on him now, Chen Luo still has the power of the Herrscher of Wind, and the flowing wind contains a lot of information.

With the help of the wind, Chen Luo sensed the environmental information of the nearby area.

...Of course, the most conspicuous of them is the endless wind and snow in the northeast direction, and the storm raised by one of the pillars of the Fengshen hidden in the endless wind and snow.

If Chen Luo felt right, that place should be Mond.

Mond, a paradise of ice and snow, has not been forever changed by the mighty power of Barbatos, the god of wind.

In other words, Chen Luo's current location is still the Tivat Continent, but the time has been pushed forward a little...so thousands of years.

After a dream for thousands of years, Chen Luo is now located in the Tivat Continent in the era of the Demon God War.

From the geographical point of view, Chen Luo's current location should be in the north of Liyue, very close to Monde's area.

This is a place covered with lush grass, Chen Luo and Xi'er are located on a high cliff.

If Chen Luo's guess is correct, this is the place that was later called "Wu Wang Slope".

But in Wuwangpo at this moment, the wind here still echoes the breath of human habitation, and the place is not desolate and declining to the point where no one lives.

Is this the "encounter with Seele in the past" that Alice predicted...

The power of Istaru is so terrifying, not only the seeds of the divine cherry tree, but even people can be sent back.

"Well, that, Mr. Chen Luo, are you a homeless traveler?"

Seele asked proactively.

"Hmm... that's it."

"If you don't dislike it, you can come and live in our village first. The world outside is not peaceful now, and it's too dangerous to go out alone."

...It's really not very peaceful. After all, Liyue during the Demon God War was a place where many demon gods fought each other and competed for territory.

Even the breeze blowing from afar at this moment contained the breath of killing and war.

"Okay, thank you, Seele."

Chen Luo nodded and accepted Xi'er's invitation.

As a newcomer here, Chen Luo still doesn't know much about everything here, so it's better to go back with Xi'er to have a look.

Since Istaru asked him to come here...then there must be her reasons.

Seele... Finding another Seele is indeed something to be happy about, but it should be more than that.

Besides, Chen Luo was at a loss as to how to go back now, so it was better to take one step at a time to see the situation and collect information.

So, Chen Luo followed Xi'er all the way down the mountain, chatting with Xi'er along the way, and also got some information about this place.

According to Xier, the village she lives in now is called "The Village on the Other Side".

Chen Luo felt that this name was not very auspicious, but it was reasonable to think that this place later became Wuwangpo where dead souls lingered.

"Xie'er, do you still remember..."

Chen Luo originally wanted to directly ask Xi'er in front of her if she still remembered about Hei Xi'er, but when she wanted to ask, she felt a little headache.

Seele, do you remember Seele?

...so let's change the question.

"Xie'er, have you been living here?"

The girl's state was obviously a bit unusual, Chen Luo could only ask around insinuatingly.

"No... Xi'er also wandered here a few years ago. Fortunately, everyone here is very kind and accepted Xi'er, so they have been living here."

There was a hint of confusion in the girl's blue pupils.

"As for things from a long time ago, Xi'er doesn't remember much."

Has the memory been tampered with... Is it the maintainer of the law of heaven, or...

After a while, Chen Luo followed Xi'er to the village at the foot of the mountain.

There are more than [-] families in the village, all of whom live together. The east side of the village is close to the hillside, and the west side is close to the hillside, with a distance between them.

"By the way, Xi'er, who is the demon god who protects this village?"

Now that we are in the period of the war between demon gods, ordinary human beings cannot survive independently in this era of gunpowder and smoke, and can only seek the protection of powerful demon gods.

"about this……"

Xier's eyes dimmed a bit.

"It turned out that Lord Heulia, the demon god of salt who protected this village, gave up here. Some time ago, this place was handed over to another demon god, a demon god named Beverance."

Heulia Chenluo knew that the God of Salt, who had a benevolent heart but was too weak, was not powerful enough, so he was the loser in the Demon God War.

In the end, she was assassinated by her own people and fell in what is now known as the salt of the earth.

Seeing Xier's expression, she seemed to like that demon god named Heulia very much.

Chen Luo had never heard of Beverance's name, but there were so many demon gods with 72 pillars, and few of them were still active in the era Chen Luo lived in.

With all his calculations, he has only seen six demon gods with his own eyes.

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