"Huh... Then it's time for free movement at night."

Chapter 15 Gan Yu's Famous Scene

In the dark night, Chen Luo shuttled between the mountains and fields in Liyue alone.

Xier happened to be resting in the theater, and he had some personal free time.

He still needs to get a little familiar with the power to control the wind, after all, he just got it not long ago.

Speaking of which, the law of law is to Prometheus, the law of thunder is to thunder and lightning, the law of domination is to Teresa, and the law of death is to Seele... It is the core of the Herrscher of Wind that Wendy gave him. There is no soul in it, if there is one for each core, then Chen Luo's side will be too lively.

The power of each Herrscher is the ultimate embodiment of a certain world law, and the methods of use and application are ever-changing, and it is by no means the superficial usage that can be imagined on the surface.

At present, Chen Luo's development and application of the power of the Herrscher of Wind is still relatively simple, basically limited to generating and manipulating storms to attack.

This use of the power to drive the wind in a literal sense is not the ultimate in the Law of Wind.

After all, at the moment when the core of the Herrscher of Thunder is not on his body for the time being, the power of the Herrscher of Wind is Chen Luo's secret skill to suppress the bottom of the box.

With the [Melody of the Wind of Time] gifted by Wendy, he can completely release the power of the Wind Herrscher in a desperate fight at a critical moment, so he also needs to be familiar with its usage in advance—although it is not foreseen for the time being In such a scene, the normal Demon God is probably not as good as the current Chen Luo, he will never fight with Morax.

But just in case, it's good to practice this new ability more.

With the current lightweight version of Wuxiang Yidao, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with all situations. He must be ready to backhand.

Chen Luo flew into the air, and began to try to practice the new usage of the power of the law of wind.

First of all, [perception]——

Different from Leilu's way of sensing the surrounding environment directly through electromagnetic waves, Fenglu's way of sensing the environment is the perception of the flow speed and direction of the fluid.

Relax your mind and feel the flow of the wind...

Chen Luo devoted all his attention to sensing it, feeling the flow of the wind, comprehending the way the wind operates, and the area he can touch is gradually expanding.

The wind from his hands blows in all directions, and all the places the wind blows take shape in Chen Luo's heart.With the flow of this wind, everything around him appeared in Chen Luo's mind, and he looked down on the details of everything nearby from the high sky.

This range is constantly expanding, and Chen Luo can obtain more and more information. He wants to see if he can use this method to directly determine the specific location of Prometheus.

However, the adaptability between him and the wind law core is not high yet, and there is still a limit to the field of perception that can be expanded. There is no Prometheus figure in the range he is in now, but there are some other things worth paying attention to. things.

The first thing worth noting is that the location of Guiliji in Chen Luo's memory is now a ruin after being washed away by the flood.

"...Gui Liji is gone, so the people under Morax's command have moved to Liyue Port."

Chen Luo pondered.

Then he and Xier's goal direction will have to be slightly adjusted.

The second thing worth noting is... there seem to be two fighting in a certain direction.

One of them, Chen Luo could perceive, was a very huge monster, while the other... seemed to be Chen Luo's familiar sheep.

Hair flowing like clouds, black and red spiral horns, except that the body seems to be much larger than the main body that Chen Luo has seen at the bottom of the rocky abyss, it seems to be Ganyu without a doubt.

"...Well, let's go and have a look."

It's definitely not that Chen Luo wants to see a big unicorn with a body as fat as a ball, absolutely not.I just want Gan Yu to make a connection and drop by to Liyue Port together, um, that's it.

Chen Luo flew towards the battle location he perceived, and with the help of the speed of the wind, Chen Luo quickly reached the destination.

Next, there is Feng Lu's second ability, [Stealth], or optical camouflage.

The Herrscher of Wind can change the refractive index of light in the surrounding air through the flow of surrounding air to achieve the effect of physical invisibility.

...Speaking of so many abilities, why did Wendy only know how to blow hair?

Chen Luo disappeared and quietly landed near the battle site.

As Chen Luo perceived, it was the blue and white unicorn, Gan Yu, who was attacking the giant beast.

It's just that Gan Yu is really big and round, round and big... um... mellow...

It's hard to imagine that the plump Qilin in front of him will be the slender Ganyu in the future.

In the battle with this giant beast, Gan Yu seemed to be at a disadvantage. Although she had been trying to use the power of the eye of God to attack the giant beast with ice elements, those attacks fell on the giant beast's ice-blue skin After that, the effect is not so obvious.

"It seems that this giant beast has a good resistance to ice elemental force."

Chen Luo watched the battle silently.

The means of elemental force can't do much, so the battle becomes a contest of speed and strength.

Although Qilin's size is not small, it is still far inferior to the opponent. Moreover, Qilin itself is not known for its strength, so Gan Yu does not have an advantage in strength.

As for speed... well... the chubby body has no advantage in this regard.

In the end, Qilin Ganyu dodged carelessly, and was swallowed by the giant beast's mouth wide open.

"Are you coming..."

Could it be that Chen Luo is going to witness history here?

Of course, just in case, Chen Luo also gathered a wind blade in his hand, ready to cut the body of the giant beast to save people at any time.

After the plump Ganyu was swallowed by the giant beast, it was not swallowed straight into the stomach, but stuck in the esophagus.

The giant beast didn't seem to expect such a situation, it swallowed hard, trying to get the fat unicorn into its pocket.

But this short pause also gave Gan Yu a chance to fight back. The esophagus of the giant beast is not as resistant to wind and snow as its skin.

"Hmm... the epitome of Fengxue...!"

The power of Jiangzhong Tianhua exploded in the giant beast's body, causing it great pain. At the same time, it also created a large amount of solid ice in its esophagus, further blocking its esophagus.

The giant beast ate the pain and roared angrily, and its roar spread throughout the valley.

It wanted to spit out Ganyu, but it was blocked by the ice made by Ganyu, so it couldn't do so.

... Although this method of victory is a bit weird, but the situation is urgent, and Gan Yu can't care so much.

A large amount of solid ice blocked the giant beast's esophagus, and tortured it from the inside step by step. After a while, the giant beast finally lost the strength to struggle and collapsed to the ground, losing its last trace of life. It was choked to death. up.

But Gan Yu also realized another serious problem.

At this moment, she was stuck in the esophagus of the giant beast...how should she get out?

Chapter No.16 Did I come at the wrong time?

The giant beast had already lay down on the ground, and the chubby unicorn was trapped in it, making it difficult to move.

She moved hard, barely moving a centimeter or two toward the direction of the giant beast's mouth.

"...Ugh, it seems a bit troublesome."

Gan Yu lamented.

Because of the destruction of Guiliji, all the immortals have been busy helping the people to relocate and deal with various matters recently.

She also had just escorted the general public to the location of their new home, and then returned to the vicinity, who knew that she happened to meet this huge monster.

Although the method of victory was not... normal, Gan Yu defeated it alone.

"If you move slowly... you can still go out."

Gan Yu didn't want others to know about this too shameful way of winning.

But things backfired, just as Gan Yu was struggling hard, a breeze blew in from the outside.


To be more precise, the giant beast's body was lifted upside down by something, and with the help of gravity and wind, Gan Yu quickly escaped from the shackles of the esophagus.

The unicorn, as fat as a ball, fell from the giant beast's mouth, even bouncing on the ground a couple of times before it lay still on its stomach.

"……You are?"

Only then did Gan Yu see the person who helped her get out of trouble.

"Hello, Your Excellency Immortal, I am... Chen Luo, um, just a traveler."

Looking at the big round unicorn in front of him, Chen Luo suppressed a smile while introducing himself.

"It was you who helped me get out of trouble, thank you, I am Gan Yu...the immortal of Liyue Port."

Although I don't want to be known, since the other party helped me, I should thank him.

Chen Luo nodded, and explained his wish to Gan Yu a little bit, and the other party readily agreed to take him to the location of Liyue Port.


Although Gan Yu has grown into a huge unicorn at this moment, she is still pure in heart and knows little about the dangers in the world!

"Mr. Chen Luo, I can drive you to Liyue Port, but... please help me keep the secret and don't tell others."

Gan Yu asked.

She has made up her mind to start losing weight after returning home, so don't let such a ridiculous and shameful incident happen again.

"What secret?"

Chen Luo asked knowingly.

"It's that... just now... the thing that choked the giant beast to death... You should have seen it, right?"

"Well, of course, but Your Excellency, if you want me to help you keep a secret, will you be rewarded accordingly?"

Chen Luo had a bad idea.

"...Well, what do you want?"

Gan Yu asked ignorantly and ignorantly.

"I want to touch your horns."

Chen Luo brazenly made his request.

Sure enough, no matter whether it is the human girl form or the blue and white unicorn deity, what attracts Chen Luo most on Gan Yu's body is the pair of black and red spiral horns.

I really want to touch her horns...I really care...how does it feel...

"That... that kind of thing is not allowed."

Gan Yu hastily refused.

"Your Excellency Gan Yu, you don't want to—huh?"

Originally, he wanted to continue teasing Gan Yu in front of him, but Chen Luo was forced to keep silent.

——Because Xier suddenly appeared here.

"Hmm...Chen Luo, I'm awake."

Xi'er was sleepy, she rubbed her eyes, and subconsciously called Chen Luo's name.

"... Seele?"

"Well, hey, then... that, did I bother you?"

It was only then that Xier noticed that they were not at the bonfire by the river yesterday, but in a different place. She immediately became nervous and asked in a low voice.

"Xier, how did you... come out?"

Chen Luo was a little confused.

He was very surprised, because he didn't take the initiative to pull Xi'er from the dominating theater to the real position. The act of her appearing here out of thin air was completely done by her own will.

"That... naturally..."

Xi'er couldn't explain it either, for her, it was a natural thing to go back here from the theater through the isolation of space, it was as simple as drinking water, or instinctively.

"Forget it, just wake up, you don't feel any discomfort, do you?"

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Hei Xier does have the ability to break through space. She has broken through the passages that dominate the theater and even the Quantum Sea several times. It is not surprising that Bai Xier, who has the same power as her, can do this kind of thing .

"Well, I don't feel any discomfort...Speaking of which, this..."

Xi'er's eyes fell on Da Ganyu who was lying on the side.

"That's...a big sheep."

Hillary exclaimed.

"My name is Gan Yu, and I am... Qilin."

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