But she had a vague feeling that the young man named Chen Luo in front of her knew how to use it.

"I'm afraid I used it to divide my memory and scattered those past memories on this land. If I give it to you, you may be able to use its ability to find my scattered memories."

Hmm... In other words, the next task is to find the feathers of Yu Duchen that fell in various parts of Liyue.

Chen Luo already understood roughly.

Since the Red Kite Immortal was once able to drive the God's Key, she must have transcended the world's restrictions on her as Alice said, and touched the existence of Honkai.

Immortal Chiyuan waved his hand lightly, causing Yu Duchen to float into Chen Luo's hand.

Temporarily acquired another God's Key, Chen Luo also made arrangements for the next action.

"Anyway, thank you Immortal."

Chen Luo then looked at the two little A Shibo who were looking at him pitifully.

Undoubtedly, the two of them definitely did not want to be imprisoned in Taixu Mountain for training by Immortal Chi Yuan, and hoped that Chen Luo would say something nice and take them out.

"Immortal, the two of them..."

"Just let them stay here. If you want to travel far, I'm afraid you will bring the girl I met before. I will take care of these two children for you."

Immortal Chiyuan said lightly.

Uh, it's actually not one but two... But that's good too, the road should be a little cleaner if these two brats are here.

"Immortal, then I will take my leave first."

It's been a while since I accompanied the vodka girl here, and the main thing, Chen Luo, has some clues, it's time to leave here and go back to the city.

Call Xier and Prometheus who are shopping in the city, and they can set off after a little preparation.

"Chen - Luo -!"

"...a scumbag."

"Ahem, you two should stay here and learn from the immortal."

Regarding the vodka girl's wailing one after another, Chen Luo responded rather gloatingly.

He didn't need Immortal Chiyuan to open the door for him if he wanted to leave here. With a light snap of his fingers, a portal leading to the city opened. In the eyes of the vodka girl who seemed to be able to eat him, Chen Luo left Taixu Mountain.


Although for some unknown reason, Chen Luo couldn't perceive Prometheus's position from too far away, but within the distance of Liyue Port, he could still feel it.

This time the two girls were not shopping in the city anymore, Chen Luo sensed that they were on the edge of Liyue Harbor.

"Hmm... there, I remember it as a place where martial arts were performed."

After all, it was still a time of war, and now Liyue Port has designated a special area for the Qianyan army or immortals to exercise and train.

Arriving at this fringe martial arts place, Chen Luo saw that Prometheus was sitting alone on a bench, while Xier was fighting someone inside with a scythe in his hand.

"How did you wander here?"

Chen Luo sat down beside Prometheus and asked.

"...Xi'er said she wanted to practice her fighting ability, and sparring is not something I'm good at, so we went to ask Gan Yu, who happened to be in the city, and Gan Yu said that there happened to be Yashas resting here. Come here for advice."

Prometheus explained.

Then, Xi'er pulled her over, and successfully found a partner for training here.

It was a member of Yaksha who fought Xier in the open field.

It was a firstborn with two horns, most of her body was covered by dark blue horny, Chen Luo knew her name.

【Spiral General·Fighting Difficulty】

It is one of the five most famous yakshas among the yakshas, ​​possessing the power of water.Although in the era when Chen Luo lived, only Mandrill was left among the celestial yakshas who was still sticking to his duties, but at this moment, wherever Chen Luo looked, those five celestial yakshas were still living here peacefully.

Xier staggered and waved the sickle in her hand to attack Fa Nan, but she always easily resolved it with her claws, and then swung the sickle again to attack Fa Nan, and continued to return without success.

"Xie'er, your power is very strong, but you still have a long way to go if you want to fully control it."

Fa Nan blocked the sickle with his paws again with a smile, and said to Xi'er softly.

"Come here first, it seems that someone over there is looking for you, and I can practice with you again when I have a chance."

"Yeah...thank you, Sister Fanan."

Xi'er stopped and put away her sickle. Compared with the relaxed Furnan, she was obviously very tired.

Back at the place where Chen Luo and Prometheus were, Xier happily greeted Chen Luo and sat on the other side of Chen Luo.

"Chen Luo, you're back, is your matter... going well?"

"Well, it's going well."

Chen Luo conjured up a bottle of dumpling milk and handed it to Xi'er.

"Here, thank you for your hard work."

"Thank you."

Xi'er took the drink carefully, and after the battle, he had a bottle, and it tasted even more delicious.

"……I also want."

Prometheus secretly poked Chen Luo's waist.

"Can't you do it yourself..."

Chen Luo made another bottle and handed it to the silver-haired girl.

He has already shared the relevant information with Prometheus, but this time he went out to find Yu Duchen's feather, he would definitely take Xi'er along with him.

"Why did Xi'er come to find someone to train herself?"

"Well... because Xier also wants to become stronger, so I can help you."

"The belief in wanting to become stronger is a good thing, but if you really want to become stronger, you will improve the fastest in actual combat."

"Are you ready to leave here?"

Xi'er heard the meaning of Chen Luo's words.

"Well, we have to leave here for a while, and then we will go together...to hoe the earth."


I feel that the current title of the book is not very good and not intuitive enough. I want to change the title recently... Do you have any good suggestions...

For example, how about "Man is the original god, the lawer of reason"? ? ?

Chapter 24 Dark Seas? (Overseas Chapter 01)

The sea of ​​darkness, the place where the defeated demon gods fled in the war of demon gods, a world that is not under the protection of the Tianli system of the Tivat continent.

If you don't escape from the Tivat continent, the defeated demon gods will be punished by heaven as losers.

But for some reason, Tianli did not punish these escaped demon gods—unless some of them tried to return to the beauty of Tivat Continent, if they did, they would be branded by Tianli as the God of Sin.

As long as one stays honestly in the sea of ​​darkness, the law of heaven will not be able to punish it, and even the continuation of the palace under the abyss has something to do with it being adjacent to the sea of ​​darkness and the abyss.

Coral Palace Xinhai, the inheritor of the water dragon, came to this silent dark sea after passing through the portal of Haiyuan City.

"...Speaking of which, it's really too quiet here."

Stepping on the deathly still water, Xinhai explored alone in this sea.

She was sent here, there must be a purpose, maybe there is something waiting for her here.

As a newcomer, the first thing to do is to observe the environment.The environment in the dark sea is completely different from that of the Tivat continent. There is no flow of earth veins, and no elemental power filled. It seems to be a completely dead space.

Even 【Time】may not exist here.

If it wasn't for Xinhai who could vaguely feel that there were still some powerful beings in the mist, she would have thought that she was the only one here.

In short, the first goal at the moment should be to find a place to rest in this sea. Although the elemental power reserve in Xinhai is very abundant, it is not endless after all, so we still need to make a plan first.

Both fighting and exploring, she needs to be prepared to deal with it.

"Well... But the environment here, for the part of me as a dragon lizard, I really feel uncomfortable..."

Although they are not exactly the same, this mist covering the dark sea is similar to the abyss black mist summoned by Yuanshang in Yuanxia Palace. The sea has a natural depressing effect.

Fortunately, the concentration of the mist is not too high, Xinhai can bear it for the time being, and her body does not only have the power of the dragon lizard.

"The coral king worm, the sea god, seems to have been obtained in this sea."

Xinhai pondered.

Most of the coral kings were placed in the Yuanxia Palace by her to prevent the progress of the holy land, but there are still some coral kings kept in her body for emergency needs, just like at this moment.

Xinhai stretched out his right hand with a white half-finger glove, and Orobas' divine power flowed, and four or five coral king worms were summoned by Xinhai.

These little guys fluttered their wings and flew around the sea of ​​hearts, like crystal butterflies. This is the migration pattern of coral king insects.

As creatures in the dark sea, this sea was originally their hometown, relying on their guidance, Xinhai might be able to find a shelter.

Sure enough, after flying for a while, the coral king worms began to slowly fly towards a certain direction, so Xinhai followed them forward without any haste.

While walking, she was also thinking about it.

——Why did she come here?

Is it just because the master of the power she inherited, Orobus, the Great God of the Sea, also fled to this Dead Sea?

In other words, is there any existence related to her power here?

If this is the case, she may also be able to find new strength in this sea.

"...Well, I don't know where Chen Luo has gone."

After thinking about it, he naturally thought of his sweetheart again, where the guy who couldn't relax was probably busy or something.

Of course, Xinhai never imagined that Chen Luo would return to the past era of war between demon gods.

The existing information is not enough, so Xinhai can only prepare for defense, and concentrate on following the coral kings in the mist.

The world in the mist is not as quiet as it seems on the surface. After a period of travel, Xinhai finally followed the coral kings to a land - according to the touch of the feet, it is probably a beach. Such a place is estimated to be a small island.

A small island in the sea is naturally a rare place, and Xinhai will not be the first visitor.While finding a place to stay, it also meant that she had encountered an enemy.

The moment she stepped on the beach, dozens of tentacles shot out from the mist and hit Xinhai directly. Fortunately, she was prepared for it, and the shield formed by flowing water blocked all these tentacles for Xinhai.

"Enemy attack...!"

Xinhai, who had prepared countermeasures in advance, manipulated the water elemental force and fired a water cannon forward to counterattack. The monster in the mist grunted, obviously being hit by this blow.

Due to the fluctuation of the elemental power, the surrounding fog has also dissipated a little, allowing Xinhai to see the whole picture of this place and the enemy clearly.

As she thought, this place is indeed a sandy beach of a small island, and what attacked her was a monster crawling on the sandy beach.

Xinhai doesn't know how to describe it - because from its eyes, Xinhai can only see madness and confusion.

【Wear】, this is the word that first appeared in Xinhai's mind.

That is the shackles imposed by heaven on all longevity species. No matter how powerful a life is, it will gradually lose its rationality and wisdom in the long river of time, and become an ignorant and crazy monster.

The one in front of me is probably a certain existence that has been worn out.

No matter it used to be a demon god, an elemental creature, or some other powerful existence, it could only be reduced to this ugly appearance in the end.

"...In this way, although those demon gods who were exiled here survived by chance, I am afraid that most of them have worn away all their willpower over thousands of years."

In other words, those demon gods still cannot escape death anyway, either physically or mentally.

This dark sea is basically their cemetery.

Seeing its state, Xinhai couldn't help trembling.

It's not because she's afraid of it, it's not difficult for Xinhai to defeat it, after all, this is [the sea], and she is the master of the sea.

Although the mist here has a suppressive effect on her dragon lizard power, the sea itself is also Xinhai's home field, and fighting here has a boost effect on Xinhai's power, so it can be regarded as canceling each other out.

She was touched because seeing such a life that had come to an end, she couldn't help feeling a little sad and sad for it.

Xinhai raised her hand silently, and the majestic water elemental power condensed above her, ready to release a blow that could end the opponent.

"...just let me end your life."


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