In order to complete this initial contract, he needs some assistance.

Immortals, demon gods... He hopes that someone can fight with him and clean up this land with him.

"It's kind of interesting."

The woman smiled, a little arrogantly.

"Alright, just let me join you. Let me see, [Immortal], um, it's a good new identity. Call me [Red Kite Immortal] from now on."

Morax nodded slowly, acknowledging the bragging title of the woman in front of him.

But he immediately asked the woman in front of him again.

"The contract will be established, and those who break their promises will be punished by eating rocks, but before drawing up this contract, I still have one last question to ask you."

"Tell me, what's the problem?"

Morax narrowed his eyes for a rare moment, carefully watching the Red Kite Immortal in front of him.

"……Who are you?"


Although the time in the dream was only the time of a battle, when the real Chen Luo woke up, it was already midnight.

Let's ask Xi'er to help convey the news of clearing the secret realm before leaving the secret realm and coming to the domination theater, and by the way, ask Xi'er not to suddenly return to the theater by herself.After doing such and such things, Chen Luo came into contact with Yu Duchen's feathers again, and understood the memories contained in them.

Then I had a good sleep in the domination theater and woke up.

Quietly leaving Ducky Yay who was still sleeping soundly, Chen Luo left the Domination Theater alone and returned to the top of Aozang Mountain.

Looking into the distance, Xi'er was sleeping there, the good boy kept his promise and did not return to the theater.She was sleeping on the back of the unicorn, surrounded by the snow-like fluff of Gan Yu, and looked very happy.

It turned out that Gan Yu, who was running hard to lose weight at the foot of the mountain, also came back here to rest, but Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind seemed to have gone back to the secret realm, and seemed to be messing with something. The speed pass of the secret realm probably gave her some Feel a little lost.

The memory in this feather is rather interesting. Judging from the expression and voice, the owner of that body is more like the [Herserrscher of Knowledge] he knows than the refined and easy-going [Red Kite Immortal].

From the point of view of time, it should be after the last story in the feather, she was approached by Morax, joined his command and became one of the immortals who accompanied him to fight.

That being the case, why did the Chiyuan Immortal that Chen Luo saw before change back to a refined and easy-going appearance?

"Is it acting?"

Chen Luo pondered.

Although the ability to control consciousness is not as powerful as the deity who knows the law, it is not impossible to not even feel this.

Besides, if it is really the law of this character, Chen Luo doubts that she can really play the Chiyuan Immortal well...

"Then, the fairy's intention for me to collect feathers is..."

Chen Luo had a bold inference in mind.

When he stopped on the top of the mountain to think, the silver-haired girl quietly appeared.

"you're awake?"


The girl replied briefly - this was the first time she slept, but it just felt good...

"...Continue to search like this, I'm afraid it will be dangerous."

Prometheus stood beside Chen Luo, and said softly.

"Every time you are experiencing the past through the power of Yu Duchen, but it is the key to manipulating consciousness. If you repeat the consciousness mapping too many times, your thinking will be mixed with too much belonging to [others] thing."

She has been paying close attention to Chen Luo's actions of dipping into the dreamland, observing from the outside world, and keenly aware of the possible risks involved.

"If you repeat it too many times, you risk losing yourself."

"This is the path I chose, but you are right, we should indeed... make some preparations in advance."

Chen Luo pondered.

It is impossible for him to give up searching for the hidden secrets in this feather, and his intuition tells him that at the end of these feathers, there are secrets that are very important to him.

But at the same time, he would not let himself be in danger unprepared, after all, he was no longer alone at this moment.

Knowing the truth and being prepared... both things he wanted to do at the same time.

Chapter 34 Temporary stays and new strategies

In the early morning of the next day, the sun shone on the top of Mount Ozang, awakening the girl immersed in a sweet dream.

Xi'er rubbed her eyes and woke up from Qilin's snow-white back.

"It's so warm..."

Xi'er stroked the unicorn's snow-white fur with her jade fingers, feeling full of satisfaction in her heart. Although she was on a high mountain and the morning breeze brought a bit of cold, she was completely unmoved by the unicorn's fluff.

Probably because of the excessive exercise yesterday, Gan Yu was still sleeping soundly on the ground, and was not awakened by Xier's movements.

So Xi'er slipped off Qilin's back quietly, tidied up her clothes a little bit, then followed the induction in her heart, and walked slowly to the distant hillside.

"Chen Luo, and sister Bronya, you are indeed here."

Looking at the two people in the distance, she said softly.

"Xi'er, you're awake."

The silver-haired girl greeted Xi'er softly. She and Chen Luo had been sitting here all night, from midnight to sunrise.

"Well, Sister Bronya, you seem to have returned to the theater after passing through the secret realm yesterday... What are you doing?"

The pure Seele said curiously.

She really cared about it, but after all, Chen Luo told her not to go in, so she did as usual.

"...Ahem, no, I didn't do anything, it's just that there are some important things to deal with."

Prometheus blushed, and had to talk about him from left to right.

For Xi'er, it's probably a bit early to get in touch with these things...


For some reason, Xi'er seemed to be able to feel a subtle change in the relationship between Chen Luo and her sister Bronya.

Hmm... Although the relationship between them was very good originally, it seems to have taken a step forward and become even better now.

"Xi'er, I was busy with other things yesterday and didn't have time to ask. Did you have a good chat with the immortal outside?"

Chen Luo called Xi'er over, and changed the subject at the same time, relieving the awkward atmosphere just now.

Xi'er walked over in response, and naturally sat on the other side of Chen Luo.

"Well, Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to tell me a lot of interesting things. Sister Gan Yu is also very kind to me, and made an exception to let me touch her horn."

Xier said happily.

For Xi'er, who likes to listen to stories, yesterday was enough, and being able to sleep on a unicorn is quite a novelty.

And for a true gentleman who has been lonely all year round, it probably satisfies his desire to confide.

Well, the only one who was injured was probably...Gan Yu...

Being able to quickly form friendly relationships with people wherever he goes is probably Xier's unique skill.

"However, horns... well, I really want to know how Gan Yu's horns feel to the touch..."

Chen Luo couldn't help sighing.

Last time I didn't have a chance to touch Gan Yu's jiojio in the wild, I don't know if I have a chance this time...

But before he could finish his words, a slender hand had already quietly grabbed the thin flesh on his waist from one side.

"What do you want to know?"

There was a hint of threat in the silver-haired girl's voice.

"...cough cough, nothing, nothing."

Chen Luo quickly dismissed this Alicia-like idea.


The girl snorted coldly and withdrew her hand.

The corner of Chen Luo's mouth twitched, this girl seemed to have become more domineering... I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing...

"Huh? What's wrong?"

The ignorant Xier didn't know what happened.


In short, the task in Aozang Mountain has been completed, and Chen Luo also recovered the red kite feather here, and understood the message clearly.

It's just that it's not enough. If he wants to know more, he needs to collect more red kite feathers.

"Where are we going next?"

Seele asked.

"What's next... Well, we have to change our strategy and speed up."

After taking back two pieces of Yu Duchen's feathers, the main body of Yu Duchen in Chen Luo's hand seems to have recovered some functions, becoming brighter than before, and can reveal more feathers for Chen Luo at the same time .

It seems that as long as you continue to recycle Yu Duchen's feathers, you can slightly activate the power in it - even if it has damaged most of its functions.

After all, those scattered feathers are also part of Yu Duchen, and recycling them can also enhance the function of the body.

Because Yu Duchen originally could only sense the relationship with the nearest feather, so at that time Chen Luo adopted the strategy of taking the second daughter around to find the feather.

Now that he can sense more feathers at the same time, he doesn't have to take them to search for them himself. He has a faster method.

The next strategy Chen Luo intends to adopt is to use the power of the Herrscher of Domination to create clones and go to multiple places to collect feathers at the same time, so as to improve the efficiency of collecting feathers.

With the help of the dominant power, the avatar can also use the power of the Herrscher of Reason and the Herrscher of Wind without any scruples, and it is not a problem to deal with those monsters or demon gods.

The main body... Let Xier and Prometheus stay on this Aozang Mountain first, Xier's practice can be asked to Gan Yu for help, just want to become stronger and lose weight at the same time, it is a two-way rushed to.

"Hmm... I think we have to stay here for a while, and talk to True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind, she probably won't mind."

Chen Luo pondered.

Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing the Wind is very easy to solve here. There is nothing that a bowl of pearl, emerald and white jade soup can't conquer her. If it doesn't work, then have another bowl.

Sure enough, after explaining the purpose of coming to Zhenjun Liuyun Bianfeng for a while, she readily agreed to temporarily take the three of them to live on Aozang Mountain.

"Okay, if you are willing to stay on my mountain for a little longer, I am also willing to entertain you. It just so happens that I have some tricks to discuss with this little girl."

In addition to the pearl emerald white jade soup, there is also the Prometheus factor.

After all, this little girl easily pierced through the secret realm that Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind painstakingly designed - if there were no "interference" from Chen Luo, she would have broken through faster, which made Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind feel a little bit Not reconciled, I originally planned to invite her to stay for a while longer, and then study and discuss the matter of mechanism art together.

For the next month, the three of them stayed on the Aozang Mountain where Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowed the Wind. Feng Zhenjun invited him to study various institutions in the secret realm.

While the few people were living happily on the top of Aozang Mountain, Chen Luo's avatar was also diligently digging the ground, killing monsters everywhere, and collecting Yu Duchen's feathers. The time soon came a month later. ——

Chapter 35 Senior Gan Yu, what have you taught Xier!

Recently, on the land of Liyue, there is a news circulating among the creatures with intelligence.

A group of inexplicable groups are hunting down monsters and demons everywhere. Although their behavior is the same as that of the Yakshas in Liyue Port, they are not from Liyue, but another independent group.

And their methods are even more vicious than those Yakshas——

When you meet an enemy, you will fight, and you will kill anyone you meet.

Demons, demonic beasts, miasma, and even the dependents of the demon gods were all repelled by this group of weirdos.

There are even a few weaker demon gods who were sent to unknown places after being defeated by that group——

Moreover, this group of weirdos is not afraid of sacrifice in the slightest. Once a demon god tried to defeat a weirdo, but not long after, a group of dozens of weirdos killed it together and defeated it.

They seem to be endless, and each of them is brave and fearless, and sees death as home.

Although there was not much time, rumors about this group of weirdos quickly spread throughout Liyue Land, making people frightened.

And the only information about this mysterious gang is that all of them look exactly alike.

Blue hair and blue eyes, thin body, sometimes can arouse strong winds, sometimes create all kinds of weird weapons out of thin air, and sometimes pull the enemy into a strange space that is inexplicably isolated from the outside world...

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