"Let's appreciate the beauty of Lord Yuhengxing."

"Hmph, poor mouth."

Keqing wiped off her sweat, picked up the cup and took a sip of water.

"I think it's probably more than that."

"Indeed, I can't hide it from you."

Chen Luo smiled and stood up.

The Honkai energy condensed in his hands and turned into a dragon chant in a box.

He took a light breath, and began to imitate Ke Qing's Yunlai swordsmanship and waved in the open space.


"Well...although it's still a bit jerky, but the learning is somewhat similar."

"The power I use for mimicry and construction can actually be used in a very diverse way, and I also want to try new ways of using it, such as... [imitation]."

The use of Honkai energy has long been played by many Valkyries and Herrschers under the Honkai world view.

Needless to say, the most basic elemental expression, Chen Luo has also learned how to transform the Honkai energy into the form of seven elemental forces through Xieyan.

Of course, the elemental mimicry ability that Chen Luo has mastered at this stage is essentially just energy release. For the time being, he calls out a fire bird and shoots a ice arrow, which is a basic level of energy release.

If you want to have a deeper level of mimicry, you still need to learn through contact with the eyes of God, such as Keqing's star return and Qiqi's cold disease and ghost difference, which have specific skills.

And Keqing's ultimatum of killing, that is, combining Yunlai's swordsmanship and the power of the thunder element, can't be copied directly - after all, Chen Luo can't use Keqing's swift lightning escape like Keqing. fencing.

Of course, the use of Honkai energy goes far beyond the transformation of energy.

For example, each Herrscher has their own authority, which is the advanced use of Houkai energy, the construction ability of the Herrscher of Reason, the space ability of the Herrscher of Emptiness, and the creation power of the Herrscher of Death... and so on.

Chen Luo's current abilities are basically derivative abilities derived from the core of the Herrscher of Reason, with construction and mimicry as the main means of combat.

However, collapse is omnipotent.

That being the case, Chen Luo also wants to try to develop new techniques for using the Honkai energy. After all, Chen Luo remembers that under the Honkai worldview, there is already a skill for using the Honkai energy that was artificially created and invented such as [Taixu Sword Qi] .

[Imitation] is a new ability that Chen Luo is trying to develop, although in principle it is just to try to force his body to imitate the opponent's actions through the photographic memory of the Herrscher of Reason.

Quickly master the opponent's martial arts by forcibly copying and imitating... This method is still in its early research stage.

"It is indeed amazing, but if it can only be imitated to this extent, it cannot be used in actual combat."

Ke Qing commented.

"Indeed, a poor imitation on the battlefield will only expose the opponent's fatal weakness."

Chen Luo nodded.

In a really desperate fight, using this immature or unfamiliar ability will only get you into trouble.

Sure enough, fighting methods such as sword skills still require a corresponding state of mind and countless exercises.

However, after all, it is just a new skill under development. As long as it continues to be perfected, it will always come in handy in actual combat in the future.

"That's the end of the swordsmanship training, let's go for a walk on the street with me."


Liyue Port, Star House.

"Master Xingxi Zhai, long time no see."

Chen Luo and Ke Qing came to Mingxingzhai, a time-honored shop specializing in jewelry business, located on the main road of Liyue Port.

"Master Yu, Yuhengxing, good morning."

For some reason, when Xing Xi saw Ke Qing, a trace of cold sweat flowed from his head.

"I'm here to pick up the goods, the one I ordered from you three months ago, Liuli Xinyue."

"Master Yu, Yu Hengxing, I'm really a little embarrassed..."

"Huh? What's the matter, I made the reservation three months in advance, so I can't believe it hasn't been done yet, right?"

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in Ke Qing's voice.

"No, that..."

Xingxi's voice was like a mosquito, and the more he said it, the softer it became.

"Actually, Master Tianquanxing Ningguang sent Ms. Bai Xiao to buy all the glazed crescent moons in our store yesterday at twice the price."


Keqing was silent.

Although Keqing didn't speak, Chen Luo could already see her clenched fists trembling slightly.

After a long time, Ke Qing slowly opened her fist.

"Oh, I really don't get along with Ning Guang."

"You're crying and fussing without anger."

"...This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. After all, that guy Ningguang, as long as he can make money, will do anything. He bought all these glass crescent moons, probably for the purpose of artificially creating scarcity of goods and raising the price of glass crescent moons. market price."

Ke Qing rubbed her head and said with a headache.

Afterwards, she pointed to the castle in the sky floating above Liyue Harbor.

"After all, she can even do something as outrageous as building the Jade Pavilion with floating stones. Although I don't quite agree with her ideas...but she is indeed very capable in making money in business."

As a young lady from a famous family, Keqing naturally knew how much capital and cost it would cost Ningguang to build a sky fortress like Qunyu Pavilion.

"Speaking of which, what do you want to buy Liuli Xinyue back for?"

Chen Luo asked curiously.

"I heard that this is very popular. I just want to buy one and keep it as a collection... So I made a reservation with the Veterinarian in advance, but I didn't expect to be cut off by her."

"Master Yuhengxing."

When Chen Luo was talking with Ke Qing, a woman in a dark red cheongsam approached, and she said respectfully to Ke Qing.

"Huh? Baiwen? What can you do with me?"

Baiwen, Baixiao, Baishi, and Ningguang's three private secretaries collected and sorted out information from the entire Liyue for her. Their actions almost represented Ningguang's own will.

"Master Yuhengxing, Master Ningguang asked us to tell you that there is a confidential file from the General Affairs Department that needs to be shown to you."

"I now?"

"Yes, please come to the General Affairs Department alone."

When Baiwen talked about this sentence, he specially emphasized the word "one person".

Ke Qing looked back at Chen Luo, thought for a moment, and said.

"I'm coming right now...Chen Luo, you can wander around the city alone."

"it is good."

Seeing Keqing and Baiwen leave, Chen Luo didn't care much, since he was alone, he planned to go around to see acquaintances, or go to the Hall of Rebirth to see if Zhong Li is not in the hall again today, Ruo Tuo's matter just started In the past, Zhongli should always express something.

Or go to Bubulu to see if Qiqi is on duty?It's not bad to go to Wanmintang for some food.

However, when Chen Luo was still thinking, another slender hand poked Chen Luo lightly from behind twice.

Looking back, Chen Luo saw a woman dressed in the same clothes as Bai Wen.

"Mr. Chenluo, hello, I'm Baishi, Sir Ningguang, please."


"Please go to the heavenly palace... Qunyu Pavilion. Our one is very interested in you."

"...So it's such an obvious way to divert the tiger away from the mountain?"

Chapter 28 The Glazed Crescent

She was wearing a pure white cheongsam with slits and yellow and black decorations. On the fluttering black and yellow clothes, there were leaf vein-like patterns engraved on it.The luxurious hairpin coiled her long pale golden hair, and she slowly turned around. The vermilion tassel hair ornament on her forehead showed her status.

Although the Liyue Seven Stars are in charge of different fields, every Liyue person has heard the legend about the Tianquan star Ningguang, and heard her famous name.

"Everyone knows everything, and the right of heaven is respected" is not an exaggerated description, but a fact.

She has already stood at the apex of human wealth and power in Liyue.

Ningguang sat in the living room inside the mansion. It was spacious and bright, and it was an excellent place to discuss important matters and think about strategies.

At this time, the blue-haired and blue-eyed guest she invited also arrived here under the leadership of Bai Shi.

It has to be said that the real Qunyu Pavilion is far more magnificent and luxurious than what Chen Luo has seen in the game. This mobile fortress floating in the air is a symbol of condensed wealth and precious hard work.

Chen Luo looked around, in this condensed light palace, apart from the wooden screen covered with white paper, the other thing Chen Luo cared about was a group of glazed crescent moons placed in conspicuous positions.

Is it too late to be included in the treasury, or is it intentionally placed there?

"I've been waiting for a long time, Chen Luo."

Ningguang was the first to speak out.

"Hello, Lord Tianquanxing."

"It should be the first time you and I have met, but I can see the look in your eyes that I haven't seen for a long time."

"...You old man thinks too much. Rumors of Tianquan star have long been spread in the streets and alleys of Liyue. I have already sketched your appearance in my mind. I can see you today. The picture and the person are exactly the same. It's an honor for me."

"haha, really."

Ning Guang smiled slightly.

"Then how do I compare with Yuheng beside you?"

"This one……"

Chen Luo shed a trace of cold sweat—well, in fact, Soul Steel's body doesn't sweat at all, but Chen Luo's spirit still shed a trace of cold sweat.

"Tian Quanxing's bright eyes are good to look at, peaches are ashamed and apricots are shy; Yuheng stars are full of heroism, and Kuaiyu Tingni, they are all Liyue heroes."

After deliberating for a moment, Chen Luo chose two non-offending answers.

"I heard that you have only been in Liyue for a few days, and you sound like an old gentleman who has been telling stories in Liyue for many years."

Because of Lili's ability, Chen Luo has already absorbed a lot of knowledge about Liyue through books, and his serious words and sentences are probably no worse than ordinary storytellers.

"Chen Luo, I've heard a lot about you. Yuheng and Yuheng stopped the actions of the fools, and together with the immortals, we resisted the recovery of the demons. But I also know that you are not human."

Ning Guang's hands and eyes were open to the sky, knowing all kinds of news about Chen Luo did not surprise him.

"Every non-human being who comes to Liyue should be paid attention to, Chen Luo, naturally you are also among the objects of our attention."

Ning Guang said unhurriedly.

"I am very harmless to humans and animals, Lord Tianquanxing."

"But you understand people's words, you know people's knowledge, and you also have strange supernatural powers and extraordinary things. The world is bustling and bustling for profit, but why did you come to Liyue?"

You may not believe it, but I came to Liyue to learn advanced knowledge and technology.

Chen Luo shrugged, but did not answer.

Ning Guang didn't care, and continued to ask.

"In other words, if I offer enough chips, can I recruit you to my name?"

"...So I'm so popular?"

"Your information is public at the seven-star level, and several of you are quite interested in you."

"Ha... I think Yuhengxing's house is pretty good."

"If I promise you Mo La ten million, will you win favor?"

"...Actually, not everyone needs Mora very much."

"What if I promise you countless treasures, like mountains of gold and jade?"

Chen Luo stood up, walked to the table where the glazed crescents were piled up, and stroked them lightly.

"The so-called treasure is just like this glazed crescent moon. Among young people, it is a priceless thing to show love. To you, it may be just an ordinary commodity used to harvest profits."

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