Mebius is in control of the secret realm, making final adjustments to the device.

"However, even if the final model is adjusted and developed here, I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense. After all, this thing can't be brought outside the illusion."

Chen Luo pondered.

"Usually speaking, it's really useless, but if you're here, little white mouse, the situation will be quite different."

Mebius wanted to turn around and reach out to touch Chen Luo's face, but under Xinhai's vigilant gaze, he finally gave up.

"You mean...the power of the Herrscher of Reason?"

"Illusion itself is indeed meaningless, but the little white mouse... you have the ability to turn this illusory into reality."

As long as Chen Luo [understands] the principle of this device here, he can completely reproduce it through the construction ability of the Herrscher of Reason.

"Come on, little white mouse, accept this gift, this is the [Reward for customs clearance] for you."

Putting his hand on the finished device, Chen Luo understood and remembered everything about it.

"...So, why did you give me this?"

Even without the power of this device, Chen Luo already possessed the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness, and could easily do the same thing.

"Aren't you planning to go to Sumeru next? Believe me, you will definitely use this [technology] by then."

Chapter 18 The Witch's Mark

After completing all the test data collection and adjustments, the complete version of Dreamland was finally handed over to Chen Luo.

That being the case, there is naturally no need for the other four secret realms other than the central core secret realm to continue to exist.

As for why the secret realm in the center was kept... It was naturally because Mebius had to use this dreamland to analyze the data about Chenluo, so he kept it here.

After Ruanmoyingpao let Xinhai pre-input part of the energy used to maintain the dreamland, everyone finally walked out of the dreamland.

Although Chen Luo went through five dreamlands one by one, in reality, only half a day had passed, and when everyone left the dreamland, it was the time when the sun was setting.

Such a moment is naturally the most suitable... a bonfire party!

Before Chen Luo and his party came up, the others had already prepared everything needed for the bonfire party.

"Ah, it's Aunt Mebius, Brother Chen Luo, Sister Xinhai, and Sister Klein and Sister Azhi!"

Little Keli beside Abedo waved her hand and greeted everyone.

"Little Keli, remember to call me sister Mebius next time~"


Little Keli muttered in difficulty.

Aunt Mebius is my mother's friend, and it seems a bit wrong to call her sister.

"If you want to call me sister, I will make you a moving doll~"

"Really, really?"

Xiao Keli's eyes suddenly flashed with light.

"When did your sister Mebius lie to you?"

The dangerous poisonous snake is unexpectedly kind when facing children.

Chen Luo looked around and saw that everyone else had already arrived.

Xi'er and Hua Sanli are working hard to bake food for everyone in the distance - the fish fried by Keli can already smell a delicious fragrance even though they are far apart. Although Hei Xi didn't participate, she also At any rate, he finally did not escape back to the Domination Theater.

Prometheus was sitting with Teresa, looking at the Homu doll in Ducky's hand, as if he was selling the beauty of Homu to Teresa...

True and Shadow, the Thunder and Lightning sisters, are naturally still inseparable. They are talking with Alice, and the content of their topic must be very interesting.


Chen Luo couldn't help sighing.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Xinhai stood beside him, watching the lively scene with him.

"It's just a sudden sigh, peace is so good."

Sure enough, peace is the most beautiful thing.

"Soldiers are dreaming, and the spring grass is like a rug... I have felt this way before, when you helped us solve the eye hunting order and the lock-up order."

Xinhai said softly.

Peace is a beautiful thing. Chen Luo helped Dao's wife calm down the turmoil, and peace can be obtained for a long time, but this world... still has darkness that is about to move.

"Fools, Abyss Cult..."

Chen Luo muttered.

"I heard... Mebius said, Chen Luo, are you planning to go to Sumeru next?"

Xinhai asked.

"Well, to be more precise, it's almost here."

Chen Luo sensed his slime avatar on the head of Void Wanzang, and it had already crossed the rocky abyss and was very close to Xumi's territory.

The god of wisdom wanted to see him, and he didn't know what was the matter, but from the other three earthly rulers that Chen Luo had come into contact with, he probably had to trouble him.

In short, if it wasn't for the crowd of fools, if it wasn't for the Abyssal Cult, or...the Herrscher?

"Alice and Mebius specially invited you to the island to help them complete the dreamland test ahead of time... I'm afraid it has something to do with what may happen in Sumeru next."

Xinhai analyzed.

"Well... After all, Alice has the ability of divination and prediction. Tsk, I'm afraid the avatar can't handle things over there. If necessary, I still have to go there in person."

Chen Luo pondered.

After going through this test on the island, Chen Luo initially had some assumptions in his mind. If things were really as he thought, the slime body that followed Void Wanzang back would be too embarrassing for him to use.

"Well... Sumi, there is a port on Haizhi Island that can lead to it, but I have never had a chance to go there."

After all, she is a goddess and witch, except for the time she came out to find her husband from a thousand miles away, Xinhai has hardly left the range of Daozuma or Haizhi Island.

"If you want to go, we can go there together when I have to go."

"That's okay, I'll book a seat first."

Xinhai blinked and accepted Chen Luo's invitation.

In the distance, Huasanli and Xi'er had finished their work and began to invite everyone to go up to taste the delicious food.

Among the crowd, Chen Luo didn't look for anyone else, but went to Mebius first.

——After all, there are so many girls present, it is inappropriate for him to go to anyone first. In the spirit of equilibrium, it is better to go to Mebius who has nothing to do with it.Moreover, Chen Luo did have a question and wanted to ask this great scientist.

"Hey, little white mouse, are you willing to see my sister?"

"Can you stop talking like this, old man..."

Mebius had already changed back to her dark green corset dress, sitting on top of her suitcase.

"Why, do you dislike my elder sister's age? That Lei Dian next to you is really...she is older than me, right?"


"Forget it, little white mouse, since you ignored your group of girls and came to me, you must have something to ask me?"

After making Chen Luo speechless, Mebius seemed to be satisfied.

"Well, I want to ask about the engraving."

"Is this what you said?"

Mebius stretched out her hand, and an engraving of [Infinity] appeared in her hand.

"Well, I'm quite curious, what does this engraving... exactly represent?"

Although the appearance was the same as the engravings he knew, it didn't seem to have any magical effect.

"This is the symbol of the Witch Association. Every witch who joins the Witch Association will receive a gift from Alice, which is [Engrave]...but it's just a decoration and has no magical effect."

[Infinity] Mebius, [Gold] Rhindotte...

"By the way, Mebius, I want to ask you about Reindotte..."

Since Mebius in this world is a member of the Witch Association, she should also know that [Golden] Reindotte.

Asmodeus reminded him to pay attention to that woman before, and Chen Luo also wanted to collect information about her in advance.

"Oh~ the little white mouse came to me specially, just to know about another woman?"

Mebius made a sad expression, although she couldn't feel any sadness in her.

"I will not say."


"Little White Mouse, you just rejected him cruelly not long ago, and now you want to get news from me, you must be thinking too much about the matter, right?"

Mebius licked his lips and said seductively again.

"However, if you are willing to come to my room tonight, it's not that I can't let go of the past and share with you the [knowledge] you want to know, just the two of us..."


Feeling the concerned eyes from more than one person not far away, forget it, let’s ask Alice or Abedo directly later...


A part of the plot about Xumi will start to unfold later. After all, Xumi has not been released yet, and I haven’t seen the spoiler of the ghost. Basically, I set it up based on the information released. I hope that Lao Mi will hold back [

Chapter 19 On the way to Sumeru

While Chen Luo's body was undergoing a wonderful trial on the Golden Apple Islands, Void Wanzang was rushing back to Xumi with his clone.

For this former "First Herrscher", Chen Luo has a very strong interest.

While being a weapon like the First God's Key, it also has other functions.

Rather, almost all of the God's Keys at the top of the sequence have quite strong strategic significance beyond the use of weapons.

The second God's Key, the Key of Eternal Tribulation · One Thousand Realms, can observe the countless world bubbles in the Quantum Sea, search for a future full of possibilities, and can also open the channel to the tree of imaginary numbers.

Although the name of the Fourth God's Key has never been known, it has pushed the Herrscher of Wind's ability to control illusions and atmospheres to the extreme. environment of the earth.

The fifth god's key, the key of stagnation · all things dormant, is a stagnation and sealing device that can extend life.

And the first God's Key, the Key of Revelation Void Manzang is no exception, but although it is the first God's Key in name, it was completed almost at the end of the end of the world, and there was no time to invest in it. In the battle against collapse.

And his strategic significance beyond being a weapon is naturally the special ability of the Herrscher of Reason - remember.

Void Wanzang itself is a huge library. Inside his God's Key space, there is a memory space that can't be seen at a glance, storing almost all the knowledge of that glorious era.

And this is exactly what Chen Luo is very curious about and hopes to obtain.

There is no real state in the library, so any knowledge cannot be taken out of the library in the form of actual existence, it can only be stored in the mind of the entrant, and if you want to enter, you must get the approval of the void.

Even today, Chen Luo is still unable to completely liberate all the power of a Herrscher's core under normal circumstances, and can only temporarily use the completely liberated power under certain special circumstances.

For example, Wendy's blessing or the real Shenzao's sacrifice... On the one hand, it is because of the limitations of this false world itself, and on the other hand, it is also because Chen Luo is not the best body at the core.

He does have the ability to use the powers of other Herrschers, but it is not enough to liberate all the powers under the limitations of the false world itself, almost all of which can only reach 80.00%.

This is also the reason why Chen Luo didn't get the core of the law of death from Xi'er, after all, it can exert its strongest power in Xi'er's hands.

But the power of the Herrscher of Law is an exception. The core of the Law of Law is the core of the Herrscher who was born with Chen Luo. Under the laws of this world, he is the best body of the Law of Law, and has the potential to fully develop it.

And as long as it acquires enough knowledge, it can continue to grow until it obtains the ability to be completely liberated.

The fully liberated power of law is the most terrifying existence among almost all the powers of the law.

As long as it is the other side that civilization can reach in the past or in the future, the Herrscher of Reason can reproduce it-even if it does not exist in the current era.

Creation out of thin air, the power of truth.

Therefore, Chen Luo wanted to obtain the knowledge inherited from the previous civilization in the knowledge space of the Void and Ten Thousand Zangs, so as to unlock the full potential of the Lawer of Reason.

But... this matter can't be rushed overnight, in short, let's see what happened in Sumeru.

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