"Nasita, my old opponent, I will not kill you completely, I will make you a bird imprisoned in a cage, let you witness how I let the void system spread to the whole world, let this world be in my hands Burning under your feet, at that time... your expression will definitely be wonderful."

The girl on the high platform remained silent, as if she had no intention of answering the words of erosion.

"Heh, just keep pretending to be calm."

The Herrscher of Corrosion had a thought, and an Archon Gate appeared beside him. He passed through the Archon Gate to the place where the World Tree was, and left the Academy to the fool who had helped him executives.

The doctor walked out from among the controlled scholars and looked at the girl on the high platform with fanaticism in his eyes.

"Is this what you have achieved, Doctor?"

the girl asked in a low voice.

"No, to be precise... I just released a small malice, that's all."

——on this land shrouded in illusion, provided a little help to erosion, and catalyzed its malice.

Of course, besides being curious about its power, the reason for helping the erosion is more because of the girl in front of him.

The doctor snapped his fingers, and the scholars around stood up together, took a step forward, surrounded the girl, and surrounded her.

After Corrosion left, he temporarily handed over control of the Scholars to the Doctor so he could complete his experiments.

"I have read a lot of ancient books, explored a lot of history, and asked relevant people... It seems that the nature of [lover] is engraved in the hearts of many demon gods."

The doctor said slowly.

"Little Auspicious Grass King, I think the same is true for you, otherwise, you would not be able to play house with these idiots for 500 years, and they will still spoil you like children who will offend your authority, so, I What I want to know is..."

After conquering the body of God, the doctor's next research topic is the will of God.

"How far can you tolerate the violations and atrocities of your subjects?"

This is an experiment on blasphemy, but the doctor is not a participant—the person who initiated the experiment should not end it himself, he only needs to watch how the gods in front of him will react to the subjects who are about to commit atrocities .

No matter what kind of reaction it is, it is indeed valuable material for his research. After all, there may be only one chance to blaspheme the gods.

Maybe she will choose to silently endure the violence and insult from the people, then the doctor will step by step to deepen the level of blasphemy, to find the bottom line of the gods.

If she takes action against her own subjects, it means that the order is only as effective as that.

Of course, leaving here and escaping is also a possibility, but after all, she can't escape for a while on the land of Sumeru. The time to make a decision will eventually come, and the doctor is not in a hurry.

"Come on, struggle in front of this established destiny, let me see, as a god, when faced with the choice of asking the soul, what kind of choice will it make?"


The surrounding crowd gradually approached, but the girl remained unmoved.

"Did you...have some misunderstanding, doctor?"


No, something is wrong.

"I won't make any choices, after all...there is only one thing I will do."

The delicate girl in front of her tore off her cloak, allowing the doctor to see her whole body.

The voice is exactly the same, although the appearance is very similar, but not.

The doctor hadn't noticed that he was covered by the generous robe just now, but at this moment he saw clearly that the eyes of this "little auspicious grass king" are not a vibrant emerald green, but... a clear and firm blue.

"I'll be here...to beat you."

Chapter 39 Two Lines Simultaneously

"You are not the little auspicious grass king, you are..."

If this doesn't turn out to be a strategy of switching packages, then the doctor is too ashamed of the name of a genius.

"Whether you want to change your name or not, I'm - Theresa."

The girl under the robe raised her hand, and the wide robe slid down, revealing the small fist hidden inside.

"The most cutest in the world - hit hard!"

Afterwards, she slammed into the ground with her own strange strength. For a moment, the ground of the teaching courtyard trembled, and the crowd surrounding them were also blown away by the air waves, and they fell down in the teaching courtyard.

This wave of air naturally also hit the doctor. Fortunately, the doctor was prepared. Numerous cracks suddenly appeared on the ground under his feet, and a huge Honkai beast rushed out of it, helping the doctor resist it with its huge and hard body. This wave of attacks.

In the smoky Holy Order, only the doctor and Teresa in grass god costume still have consciousness.

"It's been a long time, Doctor, let's continue the...unfinished battle."

"Drop the bag... This is really a simple and effective method."

The doctor understood that he had been slapped, but instead of being angry, he smiled.

"Sister of the Destiny Church, Theresa... Hehe, I didn't expect to meet you again in Sumeru. I should say... Long time no see?"

Naturally, this is not the first time for the doctor to meet Theresa. Earlier, when he was still conducting experiments in Mond, he had already had contact with Theresa, who was a nun and a part-time idol at the time. Of course, it was very unpleasant touch.

"You lingering guy, I'm really sorry for ruining your good business in Mond before, and now I'm going to ruin your good business again."

Strictly speaking, Theresa and the doctor are also old enemies. At that time, the incident of the dragon Usa was resolved by Theresa, and the change of direction prevented part of the doctor's plan in Mond, as well as the matter of Ke Lai. Gotta count.

"That's just a small pastime after dinner, I don't care... But you, what about the weapon in your hand? I think, it should be called... [Judas' Oath]? Why, I didn't bring it today Are you around?"

Although he was curious about that weapon in the past, he didn't understand the power and principle of that weapon. Now that he had a glimpse of its truth, the doctor realized the value of that weapon.

If Judas could be brought back to Zhidong for research, he might be able to make more breakthroughs.

"To deal with a guy like you, you don't need to use Judas."

Theresa said disdainfully.

Judas has a more important mission, so she must stop the doctor here...in the outside world alone.

"Since you've appeared here and switched hands with the Little Auspicious Grass King, what is the real Little Auspicious Grass King... doing now?"

The Honkai Beast beside him rushed straight to Teresa, stepping on the girl with its gigantic feet.

The doctor who ordered the Honkai beast to attack was thinking about the reason.

Obviously, the other party has known about the existence of Erosion for a long time, otherwise it would be impossible for Teresa to change the package in advance. In this case, Erosion's behavior of obtaining the Heart of God may not be so smooth.

"The man named Chen Luo is really not an ordinary person. Even if he is [erased] like that, does he still have the best plan for the follow-up?"

Even if the man named Chen Luo is still alive, the doctor will not be surprised, after all, he himself is a strange species with a strange ability to extend life.

But, no wonder... the Ice Queen wanted Columbia to find him to Solstice Winter.

He is not an ally of Erosion, and he came to Sumeru just to conduct experiments, so... He is very happy to see the competition between Chenluo and Erosion, which is also a gain for him.

Of course, right now, he still needs to concentrate on dealing with Teresa—although the nun of the Destiny Church is not as important as the little auspicious grass king in his mind, among the many research topics of the doctor, there is naturally a subject about Teresa. Let the research on that subject begin now.

"This...is just another experiment."


In the rainforest of Sumeru, the eroded Chen Luo passed through the Yakong Gate and successfully arrived here.

Floating in front of the huge World Tree in front of him, he intends to grab the God's Heart that belongs to the God of Grass placed in it.

That is the energy source to maintain the entire Xumi huge void system. Of course, the purpose of the heart of God is far more than that.

If the Herrscher of Corrosion wants to break through the limitations of the existing enchantment and extend the void system to a wider world, the Heart of God is necessary.

He still doesn't completely control the void, it can only be said that he has some of the abilities.

It looks like he'll have to go through one more battle before he gets the God's Heart, though.

A huge water curtain enveloped the World Tree, protecting it in it.

And the one who did all of this was a girl who was also floating in the air. She had pink-blue long hair, a feather coat composed of blue sleeves and a gorgeous ribbon behind her, fluttering in the air with the wind, as if she was already waiting here. It's been a long time.

"You are... Coral Palace Heart Sea."

From Chen Luo's data memory, Erosion knew the other party's name.

"Stand there and don't move."

The water curtain behind Xinhai fluctuated violently, and the power within it locked onto this enemy who had the appearance of Chen Luo without exception.

Different from her seemingly delicate body, at this moment Xinhai's eyes glowed with a daunting azure blue light, which symbolized...she was in anger.

"Huh? Isn't this your favorite person? Why should you stay away and feel angry?"

Erosion said a little puzzled.

This is not deliberately mocking, but he really can't understand.

After all...he doesn't really have human emotions.

"Am I not like him? Obviously, before deleting him, I remembered his words and deeds, his behavior."

"No, your imitation is very similar, but because of this, I feel...disgusted."

Xinhai took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

Even though he had informed of this possibility in advance and entrusted himself with the task of protecting this place, Xinhai still couldn't help but feel angry when facing the person who stole his appearance.

"It seems...it is necessary to fight."

The appearance of the other party's preparation made Xie Xi feel a little bad, but anyway, since he had already come here, he still got the heart of God first.

"I saw from his memory, that woman named Mebius, she is your maker, right? Even she can't beat Chen Luo, she can only be ravaged by him... Then what about you? "

Unfortunately, in Chen Luo's memory, there are not many records about the battle data of this individual named Coral Palace Xinhai.

"The difference between me and Mebius..."

Xinhai raised his hand, and the water bloom all over the sky appeared, and the power belonging to the Dragon King was tumbling in it.

"Don't you know if you try it?"

Chapter 40 The Void Is Deep, An Empty Dream

Void, this huge system that covers the entire Sumeru country from high altitude, originally connected almost all the people of Sumeru. Through the terminal of the void, everyone maintains a constant connection with the void.

But if you look down from the high sky at this moment, you can see that the original azure blue beam of light is being dyed red at a very rapid speed, which is a symbol of erosion.

After erasing Chen Luo, Corrosion no longer has any worries, but began to expand very presumptuously, preparing to transform Xumi into its kingdom.

After all, it has endured this desire to expand and erode for too long, and after it was finally released, nature began to spread like a raging fire.

And it is precisely in this high-speed expansion that it becomes difficult to detect some small... intrusions.

Among the countless crimson beams of light, a tiny blue spot of light flew up into the sky, went in the opposite direction, and entered the void.

This blue point of light entered the void system and found a safe place. After a burst of soft light, three figures appeared here.

It was Judah, Nasida and Chen Luo.

The light enveloping the three of them scattered into countless feathers, and gathered in Chen Luo's hands again, turning into a feather that shimmered.

"This weapon...has quite a magical power."

Naxida looked at the feather in Chen Luo's hand and said softly.

"Well, this feather is called [Feather Dust]. If it wasn't for its power, we wouldn't have been able to sneak in so easily."

Although Naxida has the ability to directly and illegally enter the void system, doing so will inevitably attract the attention of erosion, so Chen Luo can only enter it with the help of Yu Duchen's power based on his previous experience of entering the void system.

"The Herrscher of Corrosion didn't realize that... what it corroded was just a doll of domination."

Not only the Herrscher of Corrosion will play backup, Chen Luo will certainly do this trick, although the upper limit can only be a thousand backups...

The Chen Luo used to be devoured by the Herrscher of Corrosion was his carefully prepared bait. Of course, in order to convince the Herrscher of Corrosion of its corroded body, Chen Luo used the power of consciousness to copy almost all of his past memories go in.

Of course, the memory of the battle and some key parts have been revised.

Naturally, Herrscher's cores were all placed in the body of the bait. In order to cheat the erosion, he spent a lot of money.

After confirming that the erosion had occupied the data of the clone doll, Chen Luo activated Yu Duchen's ability under the cover of Judas, and entered the void without anyone seeing it.

The ability to allow the three of them to sneak into the void system under Erod's nose is naturally Yu Duchen's zero rated power.

Silently transfer the consciousness and soul of the designated target to other objects... Due to the particularity of the void system, this pure mental ability can also be used to move in space.

This means of quietly completing the transfer of consciousness and soul has not been noticed by it.

"But you only have the consciousness to enter here, the core of those Herrschers..."

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