Putting aside Reinhardt's affairs for the time being, Chen Luo still planned to settle the Ice Queen's affairs first.

But... As a person who came across the sea of ​​stars, there is indeed something strange about Zaiying.

Chen Luo already knew that she originally used the Honkai energy, and she can also use the seven elemental powers of Tivat freely. If she is allowed to completely accept the blessings of the other four elemental powers, will it be possible for Ying to use them? Regain the power you once had?

In short, after cleaning up the doctor's episode, Chen Luo flew back to the people who were waiting for him.

"I cleaned up your colleague again, you won't be angry, will you?"

Columbia shook her head.

"It's okay, doctor, he just re-entered the circulation of the earth's veins."

The doctor and his laboratory are the only foreign objects in the Ice Queen's domain other than the Queen herself. After passing him, there is no obstacle to go to the place where the Ice Queen is.

Following the road of ice and snow all the way down, Chen Luo finally arrived at the destination of this trip, the end of the secret realm.

——The location of the Ice Queen.

Chapter 10 The Song of Lament for Bingyu

"Tsk... This coercion really matches her identity."

Before the [Permafrost], Chen Luo temporarily stopped.

What came from the world ahead was an unimaginably huge ice. Unlike the doctor's half-assed rhythm, the domain constructed by the Queen of Ice herself as the top demon god plus the power of ice law, even the current Chen Luo couldn't help it. Respond carefully and carefully.

"Really, Xi'er, you guys should go back to the theater to avoid it."

If what Columbia said is correct, even the space inside is frozen in the world, it is better for Zhen and Xier to go to the theater to avoid the cold wave.

"Hmm... Well, if you want to avoid the cold wave, let Paimon go in too."

Ying turned around and glanced at Paimeng, she was already held in Bai Xi'er's arms, the two seemed to hit it off for no reason.

In short, after letting them enter the theater to avoid the dangerous area, only Columbia, Chen Luo and Traveler Ying were left on the scene.

Ying herself naturally had to go in, but the cold she felt from it was indeed unbearable for her. She was not as powerful as Chen Luo—at least not for her who only had three elemental powers.

Thus, Chen Luo stretched out his hand to Ying.

"Take my hand and I'll take you in."


Ying hesitated.

It's not that I mind this matter, it's just that I have to rely on the power of others to protect myself at such a critical time, some...

"The opportunity to pursue the secret is right in front of you, do you want to give up?"

"...That's right, then I'm counting on you."

Seeing that the two were ready, Columbia stepped into it at will to lead the way for them. She has the authority of the queen and will not be violated by the domain in a short time.

[Permafrost] Inside is a silent palace. On the way to the palace, you can see all kinds of life carved out of solid ice, and you can't see the bottom at a glance.

Birds, beasts and humans.

Of course, Chen Luo was convinced that these were really just ice sculptures made of ice, not real life frozen here.

"these are……?"

he asked Columbia.

"These... were the lives that had died in the land of Solstice, and she remembered them all in this way. But when she discovered the cycle and the false truth, she no longer remembered them."

Columbia immediately began humming a song softly. It was a song she wrote for the Ice Queen, recording her past, her changes, and the reasons why she changed like this.

The beginning of the tune is very gentle, which may symbolize that she was once the god of lovers, gentle and tolerant. The country under her rule was also called the country of love. It is prosperous and the weather is good all year round. The resources in the area are not rich, but people can still live and work in peace and contentment.

But at a certain point in time, everything changed.

The origin of the ruling world of the Seven Worlds originated from the elimination of the original war of demon gods, but the final formation of the current pattern originated from the war of Kanria 500 years ago.

In that war, countless Winter Soldiers died under the dark tide of beasts, and even the two demon gods of Thunder and Grass also fell because of this, and the God of Ice, who went to Kanria to participate in the confrontation, was even more so. Get a glimpse of the truth of the world.

Tivat is just a small paradise, a small and intact world protected by a shell.

This world is already an exception, and there is no need to worry about the ruthless laws of the universe for the time being.But even so, the riots and invasions of the abyss still indicate a thing that is destined to happen in the future-the shell will be opened one day, just like the chick will leave the nest one day.

She saw with her own eyes that countless creatures disappeared in the flames of war, but she was powerless. The so-called power of the demon god was only compared to the insignificant mortals who were as small as ants. In the face of the black disaster that was staring at the outside world, her power was far from strong enough. .

Love, can't save everything.

In other words, the loss of love, which is based on force, is nothing but an empty shell.

How weak the human race is without the protection of the gods is self-evident in that turbulent war in the abyss. Even the warrior god Morax, who swept the world, could not protect his people well in times of crisis. Almost all of the Qianyan army died in the rocky abyss. Balzebu, who was obsessed with martial arts, even found it difficult to protect his sister and beloved general. His subjects were killed and injured countless times, and it is needless to say that Mond—— If the wind dragon named Twarin did not sacrifice himself, that country would have been destroyed by the poison of the dragon Durin.

Although Kanria also has many injustices in her opinion, the God of Ice gradually understands why they want to develop and demand.

The strength of an individual cannot take into account the overall situation.

Only a strong civilization as a whole can survive the threat. Even if she dies one day, her country can still have the courage and heritage to move forward.

As a result, ice and snow buried the flowers, cold fog shrouded the forest, and the babbling streams were frozen.

Her country has changed from a garden with four distinct seasons to a icy snowfield in an instant, and the country under her governance is getting closer and closer to that extinct civilization, with the ultimate technology and the ultimate development.

Born in sorrow, died in peace, the reason why the underground country can develop rapidly is inseparable from the fact that they are forced to move forward by the dangerous environment. Under the pressure of the dangerous ice, Zhidong's technology began to leap forward. forward development.

Bionic dolls covering the entire continent, energy-guiding weapons driven by elemental forces... and many other inventions.

Even today, even Fontaine, who is famous for engineering, and Xumi, who is famous for research, cannot catch up with Zhidong in terms of technology.

The remnant of Kerriya, who shared the same philosophy as her, also joined her, and made a plan to reorganize the world with the heart of the seven gods, and at the same time recruited all kinds of talents for her.

The flame witch who was almost burnt out, the ignorant vagabond, the weird heretic scholar... Although some of them had their own plans, they did contribute a force that cannot be underestimated to the advancement of Solstice Winter.

Of course, there was also the fairy singer she had known for a long time.

She doesn't hide her attempt to rewrite the laws of heaven, but she understands that her kingdom will no longer be punished by the keeper like Kerriya, because the keeper is dying, and that one has no power to stop such a threat.

Passing through the scene made of ice sculptures, the three of them finally arrived at the location of the Ice Queen.

"Man, I brought it for you."

Columbia briskly walked to the high platform and came to the side of the Ice Queen.

Her relationship with the Ice Queen is different from others, it is even better, and in Columbia's eyes, she has never changed.

"... Bronya."

Chapter 11 Please, come into my arms

"Thank you, Columbia."

The queen on the high platform nodded slightly, and then cast her gaze on the two people below.

"Welcome to my world, Chen Luo, and the traveler Ying."

There is a pure blue light in her eyes, like the embodiment of extreme cold.

Wearing an asymmetrical slim dress, a pure white cloak like wings is at her side.

Like the silver eagle above the high mountains, it is noble and elegant, but keeps people away.

However, it seems that it is easier to talk than Chen Luo imagined...

At least, Chen Luo didn't feel any hostility from her.

Obviously, Bronya, the Queen of Winter, was not controlled by the will of the Herrscher's core, and was perfectly integrated with the Herrscher's core.

This is not a surprising thing, after all, with the willpower of the Dust Seven ruling...it is not too difficult to fight against the Honkai invasion.

Or in other words, the uniqueness of special beings like demon gods gave them the capital to resist.

"Queen of Ice, I'm here to...negotiate terms with you."

It would be great if I could get the core of the Herrscher of Ice from her without bloodshed and then persuade her to stop the actions of the fools——

"I know the purpose of your trip, whether it's you or her."

Bronya said coldly.

"Chen Luo, you have destroyed the plan of the fools to grab the heart of God three times."

[Scatterers], [Ms.] and [Doctor].

Of course, failure is an acceptable thing for fools, after all, it is an attempt to offend the gods with a mortal body.

Bronya is more concerned about things on another level——

"Both Morax and Barbatos changed their plans because of you, and did not give the Heart of God to Solstice."

Those are the two oldest first-generation rulers. They also experienced the cataclysm that happened in Keriya with the God of Ice, and learned the truth of the world.

Although after that, the two of them kept silent about what happened in that disaster, but Bronya knew that the seeds of wanting to change the status quo had sprouted in their hearts, so the fools were the first to send The Executor went to Mond and Liyue to get the God's Heart.

They must have seen something in Chen Luo, which made these two wise and rational first-generation gods change their minds and choose to help him.

Bronya wants to know the reason, of course, she will let him prove it in her own way.

And the other person present——

Looking at Ying, Bronya frowned slightly.

This traveler also disrupted the actions of many fools in Fontaine and Nata.The combination of the two of them can be said to be the biggest obstacle for fools.

But she focused on another point——

Like, very similar.

"Traveler, you came after your blood relative, and I did see him."

Bronya directly stated a piece of information that Ying was most concerned about.

"...Really?! You met my brother, where is he...?"

The long search finally came to fruition, Ying asked hastily.

"I saw him twice, once 500 years ago and once not so long ago."

Bronya whispered.

She didn't answer Ying's question directly, but talked about what happened not long ago.

"Earlier, the Abyss Religion also came to me."

"...Is that my brother?"

"Yes, the person who came to see me is your brother."

Bronya nodded slightly.

"There is an endless flame burning on his body, which is why he can break into my field."

"The Herrscher of Flame..."

Hearing this, Chen Luo pondered silently in his heart.

The Traveler Kong he knew didn't have such a terrifying fire elemental power that could fight against the Demon God. Considering that the Abyss Cult was also studying the Honkai, it probably relied on the power of the Herrscher of Flame.

It is indeed a tricky way to use the power of the Law of Fire to fight against the extremely cold field of the Law of Ice.

It wasn't a pleasant meeting, but when the blond man in flames burst into the permafrost, Bronya allowed him the chance to communicate with her.

"They... have a plan and want to cooperate with Zhidong."

"...I remember that the slogan of the fools is not to clean up the abyss and rewrite the law of heaven?"

Ying asked out loud.

Her travels in Fontaine and Nata gave her a basic understanding. It stands to reason that the Abyssal Order should also be the enemy of fools.

"This is not contradictory. After completing the goal of rewriting the laws of heaven, my Winter Kingdom will still defeat the abyss."

On the other side, they naturally have the same idea and use each other, and Bronya knows it well.

"His proposal is indeed feasible, but... I did not agree to him."

Bronya stared at Chen Luo again, intently, as if she wanted to see through his soul.

"Do you know why, Chen Luo?"

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