With a speed that Chen Luo couldn't react to, he appeared in front of Chen Luo, and his hand easily penetrated his body.

Absolute power, absolute strength, this is the symbol of the end.

Chapter 19 -The Death of Chen Luo-

Not long ago, when everyone in Chen Luo was still in Sumeru.

Nashida's Jingshan Palace—or in other words, in the library of Void and Ten Thousand Tibet.

"Although the Herrscher can link the imaginary number space to obtain a steady stream of Houkai energy, there is an upper limit to the power of the Houkai energy that can be output. According to the conventional theory... the Herrscher with the serial number backwards, what he has The output limit of Honkai is even more terrifying."

Having said that, Kong Kong Wanzang glanced at Prometheus.

"For example, the Herrscher of Reason's ability to construct all things is amazing, but as the [First Herrscher], the upper limit of the Houkai energy that it can output is very limited. You and I should be very clear."

A [Hersherr of Reason] who has liberated all the upper limits and can use the structural ability unscrupulously, this is one-thirteenth of the ultimate power.

"But the horror of the Herrscher of the End...is not just the integration of the powers of the first thirteen Herrschers."

The collection of thirteen powers is certainly terrifying, but if it is only that, [Final Yan] is not invincible. After all, before reaching the final body, human beings and civilization have already defeated them one by one. conquered.

Even if all the disasters that people can imagine, such as the sky falling and the earth cracking, the power of the end is still far above this.

"If you want to make an exact description, the magnitude of the end is like the sum of the negative entropy that human beings were born in the process of civilization development. For the world in the shell of Tivat... this magnitude is the enveloping The darkness outside the shell, plus the elemental power flowing in the world and the power of the abyss."

"...A pure panel monster?"

Even if you don't use any of the powers that belong to the Herrscher, it is difficult to challenge the strength and speed of Final Yan itself.

This coincides with what Chen Luo learned about the final battle of the pre-civilization that took place on the moon. The overloaded operation of the Moonlight Throne, a transforming device capable of restraining the collapse, only caused the perfect Herrscher of the Last End to stagnate for twelve hours, giving mankind a last chance to breathe.

"So, according to the original plan of the four shadow rulers, the authority of the end will come to the maintainer of the law of heaven. The body that has been shattered due to carrying the world for a long time will not be a perfect container. They plan to use This method is to weaken the power of the end as much as possible..."

Chen Luo pondered.

"This is indeed a feasible plan to weaken its host as much as possible before the end comes-this is a method that our civilization has failed to try."

Void Wanzang nodded.

Even the power of Destiny needs a corresponding carrier. After destroying the individual named Destiny, the test given to civilization by Honkai comes to an end.

"...It's just that the plan may not go as smoothly as they thought."

Nasida said softly.

No one can predict everything and create a perfect plan, not even the Primeval and the Shadow Reign.

If they were able to execute it perfectly, the Battle for the Throne would not end with the departure of the original person, and Istaru's prophecy would not have such flaws as Seele.

"My two opponents, the Ice Queen and the Abyss Cult... I have to assume that at least one of them has already studied this world deeply. Maybe they can disrupt this plan that lasted for thousands of years and make the end come. somewhere else."

Considering the worst case scenario, the Abyss Cult got the assistance from the sage Reindotter, and used some special method to plunder the qualification to become the ultimate.

In short, Chen Luo will take the fact that he will face off with the Herrscher of the Last End other than Asmodeus as the fact that will happen.

"...Do you want to use the Moonlight Throne to deal with Destiny?"

Looking at Chen Luo who was lost in thought, Prometheus who was leaning on his arms asked softly.

According to the records provided by Void Wanzang, the overloaded operation of one Moonlight Throne is enough to offset 30.00% of the Houkai power of the Herrscher of the End. If multiple Moonlight Thrones can be constructed with the help of the power of the Herrscher of Reason...

"No, Prometheus, I'm afraid it's not such a simple matter."

Chen Luo shook his head.

[1 Moonlight Throne = 30% Final Herrscher] This equation is not valid. What this record can prove is that the Moonlight Throne can offset three One-third of the power.

If the civilization at that time could produce three Moonlight Thrones, then the final magnitude might be three times higher than the record.

"...In short, I don't aim to defeat the Herrscher of the Last End head-on."

But he still has to face it, and only by facing the end can it be possible to discover its weaknesses.

"I won't consider the possibility of killing the Herrscher of the Last End from the front, but... if you sneak into its body in a certain way... maybe it can't be done, right, Void Man Zang?"


In the sky above Tivat.

Lie Yan (raging flames) once again incinerated Chen Luo's body.

"How many bodies do you have left?"

The thing called the end is unhurriedly playing hide-and-seek with Chen Luo who is hidden in the subspace. Anyway, as time goes by, the gap between it and Chen Luo will only become bigger and bigger. It's not bad to practice your hands to get acquainted with the power of the end.

Chen Luo couldn't resist its attack at all, and every time, it could only end with the demise of the doll's body.

And the dominator puppet that was finally destroyed is no longer eligible for recovery, and it is erased from this world together with the thread.

"Ha... this is the last one."

His final body stood in front of Final Yan.

"In the face of absolute power... despair."

It has witnessed countless final destructions, and knows what kind of despair this power can bring to the living beings in the world.

Feel the despair, feel the destruction, feel the darkness.

"Even I have burned all the threads of control, and now you can't even exercise multiple powers."

And it—the thing called Destiny, hasn't even used any power other than the Herrscher of Flame on Chen Luo.

"Facing the end...you can't do anything."

Like a poor little flea trying to knock down a giant human being, something that will never succeed.

"You...are you starting to call yourself [The Herrscher of the End]?"

Facing the other party's contempt, Chen Luo asked abruptly.

"In my eyes, you are just something named [Final Yan], and you haven't completely become Him yet."

"So what? I really haven't taken over all the power from the end, but even this insignificant part is enough to completely defeat you."

it said quietly.

It seemed that it misunderstood what it meant, but Chen Luo didn't intend to explain anything to it.

"Dare to face the end, you are indeed very courageous, but...courage is not everything."

The so-called miracle is also established on the basis of the possibility and sufficient strength, but Chen Luo does not have any chance to defeat it in the face of the strength of the final level.

"...Do you think I don't know this truth?"

Chen Luo once again took out Meng Yixin, and in the many collisions with Zhong Yan, the sword that she had given her true essence was already full of cracks.

"I've learned this from a very early age."

When he was in Daozuma at the beginning, he was also bewildered by the sudden Honkai will, and he had no chance to resist.

But there was nothing he could do at that time, but fortunately, there is still something he can do now.

This is why he will come to face the thing called the end.

"Come on, let's play the last dance, the thing called [End Yan]."

It is no longer possible to use the power of domination to exercise multiple powers, but Chen Luo is still able to launch the final resistance to the Herrscher of the End one by one.

The final battle has already begun. Of course, it should be described as crushing and ravaging rather than fighting.

[Domination] all died, [Consciousness] collapsed, and [Death] annihilated again.

[Ice] melts, [Wind] subsides, [Thunder] dies.

[Void] is shattered, and [Reason]... also ceases to exist.

It shattered Chen Luo's every strength, and made him deeply taste the despair of being unable to do anything.

Until at last, the black flame imprisoned his soul and let him fall into his hands.

"you failed."


His failure also symbolizes the failure of the original man, and at the same time, it also represents his own victory.

"Farewell, Chen Luo."

The flames consumed his soul, reducing him to nothingness in an instant.

Soon, of course, the whole world will be there for him.

It's a pity, being so arrogant, it couldn't see the smile left by Chen Luo before his life came to an end.

At the cost of his life, he actually sent something into the body of the thing called [Death].


Sneaking into the end, Chen Luo's idea was not aimless, after all, there was a similar precedent on the Tivat continent.

In the distant past, Istaru, the Ruler of Time, had explained to him the plans of the First Ones.

As a natural phenomenon, Honkai cannot be killed, but if Honkai is no longer a natural phenomenon, but [life], it can be affected.

She gave life to the Honkai that engulfed the continent of Tevat, gave it a shackle called [Thought], made it the [Honkai Will] of this world, and made the Honkai, a natural disaster, artificially set. orbit.

And I am afraid that there is a similar plan in the pre-civilization where Void Manzang is located...that is, the unidentified [Girl Charon] plan.

"If you say that, I can indeed find some clues from my database."

Void Wanzang pondered.

The specific information of the plan called "Girl Charon" has not been included in his database, but if the various details are piled up together, perhaps the tip of the iceberg of this plan can be seen clearly .

Of course, thinking is not what Kongkong Wanzang is good at. After collecting and sorting out the fragmentary information, the work of restoring the overall picture of the plan fell on his good granddaughter Naxida.

"Um...I think about..."

Nasida tilted her head slightly, sorting out the scattered pieces.

Void Man Zang is a fusion of the core of the Herrscher of Reason and a part of the super artificial intelligence named Prometheus. More precisely, Void Man Zang is a specific model of Prometheus.

"Grandpa, you said that you are one of Prometheus, but in fact, you have at least seventeen, er, brothers and sisters?"

"Artificial intelligence has no blood relationship. We are just artificial consciousness created according to similar principles, but... using the term "brother and sister" can indeed help you understand our relationship."

Void Wanzang shrugged his shoulders.

The vast majority of artificial intelligence Prometheus is used to fuse with the God's Key to give the Herrscher core the mission of [fighting for mankind], but there are also some special models that are given special mission.

"In the information provided by Grandpa, there is no record of what kind of mission the Prometheus named [NO. Scientists from Bius found the individual named [NO.17] in the last minute before finally waking up."

They did not enter the shelter, but continued to carry out a certain plan after the end came.

...for example, Hacking into Endgame.

"I think it should be this research called [Renormalization Group of Imaginary Numbers]..."

Nacida pulled up a certain paper.

The principle is too complicated, and it is incompatible with the power system of the Tivat continent, but as a conclusion, through the intrusion into the passage between the world and the imaginary space, countless parallel consciousnesses are born, which can influence or even solidify the collapse of the collapse. The law seems to be very close to the Houkai that happened on the Tivat continent.

Although the principles are different, since there are already two successful cases, Chen Luo naturally has the opportunity to do similar things.

After all, if the Herrscher of the End really descended on an individual other than Asmodeus, then it would prove that Zhidong or Abyss had also become the third successful case, so Chen Luo would be the fourth one. no problem.

Join if you can't beat it. If you can't beat the end, just like the four shadows once planned, let yourself become the end.

He will face the end and look for opportunities to enter it.

— at the cost of life.

"……you will die."

Prometheus bit his lip, looked up at the man he loved deeply, and looked at him with worried eyes.

During the past journeys, he had narrowly escaped death many times, but in the face of the end that can destroy everything, I am afraid that he will no longer have the chance to create the miracle of survival.

"Sacrifice is for the best of both worlds, isn't it?"

Chen Luo touched Duckling's long silver hair.

"Also, [Hacking into the End], this is just the first step I have to do, the rest... I have to hand over to you who I trust to help me complete."

Chen Luo freed up a hand holding the duckling, and the miniature projection dominating the theater appeared in front of several people.

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