This move, Chen Luo has tasted enough.

——After all, he has been trying to crack this trick repeatedly since just now, but ended in failure every time.

"...Well, Miss Forest Spirit..."

After being sent away by the forest elves' throwing skills No. 13 times, Chen Luo stood up from the ground and stopped the forest elves' attack.


The Forest Spirit stopped.

"Why are you so hard on me, Xi'er is so gentle..."

The elves of the forest are very strong, very powerful, stronger than the current Chen Luo.

Chen Luo also understood this point, but the elves of the forest never hit him lightly, every throw was [-]% powerful, and it was not easy for him to fall.

On the other hand, on Xier's side, the two knights [KING] and [QUEEN] of the forest elves were extremely gentle to Xier. One was responsible for resisting the shield and resisting Xier's sickle attack, and the other was responsible for raising the sword to slash with Xier. Xi'er couldn't resist, so she immediately withdrew her hands, for fear of hurting Xi'er.

"...The two of you are different, and different people have to adopt different ways of testing."

"No, no, it's definitely because you haven't fought in hundreds of years and can't hold back."

Chen Luo complained.

The forest elf didn't answer this sentence, but just said it lightly.

"Your power actually restrains me very much, but you haven't fully mastered how to use it yet."

The power to control the thunder is indeed the natural enemy of the forest elves, but Chen Luo is not yet familiar with how to use it.

"The power of this thunder and lightning should not be your original ability, but it is more like the power you just acquired."

"...That's right."

Compared with the Herrscher of Reason, the degree of adaptation between the powers of Chen Luo and the Herrscher of Thunder does not seem to be that good.

Although Chen Luo could use its power, it always felt a little less silky compared to using the power of the Herrscher of Reason.



"It is the state of mind that determines the extent to which you use your power."

The Forest Spirit explained.

"When I was fighting, what I held in my heart was the determination to protect the forest, so I was able to accept and exert this power. But you still don't seem to be able to grasp the state of mind to control the thunder."

... Mood?

When using the power of the Herrscher of Reason in the past, Chen Luo never considered this aspect.

After all, the ability of the Herrscher of Reason is the deconstruction of pure reason and knowledge. What can be done can be done, what can be projected can be projected, and what cannot be done cannot be done. There is no such thing as idealism. Realized out-of-the-box construction.

Even if the power of law and law is completely liberated with the help of Leiden's true power, what is projected is everything that actually exists in Daozuma's past, present, and future.

For Chen Luo, who was used to using the ability of the Herrscher of Reason, when he used the power of the Herrscher of Thunder, he also routinely used it according to rational thinking.

Attaching thunderbolts to the body to increase the speed, and gathering the thunderbolts to attack... This is a simple application method that Chen Luo has explored for a while.

Although Chen Luo understands that the Herrscher of Thunder's manipulation of the electromagnetic field can do things like summon electromagnetic shields and decompose things, but he currently doesn't know the "method" of using this ability.

"You seem to be using another ability to use your current ability. This is not appropriate, and it cannot exert its true power."

"You're right, I do need a change."

As for the method of change...Of course I realized it during the battle.

The explanation given by the elves of the forest really made him realize that he must try to use the ability of the Herrscher of Thunder with thinking other than the Herrscher of Reason.

That being the case, those who use the power of the thunder attribute... may be able to provide some reference for Chen Luo.

A young girl who occupies a high position, Ke Qing who is in charge of the Yuheng position, the swordsmanship she uses is light and deadly.

Jiujo Shaluo, the tengu general who is enshrined by the heavenly leader, is driving the power of thunder with loyalty.

Yae Kamiko, the palace secretary of Narugami Taisha Shrine, and Chen Luo once peeked into the secret method of thunder that she drives the fairy fox through the ability of the Herrscher of Reason.

The Thunder General who guarded Daozuma for thousands of years... the incarnation of the noble and majestic Thunder, indulging in an eternal scene.

Of course, there is also the previous god of thunder, Lei Dianzhen, who briefly accompanied Chen Luo on Dao's wife's journey, pursuing the beauty of thunder and lightning.

They all control the power of thunder and lightning, but they use it in different ways and moods.

Chen Luo is trying to find out the commonality among them, so as to provide a reference for how he should drive the core of the Herrscher of Thunder.

Thunderbolt is a majestic and daunting natural phenomenon accompanied by lightning and thunder.The person in charge of thunder and lightning should naturally be the most noble and noble in this world.

Control the terrifying thunder and destroy all enemies that stand in front of you.

"Conquer" - this is the direction Chen Luo decided on.

Chen Luo erupted into thunder again, and attacked the forest elf who raised his strong shield.

A fist filled with thunder hit the forest elf's forest spirit shield again. Unsurprisingly, the forest elf blocked the attack, and then called out the forest spear to capture Chen Luo , and cast another throw on him.

The emerald green spear had already touched Chen Luo, but this time it did not push him up.


To be precise, the spear stayed a few centimeters away from Chen Luo's body.

[The Herrscher of Thunder's core adaptability is improved, currently: 7.5%]

Chen Luo hugged the tip of the spear with both hands, and the lightning released by his hands prevented the spear from going deeper.

This is similar to the application of electromagnetic shields. Before that, Chen Luo had been obsessed with the specific principles of the electromagnetic shields and molecular decomposition powers used by the opponent when he was fighting skirmishers, but in fact, he didn't need to pay too much attention to it. The principle of this.

This is not the Lawer of Reason, and requires corresponding knowledge to display it.

As for the power of the Herrscher of Thunder, as long as Chen Luo thinks about it, he can do it.

Honkai energy, it's amazing.

Chen Luo guided the spear upwards, causing the forest elf's body to become unbalanced for a moment, and he took this opportunity to get close to the forest elf's body.

The forest elf had to give up his spear due to the close distance, and entered into a hand-to-hand fight with him.

Chapter 12 Conquest

"If you think that dragging into melee combat is your victory... then you are very wrong."

The forest elf punched Chen Luo into the sky with an uppercut, but fortunately, the electromagnetic shield relieved Chen Luo of most of his strength, and he returned to the ground in a standing position smoothly.

"...I didn't expect your boxing skills to be as superb as your spear skills."

"I've been idle for a hundred years, but I've finally mastered all martial arts."

The elf of the forest smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to greet Chen Luo to come again.

"Since you have cracked the Forest Shield, you can fight me directly next."

"That's how it is, that it has the value of 'conquering'."

Chen Luo held his breath, once again covered his whole body with lightning, and quickly approached the forest elf.

"I'm afraid it won't be that easy to conquer me?"

The elf of the forest who is willing to use all his strength to fight Chen Luo without harming his life can be said to be the best teacher. Chen Luo constantly improved his use of the power of thunder in the fight with her.

[The Herrscher of Thunder's core adaptability is improved, currently: 8%...8.5%...9%...10%]

From being suppressed at the beginning, to being evenly matched, until Chen Luo faintly gained the upper hand, Chen Luo continued to improve his adaptability to the core of the Herrscher of Thunder through fist and kick fights.

With the improvement of his adaptability, he was gradually able to see the fists and movements of the forest elves clearly, and even counterattacked. He was also able to catch the mistakes of the forest elves and launch effective attacks.

The elves of the forest are rapidly helping him improve his strength and familiarize him with this brand new Herrscher power.

...As if this is the meaning of her existence here.

About this place, about this world, Chen Luo has many guesses.

——Here, it should be an illusory space constructed by someone with the help of Chen Luo and Xier's thoughts and memories.

The previous world was a pure Antusheng's fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood, perhaps it was a world constructed purely from Xier's memory.

But the two elves of the spring and the elves of the forest in this world have some of Chen Luo's cognition mixed in, after all... no matter how you look at them, they are both somewhat similar to a certain paramecium and a certain Youlan goose.

Maybe it's because Chen Luo came to this world by accident, mixed with Xi'er's dreamland, so Chen Luo's memory began to dye this place with his color.

Of course, it is also possible that this place was built for Chen Luo and Xi'er from the very beginning.

In any case, the people who weaved this world didn't have any malice towards Chen Luo and Xi'er. Rather, they deliberately arranged for a teacher with just enough strength to teach Chen Luo how to use the ability of the Herrscher of Thunder.

The strength of this forest elf is just a little bit stronger than him. After Chen Luo became stronger, he was able to suppress her in turn, which was really too deliberate.

Finally, Chen Luo found an opportunity and found a gap in the forest elves' defense.

Chen Luo didn't let go of this opportunity, but after all, the other party was the teacher who taught him without malice, and Chen Luo didn't kill him, but just used his palm instead of a fist, and gently attached it to the armor of the forest elf's lower abdomen, and then, Using the power of thunder and lightning, his palm exploded, knocking her back several meters.

"……very good."

The forest elf took the punch and said calmly.

"Very good, Chen Luo, your trial has passed."

"...Is this the end?"

"My wish was to have a hearty battle with others, and that's enough. It's not my task to deliberately make things difficult for you."

The forest elf touched his belly, the protective armor that was there had been destroyed by Chen Luo's lightning, revealing his smooth belly.

"Your strength is well controlled, you only destroyed the outer armor, and didn't hurt your body."

"After all, 'conquest' is not 'destruction'."

However, the technique of decomposition has not yet been used. I am afraid that even for the Herrscher of Thunder, "decomposition" is a very difficult power.

The forest elf waved his hand, and the armor on his body was restored.

"Unfortunately, there is no point in conquering me. After all, I am just an illusion created by a storyteller. You can leave. Of course, you can also wait for that girl here."

"That Xier over there..."

"As I said, she is different from you. What you have to do is to learn and master, but she... just needs to 'recover' her own power. My sister, the Spirit of the Spring, has already helped her recover part of it." .”

After a pause, the elf of the forest continued.

"After all, the reason why my sister and I exist here is for you."

"...So what is it here?"

Chen Luo tried to ask the elves of the forest.

"If it's redundant, I can't tell you, sorry."


On the other side of the battlefield, KING and QUEEN are teaching Seele how to fight.

Compared to Chen Luo, who still had the memory of the battle in his body, Xier was like a blank slate. Therefore, the two knights simply taught Xier the basic operations of attacking and blocking.

The nursery rhyme blessed by the spring elf is indeed very light and easy to use, but no matter how Xier swings, she can't pierce the solid white shield in QUEEN's hand.

On the contrary, the long sword swung by KING, Xi'er was difficult to parry at the beginning, and quickly developed to be able to easily resist it with a sickle at will.

The spring water that Elder Sister of the Spring gave Xi'er to drink seemed to have a kind of magical power, and Xi'er could feel her own power constantly gushing out.And the process of fighting the two forest knights accelerated the outflow of power.

Brother Chen Luo is fighting against the Elder Sister of the Forest, so he can't hold back, he must defeat the two forest knights in front of him.

Queen's shield is very strong, even if Xier's strength is getting stronger and stronger, she can't cut it.

That being the case... I should have other methods, other abilities to overcome this shield to defeat them.

Xi'er was thinking hard, looking for the answer in her mind that couldn't think of anything.

She should have that ability, that strength.

What kind of existence was she before she lost her memory...

And at that time, was she alone?

"Ah... Xier remembered."

King's giant sword swung down again, but this time, Xi'er didn't lift Nursery Rhyme to block, but ran straight towards the giant sword and giant shield.

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