"Long time no see, General Meng Tian, ​​how are you doing?"

Chapter 364 The Most Trustworthy Person

Meng Tian was deeply touched by this familiar voice.

It's been a long time since I saw Ying Ziye, and Daqin had so many troubles because of Ying Ziye's absence.

The people present were all very shocked. The General Meng in front of him was shocked by a young man who looked ordinary and couldn't be more ordinary.

"Okay, long time no see~"

When Meng Tian said this, imperceptible tears welled up in his eyes.

"Shall we find a place to talk?-"

Ying Ziye is not at all worried that his whereabouts will be exposed, he knows Meng Tian's character, and will never betray him.

"Okay, His Royal Highness, let's go to my Meng Mansion to talk?"

It's good to follow Meng Tian. Ying Zheng won't doubt his loyalty, and Hu Hai won't think too much about it. Therefore, the members of Luo Wang will definitely not monitor him.

I don't know if it's because Meng Tian has been away from home for a long time, but the Meng Mansion seems particularly deserted.

The furniture in Meng Tian's home is very ordinary, basically there is nothing valuable, and most of them are used for practicing martial arts. These things, in the eyes of ordinary people, are no different from garbage.

Because they never touch these things.

Meng Tian's wife was also very plainly dressed, and she was very sensible. Seeing that her husband had returned, she immediately went to do what she should do without asking who the guest was.

Perhaps, this is what the pillars of the Great Qin Dynasty should look like. Although the imperial court gave a lot of salary, such formalistic things were never done.

The relationship at home is also quite harmonious. A wife behaves like a wife, and a husband behaves like a husband.

"Haha, Your Highness, I am called a humble house, it should be quite appropriate, right?"

Meng Tian said with a smile, such self-mockery, he usually said a lot, of course, no one thinks he is poor, in Daqin, almost no one disrespects Meng Tian.

"Hey, General Meng Tian, ​​if the officials of Daqin can do what you do, Daqin doesn't know how much better it will be."

Ying Ziye said sincerely.

This is his most intuitive feeling. Like Meng Tian, ​​there are really not many officials who are dedicated to Daqin. Even if there are, they are of very low status. Even if they have a sense of justice, such people will not do anything.

Why, in this dynasty, civil and military officials were divided into factions. If you want to be promoted to a noble, you must have your own faction and do things for your boss.

Otherwise, not only no one is willing to support you, but also someone will take care of you.

This is the society. After joining a faction, being corrupted by money, and having tasted the taste of power, the original righteous heart, the heart of serving the country and the people, will inevitably grow with the growth of power. and cease to exist.

This is inevitable, why everyone is quite the emperor, because everyone wants privileges, and the feeling of privileges is very comfortable.

Meng Tian was not humble, but nodded and agreed.

"Yes, His Royal Highness."

"However, what is the reason for His Royal Highness returning to Xianyang City today? If His Royal Highness returns to Xianyang City without authorization, it must be a felony if it is known."

"You also know that His Majesty doesn't want you to be the crown prince anymore. The position of crown prince will probably fall on the son Hu Hai. Why did you come back this time?"

Meng Tian was not the kind of person who beat around the bush. After confirming that there was no barrier, he started to ask directly.

Ying Ziye brought an ordinary-looking woman by his side, if he guessed right, it should be Ying Ziye's woman, but Meng Tian didn't care about these things.

"I came back this time to understand the situation. The crown prince is very interested. Then who is Hou Shen, and why can he change so many things?"

"That's all. In addition, I also want to see how far my younger brother Hu Hai has grown, and see if he can be the pillar of Daqin!"

Seeing Ying Zheng, forget it, father-son relationship almost doesn't exist anymore, Ying Ziye has been to the northern border for so long, Ying Zheng didn't ask how it was.

Although there are many resources of the Huns in that place, it is not so simple to use the resources of the Huns.

If the Great Qin Empire doesn't give any support, isn't it afraid that Ying Ziye will die there?

"Then Your Majesty?"

Meng Tian asked tentatively.

After all, they are still father and son. Isn't it a little bad to make trouble to such an extent?

"I'm not going, where am I going to seek my own death?"

Meng Tian nodded, yes.

It's nothing for him to go to see Hu Hai. Even if Hu Hai reported to Ying Zheng, he didn't have any evidence that Ying Ziye had been to Xianyang City.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????????????

Moreover, Ying Ziye still has a clone, and the clone began to come back after Zhang Han and the others went to Ptolemy.

The reason why Ptolemy's trip was so smooth is inseparable from the news of the clone's inquiry.

So, this time, Ying Ziye can act with confidence.

At that time, Ying Ziye doesn't have to rush back, but it will be different if Ying Zheng sees it with his own eyes.

"Then, if I invite him to a banquet tomorrow, Your Majesty will take a look at this person in the dark?"

This was the only way to go, there was no other way for the time being, so Ying Ziye readily agreed.

There are quite a lot of guest rooms here in Mengtian, so Ying Ziye can live wherever he wants.


In the middle of the night, Duanmu Rong snuggled into Ying Ziye's arms.

"Your Highness, we are here, will everything be okay?"

Duanmurong was still a little worried that their whereabouts would be exposed. At this time, they had already removed their disguise. If King Qin or Hu Hai brought someone to check at this time, they would be speechless.

But Ying Ziye is not worried at all.

"Don't worry, if you can't even trust General Meng Tian in this world, then there is no one you can trust in this world. You can rest assured that General Meng Tian is a man."

"However, I have an idea now, why don't you change my face tomorrow, turn me into an old man who is dozens of years old, and let me meet that alchemist?"

Duanmu Rong's technique is very superb, not only can change the appearance, but also can change the voice.

This is to use silver needles to prick special acupuncture points to change the voice.

How thoughtful Hou Shen must have been to make it this far. A few simple words may reveal Ying Ziye's identity. If he doesn't do this, Ying Ziye is really worried.

"Yes, Your Highness, but don't fight him just because you are angry, and beat him to death. If that's the case, you have to start a war with Daqin in advance~"

Duanmu Rong reminded with a smile.

Naturally, Ying Ziye knew all of these things in his heart, and he would not do such a stupid thing to let Ying Zheng catch him.

Chapter 365

The time came to the next morning, last night was safe and sound, and Ying Ziye slept soundly.

Early the next morning, Duanmu Rong finished Ying Ziye's disguise.

The old white hair, coupled with the old voice, coupled with the natural wrinkles, stood in front of Meng Tian, ​​even Meng Tian could hardly tell that this person was Ying Ziye.

"My lord, this old man is..."

Meng Tian didn't recognize who the woman beside Ying Ziye was, but she must be called the Crown Princess.

However, this old man walks quite smoothly, and he moves a little intimately with the princess, which shocked Meng Tian who met early in the morning.

Although Meng Tian is a straight steel man, he still knows how to deal with the world, so he is a little embarrassed to ask such an embarrassing matter.

"Meng Tian, ​​what do you think of Gu's costume as "Mo Hong"?"

The old man asked Meng Tian in a trembling voice.

solitary?This old man claims to be lonely?Could it be that this old man is Ying Ziye?

Meng Tian looked at the old man carefully, and found that the white-haired old man in front of him was really a white-haired old man.

Coupled with the unfamiliar voice, Meng Tian didn't recognize that it was Ying Ziye for a while.

"Why, can't you recognize Gu? It's fine if you don't recognize him. Tell Hou Shen later that I'm a reclusive expert, and I have a good relationship with you. I specially entrust you to be an intermediary and introduce me to each other. How about it? "

This time, Meng Tian completely understood that the old man in front of him was Ying Ziye.

As expected of the woman next to Ying Ziye, this trick is so amazing, it's made up, Meng Tian can't even detect it, let alone someone else.

Meng Tian agreed.

Since the make-up was so vivid, even he couldn't see it, so surely Hou Shen couldn't see it either.

"Okay, His Royal Highness, let's just say that for a while. I'll let you figure out the name of the place."

When Meng Tian said this, he felt a little sad. This should be the last time he and Ying Ziye got along so peacefully. The next time we meet, I don't know when it will be.

He knew that Ying Ziye would definitely not be captured without a fight, and he must have his own ideas. At that time, he would be the enemy of Daqin. Even if Meng Tian didn't want to fight with Ying Ziye, he would have to do so at that time, leading the army to attack the northern border .

I just don't know how long the troops in the northern border can last, win midnight, and whether they can escape.

So, this time, Meng Tian was able to respond to every request.

As for Hou Shen, he was a cautious person. After getting Meng Tian's invitation, he immediately gave the invitation letter to Hu Hai.

"Hehe, teacher, it looks pretty good. I didn't expect that General Meng Tian would take the initiative to show his favor. This is a good opportunity."

In Hu Hai's view, Meng Tian has been moved by his efforts.

When Meng Tian came back this time, he must have received a letter from Fusu. In the letter, Fusu must have written about what happened in Xianyang City recently and the decision to win the government.

He, Meng Tian, ​​has no control over these matters. The emperor's thoughts and decisions will not be easily changed because of him as a general.

Thinking of this, Hu Hai couldn't help but feel very proud. It seems that his strength has finally been recognized.

After all, Meng Tian would not be ignorant of the relationship between himself and Hou Shen.

"Well, my lord, how this matter develops depends on your opinion. How about we go together?"

Although he was worshiped as a teacher, Hou Shen felt that he did not have such a great right, and had to let Hu Hai decide many things.

It is so now, and it will be so in the future.

He doesn't want to be like Ying Ziye, who deserves the most credit. Sometimes, the credit belongs to him. As long as Hu Hai participates, he can pass the credit to Hu Hai.

No one would not like to rejoice in meritorious deeds, but for one's own safety, credit is optional.

Moreover, all of Hu Hai's achievements can be obtained because of Hou Shen's help. His contribution is already great enough, and he is not worried at all that he will be because of it.There was no great credit in the follow-up, and it was ignored.

He is a smart man, and Hu Hai is also a smart man.

Moreover, the relationship between the two is very shallow now, even if Hou Shen insisted on bringing him Hu Hai, Meng Tian would have nothing to say.

"Okay, then let's go and have a look together. See what General Montaigne has to say to us."

Hu Hai said with a smile.

I felt refreshed early in the morning, I don't know if it was because of psychological effects, or because Hu Hai recovered well after a series of exercises...

The soreness and depression in the body before are all gone.

Meng Tian's mansion is in the most luxurious area of ​​Xianyang City, but when Hu Hai walked into Meng Tian's mansion, he was somewhat moved.

It is ironic that the family of the most loyal and brave soldier who has made great contributions to Daqin is actually a bit deserted.

Before thinking about it, he was just a mediocre young man who didn't do anything for Da Qin, but his life was much better than Meng Tian's.

Ying Zheng valued this person so much, presumably because of this reason.

Just when Hu Hai was lamenting the deserted mansion, Meng Tian came out.

"My lord, why are you here? Master Hou Shen, I am sorry for the disappointment~"

Meng Tian said to the two politely, and walked forward to welcome them.

"General Meng Tian, ​​please forgive me for visiting without your invitation!"

Hu Hai's words and deeds, I don't know how much more mature than before, every move seems to be somewhat like a prince.

It seems that Hu Hai has really grown a lot. If it wasn't for Fu Su's relationship, Meng Tian would definitely choose to stand by Hu Hai's side, not because of anything else, but because Hu Hai is more capable than Fu Su.

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