"Don't worry, Mr. National Teacher, with me here, no one can - bother you to do this."

Hou Shen smiled, picked up the jade bottle, and walked forward to the place where the corpses were piled up.

This bug was bred by him by accident, and he didn't know exactly how powerful it was, but the power of this thing was not much different from what he described.

Because of the weather, the corpses piled up here did not rot or emit a foul smell. These soldiers had the opportunity to wrap their corpses in horse leather or be cremated into ashes and bring them back to their hometowns, but now, they have no such opportunity.

Hou Shen carefully opened the cork of the jade bottle and tipped the jade bottle over. A pile of black viscous, disgusting liquid-like things fell on the corpse.

Hou Shen has always shown others with an elegant and calm posture, but this time he didn't dare to push himself too hard, he immediately backed out, then snatched the torch from Li Xin's hand, and threw it on the hay prepared in advance.

In the place where the corpses were piled up, between the northern city wall and the Northern Expedition army, there was a defense line piled up with hay.

After Hou Shen poured out the god-killing insects, he immediately lit the dry grass, forming a line of fire.

Hou Shen said before that this god-killing insect likes cold and hates high temperature, not to mention the high temperature of flames, even in the scorching heat season, it is difficult to survive and reproduce.

When the country of Han was breached, it was in the heat of summer, so the bug he invented by Hou Shen was useless.

Looking at the burning wire, Hou Shen showed a satisfied smile.

"Look, Lord Marshal, the change in the corpse is still obvious, right?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????????????

Yes, it is indeed obvious that the black liquid poured on the corpse has signs of life. Since the black liquid touched the corpse, it began to expand rapidly, becoming more and more, and soon covered the entire place where the corpses were piled up .

Large chunks of dark spots, densely packed, make the scalp tingling.

"This is the process of the reproduction of the god-killing insects. These black ones are all from a small bottle just now, and now they have multiplied so much. Soon, you will be able to see the scene where there are no bones left."


Li Xin didn't say a word, the bones of the soldiers were ruined like this, which made him very unhappy. It was the first time for him to defeat the enemy with such despicable means.

Sure enough, the black liquid was densely packed with bugs. After the corpses were eaten up, they quickly disappeared with the wind. The corpses that had piled up like a mountain just now didn't even have bones left.

Because of the flames here, the god-killing insects were not willing to approach at all, and all followed the strong wind in the north, heading towards the city wall of the north.

The city walls in the northern border are densely packed with Ming soldiers at this moment. Although they won the battle a few days ago, they still haven't relaxed at all, and they are all sticking to their posts seriously.

No one can say anything about war.The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. One second, the Northern Territory had a big advantage, and the next second, it may become a big disadvantage.

No, the black wind is blowing, but the soldiers in the north didn't care.

"Today, it's a bit evil. The wind is actually black."

A soldier pointed to the inconspicuous black wind blowing, and said.

Chapter 490: Purgatory on Earth

"Hahaha, you seem to be in a hurry, why are you in this age, no one will believe that there are demon winds in this world~ Hahaha."

"That's right, although this is the Qin Dynasty, we are from the Ming Dynasty. It's this age, so no one still believes in ghosts and gods."

The companions around couldn't help but joked about the Ming soldier who saw the black wind, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

In order to show that he doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, he was very generous and let the black wind blow on his face.But in the next second, his screams resounded through the walls of the entire northern border of "Mo Hong".

"Ahhh! It hurts!"

The black wind blew on his face, and the next second, the soldier covered his face in pain and howled.The people around thought he was joking, but in the next second, an unknown black liquid appeared on his face.

The black liquid continued to spread, getting more and more, and soon covered the soldier's entire body.

His flesh is also disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

This scene frightened the other soldiers.

"I'm stupid, what is this, brother, don't move, don't move, I'll clean it up for you!"

A soldier who didn't know the situation stepped forward, wanting to help the recruited brother get rid of the black liquid. He was not stupid, he knew very well that the black liquid would corrode the flesh and bones, so he didn't dare to do it at all. Use your own hands to touch it, but use the weapon you carry with you to slowly clean it up for him.

Only a few seconds passed, and the soldier who was blown by the black wind just now was covered in black mucus. The speed of reproduction can only be described as an exaggeration.

But at this moment, the warrior who was eaten by the god-killing insects had already been eaten away, and there was nothing left on him except his armor and the items he carried with him.

Wanting to save his companion, he didn't even know that this thing cannot be touched, and the companion under the black liquid has already died. When he took out his weapon and touched the God-killing insect, the God-killing insect immediately started to attack him. attack.

Countless god-killing insects crawled onto the soldier's body along with his weapon, and began to gnaw on him.

The fate of this kind soldier was exactly the same as that of his companion, and the two were soon covered with black liquid.

The same situation as the two of them is not uncommon, even the entire team of the northern city wall. You must know that the god-killing insects came along the strong wind. Although their density is not large, they cover The scope is extremely wide.

Almost every fighter has traces of the god-killing insects.

Let alone a pile of these things, even if one or two fell on the body, the consequences would be unimaginable. If one or two fell on the body, it was almost invisible, and only a slight itching could be felt.

But after a minute or two, his body would quickly be covered with god-killing insects, as if covered in black liquid.

On the city wall, it soon became a purgatory on earth, and countless people screamed and wailed, asking for help from the people around them.

But they didn't realize that the people around them had the same experience as them, their bodies were covered with god-killing insects, and they were also howling and suffering.

Some soldiers wanted to inform Chongzhen of what happened on the city wall, so that Chongzhen could inform Concubine Yan of Dongjun instead, but they were also glued to by the god-killing insects...

At the beginning, I was able to run for a while, but after a few seconds, I hadn't run a few steps, and I was also submerged in the black mucus.

The first line of defense in the northern border is quite large, with a full [-] Ming soldiers, but [-] soldiers only took a quarter of an hour, and the [-] army has no bones left, and the news of the first line of defense, There is no way to pass it on, which is the most terrifying.

Hou Shen, who was listening to the screams of Ming soldiers under the city wall, showed a smug smile.

Sure enough, his masterpiece did not disappoint him.

The warm spring blossoms on the other side of the city wall are not conducive to the reproduction of the god-killing insects, but they are not harmful to the reproduction of the god-killing insects.

"How big is it? Is the Generalissimo satisfied with my masterpiece? Now we don't need to do it ourselves, we just need to wait for the time to pass, and we can take the northern border without hindrance."

Li Xin nodded, and he began to look at this guy in front of him a little seriously. Although this guy is an alchemist, he sounds like a magic stick, but this guy does have skills.

With this move of his, how many soldiers Da Qin Shao lost.

Sometimes, force value is not everything, there is no way to deal with force value, and other methods are still feasible, such as siege.

"National Teacher, without you, the northern border would definitely be in a tough battle. Li Xin is here to thank the National Teacher for the soldiers of the Northern Expedition~"

Li Xin's attitude made Hou Shen very happy. It is not an easy thing for a civil official to get the positive approval of several generals.

Chapter 491 The Unstoppable God Slayer

As for him, Hou Shen, he was also very happy about this. He was not happy because he was approved by Li Xin, but because in this way, the court of Daqin could be united as one.

In the end it was Hu Hai who got the benefit, as long as Hu Hai was happy, Hou Shen would be happy too.

"Hey, Generalissimo, this remark is a bit out of line. Everyone is a courtier of Daqin, and they all work for His Majesty. Everyone can't be perfect. If the general can't solve things, if I, Hou Shen, can solve them, of course I will do my part. gone."

"The national division does not expect the general to thank the national division. I just hope that in the future, the marshal will think more about your majesty and put the interests of Daqin first."

At this moment, Chongzhen is still repairing at the third checkpoint.He knows the truth that a proud soldier is bound to be defeated, so even if he wins the battle, he has no intention of relaxing, and is always ready to face the crisis on the third day.

He thought that Hou Shen was bragging to some extent, but Concubine Dongjun Yan still tried to persuade him, saying that although Hou Shen was a despicable person, he must have his ability to make it to where he is today.

It was said that Chongzhen must act carefully and never take it lightly. Chongzhen also listened to it, but he never expected that Hou Shen would use such a despicable method.

"Hey, it's the third day, and there is still no news from the front line. I always feel that something is not right. Erhu, you hurry up and send someone to take a look. I always feel a little flustered."

Chongzhen ordered to his followers.

Since this morning, Chongzhen has felt uneasy, but he can't think of anything to be uneasy about. After all, with muskets and such a high city wall, the Qin army should not be able to enter at all, that's right.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this subordinate will go and check."

Erhu also felt that something was wrong. That old boy Hou Shen was able to make so many ministers work for him in Daqin. It was not easy at first glance, and he was definitely a very powerful character.

Moreover, he is not a general, and it is almost none of his business to attack the city. There is absolutely no need for him, Hou Shen, to say things that he cannot do in front of the shadow guards.

So Erhu was ordered to go to the first line of defense to check the situation.

As for Erhu, his movements were quite nimble. It didn't take long for him to run from the third line of defense to the second line of defense.But the two tigers were dumbfounded by everything that came into view at the time. The second line of defense was the most sufficient force, a full 10 people. Such a huge force disappeared as if the world had evaporated. trace.

"Here, what's going on..."

Erhu froze in place, rubbing his eyes in disbelief.

Everything in front of him made him extremely confused. How could so many people disappear out of thin air? This is unscientific.

Just when Erhu was at a loss, he found a pile of gray things appeared in the sky. This thing didn't know what it was, and it came with the wind and blew towards the third line of defense.

When Erhu was about to squint his eyes and go forward to see what happened, he heard a scream.

"Help me! Help me! I don't know what is eating my body, I am in pain."

I saw a few soldiers of Ming Dynasty running away with painful expressions on their faces. They were covered with black things that looked like mucus, and more and more of these black things began to gradually engulf the fleeing man. Soldier fully covered.

Immediately afterwards, in less than five seconds, the black thing disappeared with the wind, and the soldier disappeared out of thin air without leaving any bones.

What the hell?What is this?

Erhu was so frightened that he started to run away immediately. Although he didn't know why, he knew that the second line of defense must have been breached. The disappearance of one hundred thousand soldiers should be related to that black thing.

And watching the black mucus on the soldiers disappear with the wind, Erhu could figure out with his toes that the black thing in the sky was a man-eating thing.

Even if he didn't know why, Erhu started to move towards the 493 wall of the third city driven by instinct. However, his speed couldn't match Feng at all.

When he reached the third line of defense, the soldiers on the city wall had already begun to be eaten away by the terrifying black thing. Fortunately, the gate was not closed, so the two tigers escaped into the city.

At this moment, no one has informed Chongzhen of the situation on the city wall. Inside Chongzhen's tent, he is studying the defense line, trying to find out where the defense line in the northern border is still lacking.

"Your Majesty, run for your life! Quick! If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

At this time, Erhu rushed into the tent anxiously, panting heavily.

"Erhu, are you looking for death? Have you forgotten all the rules you should have?"

At this moment of life and death, if you have to struggle with these rules and regulations, you are really asking for your own death. Ignoring the strange eyes of the attendants around you, the two tigers pulled Chongzhen up and rushed out.

Chongzhen didn't understand, what happened.

Chapter 492 Escape!

The defense line in the northern border is so strong that the Qin army can't get in at all. What is there to escape?Even if the Qin army came in, it could rely on gunpowder, a powerful weapon, to resist the Qin army's attack.

Just when Chongzhen was about to yell at him, he saw the purgatory on earth.

Countless soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were being swallowed, and black mucus appeared on their bodies. At first, it was only a small point, and then gradually increased, and finally completely swallowed up the soldiers. As for the soldiers, there were no bones left. Down.

Such tragedies are happening everywhere on the third line of defense. The Qin army has not yet entered, and their strength is rapidly dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Your Majesty, hurry up! I'm going to get gunpowder to deal with these things! Don't worry, Your Majesty, you will be able to leave safely, and I will definitely block these evil things for you!"

The two tigers prepared the horse, and after helping Chongzhen onto the horse, the two tigers slapped the horse's ass, and the horse ran towards the center of the northern border at an extremely fast speed.

One, two, and three lines of defense were breached, and that was almost inseparable. There was basically no room for maneuver, but the defense line behind was hard to say. If the notification was timely, the line of defense might be able to be kept.

The most important thing is that it can avoid insignificant casualties. Erhu is an ordinary person. It doesn't matter if he dies, but Chongzhen can't die. He is the emperor of Ming Dynasty.

The Northern War has not fully started yet, if he dies at this time, how much damage will it cause to the soldiers of Ming Dynasty?Maybe there will be no need to fight immediately, so Chongzhen must not die.

Chongzhen is still in a state of ignorance until now, he is too confused, he has no idea what happened, it all happened so suddenly.

He had thought that these were all hallucinations, but the cool wind blowing from behind made him clearly feel that this was not an illusion, all of this happened for real.

His people, his soldiers, were swallowed by a black substance that he had never seen before, and the soldiers of Ming Dynasty were powerless to resist.

His entourage, Er Hu, also used their lives to cover him from leaving. Of course, Er Hu's death was still very heroic.

As Chongzhen's entourage, he knows where the gunpowder is, and he also knows that it is not an easy task to leave. Instead of thinking about evacuating with Chongzhen under uncertain circumstances, it is better to take out their proudest weapon Gunpowder, give it a go with these weird black substances.

He firmly believes that no matter what kind of creature in this world is afraid of flames and high temperature, even these man-eating monsters are no exception.

So he found the place where the gunpowder was kept, and lit a torch.

Seeing the countless dark matter surrounding him, Erhu was not in a hurry, he was a man of blood, he knew that whether Chongzhen could leave smoothly, there was a big variable in himself.

Seeing the black matter rushing toward him like a sea tide, Erhu didn't feel any fear in his heart, but was a little excited instead.At this moment, he wished that all the black matter would rush towards him, and then he would be able to wipe out all the black matter in one go, so as to prevent future troubles.

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