"His Royal Highness, Bitcher is back, and now the king is being imprisoned by him."

"I see, don't worry, we will definitely rescue the father."

Ying Ziye slowly walked down from the carriage behind him. This is the King of the North. He even met him once when he was meeting with other countries. He did not expect him to be so young and handsome, and he was a perfect match for Princess Daisy.

...... 0

"See the King of the North!"

"We will definitely rescue the king, but now we need you to help us reach the king's city!"

"Subordinates obey!"

In the royal city, Bitcher, who was complacent in the palace, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood with a stuffy heart. This is a phenomenon that his spell was cracked. It seems that Princess Daisy came back with someone, but this There are so many cities, it is hard to tell who is out of the control of magic.

Wiping the blood from his mouth, he went down into the dungeon aggressively, only to see Tomil I, idly in the dungeon.

"Say! Did you give Daisy that topaz!"

Naturally, Bitcher knew that the sacred stone was the solution to his spell, but he couldn't find it after searching all over the city, and Tomil refused to open his mouth. Le I gave it to Princess Daisy and took it away. Now Princess Daisy must have returned with the army from the north.

"Since you already know, why are you still asking me?"

Tomil I opened his eyes and turned his head to look at the angry Becher.

"You old man, the enthronement ceremony will be held tomorrow, so what if they come back!"

Bitcher was already in a state of desperation, and now he only wanted to ascend the throne this morning, which had become a fact, but he could arrest Daisy and his party on the charge of treason.

Chapter 545 Want to Surprise You?

Princess Daisy has also received the news from the royal city at the border. It seems that Bitcher can't wait any longer and wants to ascend the throne. At that time, Tomil I will be brought out, which is the best time to do it. .

A group of people disguised themselves as ordinary soldiers and followed General Kelan to the royal city. Countless generals came from various cities to participate in the grand ceremony.

"Your Majesty, how should we cooperate then?"

"You protect the princess, unlock the spells of these soldiers and generals, and I can deal with Bicher alone."

"As ordered!"

Billy had never had any doubts about Ying Ziye's orders. Ying Ziye alone could reach thousands of troops!

The decoration in the royal city is very festive. It seems that Bicher has finally fulfilled his wish after being dormant for so many years. How can we not celebrate it.

"General Meng, do you think His Majesty "Mo Hong" intends to reduce our military power?"

The generals who had just left the early court had their own concerns now. Just now, Hu Hai promoted the deputy general again after being above the early court. Now there are generals promoted by Hu Hai himself in these barracks. It seems that today's The form is not optimistic for these former officials.

"Your Majesty, don't guess randomly."

Meng Tian didn't say anything, but just reminded Wang Ben that this is the only way to go to the early court, and it's not a good thing to analyze the emperor's thoughts here if someone with a heart listens to him.

Looking around, Wang Ben saw no one around, and spoke again.

"Since returning from the Battle of the Northern Territory, His Majesty has secretly cultivated his power. It seems that if we want to save our lives, we can only protect our lives wisely."

"Now that you understand it, there is nothing to be unwilling about."

The three legendary generals did not expect that they would withdraw from Daqin's barracks when Qin Ershi came. It is really chilling to say that.

Wang Ben couldn't help but sighed and shook his head. It seemed that Hu Hai really couldn't tolerate them. Even if they didn't rebel, such an end was expected.

"Father, I heard that His Majesty has promoted another lieutenant general?"

In addition to the military merit system, Daqin was promoted by His Majesty himself, but because he did not have the highest military merit, he could only be promoted to lieutenant general. This is why Hu Hai has been promoted, but he can only be promoted to lieutenant general.

"Yes, just now His Majesty promoted a lieutenant general in the Meng family army."

"Even the Meng family army is like this!"

It's not that Wang Li has no idea recently, but after all, His Majesty hand-picked him, so what can he do?Now even the most powerful Mengjia army in Daqin cannot avoid it, it seems that the sky in this barracks is about to change!

"By the way, my father has rumors that Mr. Si Chezhang sent Yingju to the north."


"Who did you listen to?"

"It's been rumored in the barracks, but I don't know where it came from."

When Wang Ben heard this, his expression changed. It is possible that Yingxi knew something, but if so, I am afraid that Hu Hai will not let Yingxi go in the future, which is why Yingju was sent to the northern border.

Thinking of this, Wang Ben looked at Wang Li meaningfully. If these veterans were suspected by His Majesty, wouldn't his own son be implicated in the future? Naturally, the Zhu Jiu Clan would not end well. Ying Ziye What a place to be!

"Father, what do you see me doing?"

"If you were asked to join Ying Ziye, would you be willing?"

Wang Li hurriedly looked around and he was relieved when he saw no one around. Why did his father have no words and dared to say anything without looking at where it was. This is a military camp, and now Hu Hai's Eyeliner is all over the barracks.

"Father, I am naturally willing, but now is not the time."

"With your words, I can rest assured as a father. If there is a day when our Wang family cannot gain a foothold in Daqin, then the Wang family will entrust it to you!"

Wang Ben finally felt relieved and found a way out for his family. Although he was loyal to Daqin, his family was innocent and could not be buried here with him!

On the battlefield that day, Ying Ziye and Ying Ziye met each other in battle, and each was their master, but the generals of Ying Ziye are naturally trustworthy, otherwise they would not be left alone.Even Yingxi can hand over his son to Ying Ziye, and the others are more at ease.

There were lights and festoons in Tomil's royal city, and Bicher thought that as long as he ascended the throne quickly enough, even if he wanted to intervene in the northern border, he might have no chance.

"Quiet, today Tomil I is not qualified to be a king because of his lack of virtue. He passed it on to General Bicher. Everyone is here to witness!"

On the towering palace wall, the commissioner of oaths read the decree of Tomil I's Zen throne, and the ministers and generals under the city wall did not respond at all, as usual, these people have been controlled by Becher's hypnosis, It will naturally be lifted after he succeeds to the throne, but at that time Tomil's king is himself, no one can question it, and he has to obey!


A strange voice suddenly came out of the crowd. Bitcher looked there and saw a man with a completely different appearance standing in the crowd. Following the voice, Tomil I also saw Ying Ziye in the crowd. , showing a long-lost smile, Tomel I has never been inaccurate about his own language, so he is naturally very confident...

"Who are you to disturb the Grand Ceremony, take it down for me!"

Beacher has obviously panicked. He already knows that Princess Daisy has returned to Tomil, but as long as the ceremony is completed, Princess Daisy will be helpless.

As soon as the words were finished, Princess Daisy stood out from the crowd, with the topaz hanging around her neck.

"Come and catch Princess Daisy!"

Seeing the topaz, Becher seemed to go crazy, commanding the soldiers, and these soldiers attacked Princess Daisy and her party!

Billy led his men to surround Princess Daisy, only to see Princess Daisy using spells to activate the sacred stone, and Billy beside him had already led the soldiers and fought with the soldiers who came to attack!

Bicher also urged his spells to compete with the divine stone, Ying Ziye saw Daisy's abnormal expression, it seemed that under Bicher's confrontation, Daisy had some difficulty in mobilizing the divine stone.

Ying Ziye jumped to the palace wall with a flying body, and the soldiers who came to resist were shot away one by one!

Winning Ziye is no opponent at all!

"Hello, Beecher, do you like the surprise of this ceremony?"

Ying Ziye came to Bitcher, looked at the flustered Bitcher and teased mischievously, and Tomil I couldn't hold back his laughter. It was so funny to see Bitcher like this.

"You are the King of the North?"

Bitcher was also surprised when he saw Ying Ziye's powerful ability. In the western countries, only a handful of people among Tomil possessed such miraculous spells. He didn't expect that people in the northern border also had such miraculous abilities. ability.

Chapter 546 Save the old man!

"Exactly, but can you take your hands off my father-in-law first?"

Nervous Bitcher tightly grasped Tomil I next to him, and now this was his life-saving straw.

"I didn't expect you to destroy my plan. It seems that you have known it for a long time."

"We are not as miraculous as you think, but your means are despicable, and you cannot make the soldiers truly submit to you. Even if you use this means to achieve a short-term victory, so what?"

Ying Ziye looked at Bitcher in front of him, but it reminded him of his younger brother Hu Hai who was sitting on the throne, but he was just a passer-by on the throne, what a pity.

"So what, if it weren't for you, I would be enthroned today, and in the future this Tomir would be my ruler!"

Bitcher has gone crazy, and it seems that his spirit is not very good. It seems that his dream of age has been broken, and he can't accept it for a while.

At this moment, Princess Daisy in the city, under the protection of Billy, has already activated Topaz with spells, dispelling the spells of all the generals present, and everyone lost their control for a while and recovered their sanity.

"See Her Royal Highness!"

Watching the people in the city regain their sanity, Bicher on the palace wall was distracted for a moment. Unexpectedly, Ying Ziye was quick-sighted, separated him from Tomil I in an instant, and brought him to his side.

"Take it!"


The soldiers around him also reacted, and as the king escaped from danger, everyone took Bitcher down together, and the riot was easily subdued.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

Princess Daisy has also rushed to the palace wall, seeing that her husband and father are safe and sound, she unknowingly shed tears of excitement.

"Oh, my good daughter, why are you crying? Fortunately, you and Ziye came here, otherwise I would have been doomed."

"The king is serious, and he must have expected today."

Ying Ziye looked at Tomil I with a smile. How could Tomil I, who possessed the ancient prophecy ability, not know such doom, but the solution to this doom was not in Princess Daisy, nor in the topaz. The only way to solve it is to win Ziye. As long as you come here with the ability to win Ziye, this riot will definitely be subdued. This is why Tomil I married his daughter to the northern border without hesitation.

Not only because Princess Daisy's future is bright, but also because winning Ziye is the variable!

"I can't hide anything from you, but thank you for coming."

"I don't know how the father wants to deal with Bicher?"

"I will lock him in the dungeon and live forever!"

"Father, I do have a suggestion, why don't you hand over Bicher to me for use in the northern border."

When Ying Ziye said this, everyone present was surprised.

"Your Majesty, what if Bitcher uses hypnosis on you? This is the northern border~"

Princess Daisy is naturally right to be worried. Bitcher's hypnotism is dangerous even in a country like Tomil, where sorcerers frequent. If Ying Ziye is brought back to the northern border, it will be a disaster.

"Don't worry, since I want to bring it back to the northern border, I must have a perfect plan!"

"That puts my mind at ease."

Seeing that Ying Ziye seemed confident enough, Tomil I stopped persuading him, but Princess Daisy on the side was full of sorrow.

It seemed hesitant to speak, but he never spoke.

Tomil's civil strife was finally resolved, but Ying Ziye couldn't bear to leave early. After all, since Princess Daisy returned to her home for the first time since she married to the North, she also stayed overnight to reunite their father and daughter.

In the dark dungeon, Bitcher opened his eyes slightly, and everything he knew was familiar with the formula. Ten years ago, he failed to rebel and was imprisoned here for ten years. He finally escaped. His failure is really not what people want.

Suddenly a bright light shone in, and a figure walked into the dungeon. As the figure got closer and closer, the silhouette could be seen clearly. The person who came was Ying Ziye.

"I didn't expect the king of the northern realm to come to see me?"

Bitcher seemed to be mocking himself as he watched Ying Ziye walk in. Now that he is a prisoner, Tomil I must not give him a way out this time. Instead of spending the rest of his life in this dark dungeon, it is better to end it like this , but also happy.

"Bitchell, how does it feel in this dungeon? It seems that you are very familiar with it."

"Could it be that the dignified king of the north came to see his defeated generals just to say this, I admit that I lost, but I didn't lose to him, I lost to you, without you, I might not have won this war !"

Bitcher looked at Ying Ziye and said firmly, since ancient times, no one cares about how the loser argues.

"Indeed, with your ability, father is no match for him, but you are also doomed to lose, because I will definitely exist. I will give you two paths now, one is to die alone in the dungeon, and the other is to follow me back to the north territory."

Ying Ziye said the matter flatly, without a trace of disturbance, and Bicher seemed to have not heard clearly, and did not respond for a long time.

After a while, the silence between the two was finally broken.


"Why do you want to save me? Don't you be afraid that one day I will do the same thing as 540 in the north?"

Bitcher didn't understand why Ying Ziye wanted to save himself. Besides, in his opinion, he was already at odds with Tomil I. As the son-in-law of Tomil I, Ying Ziye naturally had the same hatred. How could he save his life?

"Because your ability is useful to me. I appreciate you very much. These are enough. As for whether I am afraid or not, in the face of absolute strength, your ability can't make any waves."

It was the first time Bitcher heard someone so confident in himself, but it seemed that there was nothing wrong with saying this sentence from Ying Ziye's mouth. It is true that his hypnotism is powerful, but the man Ying Ziye is even more terrifying. He was always smiling, but for some reason, he felt cold all over his body when he saw Ying Ziye. This kind of terrifying coercion was really terrifying.

"I'll go with you. Naturally, anyone will choose this deal. I don't want to be locked in a dungeon for the rest of my life."

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