"My lord, if Ying Ziye disagrees this time, can we return to Rome?"

Halfway through the journey, some envoys were already terrified. After all, the northern border killed 60 Roman troops. Such a brutal act had reason to make the envoys suspect the cruelty of the northern king.

"I can assure you that the king of the North will not kill the envoys."

Although the northern border is now at war with Rome, Panama naturally knows that Ying Ziye is a man who has always been frank.

The group of people set off to the border with such trepidation in their hearts. Rome is a big country, but the royal city is only two days away from the border. However, due to the critical situation, Panama naturally did not dare to delay, and it took only one day to reach the border. .

Seeing that the normal life of the people in several cities was not affected by the war at all, Ying Ziye still opened the city gates and let the people work normally, without any intention of blocking the cities. The common people have already been subdued by Ying Ziye, but with so many common people and soldiers in ambush, how could they be persuaded by Ying Ziye to become the people of the northern border with all their hearts? .

Chapter 687 Overlord Clause!

"Roman envoys seek to see the king of the north!"

Looking at the city that once belonged to Rome, Panama couldn't help but sigh inwardly when he saw that the city that once belonged to Rome was so unfamiliar. He had to do business anyway, so he stepped forward to inform the guards.

"Wait a minute, we're going to communicate!"

The soldiers in the northern border naturally know how to be polite. This point has been written in the military law as early as the day when the soldiers in the northern border were trained. The officials who came with Panama did not expect that the soldiers in the northern border could do this.

This is just a soldier guarding the gate. In the past, if the defeated country came to negotiate, not to mention other countries, the Roman soldiers would look arrogant.

From such a comparison, everyone seems to understand why Rome lost, and it is common sense that a proud soldier will lose.

"Our Majesty invites you to meet in the chamber."

After less than half a stick of incense, the guard returned to the city gate and invited the group of people in.

I saw the majestic meeting hall, where once stood the powerful ministers of Rome, but now it has become the place where the courtiers of the northern border are seated.

Ying Ziye was sitting at the top, with a group of generals beside him.

Panama is naturally an old acquaintance.

"King of the North!"

"Long time no see, Panama!"

Ying Ziye naturally greeted them with a smile. After all, Panama is here to seek peace and not to fight.

"This time I came here to negotiate peace with the king of the northern border. I wonder what conditions the northern border needs to retreat? I, Rome, will definitely try my best to do so."

Panama has been in various countries for a long time, so it naturally understands that the loser is not qualified to negotiate terms. As long as Win Ziye is willing to withdraw troops, it will be Rome's greatest luck.

"Ha ha!"

Ying Ziye didn't say anything, just smiled coldly, Rome is now the meat on the chopping board, as long as the northern border wants to, Rome can be included in the pocket.

At least that's what everyone saw on the surface, but Ying Ziye knew that if he hadn't acted this time, the hundreds of thousands of troops in the northern border would have suffered heavy casualties. This was a war in which one thousand enemies were killed and eight hundred were destroyed.

Stopping at this time can not only deter Western countries, but also make a lot of money here in Rome, which is a good deal.

The generals couldn't help but sneered when they saw Ying Ziye, and they also laughed softly.

The Roman envoys naturally understood what the King of the North meant, and even they themselves knew that the King of the North could not accept this negotiation at all. After all, if the North continued to attack, the entire Roman Empire belonged to the North.

"Then I'd like to hear what conditions Rome can give to the North?"

Ying Ziye raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the embarrassed Panama. At this time, Panama seemed to be reborn, and he was so excited that he could not speak. As long as Ying Ziye opened his mouth to negotiate conditions, at least the Roman Empire would not be destroyed. Then this trip to negotiate The purpose can also be achieved.

"As long as the king of the northern border is willing to negotiate peace, Rome is willing to hand over all the border cities of the country to the northern border."

"I'm afraid these are not enough. This time, I mobilized people from the north to come here. How should I calculate the cost?"

"Cough cough!"

Ying Ziye's appearance as a profiteer almost choked Wen Bai who was about to drink tea. Even when the First Emperor conquered the Six Kingdoms, he had never heard of making compensation for the loss of expenses when attacking other countries. It was unheard of and unheard of.

Naturally, the few people also noticed Wen Bai's reaction, and immediately pretended to cough to cover it up.

"As long as the king of the north is willing to speak, Rome can offer it in full."

Rome was originally a big country in the West, and money was naturally a no-brainer. Now Rome only wanted to keep the country, and money was something outside of it, so naturally it would not be stingy.

What Ying Ziye was waiting for was Panama's nonsense, and he had already made up his mind.

"I want ten cities around the border of Rome, and Rome will pay 10 taels of gold in the north!"

1 taels of gold is not a small amount, and everyone present is dumbfounded.

Seeing everyone's reaction like this, Ying Ziye also found it very funny. Since he wants peace talks, he must show sincerity. Isn't this 10 taels of gold the best sincerity!


Facing Yingziye's lion's mouth wide open, Panama obviously doesn't know what to do. After all, Yingziye's conditions are very harsh. Although Rome is a big country, it has already given three cities in the northern border, and now Yingziye wants ten more. , besides, 10 taels of gold is also a big amount.

"It seems that the Prime Minister is a little embarrassed. Didn't you just say that as long as I bring it up, Rome will agree? Could it be that Rome didn't come to the peace talks sincerely?"

"No, no, don't misunderstand the King of the North, Rome is absolutely sincere."

Panama almost stuttered in a moment of excitement.

"Well, I will give you a few days to think about it, and you will also pass the news back to discuss it, but I will only give you three days. If you don't want to after three days, then the northern border will continue to send troops!"

"¨‖On the other hand, if Rome agrees to this condition, then the Northern Territory and Rome will immediately sign a contract, and the Northern Territory will no longer attack Rome, and the two countries will cease fighting!"

"King of the North, can you add a time limit to the truce, such as a year limit?"

Panama is also an old fox. Although Rome is already at a disadvantage, the northern border offers many conditions. If it is just a truce, then the northern border will start a war again within a few months, but Rome is still facing the same predicament. At that time, there will no longer be ten cities and 10 taels of gold coming to peace talks.

"Timeliness can be added, but we need to agree to the conditions before we need to continue the negotiation. The Prime Minister should discuss it as soon as possible."

After all, Ying Ziye signaled the guards to take Rome and his party down.

"Your Majesty, if Rome agrees, then we have to sign a treaty. Wouldn't it be a long time before we can go to war against Rome?"

Billy naturally felt that it was unfair. If the Northern Territory went all out, it might not be possible to subdue Rome.

"The ambition of the Northern Territory is not only for Rome, have you forgotten that the Great Qin is still waiting for us, not to mention that if Rome agrees to these conditions, then it is impossible for Rome to have the strength to fight against the Northern Territory within five years, let alone them 60 soldiers have been sacrificed in this war, and with such a large population, how many years will it take Rome to recover."

Ying Ziye analyzed the current situation one by one. From this point of view, no matter whether the peace talks gave Rome a way out, it actually made the northern border profitable.

Panama was taken to the residence by soldiers from the northern border, so he hurriedly wrote a letter and asked the envoys to bring it back to Rome quickly. Whether Rome can survive in the world now depends on the king's thoughts.

In my heart, Panama's words are sincere, pros and cons, and I hope His Majesty the King can consider it carefully. After all, this is Rome's last chance.

Chapter 688: Successful negotiation and signing of the treaty!

The Roman envoy took the letter written by Panama, hurried out of the city, and rushed back to the capital.

At this time, the Roman king had already woken up. Due to his advanced age and his several sons who were crazy, he was hit one after another before he passed out. However, when the old king woke up, he received a letter from the envoy.

In the study room, the king dragged his old body to look at the letter written by Panama, and read it out in front of his ministers.

"What do you mean? To accept these terms and negotiate, or to fight to the death with the northern border."


Everyone didn't know what to do for a while, and even the generals who advocated war did not dare to open their mouths at this time. After all, the bloody lesson was in front of them, and 60 Roman soldiers had died in battle! This is not a small story. number.

"I, Rome, have come to this point and told Panama that I agreed to the terms of the peace talks, but I have to add two things. The northern border cannot go to war with Rome for ten years, and I asked the king of the northern border to release the spells on the princes."

"Cough cough!"

The old king is now extremely weak. This is the greatest benefit he can fight for the princes. Ten years in 667 is enough time for Rome to become stronger again. stand in the west.

"Your Majesty, your body is important."

"Leave me alone, pass the reply to Panama!"

When Timothy heard the words, he took the king's command and went to the border in person.

"Why don't Panama take a walk together?"

Ying Ziye was wandering around in the mansion, but saw Panama looking at the pond in a daze. It used to be a city of Roman architecture, and the design style naturally continued the preferences of the Romans, but Ying Ziye liked it very much. After all, for a modern person, the Roman style is considered eye-catching.

"King of the North~"

Seeing Ying Ziye, Panama is now very respectful and dare not go beyond it.

Ying Ziye found it interesting. It was the first time I saw that Panama was provocative to Catherine, so unscrupulous. Sure enough, the strength of the country is the confidence to support you to go out. Now Rome is no longer in front of the northern border. It is worth mentioning that Panama naturally has no pride in front of Ying Ziye.

If the envoys of those western countries saw Panama today, they would secretly be happy in their hearts, and Rome also has today.

"Do you think your Majesty the King will agree to this peace talk?"

Ying Ziye seemed to ask the question unintentionally, but actually wanted to inquire about it.

"This move can bring peace to the two countries, and His Majesty will certainly agree to it."

Panama naturally hopes that the King of Rome can agree, but the right to decide is not up to him after all. Even if he wants to, he may have to wait for news from the royal city to make a decision.

"Your Majesty, there is a message from Rome!"


Both of them were delighted when they heard the words, it seems that the answer to the mystery will be revealed soon.

Ying Ziye met the messengers in the conference hall, and the generals and envoys of both sides were there.

"General Timothy has worked hard, what does His Majesty mean?"

Panama saw that it was Timothy who came to pass the letter in person. Presumably, the King of Rome had already agreed to the content of the peace talks, otherwise he would only send soldiers.

"Your Majesty is willing to negotiate peace with the Northern Territory. His Majesty's condition is that the Northern Territory and Rome will have a ten-year truce, and he hopes that the King of the Northern Territory can release the spells on the princes!"

It was the first time Timothy talked with Ying Ziye so close, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous, but looking at the King of the North who was not a few years older than himself, Timothy felt inexplicable admiration for such a young man , he can manipulate the world in the palm of his hand, no matter if it is a powerful country, it is not worth mentioning in front of it, such a hero may not appear in hundreds of years.

"Ten years? Isn't it a bit too long, five years!"

Ying Ziye was the first to refute the conditions put forward by the Roman king. This old guy wanted to buy time for his descendants to recover their vitality. However, the northern border is not a fool. If there is no war for ten years, such a condition is naturally not good for Ying Ziye. will agree.

"Five years is fine. His Majesty the King said that if the King of the North is not willing, he will follow your proposal!"

When Timothy brought the words of the Roman king, the Roman envoys were relieved. If the two countries really wanted to continue the war, their life in the northern border would not be easy.

"Okay, then in two days, I hope that the King of Rome can hand over ten cities and 10 taels of gold to the northern border, and then I will sign a treaty with His Majesty the King!"

Ying Ziye got a bargain, so he was naturally very generous, and agreed instantly.

Panama was also very happy to see this, and shook hands with Ying Ziye to make peace!

Both parties were happy that they got what they wanted, and the envoys of Rome returned to the royal city with Timothy, preparing for the handover ceremony two days later.

"Your Majesty, should we guard against fraud in Rome this time!"

Billy couldn't help being a little worried. After all, this was a big deal. If Rome repented and made a public attack and caught the northern border by surprise, even the northern border would be hurt.

"Xuanjia guards will guard the left and right at that time, ordering the soldiers to stand in line and not to be taken lightly."


Ying Ziye knew that the king of Rome must sincerely want peace talks. After all, leaving everything aside, the princes in Rome, under the hypnosis of Biqier, always thought that they were generals in the northern border. He was screaming and screaming, wanting to break out of the siege. Seeing such a son, the Roman king was already very anxious. If his son became like this for the rest of his life, then what's the point of Rome still being there?After all, I have no successor.

The King of Rome dragged his sick body and took a few sons to the border. Naturally, this time he and his party wanted to take precautions, so they brought an army of [-] to protect themselves.

"Your Majesty, the Roman team has set off."

"Okay, when Wen Bo is ready for the treaty, I will sign it with the King of Rome!"


When he came to the city wall, the Roman king looked at the former city, and the Roman people who walked out of the city couldn't help but feel sad. A generation of overlords was so manipulated by the northern border.

"King of Rome, our Majesty has been waiting on the city wall for a long time."

This time, Winning Midnight naturally had to sign a treaty on the city wall. The view here is wide, which can naturally dispel the doubts of the Romans.

"Please lead the way."

Panama supported the king and followed the northern soldiers to the city wall. When they came to the city wall, they saw that Ying Ziye had already arranged everything, and even the treaty had been drawn up.

Chapter 689 The Dragon Vein of the Northern Realm Forms!

"King of the North!"

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