"General Zhang Han Yu'er has already taken the bait, and there has been movement under the city wall."

"Then we should close the net, or we should run away."

Zhang Han and Yuhuatian cooperated tacitly. In fact, the sentinels in the northern border had already discovered the existence of the alliance army, but they didn't startle the snake and observe its actions secretly.

"General, they planted explosives under the city wall, intending to blow up the city wall."

"Then let's do it!"

While the alliance army was setting up, suddenly the northern city wall was lit up with flames, and the lights were brightly lit for a while, like daylight, scaring the advance troops below to cover their whereabouts by sticking to the wall!

"Shoot! Shoot!"

Suddenly, groups of soldiers emerged from all directions in the northern city, each armed with mysterious weapons. The alliance army still didn't react at this moment. It was obviously a seamless plan, so why is he surrounded now?

Just as he was about to resist with the explosives in his hand, he was hit by mysterious weapons in front of him one after another.

In the military camp a few hundred meters away, only a sound was heard, but the flames of explosives exploded into the sky! .

Chapter 771 Warlock

"What's going on? Doesn't the sound sound like an explosion?"

"Could it be that the situation has changed?"

General Jamie was a little uneasy in the barracks. If this operation is successful, it will get twice the result with half the effort. Even if it fails, there will be no major loss.

"Admiral, the advance team has been completely killed."

The soldiers who searched for the news had already returned, but they were still a little afraid to speak out in the camp. After repeated questioning by the generals, they only revealed the current situation ahead.

"All were killed?"

Although the number of advance teams is small, the advance team of the Alliance of Several Nations must have 1 people, so it is easy to be killed by the northern border, let alone when the defense is relatively weak at night, this sentence can not help but let the countries present The general had some doubts as to what method the northern border used.

"Yes, after a series of noises, the advance team has been completely killed, and they all fell below the northern city wall."

The soldier trembled and told the facts he had seen with his own eyes, but even he didn't understand what those rattling things were and why they were so powerful.

"It seems that the northern border has developed a new type of weapon, and it is becoming more and more difficult to deal with the northern border."

Admiral Jamie understands that the reason why the northern border is feared by all countries is because of the increasing number of new weapons, so that the western countries have to be controlled by it, but the biggest obstacle right now is still the new type of weapons in the northern border.

"It seems that there will only be a direct battle tomorrow, so everyone will go back to rest tonight."

General Jamie had nothing to say about this matter at this time. No matter what he said, or even what the people continued to hear in the camp, it would only shake the morale of the army, which was of no benefit at all, so he sent everyone away.

"completely annihilated!"

After everyone left, Admiral Jamie couldn't stop talking about it. Although the vanguard team was small in number, it was indeed the most desperate team in the Seleucid Empire. They were all killed. This kind of blow is indeed irreversible for General Jamie, who was cultivated by himself.

Before the first ray of sunlight came in the morning, the Eight-Nation Alliance had already cleared the troops in the barracks and prepared to attack the northern city!

"This time our eight countries jointly attack the Northern Territory, and we will definitely capture the Northern Territory and eradicate this alien species that is harming the West!"

"it is good!"

The generals of several countries expressed their opinions one after another. It seems that the threat brought by the northern border this time has awakened the western countries, and it is absolutely impossible to sit still and wait for death.

In such severe cold weather, the Eight-Nation Allied Forces marched and fell to the northern border. Soldiers from several countries endured the wind and cold weather in the northern border. It would be false to say that it was not cold, but what surprised them even more was that the people in the northern border actually In such a severe cold climate, life and work.

Those who are ignorant naturally don't know the importance of having a Warlock!

"Your Majesty, do you need me to do it?"

Princess Daisy also came to the city wall by accident this time. For the coalition forces of the Eight Kingdoms, Ying Ziye did not want to waste the troops of the northern border to attack too early, but for the enemy army below the city, Ying Ziye naturally wanted to give a share. Greeting ceremony!

"Wait a minute, I want to have a chat with this Admiral Jamie!"

"Wing Ziye, this time the Western coalition forces are attacking the northern border. If you are willing to surrender and submit to the Seleucid Empire, the alliance will definitely save your life. Otherwise, don't blame the sword without eyes."

As soon as Admiral Jamie finished speaking under the city wall, everyone above the city wall couldn't help laughing out loud. A small general of the Seleucid Empire actually spoke so loudly, negotiating terms with Ying Ziye!

It really made people laugh out loud.

"This one must be Admiral Jamie, right? I would like to thank Admiral Jamie for his kindness in winning Ziye, but I don't listen to persuasion, and I like to challenge the limit. This time, I want to see the Eight Western Nations. What is the combat strength of the coalition army? If the country is destroyed and the city is defeated, I am willing, but I don’t know if the generals present will feel sorry for the soldiers under their hands, all of which were lost under the northern border city?"

This tone makes people shudder. Everyone has heard that Ying Ziye is so powerful, but it is not easy to believe that one person has such strength, and one person can destroy 60 troops. It is somewhat mythical. How can man kill 60 soldiers!

Admiral Jamie hadn't spoken yet.

Ying Ziye nodded slightly to Princess Daisy.

Immediately, a western woman with a peerless beauty on the city wall slowly waved to the sky, and suddenly the color of Princess Daisy's pupils changed dramatically.

"It's a warlock!"

"It's Tomir's warlock!"

The generals of the countries under the city recognized Princess Daisy's identity at a glance. Among the western countries, Tomil is the only country that no one wants to provoke. There are many warlocks in Lezhong. These people have supernatural powers and can call wind and rain. What's more, they can even resist thousands of soldiers by themselves. They are god-like existences.

Seeing Princess Daisy cast a spell on the city wall, General Jamie finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Fire arrows!"

Commanding the soldiers under his command to shoot at the city wall, hoping to stop Princess Daisy from casting spells, but the northern city wall is very tall, not to mention that it is not a height that arrows can reach. Yu couldn't get close to Princess Daisy.

Witnessed by everyone, in less than a moment, under Princess Daisy's spellcasting, the sky and the earth changed suddenly, and the clouds were overcast. All the soldiers on the border felt a bit of coolness, not to mention the Western Allied Army below.


The sky that was still cloudless just now is now thundering.

In an instant, heavy snow fell in the sky, and when the snowflakes fell, it was accompanied by hail, but only the sky outside the city was like this, and the sun was still shining brightly inside the city!

The hailstones in the sky kept falling one after another, smashing the coalition forces below unclearly. They had already picked up their shields to protect their heads to ensure safety. Under such conditions, not to mention attacking, even self-protection was a bit Difficult, the alliance army in thin armor is already shivering at this time, eager to hug a group to keep warm.

"No wonder Ying Ziye is so rampant. It turns out that Princess Daisy is a sorcerer!"

Admiral Jamie gritted his molars and looked fiercely at Princess Daisy who was casting a spell above him, but he was helpless. Such an opponent was no longer manpower to compete with, so he had no choice but to blow the horn and withdraw his troops first, and now he was the first to save his soldiers most important.

Chapter 772

Princess Daisy's status as a magician really shocked the generals. At this time, General Jamie was facing not only physical attacks from the opponent's army, but also Princess Daisy's magic attacks.

The Eight-Nation Alliance had no choice but to retreat hastily. Facing the heavy snow and hailstorm, the soldiers had nowhere to hide on the open plain.

"General, the heavy snow will cover the ground in a few hours. It seems that our battle will be hindered later."

The generals who fled back in a hurry saw the white snow on the surface. This thing is an invisible weapon to kill people in such a cold weather in the northern border.

"It seems that His Majesty has to call that person here! But no one knows if that person will lose control!"

Obviously, General Jamie mentioned that person, and everyone in the general's army looked shocked. It seems that the person had a strong influence on the Seleucid Empire, but he didn't know if he would bring danger to the northern border.

A secret letter was delivered from the army of the Seleucid Empire. The soldiers with the secret letter hurried back to the empire to seek countermeasures.

"This time it really gave the coalition forces of several countries a disgrace. It seems that this time they dare not send troops to attack the city easily!"

Ying Ju looked smug, the people in the northern border had never cared about the fact that the coalition forces of various countries attacked the northern border, they were just a bunch of mobs, and now Ying Ziye took the opportunity to attack the western countries, so it would save How could Ying Ziye be unhappy if he gathered troops from several countries and sent them to his door in person?

"However, for a while, I don't want them to live in peace. Since they want to attack the northern border, they have to bear the consequences of doing so."

A smile appeared on Ying Ziye's clear face, and everyone present knew that General Jamie was going to suffer this time.

"Billy, it looks like you're going to show off again this time!"

This kind of sneak attack has always been done without winning, this guy is somewhat frizzy.

Ying Ziye also knew that for the sake of safety, he still did not appoint Yingju to face a million-strong army this time, and still let him stay in the northern city for defense.

Billy and Zhang Han led the Northern Frontier Army to go out again. After Princess Daisy finished casting the spell, the heavy snow outside the city had already stopped, but the damage caused by the hail was not small for the soldiers in the alliance army. Many soldiers were directly hit on the head by the hailstones falling from the sky, and now they have been injured and recuperated in the tents. Such cases are not uncommon.

"Admiral, the number of wounded has been counted. The Union Army has a total of 850 wounded."

"This number is considered conservative. The army of one million only injured tens of thousands of people. It seems that the strategy to win Ziye may not succeed."

Jamie knew that winning Midnight this time was not because he didn't dare to fight directly, but because he wanted to consume the strength of the alliance army first, so that during the battle, he could minimize casualties in the northern border. Just defeating the alliance army and winning Ziye's wishful thinking is really clever.

"Strictly guard tonight, the northern army may sneak attack."

"Yes, Admiral!"

Winning Ziye, who vowed not to give up until his goal was achieved, would not allow the Alliance Army to rest quietly, quietly waiting for the Alliance Army to regroup, and the two armies to fight, but any king with some strategy would not sit still and wait for death.

In the dead of night, the sun has completely set.

Billy and his party quietly drummed up some equipment in the city, discussing in low voices.

"You said His Majesty's actions will really defeat the Alliance Army? Don't we need to do it?"

"You can do whatever your majesty tells you, don't delay your majesty's plan, you will be punished when the time comes!"

Zhang Han is naturally a diehard fan of Ying Ziye. He has never doubted anything, and he is still loyal to this day. No matter how strange Ying Ziye's idea is, he will always be the first person to raise his hand in favor.

In the middle of the northern city, the army was secretly transporting a batch of fuel to the car, and I don't know where they are going with the fuel!

"Slow down, be quiet, don't make any noise!"

Billy asked in a low voice while leading the army to transport oil outside the city.

"Zhang Han, you said that if the oil burns, it will really cause damage to the alliance army outside the heavy snow?"

"Of course, when the Huns were nomadic in the north, what they were most afraid of was the wildfire in spring. Once the livestock came into contact with the wildfire when it was cold, they would unconsciously approach it, and they would not feel the burning feeling at all. Wait until they react At that time, it was too late to think about leaving!"

"But the enemy army is a living person. Could it be that they are as stupid as those livestock?"

"That's not true, but just experienced the cold of heavy snow and hail, how much do you think these soldiers desire for the scorching heat?"

"¨‖ If it were me, I would hug the stove to keep warm."

After all, Billy was much younger than Zhang Han. Although he was brave and fearless, he was indeed inexperienced, and he was not as scheming as Zhang Han.

Zhang Han had a treacherous smile on his face. This is what Ying Ziye wanted to achieve. Princess Daisy's magical attack was only the first step. There would still be endless suffering waiting for the alliance army. Thinking of this, Zhang Han couldn't help but fight. There was a cold war, and his Majesty really couldn't offend him.

I am a little scared myself.

The oil was transported outside the city by the squad, close to the Union army barracks.

"It seems that we have to wait for a while to take action. At this time, we are still so vigilant. Could it be that they have not suffered enough during the day? They are not resting at this time."

Billy couldn't have imagined that the Allied forces of the Western countries would have such a high level of combat awareness. It seemed that General Jamie was, as Ying Ziye said, a respectable opponent.

"Hold on for an hour. If the situation is still like this, we have no choice but to do it. Otherwise, the risk of our exposure will increase as soon as the sky is bright!"

"Very good!"

Unexpectedly, the defensive awareness of the alliance army was so strong, and Zhang Han and the two had no choice but to hide on the periphery, waiting for the opportunity to relax the defense.

But time waits for no one, an hour is about to pass, seeing the night getting brighter little by little, if you wait any longer, I'm afraid the effect you want to achieve will disappear.

"Billy, order the soldiers to move!"

"Okay, let's look at mine this time!"

Although the alliance army's defense has never been relaxed, Billy has always been a fearless character, so how could he be afraid of the alliance army!

The northern soldiers suddenly ignited all the fuel in the car, and in just a split second, the flames filled the sky, illuminating the silent night!

The guards of the alliance army immediately noticed the abnormal fire, and the whole army was on alert, but in an instant, the source of the fire rushed into the barracks.

Chapter 773 God's Punishment

Chariots full of fuel rushed into the camps of the Alliance Army with soaring flames, and some of them had already smashed the tents directly, causing a fire.

"Quickly put out the fire!"

"Find the ambush quickly!"

General Jamie rushed out in an instant and directed the soldiers to fight.

"Successful, quickly withdraw!"

At the same time, a group of northern soldiers who were ambushing in the grass saw that their purpose had been achieved and had already evacuated here.

"Fire out!"

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