The [-]nd sheet of human beings...that is me

"You are! The second magician Gemstone!?"

El-Melloi II, who was more supportive, still had extra energy to focus on things other than combat. When he saw the young man turned into an old man, his heart instantly stirred up a turmoil.

The apex figure on the mysterious side, the Gem Weng who controls the second method, is actually the enemy who attacked Chaldea!

"It's from the Magic Association, huh? Possessed? No wonder I didn't feel you." Hearing someone call out his name, Gem Weng subconsciously took a look, only to realize that there was a fish that slipped through the net.

But didn't care too much.

He turned his attention back to Mo Yu, and said with a smile, "Thanks to you, I was able to get to this point. This will be a major turning point in the history of human evolution."

"To be honest, I felt that you seemed to have changed a little bit at the beginning, and I was looking forward to some developments, but it seems that you just rode away on a crooked road."

The jewel man in front of him gave Mo Yu the feeling that he was not the same person as when he first met.

When Fujimaru Tachika next to her heard it, she immediately cast a suspicious look, and she felt that the priest was not trustworthy.

It turns out that the attack on Chaldea also has your 14 credits!

Sensing Fujimaru Tachika's gaze, Mo Yu didn't explain anything, it's not necessary, it's just a transaction anyway.

"What is your so-called turning point? Can you tell me?" He was still more curious about what the gemstone man would do in the future. Even Alaya could control it.

Alaya is a safety device created by human subconsciousness, in other words, it represents the subconsciousness of all human beings.


Gem Weng said three words, which was what the other party told him at the beginning.

Mo Yu: "Huh? I don't understand. To be more specific, I don't like charades."

"You told me back then that everyone has the possibility of becoming a god, but the possibility is so small that it is almost impossible."

"Then if the possibility of all human beings is concentrated, the possibility will become higher."

Gem Weng: "So I gathered human beings together, which is me now."

"I am a jewel man, not a jewel man. I am a human being, a human being...that is me." After he finished speaking, his face changed rapidly, youth, woman, child, old man, all kinds of faces flickered and changed.

"I see, it's interesting~ It's so interesting! Hahaha!"

Mo Yu's eyes glowed with interest, and I have to say, this guy is really a genius!

Have an idea, have the ability, and actually go to realize it!

A terrible thought vaguely appeared in Fujimaru Tatsuka's mind, but she couldn't believe it, and asked with a trembling tone.

"What do you mean! What kind of human being are you!"

Mo Yu looked forward, observed the other party with great interest, and helped to answer by the way: "Heh~ don't you understand? He has integrated human beings into one. In other words, he is no longer just a biological individual like a jeweler. Call it, the Human Complex."

"No wonder you can control Alaya, because what you represent now is the human race."

Gem Weng: "When I become a god, I will become a god on behalf of mankind. That will be a historic moment."

"Really? I look forward to seeing this scene."

"Then first, we need to integrate you into it." As he spoke, Gemstone Weng floated forward, his eyes fixed on Mo Yu: "You are the biggest variable, and also an obstacle for humans to become gods. There is no need for evil gods in this world."

Originally, the jewel man thought that everything was safe, but he didn't expect to see Mo Yu again here.

There is nothing in this world that can threaten him, except the gods of the R'lyeh Order.

When merging humans, he already knew how weird and unfathomable the gods of the R'lyeh Sect were.

That is definitely not an existence that humans can resist, and the other party must be eliminated.

Seeing the gemstone man flying over, Mo Yu suddenly asked a question: "Have you integrated all the people outside here?"

"So what?"

This question is meaningless, but there is no need to think about the answer, so I answered it very simply.

"That's good." Knowing that the other party really fused the rest of the human race, Mo Yu showed a strange smile on his face, and then shouted loudly: "For the great Cthulhu!!"

"Huh? What are you doing...huh!?" Just as he was wondering, Gemstone's pupils suddenly shrank, his face began to change, and his voice also began to erratically: "What's going on? Their consciousness is struggling. .....Great...Cthulhu...AHHH!!!"

It was difficult to say the last sentence, followed by screams, as if the consciousness was torn apart.

In pain, Gem Weng clutched his head and flew away into the air.

Alaya also stopped attacking and disappeared.

"This guy, the biggest mistake he did was to integrate the believers of the sect." Looking at the jewel man who disappeared into the distance, Mo Yu suddenly noticed something, scanned around and found that everyone else was looking at him.

"Why? I didn't do 367. I just told him something and answered a few questions by the way."

"It's all your fault that it will develop like this. Why don't you keep an eye on him? Aren't you an organization that maintains the continuation of human beings?" Before the other party could speak, Mo Yu decisively began to throw the blame, anyway, it was definitely not his fault.

All members of Chaldea were stunned: "????"

We haven't asked anything yet!Your pot is flying up!

Fortunately, none of the people at the scene were innocent people. It is useless to shirk responsibility at this time.

The key is how to solve the problem.

If Gem Weng is telling the truth, then being an enemy of him is tantamount to being an enemy of mankind.

With the number of people on our side, how can we beat the jewel man who became a human body, and Alaya.

"Ahem! Come on, I still have something to do, can you give me the agreed reward?"

At this time, of course, it is decisive to become a bystander.

"Okay, and we're going back to your time." Fujimaru Tachika didn't know what to think, and agreed straightforwardly, and asked to return.

Mo Yu seemed to understand, and replied meaningfully: "No problem, it seems that there will be wonderful things.".

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Big Harvest~ Big Harvest~"

A box that was as high as an adult's knee was placed on the ground. Mo Yu squatted in front of the box, looking through the contents happily.

Especially the clear container jar with the silver liquid in it.

Mo Yu took out the container and put it on the ground, and pressed the raised button on the top of the columnar container.


The top of the sealed container was unlocked, and Mo Yu took a closer look and found that the silver liquid was really like mercury.

"How do I use this?"

"It can be controlled with magic power, and the magic power can also strengthen the effect of the Moon Spirit Essence." Although the Moon Spirit Essence is precious, it is not the only magic dress. After the improvement, the effect is much stronger than the original.

"Then what if there is no magic power?" Hearing that magic power is needed to control it, most of Mo Yu's enthusiasm was extinguished at once.

But don't go to the end and get back a useless waste by yourself.

A strange color flashed in El-Melloi II's eyes, and he replied simply: "It's fine to drip blood, but in this case, it can only exert basic functions, and it can only automatically restore the consumed magic power after use." .”

The magic dress was originally prepared for magicians, and it was never considered to be used by ordinary people.

Fortunately, the improved moon spirit marrow liquid is one of the magic dresses that ordinary people can use.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party was an ordinary person without magical power... Uh, I can't say ordinary, but in terms of combat power, this guy is stronger than a magician.

"Oh! I like this ability!" It can be used with only a drop of blood, which is really convenient.

Mo Yu took out the long sword used to store the space, and pierced his finger with the tip of the sword.


Accompanied by a brief stabbing pain, a drop of dark red blood gushed out and dropped into the silver liquid.

After the blood merged into it, the originally calm silver liquid suddenly surged, as if it was alive.

It squirmed and attached to Mo Yu's clothes, and then disappeared, so it couldn't be found just by looking at it.

"It doesn't seem to be anything special."

Mo Yu tried to move his body, but he didn't feel any inconvenience at all.

He could feel the presence of the Moon Spirit Essence, but as El-Melloi II said, without magic power, it can only exert basic effects.

But that's fine, he just wanted to bring himself some convenience.

At this time, Fujimaru Lixiang came over, she had already discussed with the followers, the current Gem Weng is not something they can defeat.

Even Alaya is under control.

Then there is only one way, to change or eliminate the past Gem Weng, to fix the distortion.

As for the source of the distortion..

She took a peek at the guy who was playing with the materials, and from what the jeweler said, it seemed that the guy left later.

"We're ready to go back."

After handing over the negotiated items to the other party, they reorganized by the way.

Although Gem Weng captured all the humans and sealed the followers, he did not touch the things in the Chaldean warehouse.

Therefore, all the materials inside have been preserved intact.

It would be a headache if the materials were taken away.

I can't pay what I promised, and I don't know what the priest will do.

"Actually, you don't need to worry, you just need to go back to the one minute after you left. You have enough time to prepare."

Mo Yu replied without turning his head, holding a purple heart of a wild god in his hand and looking at it.

"No, we're ready."

"Okay, let's go." Putting the heart of the god back into the box, he took the silver key and opened the 'door' of time.

I have seen it once before, and now I can see it more clearly.

Fujimaru Tatsuka's gaze rested on the silver key for a moment, what exactly is this key?Noble Phantasm?Magic props?

Even Chaldea, with its top-notch technology and magic, cannot travel through time so easily.

Could it be that the opponent's ability to control time comes from this silver key?

"You can go."

After opening the time 'door', Mo Yu pulled the handle on the side of the box and dragged it inside.

This box is full of various materials, so the weight is naturally not light.

Seeing the 'door' opened, Fujimaru Tatsuka looked away. Although she was curious about the key, it was very difficult to get it.

It was already difficult to deal with, but now with the addition of the Moon Spirit Essence, it is even more troublesome.

After passing through the dark vortex, they reappeared outside the Order's headquarters.

"Then bye~ I wish you all good luck." After summoning the ghouls to help carry things, Mo Yu withdrew first.

Tonight's harvest was simply beyond expectations.

Although I'm not sure what use these things will be, it's okay to simply collect them, maybe they will be useful in the future.

Get it if you can get it, let it go if you can't get it, it's pretty good to take home and put it on the shelf as a decoration (good Zhao's).

Although it's a bit strange to put something like a heart as an ornament.

Everyone in Chaldea is also planning to find the jewel of this time.

As for how to find it, there is always a way, as long as the other party does not go to the parallel world.

. . . . . .

"It's all messed up. The gem man was turned into a villain by me, and Chaldea's house was ransacked."

"The Holy Grail War is not over yet. Is it too much trouble?"

After returning to the residence, recalling what happened just now, Mo Yu himself was a little messy.

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