With this person's strength, he can completely beat the three gods in Greece.

So this time it's the elite stream?

The gods left, and the monsters also retreated, leaving only a messy city.

Seeing this, Mo Yu went down from the top of the building, fighting on the broken ground, and walked to the point where he fell.

I saw a clod of soil protruding from the deep pit, and then a bald head drilled out.

"Huh? Are you leaving?"

Saitama got out from the ground, shook his body, and shook the mud off his clothes.

The counterattack just now had no effect on him.

However, he was a little excited.

finally!Finally, there is an opponent who can withstand his serious punches!

Ever since he was able to finish off an enemy with one punch, he has never met an opponent who can withstand a second punch.

This kind of mood of meeting his opponent again made his indifferent feelings rarely have a relatively large ups and downs.

When hitting the opponent, the touch feels very hard, completely different from the previous ones, like a fragile product that can be broken at the touch of a touch.

Then, he noticed Mo Yu standing nearby, who was looking at him quietly.

"Mo Yu, are you also here to fight against the weirdo?"

"I'm just passing by, so come and have a look."

Finding that Qiyu had no injuries other than the torn clothes, Mo Yu could only sigh inwardly, the laws of this universe are really strange.

After unlocking the limiter, you can grow to such an unimaginable level.

If there is no life limit, ruling the universe is by no means a joke.

"It looks like it's over, so I'll go first."

Seeing the explosion, Mo Yu smiled, turned and left.

The matter is not over yet, God seems to be very angry this time, it can't do it directly because of the rules, but it will definitely not let it go.

Anyway, things are going well on my own side, although the means are more insidious than God's.

But useful and efficient.

Blasting also saw Mo Yu leaving, but now he has no time to care about that.

The situation seems to be the same as he expected, with a gap of [-] million points.

Instead of being dealt with, God was enraged.

At that time, it looked like it was going to attack, but it stopped for some reason.

But that doesn't mean it's all right. Before the crack closed, the angry neighing could still be heard.

This time I finally defended the city, and found hope of victory.

. . . . . .

After leaving, Mo Yu returned to City Z first, but the Weird Association was very quiet.

It seems that all the staff are dispatched.

Even if the weirdo king wasn't there, he probably went together.

"It looks pretty good now, I hope it can maintain its rationality when it is angry, it will be even better if it can't keep it~"

He picked up the walkie-talkie on the desktop and pressed the call button: "Dr. Genos! Have all those cities been taken?"

"It's all taken down, BOSS, the Heroes Association has no time to take care of other things now, and our plan here is going well."

"Very well, by the way, what's your number?"

Because there are so many clones, they are usually called by numbers.

"I'm number 44."

"...I have a bad feeling, why keep such an unlucky number?"

Although the numerical number is unlucky, the reported situation is very good.

It has to be said that people's premonitions are sometimes so accurate. The two cities that had escaped before were attacked again the next day.

Moreover, the number of 550 cities attacked this time has doubled.

The Monster Association is fully mobilized, and even the Monster King Da She is not idle, and there are some special monsters.

The city was reduced to a battlefield, buildings collapsed, and citizens fled in panic.

The special monster is full of flames, can hardly be hurt by weapons, and is also very powerful.

This kind of opponent who can't even touch is really like a hedgehog.

From the current situation, Mo Yu could see a message.

That is, it is in a hurry.

As it turns out, God was indeed in a bit of a hurry.

However, the tactical aspect is very good, using multi-threaded combat.

The association is already in a hurry.

Mo Yu is not far behind here either, the cities are breaking away from their original control one by one.

. . . . .

in the Hero Association.

"How? Has the situation improved?"

In the face of the Weird Association attacking the city, the Heroes Association also started trouble.

The trembling tornado suddenly fell into a coma for unknown reasons.

Chapter 350 The Third Strange Picture

Originally, the association's manpower was not enough, and now that Tornado, one of the strongest fighters, has passed out, which makes people feel heavy.

Moreover, the specific cause of the coma has not yet been ascertained.

Fortunately, after the examination of the instrument, it was determined that everything was normal.

On the other hand, the Weird Association attacked almost day and night, exhausting the people of the Heroes Association.

Physically, weirdos are basically stronger than humans.

There are still a lot of heroes, and because the heroes are scattered in various cities, each city has a relatively limited station.

It's okay to deal with scattered weird incidents, but it's not so good if it's like this kind of war.

Blast has not yet recovered from his injuries, and Tornado has fallen into a coma, making the situation even more hopeless.

Other S-level heroes have limited roles,

It is impossible for a person to fall into a coma for no reason, and there must be various reasons for this.

After a series of investigations, Blast remembered one thing.

Didn't he also faint once before?

Only that time, it was man-made,

. . . . .

"So you came to see me? But I don't know how to see a doctor either."

Mo Yu who was going out was stopped by someone who had been waiting.

But the only thing that Blast could think of now was him.

"It would be great if it could wake her up, but it's okay if it doesn't work." Now it's just a try, at least it's better than doing nothing.

Anyway, the situation is already so bad, can it get any worse?

Tornado must wake up, the Association needs her strength now.

Facing the request, Mo Yu agreed to take a look after thinking for a while.

It's not that it must be solved, if it can't be solved, then forget it.

Seeing that he agreed, the explosion didn't waste time, and he was taken to the hospital immediately.

In the special ward of City A Hospital, Tornado was lying on the bed, beside the bed were testing equipment and staff.

"You all go out first~ˇ."

As soon as the blasting went in, let the people inside go outside.

After there were only three people left in the room, Mo Yu asked the plague doctor to check.

It was later learned that she was in good health and had no problems.

'There appears to be no physical cause of the coma. '

He believed in the test results of the family members, so it meant that the problem was mental.

Just what about the mental aspect?

Should I go straight into her consciousness to see it?It's also... well, it seems to work.

Dreaming is a product created by human consciousness, so it is not impossible to enter the consciousness of others.

He took a chair from around and sat down. Before starting, he warned: "Don't disturb me later, I will use a special method to check her consciousness."

"I see."

In fact, there is a plague doctor, even if someone wants to make trouble, it is not easy.

After getting ready, Mo Yu leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes and passed out.

Although he looked like he was in a coma, it was actually because his consciousness had left his body.

A wriggling irregular illusory body of consciousness is floating above the body.

This is Mo Yu's plan, to directly use his consciousness to enter the consciousness of the tornado to check what is going on.

. . . . .

Human consciousness is not a fun place.

Just like the previous movie "Inception", consciousness is also layered, and the deeper the layer, the more dangerous it is.

After Mo Yu entered the consciousness of Tornado, he came to a strange place.

There are guys in white coats everywhere, and it looks like a research institute.

After entering here, an invisible force seemed to want to shape his appearance, but it couldn't be done at all.

'Strange, is this a dream? 'I always feel that it doesn't seem like it. Those people around completely ignore Mo Yu and walk around on their own.

After some searching, he really found the tornado.

At this time, the other party was being locked in a special 'room' made of glass.

".~Why don't you come out? This is in your consciousness, nothing can trap you."

Facing the inquiry, the tornado who was in a daze seemed to respond a bit.

"But I can trap myself." A familiar voice sounded, and then Mo Yu saw another tornado appear in the room.

The appearance seems to be the same as the one in the room, but there is a strange smile on his face.

"Are you a tornado?" I always feel that there is nothing strange, but at the level of consciousness, it is strange.

And on the second tornado, there was a thin line extending from the top of the head, and it didn't know where it went.

'Why are there two consciousnesses?What is that line again? '

A tentacle (of Li Li's) stretched out from Mo Yu's consciousness, clinging to the thin thread.

At the moment of touching, he seemed to see a strange picture.

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