Eighty percent of them are still alive, otherwise there is no need to bring out a corpse.

"It's really strange, I didn't see how you did it at all, I didn't even see a trace, how did you do it?"

It was an instant attack, appearing suddenly, but the opponent still stood at the door without moving.

This is not something that can be done by speed at all. It is impossible to do this in one second.

Mo Yu tilted his head mischievously, smiled and responded in a brisk tone: "Who knows, it might be like this or that, and it was done."

"Well, we'll meet again."

The Night King also understood that the other party would not speak out, and suddenly a black mist surged around him, and then disappeared into the mist.

The whole process didn't take more than two seconds, so Mo Yu didn't have time to react.

Chapter 120 How about burning this pair of idiots and demons to death?

"Really, let him run away."

It was to be expected that the Night King would run away.

It's just that he didn't expect that Jingzi was hit by the grenade at close range, but he didn't die.

The vitality of the magic girl is really strong. Of course, it is also possible that the night king saved her.

The movement of the explosion just now has already aroused the ideas of the surrounding neighbors.

"Let's withdraw first. It would be bad if we were treated as murderers."

"Come here, grab me."

Seeing that the three of them were still in a daze, probably because they hadn't recovered yet, Mo Yu simply grabbed the wrists of Lily Bell and Medusa, and then stepped on the snake tail of the evil sauce with his feet.

Time surged, and the world turned gray again.

At this time, the three teammates gradually came back to their senses, and looked at the gray world suspiciously, not understanding what was going on.

"I'll talk about it later, Xie Shen Jiang, hold my clothes and don't let them go, or I will be rejected."

"We have three minutes to leave, so hurry up."

The single time stop is 3 minutes, but there is no cooldown, as long as the divine power is 290 enough, you can enter again after being repelled.

It's just that he doesn't want to waste his divine power, and recovery is relatively slow.

The three who didn't understand the situation could only follow what he said and leave.

On the way, Baihe Ling keenly noticed that everything around her was still.

Whether it was the cool evening breeze at night or the occasional sounds from the houses, they all disappeared.

A wild dog on the side of the road was urinating against the electric pole, and it was also frozen at this time, like a gray photo.

It was like, the whole world was paused.


Withdrawing her gaze, Bai Heling quietly turned her head and looked at Mo Yu who was walking forward. This was not ordinary at all.

But it's also really strange, it looks like it should be very powerful, but when I was fighting with the evil sauce, I was suppressed.

Is that great, or not great?

This person, just like his unpredictable thoughts, is mysterious and weird.

As if aware of someone looking at him, Mo Yu turned his head to meet Bai Heling's gaze: "What are you doing?"

"how did you do that?"

"It's very simple. Entering the time gap, there is an infinite gap between the previous second and the next second, and time will be like a pause."

"But there is no way to affect any object in normal time and space. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

Lily Ling turned her head, looked around, and quickly locked on to the plant wall of a certain family.

So when passing by, I reached out to pick some leaves.

But the originally soft plant leaves were as hard as steel at this time, and her fingers hurt, but she couldn't shake it at all.

"Really, there's no way to affect these things."

"But how did you attack them just now?" Since you can't affect things here, how did you attack them?

Mo Yu didn't hide it either. After all, this kind of thing is relatively easy to think of after thinking about it seriously.

"The only things that can be used and moved are the things that are brought into the gap of time, otherwise why would they pull you."

"I am here, so you can move in the time gap. If you leave, you will be repelled back to the normal time and space."

With this explanation, Lily Bell immediately understood the attack method just now.

Attacking in the time gap will freeze, and when he returns to normal time and space, the attack will continue.

"Are you really human?"

At this time, Baihe Ling also had doubts in her heart, can human beings control time?

"Of course I am, I'm 100% human, (beeg) and very normal, I can't even use magic."

"But you can control the time."

"This is a long story, so I won't talk about it."

When 3 minutes passed, the gray world instantly returned to its original color, and they were already some distance away from the residential house where the murder occurred.

"Okay, just go here."

After returning to normal time and space, Mo Yu let go of their hands, and then just walked back.

After Medusa let go, she blushed and shrank next to the evil sauce. She was instinctively shy after being held by the opposite sex for so long.

On the other hand, Lily Ling was still as calm as usual, but there was something strange in her heart, after all, she had never had any contact with the opposite sex except her family members.

She has been single so far, and although many boys have confessed to her, she has no interest in it.

"Okay, next, is Medusa going home? We can send you off first."

"Ah? Me?" Medusa raised her head, avoiding her eyes and daring not to look directly at him: "Well, it's a little late, and I have no car to go back. Can I stay in the apartment for one night?"

"That's no problem. My bed is very wide. Do you want to sleep together?"

"Hey!? No no no no need!! I'll just sleep with Xie Shen Jiang, that's fine!" For a moment, Medusa's face became more rosy, and she was so nervous that she stuttered.

"Hey~ Just kidding, Medusa is really innocent, it's so interesting to flirt with~" Seeing that the effect was as expected, Mo Yu showed a happy smile on his face that the scheme had succeeded.

Seeing this, the Cthulhu put on an unkind stance: "A waste of human beings! I can't stand you bullying Medusa anymore! I want you to experience the special revenge version of the little Cthulhu Flying Kick I prepared!!"

"Ten thousand yen, you didn't hear anything just now." Mo Yu took out the ten thousand yen bill and shook it, and the money disappeared in a second.

The evil sauce instantly changed his face, and put away the money contentedly: "I didn't hear anything~"

Bai Heling looked at her speechlessly, feeling disgusted in her heart: "It's unfortunate that Medusa has you as a friend."

"Well~ she should be so lucky, she has found the value of her own existence because of me, and that is to be my A! T! M! Forever!"

Medusa couldn't help but burst into tears of excitement, staring at her best friend: "Cthulhu sauce!"

The two people next to them seemed to be the background board, watching this strange scene, they felt an inexplicable impulse.

With a dark face, Mo Yu said in a tone full of resentment: "Lily Ling, will you set fire? How about burning this pair of idiots and demons to death?"

"No, but I can provide a lighter. Go find a barrel of gasoline." Lily Ling raised a hand and took out a lighter from nowhere, with a sinister expression on her face.

Chapter 130 Chronos

The matter of the King of the Night has come to an end for the time being, as long as their IQs are good, they should not come again.

Kyoko is probably also a pawn in the Night King's plan, and he will not allow the pawn to cause accidents in his plan because of personal feelings.

Mo Yu didn't see through the other party, but he knew it would happen.

Chess pieces are tools, and if the tools get out of control, it will cause headaches.

"Is it really okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine."

Mo Yu gave an affirmative answer to Medusa's worries.

"Besides, I live upstairs, so you can hear anything if you shout."

"Okay, that's it, tomorrow's breakfast doesn't have to be mine."

Feeling tired enough today, he yawned and went upstairs, planning to sleep until noon tomorrow.

Watching his back going up the stairs, Baiheling suddenly remembered something, and shouted to the front: "Mo! Remember not to use that ability to do strange things!"


Hearing this, Mo Yu turned his head, his face full of resentment: "Who do you think I am? How could I use my time to peek at girls' skirts!"

"do you want to see?"

Mo Yu nodded, and replied in a serious tone: "I don't want to, not at all."

Lily Bell: "...Your body is really honest."

"It's just a habit. I personally despise this kind of behavior."

It seems totally unbelievable.

However, Lily Bell believed it, her intuition was not wrong.

"Hey~ Then I'll go back and rest."

Seeing that he had already gone upstairs, Lily Bell also said to the other two: "Then let's rest too, Medusa, don't worry, we are all here, everything will be fine."

"Well, thank you all."

Medusa is very touched by how everyone cares about her.

"Speaking of which, Minos seems to have mentioned that he will come to the world after a while."

"Nani?! Minos! Is she coming to the world too?!" Hearing this, the evil sauce grabbed Medusa's shoulder excitedly: "Great! As long as Minos helps! Then kill me!" Oh... well, it's great for her to come and play!"

Huh~ I almost said it, but luckily I reacted quickly!

The Cthulhu, who was relieved, subconsciously glanced at Lily Bell, and suddenly froze with fright.

Lily Bell's face was gloomy, showing dangerous eyes: "Cthulhu, what did you say to kill?"

"Kill, kill? What kill? Did I say that? Hahahaha~"

Xie Shen Jiang scratched his head, so nervous that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and hurriedly walked home in order to get away with it.

"It's so late, let's go home early and take a shower!"

Lily Bell: "This guy..."

She knew that the other party must be planning to kill her again.

However, this kind of thing happens from time to time, it can be regarded as a daily event.

It's just that Minos just mentioned, what kind of demon is it?

"Medusa, can you introduce me to Minos?"


Medusa would be very happy if Minos could become friends with Lily Bell, so she introduced Minos in detail.

. . . . . .

"The matter has been settled for the time being. It seems that the King of the Night rescued Jingzi."

Lying in the bathtub and taking a hot bath, Mo Yu was thinking about what happened tonight.

Probably Jingzi is one of the more important chess pieces, otherwise there is no need to rescue him.

After all, snatching someone from Ariel is not an easy task.

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