After politely thanking her, she walked into the station, and Mo Yu also turned around and went back.

Dreamland, it's time to explore.

Chapter 130 Six Walking Down the Stairway to Deep Sleep

"Remember to wake me up at seven o'clock tomorrow morning if you don't wake up."

The place in the dreamland, he only knows that it is different from the physical laws of reality.

Be careful when going in, after all, if something happens to the conscious body in the dreamland, the main body may also be affected.

"Any way?"

"Yes, any way, but not too hard."


After telling the system, you can feel at ease.

He was worried that the flow of time would be different, a few hours over there, and a few days here.

It's like when a person sleeps, he can't feel the time at all. It seems that only a short while has passed, but it has actually been seven or eight hours.

The "three zeros" that need to be used are also stuffed into the storage space as much as possible.

Ready, he took out the book and started reading, and let the system monitor the SAN value.

Remind yourself when you reach that range, if you pass it, you will be troubled.

After about 40 minutes, Mo Yu already felt a little tired.

The reading time that exceeds the limit makes the mental fatigue begin to increase significantly.

The system prompts that the SAN value is starting to plummet, but this is exactly what he wants.

To lower it to that range, a large amount of consumption is necessary.

"Host, stop"

The moment the system prompt was issued, he immediately closed his eyes and closed the book.

"How much is it now?"

"SAN value is 78, you can try to enter"

This value is just right, and the next step is the most important step, whether to reach the edge of the dreamland.

Putting away the books, he lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and emptied out distracting thoughts.

Mental exhaustion, let the drowsiness well up very smoothly.

Before he knew it, his consciousness seemed to travel through endless time and space to a certain mysterious place.

. . . . . .


With a familiar meow, the person lying on the ground at the end of the stairs suddenly opened his eyes.

Seeing the dark cave roof, Mo Yu sat up straight away, and his consciousness quickly came to his senses: "Successful, it really has something to do with the SAN value, but I don't know whether it will inevitably come in, or within this range, increasing the probability of entering. '

If it's the former, it's even better.

In this way, you can come in whenever you need it, and the latter depends on luck.


The cat's meow diverted Mo Yu's attention. He looked towards the source of the sound strangely, and saw a black cat squatting on the ground a few meters away.

It has black hair and scarlet eyes, the one from last time.

"Why did you come to me again, or did you say you were waiting for me?" He got up and patted the dust off his clothes, went to squat down in front of the black cat, and picked it up with his hands.

"But I don't have time to play with you today, I'm going to the Dreamland."


"Do you want to go there together?" Even though he didn't understand cat language, Mo Yu somehow understood its meaning.

Although it feels strange, but thinking about it, this is a dreamland, which is different from reality. It is not too bizarre to understand the meaning of cats.

Although cats are fairly intelligent animals in the real world, they belong to the intelligent race in the dreamland.

I don't know why the cat came looking for me, but there is no danger.

Its family is not those brutal races, it is relatively kind.

"Let's go down together then."

Mo Yu hugged the cat and walked down the steps. This is the light sleep ladder, with a total of 77 steps.

After a while, he came to the boundary between light sleep and deep sleep. Looking at the longer and wider steps below, he continued to walk down without hesitation.

There are 777 steps in the Stairway to Deep Sleep, which is a bit long, and the brighter it gets as it goes down.

In the originally slightly dark passage, the walls began to turn red, and flames ignited...

This scene made Mo Yu feel very familiar, as if he had seen it before.

But I can't remember it, I just have that feeling, the sense of sight that I have been here before.

Maybe he really came here, he couldn't remember the specific memory of the first dreamland.

But the second time it is very clear that it is possible that I walked down the steps the previous time, but I forgot about it when I went back.

The temperature brought by these flames is not high, it just feels a little hot.

The further down you go, the stronger the flame.

When you walk down the last step, you will enter a cave full of flames, and two tall humanoid beings covered in flames are standing in front of a certain door.


Although these two existences exuded a chilling aura, Mo Yu still walked forward.

His approach caused the two gatekeepers to move, staring down at the approaching humans.

Mo Yu stopped in front of the door, raised his head slightly and said loudly: "Nasht! Kaman-Thah! Please open the door to the dreamland!"

These two names are the 4.6 characters of the name of the gatekeeper who guards the gate in the Flame Cave.

To enter through the gate, you must obtain their permission, otherwise you can only use other methods to enter, but those methods are accompanied by certain dangers.

After staring at it for a few seconds, two gatekeepers who looked like flame giants turned sideways and pressed their hands on a door respectively, pushing hard.

The huge door opened slowly, and a bright light shone through the crack of the door.

Mo Yu tried his best to calm down his excitement, and walked towards the opened door, his figure disappeared in the light inside the door.

Then the gate slowly closed, and the two gatekeepers returned to their original postures, as if nothing had happened.

Chapter 130 Seven Enchanted Forest

When the soft light disappeared, Mo Yu fully opened his eyes.

In front of him is no longer the scenery of the Flame Cave, but a lush and dense forest.

It's obviously a conscious body, but he smells it.

Mixed with the smell of rotting vegetation, this is not surprising in the dense forest where the sun is not easy to shine.

The strange thing is that the conscious body still has a sense of smell, which is a kind of information generated by human neurons after receiving molecules in the air and transmitting them to the brain.

The existence of a sense of smell in the conscious body is an incredible thing in itself.

"It's really a dreamland, completely different from the physical laws of reality." Aware of the abnormality of his body, Mo Yu decided to re-understand himself first, and then act after familiarizing himself with the situation.

Putting down the black cat he was holding, he began to conduct physical tests.

Then I was surprised to find that my physique was about two or three times that of the real world.

He can easily jump to a height of more than two meters, and his skills have become very agile, which is completely incomparable with his real body.

"Is this the power of... 14 consciousness?"

After thinking about it, he probably understood what was going on.

In the dreamland, illusion is reality. His consciousness body was originally illusion, but here it became a reality.

Similarly, the physique after transforming into an entity is also related to the strength of the conscious body.

In reality, his SAN value is more than twice the strength of ordinary people.

The SAN value is linked to reason and spirit, while improving, the spirit is naturally also getting stronger.

"This is really good. It's not wasting my efforts to improve the SAN value."

In reality, his body is the five scum of war, but here, he is the ten scum of war! !

After figuring out the situation, he glanced at the ancient stone door behind him and left.

The black cat wagged its tail and followed leisurely, not knowing why.

. . . . . .

Enchanted Forest, the area you arrive at after entering the Dreamland through the Flame Cave.

In this forest, there are many strange creatures and some intelligent races.

And most of them are not found on the earth, for example, a plant that Mo Yu found now grows in a small open space in the forest.

On the two-meter-high flower stalk, there is a lavender fruit the size of an apple, exuding a sweet fragrance.

Looks like something good.

"My luck seems to be good." Mo Yu was a little happy to discover something when he first arrived. Although this forest looks gloomy, it doesn't seem to be very dangerous.


After taking two steps, the black cat suddenly stopped in front of him, baring its teeth and making a slightly sharp cry.


After understanding the meaning it expressed, Mo Yu immediately stopped and became vigilant.

When I re-observed the surroundings of the plant, I found some abnormalities.

Within three meters of that plant, there were no other plants.

This obvious abnormal situation, I actually ignored it carelessly,

How could there be a small open space in the dense forest where nothing grew, and the surrounding soil was obviously not dry.

He looked at the ground around him, then picked up a stone and threw it to where the purple fruit was.

The moment the stone fell to the ground, the surrounding ground instantly bulged.

"Fuck! Piranha!?"

Seeing this sudden appearance, Mo Yu's eyes almost popped out.

Although the color is khaki, the big mouth with sharp teeth and the body of the plant are really too similar to the piranhas in those film and television game works!

If he had walked over unprepared just now, he would definitely be swallowed.

This ghostly place is so dangerous!

It was almost a cold start, but fortunately there was a black cat to remind me.

How could he have imagined that this piranha-like monster would hide underground and wait for its prey to take the bait.

"I'll go, it's troublesome now."

Finding that no prey had been caught, the piranha slowly opened its big mouth and hid underground again, using the vibrations to cover its body with the soil, leaving only the flower stalk with the purple fruit behind.

This camouflage can't be seen at all, it's absolutely perfect.

Mo Yu didn't dare go to pick it up, the thing grew in the mouth of the piranha, and it was really waiting for the prey to enter the mouth by itself.

But it would be a bit reconciled to give up like this.

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