Hatsune Miku gently touched her lips with her right index finger, her annoyed face covered with frost gradually thawed out, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

The Kiss just now was actually not bad, but it was too embarrassing, especially when she couldn't hold back her shame and made a sound, it was even more embarrassing.

The consequence of this is that the shame turns into annoyance.

To put it simply, it is embarrassing.

Volume 172: Her Royal Highness The World's No. [-] Princess: Chapter [-] "Dragon Tooth's Fox Fairy Girlfriend" (bushi)

[Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] has become more and more famous in AcFun and Bilibili. Since Hatsune Miku is a member of this group, he also has a small reputation in Niconico [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu].

After 1 minute of deliberation, Bai Sumu decided that it was necessary to expand the market in the Far East, so he asked Miku to help Tianyi, Yanhe, Aling, Xinhua and Longya register accounts on N station, and put them on A The songs from Station B and Station B were moved to Station N.

Tianyi and the others don't sing Far Eastern songs now, but it doesn't mean they won't sing in the future.Maybe in the future, he will write a far east song on a whim for Tianyi and the others to sing.

Among the members of [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu], except for Miku, they all develop in stations A and B, and Miku develops in stations A, B, N and YouTube.

Bai Sumu doesn't think that the Hatsune Miku of this world can recast the glory of the world's number one princess, like the virtual singer Hatsune Miku of another world, but he still hopes that his electronic ghost can get close to the virtual one of another world. diva.

No matter what, he wants Miku to become a world-class idol.He has so many songs, he has the help of the system, and Miku himself is a violation of the rules. If this is not enough, he cannot become the real world's number one princess.

Then he, then he will kneel down to the foster father of the system.

If the system doesn't issue task rewards to make Miku a very popular singer in the whole world, or he is a man born between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time.After overcoming, he sharpened his sword and rebelled against the system, against the beautiful system.

He wants the result, not the process.Whether it's mind control or thought stamps, they are both manly and cute, as long as they can make Miku the number one princess in the world.

In the afternoon, Bai Sumu squeezed between Yan He and Luo Tianyi, taking a nap with the two beautiful girls on the mat.In the virtual dream, while playing games with Miku, he chatted with Aling on the mobile phone made by the virtual dream.

This is sleeping with two beautiful girls, and then chatting with a beautiful girl, and a beautiful girl playing games, but Bai Sumu knew that his heart was broken into many pieces, but he never thought that he could be so broken.

It can’t even be said to be eating what’s in the bowl and looking at what’s in the pot, it’s eating what’s in the bowl and eating what’s in the pot, and going to the back kitchen to steal crazily.

It sounds like it's too much, but it's really too much, but Bai Sumu, who is the person involved, doesn't think it's too much, on the contrary, he doesn't think he's cheating.

Aling is his girlfriend, and Miku is also his girlfriend. How can he be cheating when he chats and plays games with his girlfriends.

How can it be repaired!Don't underestimate stealth!If chatting with crickets and playing games can be considered stealing, then what is going to bed!

During the summer vacation, Bai Sumu played all day long, not to mention all day long.

Play during the day, and take a nap with Yanhe or Tianyi in the afternoon.If he is lucky, he doesn't have to choose, and he can sleep with two people like today.

Chat with Aling while sleeping, chat with Xinhua who occasionally goes online, play video games with Miku or take a nap in the virtual world.

Lezheng Longya?Who is that?

I don’t know each other, even if I know them, I’m not familiar with them, really unfamiliar, okay?

During the summer vacation, Bai Sumu, Luo Tianyi, Yanhe, and Hatsune Miku were all playing, Lezhengling and Lezheng Longya were attending cram school, and Xinhua was doing summer work.

Le Zhengling and Xinhua were both complaining when chatting with Bai Sumu, one complained about the harsh environment of the cram school, and the other complained about the hard work of summer workers.

The environment of Lezheng Ling's cram school is not to say that people hate dogs, but it is also the anger of both humans and gods.

There is no air conditioner in the cram school, but there is an electric fan, but it is a small fan hanging on the wall. It looks very old and can't turn its head.

There are not many people in the classroom for class, but the classroom is not big, and the lighting rate is particularly good. The sun often shines into the classroom through the windows, warming the classroom. In summer, I still wear shorts and short sleeves. Trembling classmate.

The students were shaking with anger.

The classrooms of this cram school are rented. The parents of these students paid so much money to make up the lessons, and the teaching is good, but if they charge so much money, can they make the teaching environment better?

Don't count on the air conditioner, the electric fan with a higher power that can let everyone blow it will work.

Lezheng Longya felt that the wind from that broken electric fan was not as strong as his fart.

That's fucking outrageous Open up the door for outrageous, outrageous home.

Why is it such a hot weather, when others are playing happily in an air-conditioned Internet cafe, he wants to listen to the teacher's lecture here.

Lezheng Longya didn't understand.

Looking at the teacher who was tirelessly lecturing in front of the blackboard, he didn't know whether it was because the weather was too hot or the teacher was too annoying. He felt very irritable.Annoyed, he wanted to hit, bite, and eat.

If they had known him earlier, they would have listened to Ah Ling, and the two jointly said that they should not make up lessons and go to the countryside to play.

Ah Ling is the apple of the eye in the family. Although he said he has no status in the family, he is still his own son. If the two of them had a quarrel, they would definitely be chasing chickens and dogs in the countryside by now.

Maybe he met his fox fairy girlfriend.

Lezheng Longya, who watched "My Fox Fairy Girlfriend", is full of innocent fantasies about fox fairies, even if there are no fox fairy girlfriends, yellow fairy girlfriends, white fairy girlfriends, willow fairy girlfriends, and gray fairy girlfriends.

If this is not enough, then the pen fairy, the dish fairy... Forget it, forget it.

Only in the second year of junior high school, the XP system of Lezheng Longya, which will soon be in the third year of junior high school, has not been upgraded or is so crooked that it needs to see a doctor.

In the hot weather, Lezhengling and Lezheng Longya were suffering, and Xinhua was not much better.

Xinhua is more comfortable than Lezheng Ling and Lezheng Longya.She has an electric fan, but she has no rest time and has to do handwork from morning till night.

It was difficult for her to find a summer job as a minor, and her family was worried that she would go outside to find a summer job, so they arranged for her to work in a factory to help her mother earn money.

The money earned here will be divided into [-] to [-]%.

She is three and mother is seven.

She can get [-]% of it depending on her mother's face.

Xinhua couldn't say "Stand up and make money". She had watched "Let the Bullets Fly", and she watched it with Yan He, A Ling, Tian Yi, and Hei Xu, but would she dare to say that? .

Don't dare, and can't say.

Having said that, she was just trying to die.

She's not Long Ya, who is uncomfortable and uncomfortable.I don't know that No zuo no die, but I have to go to die and die.

Of course, just because Xinhua didn't dare to say such things to her mother, it doesn't mean she won't complain when chatting with Bai Sumu.In QQ, Xinhua has a lot of bitterness towards Bai Sumu, and often says that it would be great if she were also a cat, so that she can be happy and carefree.

Picture: "It's ridiculously home", location: "Images/1644498983-100280191-108345889.jpg"

Volume 173, Her Royal Highness The World's No. [-] Princess: Chapter [-] The gun is fast beyond seven steps, and the gun is fast and accurate within seven steps

Summer vacation is coming to an end.

The two-month summer vacation, both Luo Tianyi and Yan He felt that it was very short, and the time passed in a blink of an eye, while Le Zhengling, Lezheng Longya, and Xinhua felt that the two-month summer vacation was too long, it was simply too long. It's "The Endless July" and "The Endless August".For two months, Bai Sumu was learning songs, because the two monthly tasks of the summer vacation were to let him learn songs.

Three days before the end of the summer vacation, Luo Tianyi, Le Zhengling, Yan He, and Xin Hua went out to watch a movie together.

Bai Sumu didn't want to go, but he still followed Luo Tianyi as he couldn't hold back.

School will start in a few days, and the four girls who are about to go to the third grade of junior high school will inevitably talk about school and class placement when they get together.

At the end of July, the grades of the students of Xia Yun Middle School came out, but the grade rankings had not yet been released. If you want to know the grades, you need to ask the teacher.

Both Yan He and Le Zhengling called the teacher to ask about their grades, and they also tacitly helped to ask about Tianyi's grades.The grades of the three of them are very good. It is a sure thing to enter the top [-] in the grade, and there may be a place for Yanhe and A Ling in the top [-] of the grade.

Xinhua and Lezheng Longya in the same class tacitly did not ask the teacher about their grades.

Xinhua didn't want to call the teacher to ask about her grades. If she wanted to say why, she was afraid of being a stranger, afraid of the teacher, and afraid that her grades would be bad and the teacher would scold her.

In the class, her grades are above the middle. She has no friends, does not make trouble, is not conspicuous, and has a relatively weak sense of existence. In the eyes of the teacher, she is a small and transparent character.

If possible, she hopes that she can spend these three years in an unobtrusive way.When they graduated, the students couldn't think of her when they recalled their campus life.

Calling to ask about grades obviously conflicts with the word "not eye-catching".

When the final grades come out, it would be good if half of the students in the class ask for the grades. Maybe even less than half of them will ask for the grades.

She might have asked the teacher to remember this question, and if that was the case, all her previous efforts would have been wasted.

Moreover, she can still spend a busy but safe summer vacation without asking the grades. If she asks about the grades, the "difficult to maintain" family relationship will be shattered.

Lezheng Longya's words were simply too lazy to ask, no matter whether his grades in the exam were good or not, the teacher couldn't let go of the opportunity to scold him.Who made him the most mischievous student in the class, not one of them.

Other boys can't compare to him when it comes to skin, bears, or making trouble for the teacher.He is like an elephant stuck in the toilet, he can really make things difficult for the teacher.

Bai Sumu and four girls, Xinhua, Yan He, Luo Tianyi, and Le Zhengling, played outside for a day.

He said he played for a day, but in fact he spent most of the time sleeping in his schoolbag, looking for Miku to play in the virtual dream world.

It was a joy to play with Miku, especially after further mua with Miku it was a real joy.

I can even kiss Miku, can this astringency be far behind?

In the last two days of the summer vacation, Luo Tianyi started to do homework, creating the miracle once again.

Luo Tianyi finished her homework in one day, and she slept through the night before the last day.

Sleep during the day, sleep at night, and wake up at dawn, and the summer vacation is officially over.

In the new semester, Luo Tianyi became a third-year student.

When she arrived at school, she looked at the class division. She was in the same class as Yan He and Xin Hua, both in Class 1 of the third year, and A Ling and Long Ya were in the same class, in Class 2 of the third year.

Xinhua knew that she was very surprised when she was in Class 1 of the third year. She didn't expect that she didn't fail in the final exam, but instead performed supernormally and entered the top [-] of the whole grade.

It would be an understatement to say that she performed supernormally. She is a superstar. She jumped to the top [-] when she was hovering between the [-] and [-]. This is not a superstar.

When it came to the third day of junior high school, Luo Tianyi's leisurely life was over.In the last year of junior high school, she will work hard and sprint for the key high school.

Knowing that the students in the third grade of junior high school are addicted to school and cannot extricate themselves, Bai Sumu spends less and less time going to school.His cat goes to school, just stays in the classroom doing nothing, and it can also make some students no longer obsessed with studying, but addicted to his beauty and unable to extricate themselves.

There's no way, who made his cute little kitten look like a fish and a wild goose, and the moon is ashamed.If this was included in "If History Was a Group of Meows", he would either be Bao Si or Chen Yuanyuan.

"Well, sometimes it's a sin to be too pretty."

Bai Sumu touched his face, his indescribable appearance made Hatsune Miku next to him want to hit someone.

"Hmph, since you're so pretty, then castrate and be a girl."

Hatsune Miku paused the game, put down the handle and made a gesture of raising a knife.

"Why do you have to be a girl to be beautiful? Boys can't be beautiful. Who said you have to be a girl to be beautiful? Do you discriminate against men and think that men can't be beautiful. Hey, Puxin Jurchen bow down."

Bai Sumu tried to punch.

"What nonsense are you talking about again?"

Hatsune Miku did not receive Bai Sumu's punch, but dodged it.She could understand Xiaobai's previous words, but she couldn't understand the latter one.

What does Puxin girl mean?What's next?Is it the same thing as the head drop technique?

"It's nothing."

Bai Sumu shook his head.

It's really sad that Miku can't understand meme.He can still explain some stalks to Miku, but he can't explain some stalks to Miku.


Hatsune Miku held his chin in one hand, looking at Bai Sumu beside him.


Bai Sumu agreed, with a puzzled look on his face.

"I'm boring."

Hatsune Miku leaned on Bai Sumu's body and poked Bai Sumu's face with his index finger.

"Squeeze together."

Bai Sumu said in a serious manner that he was easy to catch, oh no, it was the words that had already been caught.

"No. No Shishi, no Shishi, castrate Shishi!"

Hatsune Miku spoke vicious words with a flat face.

"It's the most poisonous woman's heart, and I will be castrated at every turn. If I am castrated, your future 'lucky'~! What will you do with your life?"

In the word "lucky", Bai Sumu accentuated and protracted the sound.

"Go to hell, or something else." Hatsune Miku said with disgust.

She stopped leaning on Bai Sumu and restarted the suspended game.She doesn't want to deal with this cat, either SpongeBob SquarePants or Pikachu is in her head, and the color of H is in her empty brain.

"I'm so cute, you have the heart to let me die?"

Bai Sumu pretended to be pitiful with a sad face.

"Be patient. For an elite like you, rice worms will only waste rice in this world, and it's better to die."

A pistol appeared in Hatsune Miku's hand, and she fired three shots at Bai Sumu beside her without even looking at it.

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