The first two will not drop props, they can only see if they can learn the opponent's tricks, so I won't talk about it for now.

The last two are really powerful, all kinds of powerful firearms vehicles in the Houmu warhead, and all kinds of powerful treasures in the Houmu Shi'e Legend.

Needless to say, the degree of danger is not to mention the former, in addition to all kinds of powerful machines and aliens, there is also the god of death, and the latter is a gathering of all kinds of gods, demons and monsters...

This kind of dangerous world, the front is fine, but only someone like Wendy can enter it later, of course, if he/she doesn't fish.

In the end, the arcade world doesn't seem to be entirely real.

For example, only sight, hearing and touch, but no taste and smell.

Then there are most things that cannot be destroyed or even touched, and some places that are obviously houses cannot be entered, etc.

In short, it's not exactly the real world.

The other billiard and chess tables are purely training places, and you can't get any props like arcade machines.

Needless to say, beach bunkers.

The strength of the elk in the Christmas sleigh is not too strong, but it is better because of the large number. There are a total of 12 of them. The main attribute of each is ice, but some have other attributes, plus the advantages of being able to fly and cooperate with each other. , the overall combat power is not bad.

The school drawing board is a very powerful thing. It can present everything you see and think on the drawing board in the type of painting you want. It is relatively ordinary here, but the important thing is that you can spend energy to activate the painting later!

Unfortunately, most of the paintings he could think of required too much energy to be activated, such as all kinds of powerful weapons and equipment, or even characters.

Main text: Chapter 132: Whose paladin is this, kick me now!

Then, whether it is the weapons and equipment or characters that appear after activation, there are some fatal weaknesses, such as fear of water, fire, low temperature, high temperature, and strong wind... Although different types of paintings have some differences in these shortcomings The resistance ability, but it is still a weakness after all. Simply put, the defense is very poor, and it can even be said to be negative, whether it is physical defense or elemental defense.

Finally, according to the different activated paintings, regular maintenance is required to ensure the stability of its ability and image, otherwise there may be wrinkles, fading, ruining, yellowing and darkening, twisting, dents, cracks, crushing, etc. Some dire situations.

General maintenance is basically to avoid direct sunlight, regularly remove dust, pay attention to temperature and humidity, and some also need to use some specific cleaning tools for specific cleaning.

In short, it is a very troublesome thing.

So at present he has not made some bold attempts with this furniture.

The last Ukiyo Kokeshi needs no introduction.

Then there are the items obtained in a ten-game streak yesterday.

In addition to Sirin, Qin also drew a set of repeated stigmata, making Jizi's stigmata reach lv2.

There is one more matrix portal, which is not bad.

The difference between quantity and AB has no effect now, because it is generally placed on the equipment interface and taken out when needed.

Little Mustard Seeds are really needed, and I will give them to other people in the future depending on the situation.

Then there are two new furniture, the black cat rice bowl and the black cat hanging cabinet.

The former can provide unlimited food for pets, that is, all kinds of dog food and cat food, and the taste and nutrition will definitely satisfy all pets.

Although there are no pets for the time being, the effect is not bad, so let's put it outside the castle first, so that you can feed the cats and dogs in the city.

If the black cat hangs the cabinet, it is somewhat useless, that is, it can be hung anywhere, even in the air, and it is basically useless, so it needs to be disassembled.

In addition, if the black cat hanging lamp and the black cat square stool are repeated, the latter will be kept temporarily, and the former will be completely disassembled, and it feels useless.

Then the other two junk weapons and one junk furniture are also directly decomposed.

Finally, there are currently seven college school bags, so there is no need for so many.

Only one is left for Pymont to carry for daily use.

Other clothes, luggage and daily necessities are placed in black cat cartons.

This is furniture similar to a warehouse, which can be classified and placed.

Put it on the equipment interface when you don't need it, and take it out when you need it.

Then, the matrix portal only left a pair of ABs on the equipment interface, and the Bs on the deep side were temporarily placed there, and all the others were disassembled.

After all, now that there is Xiaojiezi to contact, everyone can open the equipment interface, and contact them first when they need to teleport. Naturally, there is no need for so many matrix portals.

After everything that can be decomposed is decomposed.

In total, you can get blue furniture essence x6, purple furniture essence x18, orange furniture essence x144, and blue weapon essence x12.

Plus the original ones are blue furniture essence x42, purple furniture essence x19, orange furniture essence x144, and blue weapon essence x14.

Not to mention the weapons, the furniture can be strengthened.

Langhuan Carpet is upgraded to ????? and strengthened to the highest level.

[Flight speed +500%, wind resistance +500%, internal space +500%]

Then the other furniture took a look.

"Currently the most useful one should be the little mustard seed, let's strengthen it."

A blue furniture essence is shot up.

【Quantity +20%】

A hint appeared, and the original group of five became six.

"this is not bad!"

Continue to strengthen.

【Quantity +400%】

Immediately, there were 20 extra small mustard seeds.

With the original there are 40.

This thing is not afraid of too many, after all, it is equivalent to a prop for contact.

However, the star rise will not be raised for the time being, but all of them will be strengthened to 400%.

In this way, each Ukiyo-Kokeshi becomes a group of 25, and five groups are 125, which should be almost enough.

In the future, if you encounter a need, you can just give it directly, and you don’t have to take care of this and that.

For other furniture, gourmet furniture is temporarily excluded, and we will talk about it later when there are so many essential furniture that there is no place to use them.

Although the effect of the black cat purifier looks ordinary, it is quite useful, so strengthen it.

[Purification effect +500%]

The effect of the four-leaf clover is to increase luck. Although it feels useless, it should be strengthened. Maybe it can be useful?

Both of the repetitions are strengthened.

【Lucky +500%】

If there are two, compared to the original, it is a ten-fold increase in luck.

No matter how bad his luck is, it should be better now, right?

Although the Langhuan Baojian has been used less recently, it is still quite useful and strengthened.

[Map detail +500%, life detection range +500%, attribute detail +500%]

After looking at it, I found that the map presented is no longer a simple location label, but has become a very detailed real-world map, in which you can also see various plants, fruits, minerals, etc.

The life detection range was originally centered on itself with a radius of 1 kilometer, but now it is 6 kilometers.

The diameter is 12 kilometers, and the range is 144 square kilometers, which should be considered very large.

And through this life test combined with the map display, it was found that all places in Mond City have been completely covered.

Even more than a lot.

According to the map, it is speculated that the distance from the gate to the tail of Mond City is about 8 kilometers, the longest distance in the horizontal direction is about 5 kilometers, and the shortest distance is about 2 kilometers.

Much bigger than in the original game.

The overall area is about thirty square kilometers.

It's really very small, it can only be counted as a town at most, and it's just a medium-sized town.

It seems that what he speculated before seems to be correct.

Whether it is the increase in map detail or the increase in the range of life detection, it is very good.

Unfortunately, both have their drawbacks.

The former draws a map and needs to go to the area in person, and cannot scan the surroundings like life detection.

Although the latter can scan the surrounding life, it will only be displayed with different colored light spots.

To put it simply, even if he can now see the real map through this furniture, if there is life in one of the maps, it will only be displayed in the form of light spots, not the real appearance.

So, even if he stays in the bedroom and uses this to check the bathroom when other people are taking a shower, all he sees is a huge light spot taking a shower...

This paladin can be regarded as an absolute powerhouse.

As for the detail of attributes, there are more detailed descriptions of talents, and even countermeasures, and then there are race options and status displays. The former is human, elf, Qiuqiu, etc., while the latter is like normal, injured , Weakness, Poisoning, etc. There are also more detailed attributes, such as movement speed, attack speed, jump height, etc., but in general, it is definitely too lazy to look at it, only when necessary, such as encountering too many The opponent will take a closer look at how to deal with it.

Main text: Chapter 133: A world where only NPCs exist?

Then the remaining furniture essence can strengthen a piece of furniture to the highest level.

Checked it out and identified a few goals.

There are five matrix arcade machines, halloween mushrooms, halloween pumpkins, school drawing boards and Christmas gift box towers.

If the arcade is strengthened, the infinite copy will definitely not change, but it may affect the world inside the arcade.

If there are Halloween mushrooms and Halloween pumpkins, there may be more new mushrooms and pumpkins. Even if there are not many, the effects of the mushrooms and pumpkins produced will be strengthened.

The school drawing board is estimated to be similar to reducing consumption and enhancing active objects.

The Christmas Box Tower may be able to drop items that are no longer common.

After thinking about it, I temporarily ruled out Halloween mushrooms and pumpkins, because they are not used for the time being.

The Christmas Gift Box Tower is also temporarily excluded. Although it may be an item that is strengthened, it may just be that there are more items.

The final matrix arcade and academy sketchpad.

Because the enhancements are based on the existing effects, the former can only enhance the number of arcade games and the difficulty of the arcade games, while the latter should be the rendering effect of the painting and the situation after activation.

Well, let's strengthen the former first.

Even if the latter can reduce the activation consumption, some very powerful ones will definitely not be activated, such as the Second God Key that may take him back through time.

Of course, the main reason is that some of the combat furniture I have now will not be used, so there is no need to activate weapons and equipment for the time being.

There is no need for characters, after all, there are enough people around now.

After making a decision, it directly strengthened the matrix arcade.

[Number of built-in games +500%, game world reality +500%]

"How realistic is the game world? It won't really evolve into a real world, right?"

According to people who have been inside, the game world is not only very unreal, but the enemies are also very dull.

According to his understanding, the creatures in the original game world should all be NPCs. Although the body structure seems to be the same as ordinary people, they will only repeat the fixed lines and actions in the game. No matter what you do to them, they will not change .

Of course, because entering is to replace the original protagonist of the game, the only enemies you can encounter are basically.

Enemies will only attack you when they meet, and disappear after they are killed, so there should be no chance for you to do anything else... Uh, tie it with a rope?

emmmmm... Can you stop thinking about this?

Back to the topic, what happens now that the degree of authenticity increases?The world becomes the real world? NPCs are also born with self-awareness?

Thinking this way, he went to see how other people were playing games.

But it seems that there is no change in the comparison.

"Well, maybe you have to go in to find the difference? After all, it's the reality of the game world, not the game. Well, to be on the safe side, it's better to choose a less dangerous one."

After explaining to the people who are playing that they should not enter the game world for the time being, they copied a new one and started to check the situation.

The first is the number of games.

Originally, there were [-] games in it, but now it has reached [-].

But after looking around, I found that the extra ones are not exactly arcade machines.

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