(The power of the holy object is like this, not to mention the sacred object that seals our existence, but fortunately, your holy object can continuously improve its strength, so the situation is slightly better, but this situation cannot continue. Otherwise, you must be the loser!)

(This is really...)

"Loser! Accept your destiny!"

Dadalia on the opposite side launched an attack, and countless icy lights swayed towards him.

Although it looked invisible and intangible, every hit made him feel like a heavy blow!

(An artifact with the power to restrain giants, as long as it hits once...)

As Lin Yun was thinking, he continued to attack while trying to dodge.

Dadalia still maintained his offensive, and at the same time kept taunting in an infuriating tone: "The attack is really monotonous. How could this kind of direct attack hit me! It's a shame to have such a powerful force but not know how to use it. Waste! What a waste!"

It's okay, I know I'm not very good at fighting, but can you be quiet, it's a lot to talk about.

"It's really no fun at all, so let's end it like this!"

A large amount of moonlight blasted over like dense barrages.

In this regard, Lin Yun could not avoid it, so he did not avoid it.

He rushed out directly facing the moonlight, even though he felt pain like being hit by a hail of bullets, he still didn't stop moving forward!

(It hurts! It hurts! But just one, one!)

"It's like this again, can you improve a little bit! Do you think you can hit me like this!"

Dadalia made a disdainful taunt while gathering the moonlight and turning it into a crystal white shield in front of him, ready to block the blow.

"Tonatiu! Show him the power of the so-called sun!!"


"The posture of thunder!"

The golden thunder and lightning, as dazzling as the sun, filled the whole body.

"The Legacy of the Sun Bridle!"

The golden sun set, and then merged into Baoyu's sword body!

"Give me - break!!!!"

boom! ! ! --

The white jade-like shield instantly shattered, and the great sword struck Dadalia's mask.

Probably because of this unexpected blow, Dadalia's posture was a little unstable.


The crack extended from the mask to Dadalia's helmet, and part of Dadalia's face was exposed where the armor peeled off.

He seemed to be in disbelief.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yun clenched his fist with his left hand and slammed it on the opponent.


With a heavy blow, Dadalia spurted blood from his mouth, and then staggered back a distance.

But even though the corner of his mouth was bleeding, he still laughed happily: "Haha! What a good attack! This is my fateful enemy!!!"


He hit Dadalia mercilessly in the face again with a straight punch.

"You talk a lot of nonsense! Give me a beating!"

(This kind of simple attack cannot defeat him. As long as the strength is enough, the damaged place can be repaired continuously. You need a more powerful attack!)

(A more powerful attack... Tonatiu, the ability to share each other's sacred objects at the moment of bond, so, can you only let me share the ability of each other's sacred objects?)

(This... don't you want to...)

(Yes, I will use his strength to defeat him!)

(You can, but the power of the sun and the moon is more difficult to blend than fire and water. If you can't master this power, your body may...)

(Haha! Don't worry, don't forget, my sacred object still has an ability!)

(...I see, so come on!)

The dazzling sunlight instantly connected the two together, and pale power began to flow into Lin Yun's side.

"What... are you doing?!" Dadalia asked in confusion.

"Of course, accept your ability! Tekusis! I accept your power!!"

After the words fell, the pale moonlight merged into Lin Yun's body.

Afterwards, he was originally as hot as the sun, and silver-white patterns began to appear on the mixed red and blue armor that was as blue as the sky.


At the same time, a throbbing began to echo in the body!


It was as if the alternating hot and cold sensations in lava volcanoes and extremely cold places began to fill his whole body, and even his soul seemed to be burning or freezing accordingly!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!----"


it hurts!

It hurts so much!

He can hardly even think!

"Huh?! You actually want to use my ability? Don't you know that the power of the sun, the moon and the sky are two completely opposite forces? What a stupid guy!" Dadalia looked quite surprised.

(To make such a reckless move, Tonatiu, we are completely opposite existences, you are only suicidal by doing this... Do you want to make yourself disappear because of this?)

(Ah--it really hurts!)

Tonatiu also made a sound of pain.

But Tonatiu still responded with a smile to what Tekusis said.

(Tekusis! You are still as dead-headed as before! Now it is not as good as we were at that time! Besides, do you think I will do things that I am not sure about?)

(Haven't you always been so reckless?)

(Having said that, the result now will not be the same as before, and the next step is...)

"The Essence of Life!!! Here, let's sublimate! The power of the sun, moon and sky!!!--"

Main text: Chapter 386: I would like to call it—the sun and the moon shine together!

After the words fell, the silver-white patterns on the armor completely stabilized, as if they were completely integrated into one body.

The silver-white and golden-yellow light of the sun and the moon began to echo each other on the azure blue-based armor.

The silver full moon and the golden sun also rose behind Lin Yun.

"Haha! There are no two completely opposite things in the world! The current state, I would like to call it - the sun and the moon shine together!"

(No, impossible! How could such a thing happen!)

Tekusis was clearly surprised.

(Why not? Isn't reality right in front of you?)

(...to sublimate it again when the fusion is the most intense. Although it is possible to merge into one, there is a greater probability that they will destroy each other. You are really...)

(Reckless, huh? But at least we made it.)

(...what a lunatic, and so is your current master.)

(Haha! Thank you for the compliment!)

clap clap!

At this time, Dadalia applauded.

"Interesting, really interesting! From this point of view, I should also show some real strength!"

Dadalia floated in the air with his arms outstretched, and the sky covered with moonlight quickly expanded and expanded towards the surroundings.

Afterwards, Dadalia flew towards him, but now he felt... so slow!


He left the spot in an instant, and kicked the approaching Dadalia away from the side!

"So fast! Your speed is even faster than mine?!"

It's too late to be surprised now, and I will teach you a lesson next time!

His figure moved and easily caught Dadalia who was moving at the speed of light.

"This is the first punch!"

The right hand punched him directly in the abdomen!

"The home of the gladiators!"

The shared Dadalia's sacred ability was activated, and the arrogance on Dadalia's body immediately dropped sharply.


Dadalia spat out a mouthful of blood, but he ignored it and continued to attack!

"This is the second punch!"


The helmet is totally broken!

"This is the third punch!"

The moonlight sky behind was torn apart!

"This is the fourth punch!"

Dadalia was kicked into the air by him!

"last blow!"

He rushed up at an extremely fast speed!


Dadalia vomited blood again, ha!It deserves it!


Dadalia fell from the air and fell to the ground, and he also fell.

And even with such an injury, Dadalia's face is full of smiles, which really makes people angry!

"Haha... interesting, so much fun!"

(Dadalia, I have already analyzed his ability, and it can be dealt with according to our way of suppressing power.)

"Is that so... Tekusis, the current Lin Yun should be worthy of showing me a 'giant'?"

(Dadalia, considering the status quo, is not a good choice. Turning into a 'giant' indiscriminately might undo Tonatiu's shackles.)

"That's exactly what I wanted, Tekusis..."

(Please calm down, Dadalia! Don't be lost by power!)

"If it's for fighting..."

Just as Dadalia was about to take action, a figure suddenly appeared not far away.

"Dadalia, I'm here to pick you up."

The man looked quite young, with a rather handsome appearance.

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