"Goodbye, little Keli, remember to write to me."

"Yes, Keli, remember, brother Hanxiao, don't forget about plan 34!"

"Don't worry, I will never forget."

Just when the two were still feeling reluctant to continue researching the formula together, Mond's convoy also started heading towards Shimen.

Except for Han Xiao and Ke Li, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

No way, I can hear deafening explosions in my ears every day these days, and sometimes they come out of nowhere in the middle of the night.

If Master Han Xiao and Miss Ke Li were not separated, they would suffer a nervous breakdown.

"Xu Wan, how is lawyer Yan Fei doing recently?"

After the shadow of the convoy disappeared, Han Xiao turned to look at his secretary, and his whole body returned to the way it was when Keli didn't come.

"Miss Yan Fei has completed most of the laws and regulations with Lord Ningguang, and it is estimated that they will be completed in a few days."

"How is the work of the new batch of people?"

"Basically, they have all entered the state, which has greatly alleviated our manpower shortage."

"Are there any talents with particularly strong abilities?"

"There is one, it's just..."

Xu Wan suddenly stopped, and her face was a little more tangled, as if she didn't know whether she should say it or not.

"What's wrong, who is it?"

Seeing that Xu Wan's speech suddenly became hesitant, Han Xiao's curiosity also came up, and she hurriedly asked.

"It's Zhiyi."

As Han Xiao's secretary, Xu Wan had been working in the General Affairs Department before, so how could she not know that this Zhiyi is the current boss' opponent for Seven Stars.

It's him?

Hearing the other party's name, Han Xiao couldn't help frowning.

Of course he knew who Zhiyi was, and the other party, Gan Wei and Ming Bo were the candidates for Tianshu Star that had been identified before.

Logically speaking, the two are competitors, how could the other party come to his territory?

"Xu Wan, go and invite Mr. Zhiyi to my office, and say that I have something to talk to him about."

"I understand Master Han Xiao."

Back in the office, Han Xiao went straight to the chat group, he needed other people to help him think about this issue.

[Yuan Shen·Han Xiao]: "Another seven-star candidate has come to my side, what do you think?"

[Yu-Gi-Oh Han Xiao]: "There is fraud in it."

[The World of Ingenuity·Han Xiao]: "I also agree, he ran to the new city to help you work, isn't this equal to giving up the opportunity of being a candidate?"

[One Piece·Han Xiao]: "You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must have the heart to guard against others. I think you need to find out the purpose of the other party first."

[World of Warcraft·Han Xiao]: "I think there is a ghost. I remember when you chatted with us before, this Zhiyi is a disciple of Tianshu Star, and it seems that he went to study abroad before?"

[Yuan Shen·Han Xiao]: "I know that Ming Bo has already decided to give up. I know Qian Wei and can't play with him. As for Zhi Yi, I really didn't know before."

[Yuan Shen·Han Xiao]: "I asked Xing Qiu to help me conduct a private investigation. It seems that my ability is good and everyone welcomes me, but the family conditions are relatively poor, and my father seems to be in debt."

[One Piece·Han Xiao]: "Tsk tsk, what a coincidence, before you joined, someone else had the best reputation among the three candidates."

【Yu-Gi-Oh. Han Xiao】: "The other party pointed at this opportunity to turn around, and happened to meet you blocking his way, and now he ran to your side again, it must be a ghost or something."

After closing the chat group, Han Xiao leaned on the chair and closed her eyes to rest.

In fact, there are many things that he did not say, among them is the matter of Zhiyi.

After Xingqiu investigated for himself, he found that the other party's good reputation only started to spread recently.

dong dong dong-

The knock on the door interrupted Han Xiao's memories, he opened his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"Please come in."

Chapter 60 Chapter 55 Ridiculous Reasons

As the door of the office was opened, Zhiyi walked in.

"Hello, Mr. Hanxiao."

"Please sit down, Mr. Zhiyi."

Zhiyi pulled a chair and sat down, took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms and placed it on the table with a bang, and then his whole body revealed a sense of relief.

"Finally, I have the opportunity to talk to you face to face."

"Mr. Zhiyi, what is this?"

"Poison, poisonous poison."

Han Xiao frowned, half-closed her eyes and looked at Zhiyi who was sitting opposite her.

"It seems that Mr. Zhiyi is here today to tell me a story?"

"That's right, I did come to tell a story to Master Han Xiao, I don't know if you want to hear it or not."

"Please, I'm all ears."

Seeing Han Xiao's calm expression, Zhiyi chuckled lightly, straightened his spine and looked at Han Xiao:

"This bottle of poison was given to me when I was studying abroad in Zhidong."

"Master Han Xiao, do you want to guess what they gave me this bottle of poison for?"

"Tianshu star?"

"Yes, they want me to lurk by Uncle Tian's side and wait for the opportunity, and poison Uncle Tian once the opportunity arises."

"This is highly poisonous, and the onset is very fast."

Hearing this, Han Xiao had vaguely understood, but he didn't interrupt the other party but motioned the other party to continue talking.

"My lord Han Xiao may not know. As for me, my poor father still owes foreign debts. How can I not seize the opportunity after such a hard time?"

"So you promised the man who gave you the poison, fools?"

"Yes, I agree."

Zhiyi nodded and continued.

"I improved the poison to make it a chronic poison. Uncle Tian's body was also weakened by my poison."

"In about four years, he will die of poison."

"I know Ming Bo and Qian Wei well, I am sure to beat them, but..."

"I just happened to be on the candidate list at this time."


Zhiyi sighed, and a complex look appeared on his face.

"When I was about to succeed, you appeared."

"Not only that, but your strategy allowed Liyue to overcome the crisis that may be brought about by the closure of the Layer Rock Abyss."

"From that moment on, I knew that I and the other two probably lost."

"You know, I originally came to Xincheng District to make a last-ditch effort."

As he spoke, Zhiyi's eyes fell on the poison bottle on the table, and Han Xiao felt a bit of coolness in his tone.

"You are my biggest opponent in the seven-star campaign, so I plan to take a gamble. As long as I can get along with you, I will have a chance to make a move and take over your strategy."

"But I think you don't look like you want to attack me now."

"Yes, I give up."

Facing Han Xiao's doubts, Zhiyi gave a wry smile, and his whole body seemed a little sluggish.

"I'm a child of a poor family, and I know very well how difficult it is to climb up if you don't have a good birth in Liyue."

"So when I knew that the fishing friend I knew was Tianshu star among the seven stars, I was very excited at that time."

"I worked hard to perform in front of Uncle Tian, ​​and finally got his investment, all because I wanted to get rid of the gap in status."

"Until your presence shattered my last hope."

While speaking, hot tears flowed from Zhiyi's eyes, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"Some time ago I signed up to come to Xincheng District, and through my work, I was appreciated by lawyer Yan Fei, who helped her sort out the documents of laws and regulations in Xincheng District."

"Just when I was still excited that my goal was about to succeed, I overheard the conversation between Lawyer Yan Fei and Master Ningguang."

"It was also at this time that I learned that you plan to build a school in the new urban area, so that the children of all residents have the opportunity to receive education."

While talking, Zhiyi couldn't help covering his face and crying bitterly in front of Han Xiao.

"At that time, I was thinking, if I replaced you, would I be able to build the school?"

"But reason tells me it's impossible. I don't have the forces behind you to help me suppress Liyuegang's opposition, and I can't get the support of other seven stars."

"But I know that what the school can bring to the poor children in Liyue is an opportunity to climb up and change their identities!"

"That's why I choose to confess to you. It's ridiculous. A sinner who betrayed his teacher and the country turned himself in for such a trivial reason."

For a moment, the office was extremely silent, only the sound of Zhiyi's crying.

As the crying gradually disappeared, Zhiyi stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears, raised his head and looked at Han Xiao with red eyes.

Han Xiao, who had been silent for a long time, spoke slowly at this moment, and her tone became a little hoarse:

"What are you going to do next?"

"I will return to Liyue and surrender to Qixing."

"You could spend your life in jail."

"Maybe, I don't care now, I just want to ask you a word."


"You will definitely build the school, right!"

"Yes, I promise you!"

Facing Zhiyi's red eyes, Han Xiao's tone was extremely solemn.

"The school will definitely be built. I have already found the teacher."

"I invited the famous alchemist from Mond, I invited Liyue's top legal experts, and I also invited Liyue's most knowledgeable person to be the principal!"

"I assure you that children in the new suburbs will receive a good education."

"That's great."

Zhi Yi burst into tears into a smile, then stood up and stumbled towards the door, leaving only one sentence lingering in Han Xiao's ears.

"I'm in prison waiting to hear your good news."

Han Xiao stared at Zhiyi's back as he opened the door and left without speaking, Xu Wan, who had been standing outside the door and heard the conversation between the two, walked in tremblingly.

"Xu Wan."

"Han, Master Han Xiao."

"Notify Keqing to send Qianyan Army to escort Mr. Zhiyi back to Liyue."

"I understand."

"and also."

Han Xiao turned her head to look at Xu Wan, her eyes were so sharp that Xu Wan couldn't help lowering her head.

"I don't want to hear any bad rumors about Mr. Zhiyi, do you understand?"

"Yes, Master Han Xiao."

"Go down."

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