That is to say, if you want to control the puppet of seven elements, Han Xiao needs to make the Vientiane Eye of seven different elements.

For the Vientiane Eye of the Seven Elements, it is quite difficult to gather the expensive materials of various elements, not to mention the problem of carrying it after making it.

Is it necessary to call a timeout during the battle and tell others that I will change the equipment before fighting you, I am afraid it is not funny.

It seems that we have to find a way to find a way to control the seven elements.

Of course, Tucao is Tucao.

Han Xiao still plans to make the Vientiane Eye of the seven elements and use it first, as the pot shadow of the Eye Village for a while.

After all, embarrassment is embarrassment, let's use it first, and then solve how to use one power to control the seven elements when we have a solution.

As for the problem of controlling multiple dolls at the same time, Han Xiao has no good solution right now, so he can only temporarily put it aside.

Perhaps after he researches the core of self-discipline, the puppet will be able to fight intelligently out of his own control.

Chapter 87 Chapter 80 Quickly save Keli!

While Han Xiao was planning to upgrade her doll, the development of Guili City also began to reveal the surging vitality of the new city.

Because of Hanxiao's request, the Yunhan family quickly expanded the number of workers recruited in the factory, and at the same time invited Abedo to carry out product iteration and confidentiality treatment for the cement.

This is also thanks to the contract signed by Han Xiao and Abedo, and the friendship between Mond and Liyue for thousands of years.

Otherwise, Abedo would have committed suicide by stabbing seven times in the back.

The expansion of the cement factory has increased the output of cement, and the roads on both sides of Guili City have begun to be slowly built. It is estimated that the road between Liyue Port, Guili City, and Shimen will be paved soon.

at the same time.

The condensed Liyue Central Bank also successfully opened some time ago, and successfully opposed and fought against the Beiguo Bank.

Regarding this, Han Xiao believes that Dadalia is currently suffering from a severe headache.

After all, among the fools, the only one who can really wrestle with Ningguang is the rich man Pantalone, but the other party is far away in the winter.

If you want to remotely control Beiguo Bank and Ningguang to compete in business, it would be too small to look down on Ningguang.

Therefore, Han Xiao in Guili City also set up a sub-branch according to the previously discussed strategy.

Without the constraints of Beiguo Bank, the Guili sub-branch soon became the only choice for full-name residents to save money, and the deposit certificates of Beiguo Bank were not open to exchange.

In this way, it can be regarded as indirectly adding wings to Ningguang, who already had the advantage in the confrontation with Dadalia.

In addition to the above two points, food crops have been planted in the planting area outside Guili City after a series of measures to remove soil salinity.

When the grain matures, Liyue's dependence on grain imports should improve.

During this time, Han Xiao successively recruited a group of talents from Liyue Port and placed them in various departments.

With the addition of the new force, the framework of Guili City is gradually taking shape, and Han Xiao doesn't need to look over everything now, he only needs to grasp the general direction and important decisions.

Han Xiao, who has a lot of free time, naturally puts more energy into the research with Abedo.

It's just that alchemy needs to consume a large amount of materials, and adventurers and businessmen alone cannot support the research progress of the two.

At least after finishing Akabane Hime, Han Xiao's third doll is facing a big problem of shortage of materials.



One night, when Han Xiao was at home making design drawings for her third doll, the beeping communicator rang after a long absence.

Hey, who contacted me so late?

With some doubts, Han Xiao connected the communicator.

"Brother Hanxiao, save Keli!"

As soon as the communicator was connected, Keli's panicked cry for help came from the opposite side.

"Little Kelly, what's wrong?"

"Woo, I accidentally blew up a gap in Xingluo Lake, Captain Qin wants to lock me up for a month, brother Han Xiao, hurry up and save Keli!"

ah this...

Is Claire's Bouncy Bomb already this powerful?

Obviously, I have only iterated the formula to about forty types, how many generations of formula has Xiao Keli iterated?

Han Xiao couldn't help asking questions about this:

"Ke Li, tell me how you blasted Xingluo Lake out of the gap?"

"I used a new formula and accidentally installed the wrong amount."

"No, now is not the time to talk about this, Brother Han Xiao, hurry up and save Ke Li, Captain Qin is really scary this time!"

Hearing Keli's slightly 'panic' cry for help, Han Xiao realized that now is not the time to discuss the explosion theory with Keli, and hurriedly comforted her.

"Don't panic, little Keli, you stay in the confinement room for two days, and wait for Captain Qin to calm down."

"Abedo and I will be in Mond soon."

"Yeah, Brother Hanxiao, you and Brother Abedo must come to save Keli, otherwise Keli won't be able to see the sun for a month!"

Hanging up the communication, although she was very curious about the ingredients of Keli's new formula, Han Xiao still put down the blueprint in her hand and went straight to the residence he arranged for Abedo.

"So, Keli made a mistake again?"


At Abedo's house, the complexion did not change at all after hearing Han Xiao's intention.

There's no way, he's used to Keli being locked up by Captain Qin for frying fish.

It's just that the situation is a little more serious this time, and it's not a big problem.

"Then what are you going to do, is to contact Captain Qin through the communicator?"

"No, I'm going to go to Mond."

Han Xiao shook her head, denied Abedo's guess, and expressed her thoughts.

"Are you going to Mond?"

Until then, Abedo showed some surprise on his face.

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​going to Mond?"

"Actually, it's nothing to do with Keli. I originally planned to go to Mond."

Don't go.

After all, Guili City is only newly built, and there are still not many channels for obtaining materials, and learning alchemy requires a lot of materials.

Coupled with the fact that Han Xiao still needs to make the Vientiane Eye and dolls of the seven elements, the materials for Guili City are simply not enough.

If Abedo hadn't brought his own inventory, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to make the No.1 Ouyanxing.

So very early on, Han Xiao had already decided to go to several other countries to collect materials in person, but it was only because of the construction of Guili City that he couldn't make it.

Now that Gui Licheng is on the right track, he only needs to deal with some major decisions, and the people below him can usually handle some things.

Han Xiao, who was free, naturally came up with the idea of ​​going on a trip, and it would be a shame not to take an adventure trip when he came to Tivat.

Just when she received Keli's request for help this time, Han Xiao made her first stop at Mond.

"It's really okay to return to Licheng?"

After listening to Han Xiao's reasons, Abedo accepted the other party's argument, but he still expressed his worries.

Gui Licheng is Han Xiao's painstaking effort, isn't he afraid of being disrupted by others?

"Don't worry, Keqing is still staring at the construction of the embankment. Let her help me take care of it when the time comes, and then call Yan Fei to assist me."

In fact, Han Xiao still didn't say a word.

That is, apart from Ke Qing and Yan Fei, Zhong Li will also be stationed in the school soon, if someone really wants to make trouble while he is away, Han Xiao believes that the old man will teach him how to behave.

After all, the weight of the rock is reassuring.

"Then when are you going to leave?"

"Tomorrow, the school will hold an entrance ceremony, and I will leave after it is over."

"And you, do you want to go back with me to see Keli?"

"I'll let it go. Say sorry to Keli for me."

Abedo shook his head, one of the subjects Han Xiao provided him before has reached a critical period, and he needs to devote all his energy to overcoming this last difficulty.

If it succeeds, some of Han Xiao's previous assumptions would no longer be empty talk, but reality.

Chapter 88 Chapter 81 Abedo is out!

"Which subject?"

Upon hearing that Abedo's research had progressed, Han Xiao immediately asked excitedly.

He raised several topics for Abedo, no matter which one has a great effect on Guili City.

"First of all, I made the shock absorber for the carriage."

"What is currently difficult is the problem of tricking Huahua and Slime into taking energy from them."

Abedo first reported some pretty good news to Han Xiao, and then told about the difficulties he was currently encountering.

It turned out that since he received the subject, he has been studying the kind of electricity dissipated from the Lei Hua and slime.

In Abedo's view, this subject is the most core of several subjects.

"Then what have you researched?"

Knowing that Abedo is researching the electricity problem that he cares most about, Han Xiao waited expectantly for the other party's next answer.

"I extracted a substance from the nectar of the deceitful flower and the condensate of the slime, combined it with lead and other metals and used alchemy to make a device that can hold electricity."

"It's just that I still can't achieve stable charging and discharging, and the principle needs to be studied carefully."

Good guy.

Isn't this a lead-acid battery?

Hearing Abedo's current research results, Han Xiao was overwhelmed with surprises. The other party actually came up with a Tiwatt version of the lead-acid battery.

Sure enough, our chalk teacher is invincible!

"Then Abedo, study it carefully, I'm waiting for your good news."

Seeing Abedo's troubled look, Han Xiao hurriedly said a few words of comfort to him.

"Let's think about it slowly, and there will always be a way to solve the problem."

"Leverage your words, let me try."


The next morning.

The residents of Guili City got up early one after another.

Especially for families with children, the preparations have been made early, and the faces of the adults are full of excitement and a little bit of anxiety.

Zhuang Cong is one of them.

The former Zhuang Cong was a miner in the stratum rock giant abyss. He followed the large army to Guiliyuan and built Guili city with everyone.

Then he entered a cement factory and worked as a worker, earning a little money.

Zhuang Cong, who felt that the development of Guili City might be good in the future, simply took over Liyuegang's wife and children, and chose to become the first batch of residents of Guili City.

As for why this choice.

Zhuang Cong was very grateful to Han Xiao, the new Seven Star.

Back then when the Layer Rock Abyss was sealed off, if Han Xiao hadn't stood up and brought them to Guiliyuan and given them jobs, he would have been almost desperate for losing his source of income.

What Zhuang Cong didn't expect was that two days ago, he learned from the bulletin board in the square that Han Xiao had announced the opening of a school in Guili City.

As long as the children in the family reach the age of six, they can go to school, and the tuition fee is even less and almost free.

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