What terrible things are you talking about? What is it that you will be expelled from school before the debt of the store is paid off.

Who are you alluding to?


The 1500 million points he used to open the store were borrowed.

Then it also includes 100 million store opening permissions and 200 million buyouts.

So the cost of the milk tea shop is 1800 million.

After he entered the school, he was only a student in class b, and then led the students in the class to rush up, and spent a lot of energy and money.

So in the end, the class can gather only about 800 million points. He took out 400 million points as the class fee, and then used 400 million to open the store.

This is certainly not enough.

So the part that is not enough is borrowed.

Borrow from other classes, borrow from teachers.

Belong to high price.

In other words, every month is repayment day.

But it can be fully paid off in about 7 or 8 months.

Then he can sit on 50% of the store's revenue.

But now Houtarou Oreki is saying terrible things.

If you pay back the money and then get expelled from school, wouldn't it be for nothing?

Suddenly being informed of the danger, Nan Yunya's mood turned bad.

"If you don't open a store, then what do you collect so many points for?" Nanyun said with a straight face.

He felt that Oreki was here to disgust him, so he also disgusted him.

"It's very simple. Naturally, it was transferred to my account." Oreki said.

"Because my class has insight into the school's rules in advance."

"So it's important to know the points, and it's important to collect them in advance."

"Everyone is a freshman, and everyone has 10 points, and these points can't be spent in the first month."

"So I made a proposal to open a shop."

"Sign an agreement with them, and then continuously get points from them."

"And it's information warfare."

"As long as other classes also know the truth about the school, they will also find that the points are very important. As a result, not only did their own class not get many points, but they also want to export them, and they will make a decision immediately."


Oreki showed Nagumo Ryuuen's money transfer.

"Students in Class C have collectively withdrawn from the store opening plan."

"So the points that have already been paid belong to the breach of contract and all compensation will be paid to me." Oreki said.

Nagumo opened his eyes wide.


Is that the case?

That's right.

Because points are very important, and a large number of points are sent to other classes every month, no class will do it.

After all, first graders are still freshmen, they are aggressive and don't want to be salted fish.

So as long as the representatives of the class are elected, then this agreement will definitely be interrupted.

So is this the goal of Oreki Houtaro from the beginning?

"..." Nagumo.

"..." Nagumo.

Oh day.

Is the money of the first graders so easy to cheat?

Nanyun suddenly felt that he had missed an opportunity.

And you, Oreki Houtaro, are a little too scary.

From the beginning, I treated my classmates as ATM machines.

It was only later that he discovered that


So the school is treated like wool.


Oreki looked at Nagumoya again, "I'm coming to the student union today, not because I want to open a shop."

"But I want to thank Vice President Nagumo for letting me discover a method that can earn 500 million points in three days."

"Hehe—" Nanyun listened

Just laughed out loud.

Chapter 47 Chapter 046 Nagumo's doubts, Oreki Houtaro, which side are you on?

Nagumo laughed outright.

"500 million in three days."

"Indeed, from what you just said, you did a good job collecting points."

"But 500 million in three days, you might as well grab it."

"And the first graders have been stripped by you, who can you strip next?"

"Do you want to strip 2nd and 3rd graders? I can tell you in advance that none of my [-]nd graders will be stripped by you." Nanyun said.

And these words also represent a meaning.

He meant what he meant by a sophomore.

Is it coercion and resistance from a grade?

"Then let's wait and see." Oreki said. "And I predict that about half of the second-year students of Senior Nagumo will fall for me."

"..." Nagumo.

Nagumo stood up straight and looked into Oreki's eyes.

"It's interesting, are you provoking me?"

"Can I make a bet?" Oreki looked at the number on the student ID card on the phone.

Nan Yunya glanced there.

Feeling a little nauseous for a moment.

Because the number of Oreki's private point account is 423 points

This is also a point for Nan Yunya to take a deep breath.

Because one year has passed, his class has collected 800 million class fees, and then 400 million is used to open a store and then borrow money.

The remaining 400 million is used as class fees.

And his own small personal treasury is only about 400 million at present.


Now Houtarou Oreki, this guy... you fucking meow, didn't you just start school?

As a result, he accumulated the points he had accumulated in a year in less than 2 weeks?

So it's even worse.

And the other party's plan was actually cheated by using the name of his shop.


No one told him that first graders' money was so easy to cheat.

If he can, then he will lie first.

He directly has a physical store, so it is completely possible to recruit points for first-year students. Anyway, if they don't know the rules, the freshmen will definitely agree.

Then just know the exam rules.

For the benefit of their own class, they will definitely terminate the agreement automatically.

So it's free money.

It is the teaching from seniors that can be given to first-year freshmen.


I didn't seize this opportunity.


"My student ID card is still 30 points short of reaching a peak."

"I hope Senior Nagumo can make it up for me." Oreki said. "It's 450 million."

What is going on now is a new hidden task issued by the system - protecting flowers.

Destroy Nan Yunya's arrogance.

At the same time, he also wanted to collect 500 million points in a short period of time.

after all.

People who have points now, take students as an example.

The freshmen have no money except for class d.

So you have to look up, the seniors still have savings.


If he hadn't jumped out of the system task, then Oreki probably wouldn't have approached Nagumo on his own initiative.

But now having to get close is equivalent to adding 1 to the trouble, so it is natural to charge some compensation.

So Oreki made a bet to Nagumoya.

If Nagumo loses, then give him 30 points.


Nan Yunya laughed out loud. "It seems that you want to treat me like wool."

"But after all, it's not very human to reject you as a senior."

"So." Nagumo said. "I can give you a chance, but what if you can't?"

Although just looking at Oreki's account made him feel sick.

But he didn't lose.

After all, as long as half a year passes, he will be able to get half of the profit of a store.

For example, even if the final class competition is over, he can still get a share of 100 million from the store every month, then in the remaining 2 years, he can get 2000 million and finally graduate as a class .

So he is standing in a rank that cannot be lost.

At the same time, as the representative of the second grade, he also has a fixed number of points paid by each student in each class.

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