"For example..."

"When you catch this kind of routine exam, you can be a little crazy."

"Leaking out the questions caused panic among the students in the whole school."

"But in advance, I prepared the completed questions to submit to the student council, and asked the student council to submit it to the school. Then I leaked this paper to the students."

"So even if one set of papers is leaked, the students still know the other set of papers, and then the school will also take another set of papers to maintain the situation that there will not be a large number of dropouts."

"This is equivalent to not leaking the question."

"The only difference is that at the price of this, I can get the right to vote for the next student council president of the panicked students."

"So, it's a pity that we are on the side, and we are all students of Class A." Said Sakayanagi. "So there's no way to enforce that strategy."

In other words.

Since both parties are students in the same class, there is no need to be so extreme.

"Is the student council president..."

"I've seen Horikita-senpai working very hard." Oreki said. "I'm not interested in this position."

"But if Sakayanagi-san wants to run for office, maybe I can help canvass for votes."



On the other hand, Kamuro-san sat on the inner side habitually.

She cooked with no expression on her face.

She found it disgusting that Oreki and Sakayanagi were discussing about leaking test papers.


She thinks that she would rather just focus on cooking without hearing, because do you actually want to do such a painful thing?

If the question is leaked... um.

Although she has been tutored, it is impossible for her to fail, but...it will still make her feel uneasy to re-issue the paper.

So although he usually followed these two people with a blank face, Kamuro-san felt that he might have to strengthen his heart.


She also understood the reason why Sakayanagi Yusu didn't join the student council before, and it turned out that... she wanted to be the president of the student council.


Arisu Sakayanagi was so possessive and aggressive, it was impossible for her to become an accountant in the student union.

Her goal is the student council president.

And Oreki is also terrifying.

If Arisu Sakayanagi wanted to be the leader, and he canvassed for votes, would he be willing to help?

And if Arisu Sakayanagi becomes the student council president, what do you want to be.

Or what do you want to gain at this price?

because I heard terrible


Therefore, Kamuro-san decided to continue to concentrate on cooking.

But Sakayanagi quickly changed the topic to the topic of Oreki's student ID points.

"Your package has become cheaper."

"Are you losing weight?"

Arisu Sakayanagi stared at the plate brought by Houtaro Oreki.

She had had meals with Oreki many times, and Oreki used to be expensive and high-end, similar to the type who would not treat herself badly.

Even desserts are prepared.

But now, no more desserts.

"The number of points has decreased."

Because Sakayanagi-san has shown his ambition to become the student council president, it is very likely that he can get the price of taking the responsibility of Class A by helping him.

So Oreki was still willing to strike up a conversation with her.


After she sat down, she kept looking at you with a rather cute expression.

This is a girl's weapon that is already being used.

Very excessive.

Oreki said. "I converted most of my points into cash. There were less than 50 points on my student card."

"As for the school's points, what do you think, Sakayanagi?"

"If you have 2000 million points, would you choose to hold 2000 million points, or would you hold the corresponding cash?"

Oreki was a little curious.

Arisu Sakayanagi is probably one of the few people in this school who is somewhat similar in thinking to him, but is also super smart.


Arisu Sakayanagi seemed to think about it for a while.

"Then it's probably cash."

"Because the students have been imprisoned here for three years, but everyone used cash in the past and in the future, right?"


"Don't you think they'll be more heartfelt if you just give them cash?"

In other words, it is more direct to use money directly, and it is more touching.

Points are points after all.

Although it can be purchased for consumption.

But the feeling of having real money in your hands is very different.

As expected of you.

Oreki-san understood that Sakayanagi-san was also ambitious. (Monthly fee group.)


After lunch, Oreki left the cafeteria.

I sent a message to Horikita Suzune.

The conversation with Arisu Sakayanagi is to express that he has no hostility towards her.

And she also gave an interesting answer.

But although cash is good, points are still used in this school.

His account is only 32, which is a huge amount of money for other freshmen, but for him, he embezzled the money of the previous transfer of 100 million.

So if the other party really makes any excessive demands, then the points must be returned to the other party.

So, today's goal is to get this 100 million out first.

As for making money, Oreki-san has always been very specific.

Contact Horikita-san, who is an easy-to-use and efficient tool, directly.


Watching Oreki-san leave.

The cafeteria is here.

Because Sakayanagi moves slowly, Kamuro usually waits for Sakayanagi to move.

But today Sakayanagi has no intention of leaving immediately.

She took her original position.

The pretty brows were slightly frowned, as if thinking about something important.

"By the way, are you really interested in the position of student council president?" Kamuro Masumi said.

"..." Ban Liu Youqi.


"..." Ban Liu Youqi.


"I'm listening, Kamuro-san, but don't you know the meaning of pretending not to hear that you don't want to answer?" Sakayanagi said.


It turned out that he didn't want to answer her.

Kamuro-san felt that she should write down a note in a small notebook first, since she is always on call.

But Sakayanagi wanted to ignore her.

Kamuro-san feels that it is humiliating now, and she will give back someday when she has the opportunity.


Wasn’t what Sakayanagi and Oreki were talking about just now the topic of the student council president?

And what more important topic was Sakayanagi thinking about just now?

Or is there a more important topic than becoming the student council president?

Could it be that Oreki Houtaro has less than 50 points now?Hey, hey, you guys are too Versailles, is less than 50 poor?

She is only less than 20 now, okay?

"However." Sakayanagi's voice interrupted Kamuro-san's wild thoughts, "If I become the student council president, then I will specify that Kamuro-san join the student council."


Kamuro-san immediately looked over.

She served Banliu Youqi as a cow and a horse, so she didn't have the ambition to ascend to heaven.

If Arisu Sakayanagi entered the student council and became the student council president, then she would also be brought in as the Sakayanagi faction.

"As far as Kamuro-san is concerned, although his academic ability is not very good, his executive ability is very good."

"So I think it's okay to give you the status of a student union pet."

"Perhaps the former student union did not have this position, but if I become the president, then I will add it."

"This is specially reserved for Kamuro-san," said Sakayanagi Yusu.

"..." God's room.

But Kamuro-san raised his face.

Ha ha.



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