'As long as you don't stop, the road will continue to expand'


Chen sir's arrival finally resolved the "Carmen" incident.

Along with the police officers from the Guards Bureau came a large number of medical personnel. They set up temporary quarantine gates outside District 5 in order to deal with these "refugees" who had piled up outside the city entry gate.

The announcement sounded outside the gate:


"Please actively cooperate with the staff to carry out the ore disease quarantine, and follow the staff's instructions to pass through the quarantine gates in batches and orderly."

"Once any unregistered infected person is found, the Guard Bureau will arrest them in accordance with the "Emergency Handling Act."



All in all, everything is on track.

The impetuous and anxious mood of the players also began to ease, and they began to look around, curiously looking at the police officer of the Guards Bureau standing aside with a weapon in hand.

"It's finally entered the plot... Now it should be regarded as a real-time cutscene?"

"Awesome, seamless connection, but the delay is a bit high."

"Does anyone know what an infected person is? Lost?"

"There should be a plot analysis after a while..."

The players were discussing on the spot. Although Carmen was speechless, the problem was finally resolved now.

Then, they saw White Night.

There is no way, the police officers standing next to them are all wearing standard armor and full-coverage helmets, and they don't show their faces at all. They look like NPCs modeled in batches.

In this case, Bai Ye stands out directly.

Besides, he is so hot and handsome that it is difficult to become inconspicuous.

Black and slender windbreaker (bought casually), handsome appearance (charm attribute of 96), cold expression (actually in a daze)...

"Fuck, that NPC is awesome, who is the face model!"

"Planners and programmers quickly apologize to the artist, and open the server for us."

"Good-looking little brother, Mom, I'm in love."

"Quickly fencing with me!"

"Very good, I'm looking forward to the end of the game even more, let's bring it up soon, I can't wait"

"This one, should it be the protagonist?"


Bai Ye didn't even know that he was already on fire.

The public beta of the game has attracted countless people's attention.

Through the screenshot of the host's live broadcast, his photo immediately appeared on the forum, and then spread to the Internet through the forum.

The eyes of the marketing account, self-media, and the editor of the shock department mixed in the live broadcast room suddenly lit up.

Come on, isn't it here?Start with a picture, everything depends on editing.

What does it mean to suppress desire first?

Shut the players out of the door first, and then suddenly put such a good-looking NPC out, it's hard for Bai Ye not to be popular!

It's a pity that the game officially won't flatter the house.

Wouldn't it be better to change to a good-looking girl?

Oh, you said that female police officer... Although she is really good-looking, it is a pity that she is still not as handsome as the young man.

If Bai Ye can gain fame on Earth, he must be crazy +1s

In a sense, Bai Ye's goal has been successful.He really impresses players - this wave works so well with Carmen.

Image: "1", Location: "Images/1652713157-100316598-108781831.jpg"

Volume 24 hello world : Chapter 23 Chapter [-] Players and Bai Ye in the eyes of Chen Huijie

"Where did these...people come from?"

Police officer Chen Huijie looked at the messy players in front of him, and didn't know what to say. Even this top student who graduated from the Royal Victoria Guards Academy had never seen so many strange people after working as a policeman in Longmen for all these years.

It's hard to say.

Chen Huijie's expression was rather strange, she felt that the shock she received in the past year was not as much as today combined.

"Am I feeling okay?"

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows, he stood beside Chen Huijie, but he didn't take it seriously.

That's it?

It seems that this group of players is really not very good, it's not too outrageous, and the degree of letting go of themselves is far inferior to the predecessors in the early stage of the full stealth game.

Sure enough, it's still too, too forest is broken.

One more to learn.

"Why, their looks... are so weird?" Chen Huijie only felt hot eyes, but she also felt that these guys were actually quite pitiful, and she couldn't laugh at others because of such weird looks.

"Oh, because they have unique aesthetics, so don't worry about it." Bai Ye waved his hands after hearing Officer Chen Huijie's words.Speaking of which, seeing the appearance of the ancient god, he just felt kind. He had seen it too much in his previous life, so he was used to it.Speaking of which, it would be strange if the wild team were full of normal people.

Do you think they are pitiful?

In fact, these guys are having fun.

"Tomorrow's Ark Online" supports face pinching, which can adjust facial features and body shape within a certain range, but you must choose to become a certain race.The selectable races are Ruper (Hero), Ferrin (cat girl), Pero (dog girl), Volper (fox girl), Fenghoof (tauren), Craster (bunny) and Durin ( dwarf).

However, with the exception of Durin, the difference between these races is only in appearance, and has no effect on the initial attributes.

The Durin race will weaken some strength attributes, and increase the agility attribute to match the small body size.

In fact, what Chen Huijie said about the weird looks of players is not absolute.At least Bai Ye glanced over, and a large part of the players in the crowd chose the female number.Of course, this does not mean that all the players who are drawn are female players. It can only be said that perhaps any game that can pinch the face will eventually become a dress-up game.

Taila Nuannuan deserves its reputation!

There are not a few players with the appearance of the ancient gods. Some people like to dress up beautifully, and then there will be another group of people who like to dress up weirdly.

The weirder the clothes, the faster the second person, maybe this is the unique hobby of the boss.

Bai Ye glanced at the ID, and found that the one with the strangest appearance seemed to be called [Wang Laoju].

This one is even more heavyweight, and he is a well-known up master on the Bie website, specializing in live games.

Speaking of which, his luck was really good, and he actually won the qualification for the public beta. No wonder there were always people calling the inside story in his previous life.

The proportion of the above two phenomena will continue to decline after the server is opened, because with the release of the version, the number of players will continue to increase, and tomorrow's Ark OL will have social attributes. It was the superior leaders who talked and communicated, and the society really died.

Unless you are a lone ranger like Bai Ye in his previous life, you don't care about anything.


It has to be said that Chen Huijie's work today is destined to be very hard. She originally thought that there would be enough staff, but now it seems that the number of police officers from the Guard Bureau is still too small.

She had to go down in person to maintain order.

"You guys, line up, don't roll around casually, and you, don't jump."

She couldn't understand why some people always like to roll on the ground, and some people seem to think the floor is too hot, so they will jump after two steps.

In fact, this is an old tradition handed down from the old era of games.The game input devices of the old era are usually keyboard and mouse or handles. Players always like to roll, sprint, and jump instead of normal walking and running.

In short, don't even think about walking normally.

Even though it has now become a fully stealth game, this "glorious" old tradition is still preserved, similar to a feeling.

Some people even put forward thinking, if everything in the game must be as real as reality, and there are so many constraints and regulations, then what else is needed for the game?In reality, you can't roll and walk at the same time, so in the game, you can do such cool things.

That's what full stealth games are all about.

Of course, this kind of "meaning" is absolutely beyond the comprehension of police officer Chen Huijie.She just thinks these players are noisy.There are always some players who like to surround her, as if she is some rare animal.

Terrans can't understand players. There are no online games here, and the harsh environment of Originium blocks the connection between countries, and even between cities.On Terra, only intercity LANs exist.There are not many types of games here, and most of them are based on terminals or handhelds.

For example, the current popular game is "Monster Hunter" produced by Dongguo. The main content is to defeat monsters, collect dropped materials to create new weapons and challenge stronger bosses. Because it supports face-to-face terminal connection, it is very popular.

It is precisely because they have seen too little that the people of Terra only regarded them as strange weirdos after they met them, and later, with a deeper understanding, they regarded the players as a special phenomenon, but they never went to the level of "players" consider.


"Phew, I'm tired..."

Chen Huijie had never felt so tired before, even when fighting criminals in Longmen before, it was not as tortured as it is today.Looking at these chaotic "refugees", she only felt that she had been hit mentally.

'Speaking of which, what is the origin of this white night? '

Turning her head inadvertently, Chen Huijie saw Bai Ye standing not far away.

Compared with himself, Bai Ye can be described as being able to do a job with ease.

There was a large group of refugees (players) standing beside him, and there were even a lot of strong onlookers, but even so, Bai Ye still didn't change his expression.

Chen Huijie can only be described with admiration.

If it were an ordinary person, it would have been unbearable to stand beside so many "strangely shaped" refugees, but Bai Ye always maintained a peaceful expression and mingled with the players.

'What an amazing guy.It seems that I was suspicious before. '

Police Officer Chen Huijie nodded. Before that, she regarded Bai Ye as a suspicious person, but judging from the current situation, it should not be necessary.Don't you see, people who can calmly talk to the appearance of the ancient gods with a calm expression, what bad thoughts can they have?

Picture: "Zeta", location: "Images/1652799179-100316598-108786141.jpg"

PS1: Book push time: "Ark Simulator, is this photo you?" "

Volume 25 hello world : Chapter 24 Chapter [-] is all free labor!

If Bai Ye knew what Chen sir was thinking, then he could only express that he was thinking too much.

The so-called "calmness" and "peace of mind" are just because I have seen too much in the previous life, so I don't take it strangely.

In fact, everyone has the potential to become a sand sculpture, but in reality we all wear masks, but in virtual online games, we can take off the masks and be who we want to be.

The reason why Bai Ye didn't drive away the players beside him was because he was testing the function of the NPC template.

He can edit missions and distribute them to players, but there is a certain number limit.At the same time, he can choose experience or physical objects or skills as rewards.

The share of experience that can be allocated in a day is also limited.

The physical objects and skills must be owned by Bai Ye himself.

For example, if Bai Ye gave away the standard straight sword made by Raytheon Industry in his hand as a reward, it meant that he lost this weapon.

If he wants to use skills as rewards, he must be able to, and the skill level of the reward can only be the lowest level.

In addition, Bai Ye found that he could freely adjust his favorability towards players.

This seems a bit fun, Bai Ye suddenly wanted to find a player to try.

Hey, isn't this a coincidence, Bai Ye saw a player with the ID [Cang Lei] walking towards him.

I saw that player shouting beside Bai Ye:

"Can you step on me, please?"



"This one is even more heavyweight."

"I want to be stepped on too!"

The players on the side heard what "Cang Lei" said, and they all laughed. It turns out that someone really said this, so brave.

While watching the fun, the players also turned their attention to Bai Ye, they wanted to know the reaction of this "NPC".

white night:? ? ?

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