Volume 267 When the Stars Shine: Chapter 77 Chapter [-] Players

"The current situation is that I have somehow become the commander of the integration movement..."

Even Daddy seems to have handed over the command to Bai Ye.

However, Bai Ye knew that he had no talent in this area at all.In his previous life, he was best at single-soldier assaults, and he usually cut whoever the group commander asked him to cut.

Bai Ye's main point of adding points is physics, which favors agility, and his reaction speed is amazing. Therefore, Bai Ye is also very capable of dealing with bosses. Usually in the "Wanderer's Tea Party", he plays the role of monster monster.

Before the first group wipeout, Bai Ye could at least test out several common attack methods of the boss, as well as some special skills, and sometimes even help the team complete the first kill.

Bai Ye was already used to this mode, and he was really not used to being asked to command the battle suddenly.

"I'm only responsible for making plans, and the command of the battlefield should be left to Daddy..." Bai Ye shook his head, and then he suddenly turned to look at W, "However, Miss W, your Sarkaz mercenary team is still following me Bar."

"Mr. Bai Ye is worried about me?" W had a mocking smile on his face.

"Sorry, I can't deal with crazy people, so it's safest to keep them under my nose." Bai Ye didn't deny W's statement.

In fact, even after being cleaned, Bai Ye is still not at ease with this Sarkaz armed force, especially for W, he can't see through this guy who has repeatedly jumped around in his previous life.

It is safest to put it aside, anyway, he happens to have tasks to arrange.

At this moment, the infected fighters with the integration movement informed Bai Ye:

"Mr. Bai Ye, someone is looking for you outside. It seems to be an undead person."

Bai Ye nodded, and then walked out of the temporary meeting room.


"You are?"

Outside the camp of the integration movement, Bai Ye saw a group of players.

Originally, Bai Ye thought that he was here to upgrade and buy equipment again.Only players who meet a certain level of contribution and reputation can propose to the integration movement to meet White Night, which is a privilege.

However, when Bai Ye saw these players, he found that he didn't know them.

"Mr. Bai Ye, hello, we are an orchestra wandering in this land, 'Alice Fantasy Orchestra', I am the conductor and head of the orchestra, Aisha."

The person negotiating with Bai Ye was a young woman, who behaved politely and dressed very well. If it wasn't for the NPC panel, it would be difficult for Bai Ye to connect her with the player group.

In fact, Bai Ye has rarely heard players speak such complete words.

Usually, the words he hears are usually silenced.After all, in order to prevent players from talking nonsense, coupled with the green game monitoring system, when it comes to some sensitive issues and earth swearing, it will considerately add noise reduction, or automatically replace words, so that "NPCs" can understand.

Well, of course, there are also players who can use the silencer word "beep" to curse people without being blocked by the system, which is a genius.

The head of Aisha is different from most of the players Bai Ye met. She seems to be really integrating into this world, playing a role, and experiencing life in the game.

Therefore, her behavior is very similar to that of the natives of Terra, and she has no sense of disobedience.

Behind the leader of the orchestra, Aisha, is also a group of players. They all wear uniform clothes and carry black musical instrument boxes on their backs.

"Are you an orchestra?"

Bai Ye could barely make out the shapes of several musical instrument boxes.

"Well, we are from Letania, and we heard that some big things are about to happen here, so we want to come and witness."

"Excuse me, can you allow us to stay next to your camp for a while, and in return, we will perform a performance."

"Of course." Bai Ye nodded.

In the chat afterwards, he learned that these players all chose Letania as the birth point, and they belonged to the same band in reality.After discovering that Letania is also a country of music, they can be regarded as professional counterparts.

These players wander the land of Terra, driving a dilapidated large locomotive to move in the wilderness.They visit cities in different countries and play various pieces of music.If someone tries to plot evil against them, these musicians can instantly become Leitanian battle mages, teaching the thugs how to behave with spells and swords.


Bai Ye naturally wouldn't reject such a group of players, but he didn't let the orchestra perform for the time being, because it would reveal the location of their camp.

In addition to the band headed by Aisha, players from all walks of life gathered here one after another.

The poor player who missed Bai Ye's "I will always like Sanshi Ayase" finally arrived. This journey was too difficult for him.

At the beginning, this guy chose Columbia as the birth point, but found that the important NPC Bai Ye was outside the Longmen Wilderness, so he deleted the account and reopened.

However, when the multi-day cooling time ended and he re-landed on Longmen Jian, he discovered that Bai Ye had already gone to the Ursus Empire.

Afterwards, he continued to do missions and moved towards the Ursus Empire, and now he finally arrived at the final location of the main mission.

According to common sense, ordinary players should arrive halfway, after all, the distance between Longmen and Ursus is not too far.However, this guy is a road idiot, and he actually went in the wrong direction halfway. If he didn't happen to meet a player from the Alice Fantasy Orchestra, he might have missed the white night again.

To be reasonable, Bai Ye was stunned when he saw this player lying in front of him with a mournful face.Later, he still learned the story of this perseverance player from the game forum.

He specially opened posts and live broadcasts, and even gained a group of fans. Watching his fun every day is a blessing in disguise.

However, for Bai Ye, he is just one of many ordinary players after all, and there is nothing special about him.

Perhaps this is the tragedy of dog licking. There are too many players, and most of them are not even spare tires.

Bai Ye's mentality has also undergone a huge change from the beginning. At the beginning, he was unknown, so he needed to pack himself and act aggressive in front of players to increase his popularity.

But now he doesn't need these anymore. He has become a well-known NPC in the game. There are a lot of memes about him on the Internet, and even the official release of his peripherals.

He no longer needs to curry favor with the players, but the players are chasing him.

"Finally I can happily cut leeks..."

Looking at the players gathered because of the main storyline of the game, Bai Ye suddenly felt the joy of an old farmer facing a bumper harvest.

The seeds planted in the past are now beginning to bear fruit.

Picture: "miku, tears of the times", location: "Images/1661872362-100316598-109282191.jpg"

PS1: Don’t forget to complete the crisis contract day. If I remember correctly, you must complete 10 times to get the badge

Volume 268 When the Stars Shine: Chapter 78 Chapter [-] Independence Day

In November 1096, the Chernobog evacuation plan had reached its final stage of execution.

The surrounding residents, travelers in the wilderness, and city defense personnel have all been evacuated to Chernobog's mobile city.

In particular, the military and police set up temporary stay areas in open spaces such as squares to accommodate the sudden surge in population.

Simply placing these people is a huge problem, and some of them are infected.

There are also signs of intensification of conflicts between local citizens and outsiders. After all, in the eyes of the citizens, these outsiders are refugees.The resources in the city need to be re-allocated, and the military and police are overwhelmed with work, dealing with various disputes every day.

In short, this is the normal state before natural disasters.

The whole city is in a state of undercurrent.

The Chernobog local Infector forces that have been connected with the Integration Movement are ready to go, and groups of players and Infectors have also followed the tunnel and sneaked into the Chernobog through the maintenance windows and waste outlets at the bottom of the mobile city-state. Ernoberg.

It can be said that the time is fully ripe.

On the last day of November 1096 in the Terra calendar, White Night and Tallulah issued an order to act.

"First of all, according to the plan, the Sarkaz mercenary team and I will directly raid the command tower in the core city, eliminate Marquis Boris' private soldiers, and at the same time seize control of the command tower."

"Afterwards, we will issue orders to Chernobog's military and police through Marquis Boris to move them away from the core city. Block full control."

"All of this must be done as quickly as possible. Afterwards, the mobile city will unlock the block lock, and we will expel the residents in the core city to the adjacent city block, and then evacuate."

Bai Ye simply repeated his battle plan.

The specific field command is left to the cadres to complete.

"For this operation, I only emphasize one thing, and that is discipline. All those who disobey the order will be hanged."

Bai Ye reiterated for the last time, his expression was very serious.

The infected rarely saw Bai Ye showing such an expression.Usually, he is smiling and very kind to the infected.

But now, Bai Ye rarely showed his other side in front of the integration movement, and the killing intent from his eyes made the infected people terrified.If this does not have a deterrent effect, then there are patriots standing beside Bai Ye.

Every time, he personally executed the infected who violated the prohibition.


"Big Bob, Adam and the three gentlemen of Mud Rock, the safety of the civilians is entrusted to you."

White Night has left some Sarkaz infected people behind, and they will bring the civilians to join the infected people at the Azazel Clinic in Chernoborg.

They don't need to participate in this battle.

Mu Yan and the others nodded, but Bai Ye always felt that his movements were a little unnatural. It was weird for this big and strong man to be slightly dazed when Bai Ye called his husband.

But Bai Ye didn't think about it carefully.

"Then, the battle begins."

Bai Ye was the first to board the "Bad Guy" aircraft.

W followed with her most elite group of Sarkaz mercenaries.

Bai Ye had already taken them for airborne training before, and according to the plan, they would raid the command tower of the core city of Chernobog under the leadership of Bai Ye.

On the eve of the city's decoupling and withdrawal, Marquis Boris, as the lord of the city, will definitely be there.

"Bai Ye, I wish you prosperity in martial arts." Before leaving, Alina nodded to Bai Ye.

She is not a combatant, and as such, she would follow civilians to infiltrate Chernobog's substructure for shelter.

"There should be no problem with the aircraft, right?" Bai Ye looked at the film girl sitting in the cockpit.

"everything is normal."

This time, it was not Bai Ye who piloted the aircraft, but Yaye, a medical operator from Rhodes Island.

Because Bai Ye had to bring people into the air, and the aircraft couldn't hover over it all the time, another pilot was needed to drive the Bad Guy away from the airborne area, and be responsible for covering and responding afterwards.

In fact, Yaye originally wanted to follow the airborne raid, and she wanted to avenge her parents.However, Bai Ye finally persuaded her to stay on the aircraft and provide support as a pilot.

In just half a month, Yaye learned the simple operation method of this aircraft. At least, she can make the aircraft lift and move.


After half a standard Terra hour, with the cloaking device activated, the aircraft bypassed the detection devices on the city defense facilities and arrived at the sky above the command tower of the core city.

"The airflow is stable, the visibility is good, and it is suitable for airborne."

Yaye gave the airborne command from the radio and opened the hatch at the same time.

"let's go."

Bai Ye put the arc light and the scabbard on his back, and activated the operation unit at the same time.

After adjustments by the Rhode Island warlock department, Bai Ye's staff has become more and more suitable for his spell-casting habits.Whether it is the conduction of energy or the establishment of the structure of the operation, it is extremely smooth.

"let's go!"

Bai Ye clashed his fists, and the solid nitrogen armor wrapped his body. At the same time, W and the others also put on the jet pack.

This disposable jetpack is used for airborne, and before landing, it will release gas to slow down the speed through reaction force.

Simple, brutal, and wild, it can only be used by super Terrans with amazing physiques.

For these strong and strong Sarkaz mercenaries, it is obviously perfect.

Bai Ye was the first to jump down from the cabin of the aircraft.

On the scabbard behind him, the azure blue operation unit was lit up one by one, serving as a beacon for the subsequent airborne Sarkaz mercenaries.


Just like Skadi last time, Bai Ye completed the airborne without the aid of tools, but with his body and spells.Accompanied by the explosion of gas, Bai Ye landed steadily on the top platform of the command tower.

"My feet are the first to step into hell."

At the same time, Bai Ye took out a strangely shaped device from the inventory with his backhand, and patted it on the top of the platform.

"The top platform is cleared, the signal jamming device is set up, you can hurry up."

White Night's voice rang out over the radio channel.

"Not everyone is a monster like you, sir..." W's voice was poured into Bai Ye's channel along with the howling wind.

The girl clicked her tongue while airborne, this guy Bai Ye is really a monster.You can fall directly from 50 meters above the command tower without any auxiliary equipment. Even if it is not the first time you have seen it, you still feel very outrageous.

With Bai Ye's airborne, a major event that shocked the world officially kicked off.

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