Golden lightning flashed and disappeared in the clouds, like the tail of a Phaedian swimming.

There was silence between heaven and earth, and all life was trembling instinctively.When facing all the species on this land, all the ancient enemies of life, the fear that has been engraved into the DNA will spread accordingly.

This is a natural emotion, and there is no need to be ashamed or ashamed, because natural disasters are the enemy of civilization and life.

When the energy of the active origin stone was brewed to the extreme and finally gushed out, it seemed that a corner of the sky had collapsed, and the black origin stone fell from the sky and hit the ground directly.

If Chernobog was still in that position, it would be destroyed directly. At the same time, the highly activated Originium would produce tall Originium crystal clusters on the surface of the city.Any survivors who come into contact will have a high probability of being corroded by the energy of the origin stone and become infected.

Almost no one is spared.

"It's really scary. This is one of the top powers on this land." Bai Ye pursed his lips. Even if it wasn't the first time he witnessed a natural disaster, he would still be excited.

His hands were shaking slightly, not because of fear, but because of an inexplicable impulse.

For some reason, when he looked up at the disaster cloud, an inexplicable hostility would well up in his heart.As if that natural disaster was his enemy, this unreasonable emotion made Bai Ye think it was his own illusion at first.

After all, having seen the mighty power of natural disasters, he thought that maybe he really developed a sense of competition.

However, when he carefully explored his heart, he was surprised to find that he seemed to be able to really feel that the tortured land was calling for him for help.He could feel the cry of the wind and the cry of the world.

This is not an illusion.

"really weird……"

Bai Ye suppressed this inexplicable impulse in his heart.

This inexplicable hostility obviously did not stem from his own emotions, but something was affecting him.

He silently kept this feeling in his heart.

As it gradually becomes stronger, the mysteries are not reduced, but more and more.


In fact, the reason is very simple.

Natural disasters are the enemy of civilization and one of the factors that may cause the extinction of human beings.

The extinction of human beings will lead to the disappearance of the Alaya Consciousness, the collective subconscious mind of all human beings, that is, Luna.

Therefore, Luna hates the Scourge.

Natural disasters are her enemies.

Similarly, it will also be Bai Ye's enemy.

Image: "Beauty with an intensity", location: "Images/1662477484-100316598-109313975.jpg"

PS1: The international server of Azul Files has been updated today, have you drawn Wakazao yet?

Volume 286 New World: Chapter 7 Chapter [-] Sarcophagus

"Mr. Bai Ye, your complexion is not very good, you should go to rest."

Alina was the first to notice something was wrong with Bai Ye, and she quickly spoke.

Bai Ye nodded.

He felt that his condition was really not very good. First, he had a wave with the natural disaster, and then he was affected by the inexplicable abnormal emotions in his heart.

Thinking back now, Bai Ye thinks that his initial behavior against natural disasters was probably not a whim or a coincidence.At that time, I should have been affected by the inner impulse.

"I always feel that I am getting closer and closer to the truth..."

Bai Ye walked down the command tower while thinking.


The core city without players is empty and silent.

A large area of ​​the block was left unused. On the road, Bai Ye could see the infected people of the Integration Movement cleaning up the entire city in an orderly manner.

They have already regarded themselves as the masters of the core city, collecting finances and integrating resources, and they want to transform this place into a self-sufficient paradise.

On the way, when they saw Bai Ye, these infected people would take the initiative to wave hello or nod in greeting.For these infected people, the existence of Bai Ye is like a savior, pulling them out of the terrible quagmire.

Even, these infected people are planning to erect a statue for White Night in the memorial square in the center.

Of course, Bai Ye didn't know about it yet, but he always felt that the eyes of the infected were a little fanatical.

This approach of almost treating him as a human god made Bai Ye a little difficult to deal with. Yes, Bai Ye didn't want other people to have expectations of him.If you have expectations, you will be betrayed, and if you have betrayal, you will be angry. Therefore, it is easier to fall into madness.Tragedy is probably the case.

So Bai Ye activated the optical invisibility spell at the corner of the next street, and he was slightly relieved.

All the uneasiness from before was gone.

After continuing to walk on the street for a while, Bai Ye soon came to his residence in the core city of Chernobog.

"Let's just call it home..."

Tallulah divided a part of the core city, which will then become a gathering place for players.That is, the player's main city and home system often seen in rpg games.

The city will not only be owned by the infected, part of it will also belong to the player.

And Bai Ye's residence is not far from here.

At first, the infected wanted to give Bai Ye a manor, after all, he was fully qualified to occupy the property left by the former noble.

However, Bai Ye rejected this gift. For him, the narrow room made people feel more secure.For example, the dormitory in Rhode Island, he likes it very much.

As a player, Bai Ye has long been used to the cramped hotel room, and the same is true for buying a house in the player's main city later.He used to convert his residence into a safe house.Compared with comfort, Bai Ye has a more persistent pursuit of security.

Even after becoming an aborigine of this world, this habit has not changed.

Perhaps subconsciously, Bai Ye still regards himself as a passerby.

However, if the player wants to purchase real estate in the core city or rent a store, he will need to pay a fee.From the money, Bai Ye can get a piece of the pie.

For real benefits, Bai Ye would naturally not refuse.

This is one of the returns he deserved on his previous investment.

In addition, Bai Ye's gains include tax reductions and exemptions for his own company, high-quality material support, a huge market, and various preferential policies.

After Tallulah became a marquis and had a fief, Bai Ye's industry could use these advantages to rise rapidly.

"It's a pity that my company is all empty shells now..."

Bai Ye thought about it, but he didn't come up with a good idea. He was going to leave this question to Miss Shi Huaiya to think about.

Anyway, for him, fighting and killing are more handy, and this is the only thing he is good at.


After resting in his residence for a day, Bai Ye prepared to return to Rhodes Island.

He will never go again, he feels that he is going to become a member of the integration movement. He is obviously the director of Rhodes Island, but he has been busy with his own affairs and doesn't care about his company's affairs at all. This is not acceptable.

But before that, Bai Ye was going to enter the sarcophagus once.

In the plot flow of the previous life, Rhode Island rescued the main NPC code-named "Doctor" from the sarcophagus.

This is also the beginning of the main plot of the previous life. For this NPC, Rhodes Island lost two elite operators and two elite teams.

And ACE has also become the first NPC in the main storyline that players have come into contact with to die from a plot kill.

There have been many players who are concerned about the plot discussing in the forum whether the sacrifice of these two NPCs and many operators is worth it. Various opinions emerge in endlessly, and in the end there is no convincing conclusion for everyone.

Even though Bai Ye was not interested in the plot in his previous life, he still browsed these posts by chance, after all, they were too popular.

"I'm very curious about what's inside the sarcophagus, and what kind of person the doctor is."

While talking to himself, Bai Ye walked into the sarcophagus under the watchful eye of the infected guards.

He is the only one with permission to enter this place.

"The identity of a scholar is quite useful..."

Bai Ye stood in front of the heavy stone door. Thirty years ago, after Marquis Boris' research failed, he ordered the sarcophagus to be sealed.

Since then, it has become a restricted area.

Bai Ye may be the only person who has stepped here for many years.

"I feel like I'm on the moon."

Looking at the thick dust accumulated on the ground and the prints left by his shoes on the ground, Bai Ye couldn't help complaining.

Afterwards, he activated the mechanism, and the heavy stone door was slowly lifted.

Suddenly, the flow of air caused the dust on the ground to fly.

The mysterious forbidden area that had been sealed for too long was finally unsealed again.

"The concentration of origin stones... is very low, which is normal. This place is not driven by origin stones at all."

Bai Ye slowly stepped into the sarcophagus.

It can be seen that Boris completely blocked the whole device with cement, which is a huge project.But that's all. Their actions were hasty, with no defenses, surveillance, or lights. They simply blocked the entire area.

Bai Ye passed through the isolation doors one after another, and soon penetrated into the core area of ​​the sarcophagus.

Then, he heard a huge rumbling sound.

The sarcophagus was not completely closed, but entered a dormant state similar to standby.

The energy generated by this device is being continuously fed into the engine of the core city to support the operation of the city-state.

In the deepest part of the device, Bai Ye saw a "coffin".

It was a survival pod.

A figure was lying quietly in it.

Picture: "Elemental Hero Landman!", Location: "Images/1662477455-100316598-109313980.jpg"

PS1: Uncle's skills are so strong, I feel that Boss Yin can finally rest

Volume 287 New World: Chapter 8 Chapter [-] Doctor Kelsey, you don't want to...

"This should be the so-called doctor..."

"The only living person in the sarcophagus."

Bai Ye approached the life support cabin, and then felt the faint cold air coming from under the cabin seat cover.

"It's really cold, it's actually a cryogenic hibernation cabin."

Bai Ye walked around the coffin where the doctor was lying several times with great interest.

The appearance of this thing is a bit like the game cabin he used in his previous life, but it is much larger in size.

As we all know, generally those lying in coffins or life support devices are ruthless people.

Like a Doom Slayer who slashed through hell.

For example, the Master Chief who was awakened from the freezer in the Autumn Stew.

Such as those umbrella tyrants who are soaked in water.

Another example is an old hooligan who ravaged Hyrule, who fell asleep for 100 years.

"Is there a possibility that the doctor is actually Link?"

Bai Ye said a cold joke that he didn't understand, gently wiped off the frost on the transparent cover, and looked at the person sleeping inside.

"Right now, I can't wake you up from inside."

Bai Ye shook his head, if he forcibly opened the life support device now, this guy probably would have sent it.

Speaking of which, Chernobog had been on the verge of explosion several times before, and this guy probably jumped back and forth in front of the gate of hell, so lucky.

Bai Ye took out the terminal and took a lot of photos from various angles, and then left the sarcophagus.


Two days later, Bai Ye appeared in Rhodes Island.

After he jumped off the plane, he received a text message from Dr. Kelsey on the terminal.

"It seems that the old woman has already known about Chernobog."

Bai Ye blinked, put away the terminal, and then walked straight to Dr. Kelsey's office with the printed photos.

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