The two walked out of the visitor reception room, and Yin Hui's own guard also walked out together, leaving only Bai Ye and Yin Hui in the huge reception room.

Hey, I seem to have forgotten who?

Oh, and Dr.

She followed suit.

Sitting on the chair, Bai Ye said relaxedly:

"There is no one else here now. Mr. Shivaash has something to say, but it doesn't matter."

"This time I came to your company, in addition to treating my other sister's ore disease, I also have another purpose—"

Saying that, Yin Hui stared at Bai Ye and said:

"I want to come and meet you."

"I'm just an ordinary person." Bai Ye chuckled lightly.

"No, Mr. Bai Ye is too modest." Yin Hui shook his head.

"You don't need to go around in circles, I prefer to be direct."

Bai Ye interrupted the conversation.

Yin Hui was stunned for a moment, then changed his sitting position and leaned forward:

"Well, I'm here to seek Mr. Bai Ye's wisdom. In Kjerag, the special race mentioned in your papers and books - the undead has also appeared."

"Because of Mr.'s research results, we also know something about them. But not all Kjerags welcome them."

"In fact, these undead are regarded as heretics by many people in Kjerag. They have no beliefs than other foreigners, and some people even uttered some blasphemous heresy remarks under the holy mountain."

Yinhui said, showing a heartbroken expression:

"Now, the other two of the three clans have started to propose to expel these undead from the snowy land, and other outsiders have also been implicated. My company and business have also been affected, and my partners are very unhappy."

Obviously, the desecration of holy places and gods does not make Yin Hui's expression so exaggerated. Although there is an element of acting, it is certain that his business will be affected.

Bai Ye came to a sudden.

This kind of thing is too normal for him.

In other words, he already knew that this day would come.

Smiling, Bai Ye said:

"Did these undead climb up the holy mountain of Kalan secretly? There are also some people who broke into the holy place indiscriminately? They offended the Manzhuyuan with their recklessness?"

Silver Gray nodded:

"If I didn't know that Mr. Bai Ye has never been in the snow environment, maybe I would really think that you have witnessed these things with your own eyes. Indeed, it is exactly as you said."

At this moment, Yinhui has concluded that Bai Ye's true talents and knowledge are different from those so-called "experts", Bai Ye is not a person who wants to gain fame and fortune, he is indeed an expert who specializes in the study of "undead", and he is also an authority.

In fact, Yinhui didn't know that Bai Ye had actually seen it with her own eyes.

The player is a very chaotic creature with complex components.They treat all of this as a game. Similarly, it is very normal to sharply comment on the setting of religion in the game.

For example, when they are in Kjerag, they will express dissatisfaction with the isolation and religion there, and even think that the tradition there has closed themselves, and religion is essentially a cult.

This kind of sharp criticism is normal, because they haven't realized that there are gods on Terra. As the plot unfolds, they will know that the so-called "faith" is a real thing.

It's just that they don't understand it yet.

However, in the eyes of the players, these remarks were just complaints and jokes, but they really annoyed the locals in the snow region. In their view, the players were blaspheming their beliefs, and this kind of heretical ridicule made them very angry.

Because of Yinhui's opening strategy to the outside world and the establishment of the Karan Trading Company, the previously closed snowland is also gradually opening up to the outside world, and there are more and more foreigners.However, even if these foreigners have no beliefs, they will not publicly criticize the religion here.So the player is really outrageous in comparison.

Before the conflicts in other regions erupted, Kjerag's contradictions were the first to appear, and might become the biggest one.Because it involves some religious issues.I understand that this is the most sensitive category.

Even a sharp comment on the god Yeragund of Kjerag is outrageous enough, not to mention other actions of the player.

For example, from the perspective of players, they can go anywhere in this world, as long as there is no air wall, they can go to any place that is not closed.They don't care about the so-called sacred mountain forbidden area at all.

It is so normal to secretly climb the snow-capped mountains and then take pictures.

As for Manzhuyuan?

They will only think that this is a place where side missions can be triggered, and they don't know the importance of this place to Kjerag.

It can only be said that due to the relationship between viewpoints and perspectives, it is normal for players to do all kinds of things that make the snow people angry.What's more, some players also have some old problems that "stand-alone game protagonists" often have.

Sneaking around, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, entering and leaving houses at will...

These have intensified the contradictions between the two sides.

PS1: After eating the big melon from Zhang Jinghua (Ouyang Mingxia), the v circle is really exciting!

Volume 356 New World: Chapter 74 Chapter [-] The possibility of if line

"I have roughly understood the specific situation."

Bai Ye clapped his hands.

Yin Hui nodded, then looked at Bai Ye and asked:

"Mr. Bai Ye, you are an expert in this field. I am here this time to seek your advice."

In fact, the existence of the players has actually disturbed the tranquility of the snowy environment that had just opened up and become chaotic.

Local devout believers are becoming more and more hostile to players, and at the same time they are beginning to hate those foreigners and natives who enter the snow from outside.

Someone suggested that all these people should be expelled, and the Karan trade should be closed, so as to resume the closed life of the past.

There are plenty of people who support this point of view.

Silver Ash is indeed a bit distressed. His strength is based on the Karan trade, which is his foundation and painstaking efforts. If it is true, as those opponents said, to close the border and expel the undead and foreigners, then his vision and plan will be reduced to waste paper.

At this time, Bai Ye's papers and academic works were published.

Countless Terra natives, including heads of various political entities, had a clearer and deeper understanding of these "undead" who suddenly appeared all over the world because of White Night.

Yin Hui was no exception. After reading Bai Ye's works, he was astonished. It turned out that there were experts who knew this special race so well.

Therefore, he learned about Bai Ye's company through various channels - a little-known pharmaceutical company registered for less than three years, and also a neutral organization for infected people, Rhodes Island.

After learning that Rhodes Island is actually a special organization that solves the affairs of the infected and treats the infected, Silver Ash made up his mind.He killed two birds with one stone, he was able to use Rhodes Island to treat his sister who was infected with ore disease due to a climbing accident, and he was able to find Bai Ye.

In fact, Yinhui is very lucky. If he came earlier or later, he might have missed the white night.After all, as the supervisor of Rhodes Island's field department, Bai Ye would always leave Rhodes Island to go to the field in person, and spent most of the year running around outside, so it was difficult to find him.

It was a coincidence recently that Bai Ye happened to be on the main ship of Rhodes Island, so Yinhui was able to see Bai Ye smoothly.

"First of all, I can say clearly that it is unrealistic to simply block the country's gates and expel all outsiders, including the undead. In other words, this is slow suicide." Bai Ye drank a glass of water, and then said slowly.

Yin Hui deeply agreed, he nodded:

"Those people don't know the crisis facing the snowy land. I have studied in Victoria, so I know how powerful countries outside the snowy land rise and grow."

"In earlier history, when mobile cities had not yet been invented, and in the era when natural disasters drove refugees on the mainland, the different civilizations divided across the continent still knew little about each other. Modern countries have not yet been established, and communication and exchanges are even more important. Almost non-existent."

"In the past 200 years, even in the era of pioneering, it was still a period that only focused on its own development and did not contact other countries. But in the past few decades, frictions and connections between various countries have gradually begun to arise. "

"With the support of Gaul, Colombia became independent from Victoria. Only a decade or so later, the Battle of the Four Emperors led to the fall of Gaul. Colombia and Letania fought a war over Bolivar that continues to this day."

"Not only that, the war between countries has accelerated mutual exchanges, trade agreements were signed between countries, and multinational trading companies were established. When all this happened, Kjerag didn't know it."

With that said, Yin Hui stood up, and he paced back and forth in the room:

"The crisis has come, and we are still unconscious. I will not agree with the decision to close the trading company. In fact, there are only three people left in our family, and the eldest sister has become a saint again. I don't care about the benefits brought by the company. , I am worried about the snow environment itself."

"So, after learning about the conflict between the undead and the Kjerags, I couldn't sleep at night, and what I was most worried about happened. Because of the undead, the wave of xenophobia is being set off, and the Kalan trade is also at a low level. On the cusp."

Bai Ye shook his head:

"No, actually, I don't care about Kjerag's crisis. What I study is not geopolitics and national conflicts. Thank you for your history class, but my field is undead."

"I know that the undead are a group with a strong rebellious psychology. If you really expelled them from the Snow Realm and restricted their entry, it will only arouse their sense of resistance even more."

Player psychology is very interesting. You say not to do it, but I don't.For example, some people have long known that "touching" Brother Xinxin with his hands will lead to hostility between the two, but there are always people who will do this.

They clearly knew the result, and even some players were still new and couldn't beat them at all.

Well, Mengxin might really not be able to beat Bro Xinxin.

For another example, if a place is listed as a forbidden place in the game, there are always players who will try to find ways to enter, break in, smuggle in, or even use bugs. In fact, they have no purpose in doing so, they just want to interact with the game production. against.

Now, if the snow area is really blocked, players will only think that this is a provocation from the game producer, and they will become more interested, and want to go there to play and see the scenery.

Of course, there are also up masters and anchors who deliberately want to go there, shoot videos, make some gimmicks, and attract traffic.

"You can't stop them. The methods of the undead are very rich. They will try their best to enter the snowy land and even the holy land. At that time, the conflict will intensify, and the hostility between the two sides is inevitable."

Bai Ye said, leaning on the back of the chair, watching Yin Hui walking back and forth in the visitor reception room:

"I think, you also hope that Kjerag will provoke a group of enemies who will not die?"

"The undead are very vengeful, and they will not die, so once the two sides are hostile, they will never die."

"Sir, help me." With an ugly expression on his face, he solemnly begged Bai Ye, "I will not hesitate to pay any price, but, as a member of the Tri-Clan Council and one of the rulers of the Snow Realm, I We have a responsibility to prevent this future from happening."

Bai Ye looked at the man in front of him, but didn't speak.

But in his heart, Bai Ye had already made a decision.

In fact, even if Yin Hui didn't take the initiative, Bai Ye would do so.

Whether it is the player or Terra's own civilization, it is equally important in his eyes. If the two sides conflict, it will also be a devastating blow to his own industry.

Bai Ye doesn't want the current mmorpg game to evolve into a fourth natural disaster invasion between players vs Terra civilization, a pure pve all-out war.

It may be inconspicuous, but the snow crisis is likely to become the fuse, leading the world line to another ending, the key node of the if line.

Of course, it may be an exaggeration. After all, the snow environment cannot replace other countries. However, who knows what will happen in the future?Bai Ye, I don't want to gamble.

This world is bad enough, and the deep-sea Zerg are watching. If there is a fourth natural disaster, it will be really lively.

Volume 357 New World: Chapter 75 Chapter [-] Silver Ash Tries to Dig the Wall

Although Bai Ye had already made a decision in his heart.

But he didn't immediately give Yinhui his answer.

Decision is one aspect, but this does not prevent Bai Ye from gaining some benefits.Snowland is rich in mineral resources, and these resources have been preserved to the modern times when resources are scarce because of the closure of snowland and lack of mining technology.

In addition, the white night is very important for the holy mountain of Kalan in the snow and the god Yeragand.

Also interested.

So, facing Yin Hui's request, Bai Ye pondered.

He looked at the big silver cat in front of him, and said slowly:

"I really want to help you, my friend. However, without knowing the real situation, I can't give a solution out of thin air."

"If I want to give advice, maybe I need to do a field trip."

Yin Hui nodded after hearing the words.

And Bai Ye continued:

"However, as the supervisor of the field department, if you want to go out, you may have to obtain the approval of Dr. Kelsey."


Maybe Yinhui didn't know clearly, and thought what Bai Ye said was true, but this guy was running around, and he rarely applied to Dr. Kelsey.

Only when he needed various support from Rhodes Island or used the resources of Rhodes Island's foreign offices, Bai Ye would consult with the old woman.

It's okay, the old woman, the old woman, and Ms. Kelsey, I'm talking about Bai Ye.

But Yin Hui took Bai Ye's words seriously, looked around, and suddenly asked:

"Mr. Bai Ye, I wonder if you want to change to a new working environment?"

Bai Ye changed his sitting position on the chair, unscrewed a bottle of happy sparkling water by the way, took a sip, and squinted his eyes somewhat comfortably.

"This thing was not allowed to be touched before, so I really like to drink... Well, according to what you said just now, you want to poach me?"

Yinhui didn't know where Bai Ye took out the sparkling water with drops of water hanging from the wall of the bottle, but he didn't pay attention to this trivial matter.

He nodded, opened his hands and said:

"Kjerag is a place with a beautiful environment, which is definitely convenient for your research. And, as you know, the snow environment will definitely get better and better under our construction. This is a place where you can use your talents in research without having to Emerging industrial and technological countries that worry about their achievements being plagiarized, misused, and buried.”

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