Bai Ye walked easily on the holy mountain of Kalan while looking at the scenery on both sides.

The road he chose is called the road to heaven, and it is the road used to select saintesses.

According to Bai Ye's understanding, the ritual of selecting a saint in the Kjerag religion is the same as most primitive religions, sacred and cruel, and even in the eyes of modern people, it is a bit barbaric.

After the death of the current saintess, all girls of the right age will enter the election shrine. Only when they are hit by the first drop of melted snow water in the shrine on that day can they be eligible to become saints.

After that, the chosen one should set out from the Chosen Shrine with the trial bell and go along the heavenly road to the shrine on the mountain until the trial bell is hung on the bell stand.On the way, you must abide by the principle of three steps, one nod, five steps and one ringing of the bell.Violators will lose their qualifications to become saintesses, and new ones will be created from the melting snow on the second day.

This celestial road is usually blocked by the Manzhuyuan, so there is no one here except Bai Ye.

On both sides of the road in the snow mountain, sometimes Bai Ye could even see the girl's body.

Perhaps Yeragand did it on purpose, and their bodies were sealed in ice.Therefore, the girls seemed to just fall into a deep sleep, their expressions were serene and peaceful, and their souls returned to Yeragund's side.

Time seemed to be frozen at the last moment of their lives, and they became part of the holy mountain of Kalan.

Cruel and simple faith.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and continued to climb upwards.

Then, he heard a strange sound coming from the front.

Looking up, I saw a big cat jumping out from the high rock in front of me.

"I thought it was something... Cheese Snow Leopard." Bai Ye just couldn't figure out why there were animals on this holy mountain, probably raised by Yeragand or Manzhu Yard.

However, Bai Ye is not sure what kind of animal this thing is. After all, the names of animals in Terra are different from those on Earth.

What pack animals, scale fish, feathered beasts...

When seeing people, the big cat is not afraid, but calls softly towards Bai Ye:


Yes, it is very counterintuitive that the cry of snow leopards is not loud, much worse than that of tigers.It is said that shouting loudly on the snow-capped mountains can cause avalanches.

"Snow Leopard shut up!"

Bai Ye gestured at the big cat, and the snow leopard ran away with its tail between its legs.

"You scared her."

A familiar voice rang in Bai Ye's ear.

Bai Ye turned his head to look, and as expected, Yela who had met once before, that is, Yeragand, appeared beside him.

"Are you always so elusive?" Bai Ye couldn't help complaining.

To be honest, he himself was still taken aback, after all, it suddenly appeared without fluctuation, and he couldn't detect it in advance.

"I didn't expect that you would actually climb up step by step." Yela had a good impression of Bai Ye's actions.

Bai Ye smiled:

"I respect the owner here quite a lot. Besides, the scenery here is really nice."

"As long as you like it."

Accompanied by Yela, Bai Ye easily completed the remaining half of the journey. His steps were fast, and he didn't seem to be climbing a mountain at all, but walking.

Extraordinary attributes make Bai Ye walk on this road of death like a flat ground.

"We have arrived."

After a while, the two arrived at the top of Kalan Holy Mountain.

"Reach the highest peak of Kjerag, Karan."

"It's so beautiful, Kalan Holy Mountain..."

Bai Ye looked around and was amazed by the scenery here. It was not just a visual enjoyment, but also a feeling of seeing the sun through the clouds on the top of the mountains.

"How is it? It's not bad, right?" Yela stood aside, looking very happy.

Her figure was like an elf in a snow mountain, and the snow leopard that had slipped away before also appeared beside her, rubbing the girl's calf affectionately.

"You just live here?" Bai Ye looked at the wind and snow around him, "It's really beautiful, but it's a bit boring to live here all the time."

"Hehe, then you can't be my saint..." Yela smiled, "The saint also needs to live here, her life is more boring than mine, and she has to face all kinds of things every day. Council rituals and endless readings of scriptures."

"This is the price for gaining power and rights... The saint is the religious leader of Kjerag, and she is the person with the highest status besides you." Bai Ye said, pointing to the surrounding wind and snow, "And, once Become a saint, and you can directly become your representative from an ordinary person."

"There is nothing wrong with this, my saint, she is very strong." Yela said with some pride.

While talking, the two came to the divine residence.

Here is the abode of Yela, of course, as the abode of the gods.Now she has been disguised as the head maid, and this place has been idle for a long time.

"It's still convenient to talk here, but I don't have anything good to entertain you." Yela sat on the stone chair beside her.

"It's okay, just be more casual." Bai Ye sat opposite her.

At this moment, the official meeting between the two has just begun.

"Speaking of it, I'm quite surprised. It turns out that there are my fellow clansmen besides the snow realm... well, are you really my fellow clansman?" Yela looked at Bai Ye curiously.

Bai Ye snapped his fingers, and a cloud of air appeared at his fingertips.

Then, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Actually, I really want to talk about this topic with you. God of the Snow Realm, please answer my questions. What am I now?"

However, Yela couldn't give Bai Ye an answer, she smiled awkwardly:

"Actually, I can't answer your question."

"Let me first talk about what I think of myself, or what Yeragund is."

"When I was born, I thought that there was only this snow mountain and the people living on this snow field in the world, so I naturally felt close to them. I have never left Kjerag. All I know is In the land of Kjerag, the only people who know him are those who live in this land."

"I am a creature born in Kjerag. I represent what happened in the past. I don't know what is happening and what is about to happen. The future of Kjerag was never in my hands, nor should it be. in my hand."

Saying that, Yela stood up, she looked at Bai Ye:

"So, my fellow clan, what do you think you represent? Actually, the answer is very simple, you don't need to be obsessed with your own identity. Don't care about what you are, the key is what you want to do."

Then, Yela paused, and continued:

"In fact, even I am looking for my own meaning. Why was I born on this land? If protecting Kjerag is not my mission, then what is the meaning of my life? I want to find the answer."

Volume 373 New World: Chapter 91 Chapter [-] Ability Improvement

Bai Ye was slightly disappointed.

In fact, he originally wanted to learn some information about gods, giant beasts, and even the king of beasts from Yela.

Unexpectedly, Yeragand was considered a junior in the gods, especially the young one. She didn't know what she was, so she couldn't answer Bai Ye's question.

"So, can you see that my ability is the same type as yours?"

Bai Ye asked the second question.

Speaking of her abilities, Yela was also a little excited:

"I haven't compared strength with my peers yet..."

"The most important aspect of my abilities is Blizzard. And my saint, who picked up my holy bell, can also summon Blizzard, but it's not as big as mine."

"Can you let me feel it?" Bai Ye asked.

"Eh? Are you sure? But it's very, very, very cold." Yela was a little surprised.

Bai Ye nodded, indicating that he had no problem.

"Okay, but tell me if you feel something is wrong." Yela led Bai Ye outside.

She signaled Bai Ye to get ready, then raised her hand.

Accompanied by this movement, Bai Ye clearly saw that strange animals began to float around the girl's body.

In the sky, dark clouds suddenly appeared, and the gloomy dark clouds enveloped the snow-capped mountains, as if the entire sky was about to fall.

The surrounding temperature also began to drop rapidly, and large flakes of snow fell on Bai Ye's shoulders.

Bai Ye closed his eyes, carefully feeling the changes in the surrounding airflow and atmosphere.

The airflow around his body also began to rotate slowly.

The snowflakes around Bai Ye's body did not fall to the ground, but were suspended in mid-air, slowly circling around his body.

"Sure enough, it's similar to my abilities..." Yela's eyes lit up.

There is nothing wrong with this feeling, it is indeed different from those spells called "Origin Stone Arts" by outsiders.

"However, I still don't seem to be able to do it to this extent... to change the weather all at once..." Bai Ye felt that his ability to use innate spells might be weaker than the one in front of him.

But Yela shook her head:

"No, I feel... You should be able to do it too, but the way you use your abilities seems a little too rough."

"You can try another method. Don't try to control the entire weather. It's tiring to that extent. You can first try to manipulate a small part to leverage the whole."

Bai Ye suddenly realized.

Yela's words woke him up.

Previously, his use of his innate spells was mostly aimed at manipulating a part of the gas.However, he ignored the effect of local airflow changes on the whole.

Meteorological changes are changes in airflow and temperature. Byakuya can quickly reduce the temperature through compressed air, which itself has the ability to change the weather.

No, it's even simpler.Bai Ye doesn't need to study the principles like using Originium skills, and then operate it by himself.For example, Saria's calcification spell, the principle alone is enough to write several large books.

His ability is more idealistic, as long as he feels that he can do it, then he can do it, and he doesn't need to understand the principle or understanding.

For example, Bai Ye can control a piece of gas to expand and explode, but he doesn't understand the principle at all, he just thought so, and then he did it.

But now, Bai Ye raised his hand, closed his eyes and felt it carefully for a while, then snapped his fingers lightly.

After a while, the blizzard in the air stopped.

The snowflakes suspended beside him fell silently, and the dark clouds in the sky dissipated immediately.

When the wind and snow subside, the clouds will see the sun.

Like the scene in front of him, Bai Ye felt suddenly enlightened.

Sure enough, my own abilities are different from Originium skills. If I simply follow the direction of Originium skills to develop, I may not be able to realize the full potential of my abilities.

"Thank you, Yela." Bai Ye opened his eyes, turned around and thanked the girl in front of him.

Yela shook her head with a smile:

"I just gave you a little inspiration, but how do I feel that your ability and personality are higher than mine?"

"Is that so?" Bai Ye was a little curious.

Yela nodded:

"Our abilities are similar in nature, but if we use our abilities at the same time, then I can't compete with you. My authority over the snowstorm control in this area is not as good as yours."

There is also a gap between powers.

A flow of information suddenly flashed in Bai Ye's mind, as if a ray of light pierced the night sky.His eyes suddenly went dark, leaving a strange pattern floating in front of him.

It was a strangely shaped cube. On it, the regular tetrahedron, regular octahedron, regular icosahedron, and cube flickered and lit up in sequence.In the end, only the octahedron remained in Bai Ye's mind.

"What is this..." Bai Ye just wanted to concentrate on seeing clearly, but the pattern suddenly became blurred.

"Bai Ye, are you alright?"

At this moment, Yela's voice also remembered from the outside, pulling Bai Ye's mind out of this special scene.

Bai Ye opened his eyes, only to see Yela looking at him curiously.

"What happened to me just now?" Bai Ye was a little puzzled.

Yela shook her head:

"I don't know, you suddenly stopped moving and stood there for a long time."

After Bai Ye heard the words, he opened the terminal. He didn't expect that he thought he was distracted for a short while, but in reality at least 10 minutes had passed.

No wonder Jella worried about him.

"I'm all right."

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